Re: [W] Data link Serial port

2004-03-24 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
R. Glenn Givens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am writing a data link to communicate between a PC running LV 6.0.2 and an
industrial computer. The link on RS232C will run @ 9600 baud and the
throughput is such that I'm using 1/4 to 1/3 of capacity. The industrial
computer sends the data and has a 500 byte buffer each for send and receive.
But the data is all one way from the industrial computer to the PC. The PC
will save this data to disk continuously and also present displays etc.

It sounds like there are many ways to operate the serial port in LV (maybe
VISA, maybe direct port manipulation, more likely old-fashioned serial port
VI's?. I haven't done much checking but I wondered what the consensus was
for the best method for this type of application. Since PC's only have a
buffer of a few bytes, I would prefer to have something automatically handle
the interrupts and have a big input buffer that I just read from time to
time (say every 50 to 100 msec). I used to do that interrupt handler stuff
in assembler in the DOS days.

VISA does all the buffering for you. You just open a session and with 9600
baud you shouldn't even need to configure special buffer sizes. I use
VISA with up to 48kBaud regularly without any problems and have also
managed with quite some ease 115kBaud on VISA. There is really no need to
do direct register programming and interrupt handling on application level
anymore for standard serial port communication. VISA and similar interfaces
neatly deal with this for you and you do absolutely not need to worry about
that. It may be hard to get used to this if you have previously dealt with
these thngs yourself but believe me it is a big relieve.

The serial port problems are seldon on the VISA (or whatever API you use)
level but most often on the actual instrument-application communication
level, due to funny (not to say stupid) protocol conventions and most often
bad documentation.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to control the testing instrument through GPIB

2004-03-24 Thread ian.f
Click a
here/a for useful information/ link.

System.Management.ManagementClass in .NET

2004-03-24 Thread calistra
I have been trying to convert the following to LV but am getting

System.Management.ManagementClass mc =

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach ( System.Management.ManagementObject mo in mc.GetInstances() )
if ( ((bool)mo[IPEnabled]) == true )

now - the examples use string based stuff, ManagementClass requires a

Any ideas?


Re: What Mac OSes will LAbview 3.1.1 work on?

2004-03-24 Thread tmh
I'm not sure what you mean by '9.1 is 68k also'. Mac OS versions 8.5
upwards required a PowerPC processor, i.e. they won't run on a 68k
machine. However, that doesn't mean they can't run applications
written only in 68k code - for example, I still happily run Word 5.1
under Mac OS 9.0.4 on my Powerbook G3!

Also, a quick search of the NI site for

labview 3.1.1 mac

brought up at least one reference to a PowerPC version of this version
of LabVIEW - but it appears there were separate 68k and PowerPC
versions, so it may depend which version you have. Again, it's not
necessarily the case that the 68k version won't run on a PowerPC
machine, just that the performance won't be optimised.

Remember also that there's a difference between compatible meaning
officially tested and supported, and compatible meaning it doesn't
crash. It may be a case of just trying to run it on whatever Mac you
have and seeing how you get on.

Re: How do I pass data into a sub vi?

2004-03-24 Thread tmh
Think from the perspective of the VI, not the program: a control is
always an input to the VI on whose front panel it's placed, and an
indicator is always an output. Whether the control or indicator is
displayed to the user or not is really secondary.

If you're using a control to both pass data into your subVI and
display it to the user, you may want to disable it so the user can't
alter the displayed value - that might not affect the operation of
your program but it could be confusing!

The alternative would be to use a numeric control offscreen as the
input terminal to your subVI and wire the value from that control
directly into an onscreen tank indicator.

join synchronization methods

2004-03-24 Thread SPRINTER
May be someone knows the way to join different synchronization methods ?

In other words I would like to use the queue and occurence with one while
loop. Desired effect is that while loop waits for one of these events
(element in queue or occurence).
In my case, dequeue function was being blocked by the wait occurence

Kind regards

Grzegorz Bialic

Re: external time base changes with velocity

2004-03-24 Thread Jorge M.

according to what you say, it seems fairly clear that the board is not
missing pulses and that those pulses are a clean signal.
What comes to my mind now is... Why do you say that you get more
cycles? I mean, if you always get the number of samples you request,
what's the problem? Maybe a delay between channels?
If that's the case, then it may have something to do with the
interchannel delay parameter.
You can change the value of this parameter with the AI Config vi.
I would first check these links below that talk about it, and see if
the behavior you are seeing is just an effect of your board having a
unique ADC and hence a delay between samples of different channels.


Re: Can one plot, having a variable range, on a multiplot...

2004-03-24 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I tried this approach using two plots (one is 5X amplitude compared
 with the other), but when I clear the chart and try to read the range
 for the lower amplitude plot by making it the active plot I get the
 range for both the plots.  Please tell me how to read the range
 correctly. Thanks.

It sounds like there is a bit of confusion about Range.  Range and 
autoscaling are a scale property, not a plot property.  You can have 
multilple scales and can assign a plot to any scale you like, so one 
option is to have a visible scale and your primary plot mapped using the 
visible scale.  Make an additional scale and hide it.  Map the other 
plots to the hidden scale and you will programmatically set the range of 
that scale to be whatever you like, probably want to set it to match the 
visible scale range.  And don't forget that the Active Plot and Active 
Scale are used to determine which ojects is affected by the property 

Greg McKaskle

Re: [W] Vision x,y Image Information

2004-03-24 Thread Hamid_Yazdi


I did a little test and it works fine! 

