Re: [l2h] Top of images are not cropped

2002-11-29 Thread Magnus Widerberg
Thank you for your answer Ross!

I see what you mean, but unfortunately the extra space didn't vanish 
with the code you gave me - nothing happended.

Is there any other way you know of?

Magnus Widerberg

Ross Moore wrote:

I use latex2html to produce png images, but it doesn't crop the top of
the images enough.

I would like latex2html either to have a switch for setting the -crop
argument which pstoimg uses, or that the default for crop to minimum
size (line 3592 in version $Id:,v 1.70 2002/08/22
15:14:08 RRM Exp $) was $crop{$name} = blrlt instead of $crop{$name} =

I think the intenion here is to first crop away the cropping bars,
via the  b and l , then remove extra space on the left and right,
since TeX has centered the environment's contents on the printed page.
In HTML that extra space is not needed.

There is not t cropping, because the cropping-bar at the left-hand side
was initially placed to be the correct height for the environment;
similarly there is no second b crop after the bars have been removed.

What should I do in the meantime?

The best answer is surely to determine what is creating the extra
space that you are trying to remove.
It *should* be the \abovedisplayskip  or  \abovedisplayshortskip
parameter in TeX.
If this is so, then try putting code such as:

 \AtBeginDocument{\abovedisplayskip=0pt \abovedisplayshortskip=0pt}

into the document preamble, assuming that  \usepackage{html} has been
used earlier in the preamble.

I tried to use mogrify, but it has problems with the transparency and I
don't know how many pixels I can crop.

Yes; that's why LateX2HTML uses pnmcrop , since there's no easy way
to find out how much to crop.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

Magnus Widerberg

latex2html mailing list

Magnus Widerberg

latex2html mailing list

Re: [l2h] cannot find file in \input

2002-11-29 Thread Ger van Diepen
Hello Ross,

Thanks for your help.
I've changed my make rules such that it generates a temporary init
file containing the $TEXINPUTS definition and the standard init file.
It works fine now.

- Ger

 Hello Ger,
  The option -debug learned me that texexpand does not take TEXINPUTS
  into account, but seems to use a more or less predefined path.
 Yes; your analysis is absolutely correct.
  Now is my question:
  Can I tell latex2html to look into 199.dir to find taql.tex or do
  I need to change the \input line into \input{199.dir/taql.tex} ?
  The latter would be tedious, because there are many more such files.
  You could use conditional commands to \input from different directories
 when using LaTeX2HTML, and when not.
 But yes, this is tedious.
 Much more elegant is to set the $TEXINPUTS Perl variable
 in a .latex2html-init file for your job.
  Another question is why latex2html does not take TEXINPUTS into account
  anymore. It used to do it.
 It doesn't do it (and has not since 1998 or 1999) since typically
 the TEXINPUTS variable is set (rightly or wrongly) to include the whole
  texmf/  tree. It is then very easy to pick up the wrong .tex file
 in many situations.
 Furthermore, it is quite typical that files that are expected to be
 found via the TEXINPUTS environment variable contain code that is quite
 irrelevant to an HTML translation. This is the same reason that .sty files
 are typically not loaded.
 The Perl $TEXINPUTS variable serves the desired purpose.
 The need to set it separately requires the author to think about whether
 the commands in their \input files will have proper HTML support for the
 macros that they define, or whether more work needs to be done to obtain
 a sensible translation.
 Hope this helps,
   Ross Moore
latex2html mailing list