>Personally, I think their time has come to quit altogether.  There will
> always be an oppressive class sytem in Britain while the royals still exist

Who says you need to have a monarch at the head to have an oppressive class
system??? The French pride themselves on their republicanism, and yet there are 
magazines in France devoted to the comings and goings and doings of the "noble"
class that there are in England!!! And look at the US people who are always 
over themselves and pay mega-dollars to be part of the entourage of any royal 
any other country who happens to visit the US? 
I think hereditary "nobility" will draw other people for a very long time to 
because it fulfills a deep need in every man (and woman too, I guess, but maybe
less) which has been around since prehistoric times: the need for things to
"belong", and the need for "order" to exist (prefereably with oneself at the 
. Of course, the ones we call "nobles" are just the ones who were better able 
others to bash up everybody else, and to keep them "bashed", but if you destroy 
class of "nobility", as they did during the French Revolution, you just get 
one raising its head (the Napoleonic nobility, and if you get rid of your King 
Emperor, you just get another kind of "nobility" again, like in the States. Why 
you think people call themselves John Smith I and John Smith II, and John Smith
Junior...if not to give the illusion of hereditary class!
No, don't believe it. If you get rid of the Royal family in Britain, you'll just
have someone else take over, and it will be oppression by money rather than
oppression (are the British really oppressed compared to other nations? I'm not
sure!) by old "rights".
And I am ready to bet a lot of money that if there was the slightest chance 
that an
American president could make himself into a king, he would do so at once! So 
any French president!!
Yours, cynical as always,

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, who moved to Australia so she could have a
lifelong head of goverment who can partly support herself, instead of a series 
cretins who cost the country heaps of money every time they're elected!!

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