>Sharon said

>Another example which is spread worldwide and more sinister. How many British
>movies have you been to where the "bad guys" always have a "lower class"

>I think what I notice most when seeing films is how often the bad guy has a
>British accent - Bond films, at least one of the Die Hard films etc. Now these 
>mostly American films, there are not that many British films about, and the
>British accent in those films tends to be upper class English. Go figure

It's not only films that propagate the class system idea! If you read science
fiction, you will notice that most future societies are class ridden, even if 
don't have a "king" or "queen" as a head of state. I'm thining particularly of 
Weber's series about the "Kingdom of Manticore" and the People's republic of I 
remember the name...HE absolutely sweats class envy throughout the books. I do 
them, but I can't help noticing how prejudiced he is. Same thing for Anne 
whom I absolutely adore, but who also keeps the old class system going in all 
books, if you read closely...

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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