I have two accounts, Comcast and Yahoo. The idea of the Yahoo account was to use for junk, or for places where I thought the address list might be sold. I rarely get spam on it. It is divided into an "Inbox" and a "Bulk". We were gone to Virginia last week and when we returned, I had 500 messages in my inbox and 84 in the bulk. Most of the bulk were spam, which I delete en masse. Both my lace lists are filtered through the yahoo account- forwarded from there to the comcast account. I never give the comcast to businesses, yet still get 2-3 spams a day. I put the yahoo on everything that asks for an e-mail.
I had two incidents with a company out of Spain running a scam. A supposed lottery win. I reported them to Yahoo. The response was quick and I haven't heard from those folks again.

On another, more cheerful note, I will be attending a workshop with Arlene Fisch in two weeks. She wrote "Textile Techniques for Jewelers". This book is about weaving, crocheting, knitting, sprang, and other such techniques that I can't recall at this time of the morning. It has been hugely inspirational in my wire work.
And on that topic, the Contemporary Crafts Marketing class that I am in at the community college will be selling our work at the state museum in Harrisburg on Sunday. I get to spend 8 hours demonstrating wire bobbins lace. And selling my work!

Plus a pottery workshop the three days before I leave for Ithaca. It's a very busy month but I will get around to making those snails Susie assigned me for homework for my Withof class! Good thing I can't drive and lace.

Camp Hill, Pa USA
Silken Web Lacemakers

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