Gidday all,

<<There are also other books about her life and the cookbook, including A
<<Little House Sampler, which has many photos of the family.

Another two in my collection are-

Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography (by William Anderson, 1992) (includes some
good photos)

Let The Hurricane Roar (short novel by Rose Wilder Lane, c1933)

Obviously there are a lot of closet LIW fans amongst Arachne.  I've just
re-read the lot and they just get better and better.  When I was 13 my
cousin and I made matching Laura and Mary rag dolls and I used to often
make-believe I was Mary (I'm the sedate indoors type!), wear a shawl around
the house and my hair in plaits and beg Mum to let me light a little lamp
and use no electricity - she never would.  I've read my books so often since
I was about 11 that I have had to replace 3 of them because they wore out.

an Aussie living in South Africa

Ian & Chelle Long
+27 35 788 0777
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