i saw 2 or 3 books on table settings for crochet.  i hope one of them
has an oval pattern.  they are all rectangle or square ususally.  i'm
looking for a very lacy oval place crochet matt pattern in one of the

i saw in the manual that you can borrow slides with a fifty dollar
deposit!  i'm sure it might be worth it, but that is a little scary! 
the books themselves are a dollar and a half per book or per 4
periodiicals for shipping.  that is a nice deal.  the periodicals
always have a ton of projects to look over.

there are some spanish crochet books there too, but do they come in
enghlish or do they come written in those drawings that are so easy to
follow?  the drawings have little symbols representing each crochet
stitch and they draw the pattern out exactly as it appears and its
easier to follow.  you don't need too much translation when working
with that type of diagram. 

i liked the book selection, but i noticed even though many say bobbin
lace is not very popular, they had about 3 or 4 pages of books for them
and only a one or two for crochet.  knitting had only half a page. 
needle lace had quite a few too.  bobbin lace couldn't be a dieing lace
craft if you look at that catalog!  i'm thinking of getting a book on
beginning cantu lace.  

i would also like to see some knitted curtains.  i guess someone would
have to just make a row of leaf patterns or some other lacy design. i
found something odd having to do with knitting.  there is a new club
you can join where they will mail you a package of block knitting
patterns.  some have little baskets in the middle or wheat and a bunch
more designs.  i thought that was nice.  have you ever tried to knit
while on a bus?  it is not very easy.  you can knit block by block as
easy as you can crochet.  i don't think i'll join the club, but you can
rest assured there will be a book out sooner or later full of those
patterns!  i'll wait for that!

from suzy in tennessee,u.s.a.

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