Place a Picture control on top of
your image control. Set the color of picture control to transparent
make sure the size of your picture control is exactly the size of your

There is this property in Picture control that gets the x,y position of the mouse
and you can read it programmatically

I also think there must be an easier way to get these info from image control
but I could not find it, maybe NI people can shed a light

Hope this helps

Dr. Hamid R. Yazdi
Federal Mogul
Manufacturing technology
3935 Research park drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Tel: 734 222 4108

Re: How do I get my chart to redraw after the onitor comes out of

2004-03-24 Thread Greg McKaskle
 My program runs 24/7 monitoring an exhaust stream.  The program
 usually nruns in the background.  When the chart display is called up
 the display is not correct.  this also happens when the screen saver
 has been on.  How can I get the display to redraw the chart to diaplay

This usually happens when the popup panel is not in memory and doesn't 
know that it will ever need to be used.  At compile time, LV optimizes 
your code to leave out display calls and to leave out front panel data 
copies if it thinks they will never be seen.

In the days before property nodes and invoke nodes, LV always got this 
guess right, but these days it is possible to fool it.  If you have a 
subVI with no property nodes, and it doesn't use the VI Properties to 
Open panel on call, LV may optimize out the chart's buffer accumulation. 
  Then when the window opens, the buffer data is empty or old.

If you place a property node on the diagram for the popup panel, even 
just to read the value of the panel visible property, LV will leave the 
accumulation code in and the chart should have correct values when the 
panel opens.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Shift register or Local Any differences in performance?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
From what I understand, using local variables is frowned upon unless
they are ABSOLUTELY necessary.  In my mind, there is no debate and I
would take the shift register.  Here are my reasons.

1. I believe that each local variable you have on your block diagram
takes up the same amount of space as the original object itself (I'm
99% sure this is correct, can anyone confirm this?).  So if you have
an numeric indicator that displays a double, and you have 6 local
variables linked to that indicator, in terms of memory, you might as
well have 7 indicators.  If you have one shift register that stores a
double value, no matter how many states of your state machine assign
values to that shift register, you will only ever have one copy of the
data, and only one double

2. Local variables access the data stored in a front-panel control.
Depending on what you are using the state-machine for, I think it
would be rather unlikely that you want your user knowing what state
the machine is currently in.  Even if you did, you could wire a
front-panel indicator to the shift-register inside the loop to achieve
the same effect.  I think using a local variable in this situation
greatly compromises readability because (likely, again this will
depend on the particular state machine) there is no logical
association between the state of the machine and the object to which
that local variable leads.  In other words, the state of the state
machine is a property of the block diagram.  It doesn't make sense (to
me) to use a front-panel object to store a property that will only be
read and modified on the block diagram.

I'm talking about state machines in general.  These reasons may not
apply, depending on your specific application of the state machine
(for example, I've often used a tab control in a dialog to simulate a
wizard program, guiding the user through some complicated process one
step at a time.  Each tab of the control corresponded to a different
state in a state machine running on the block diagram.  In this case,
you want the user to know which state they're at.  However, that is
special case of state-machine)

A general tip is: as tempting as it may be, you never should be using
local variable because you want to avoid long wires.

Hope that's helpful

Re: How can I design my LabVIEW app to behave differently based on

2004-03-24 Thread Greg McKaskle
 Does anyone know of a way to programmatically detect the installation
 of the Vision module?  What I'm doing right now would work in 95% of
 the cases (I think) if I could nail down the root windows directory
 (which I'm pretty sure is stored in the registry for all Windows
 versions, but the name of the key depends on the version of windows,
 and I would rather not go down that road)

A different way to go about this is to use the VI Server to try and 
programmatically load the subVI.  You can try and load a Vision subVI, 
or any wrapper on top of it.  If it can't be loaded, it will return an 
error and a bad refnum.  You can control how much searching it does for 
the subVIs by modifying your EXE's ini file.  I'd leave it standard and 
try that first.

Greg McKaskle

labview job

2004-03-24 Thread Howard, John
I am posting this on behalf of a friend.

There is a job available here in Charlottesville Virginia for a test
engineering position at a company that makes pharmaceutical equipment. 
Basically they need someone NOW.  The candidate would NEED test engineering
experience as well as be a competent programmer (preferably LabVIEW).

Contact me via private email for more details.

John Howard

How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
Howdy all,

Here's my situation:
- I have some task that needs to be executed in parallel to the
currently running VI.  In fact, this task needs to executed in
parallel to a number of VIs,
so I've decided to build a sub-vi to handle this task.

- This task involves performing some processes every X number of
milliseconds (usually in multiples of 1000).  This task will be
performed until it receives a stop-command (the user generates this
signal - so I have no way of knowing when it will be)

- I still need to be able to handle user interaction with this main VI
while the task is executing, so my task must execute asynchronously.

- I want to be able to send a termination command to my asynchronously
executing task, and have it respond IMMEDIATELY (polling a global
variable is unnacceptable).

The only way that I am aware of running a VI asynchronously is to
start it with the VI Server (either the Call by Reference Node, or the
Invoke Node).

Originally I planned on using notifiers to send commands to the
asynchronous VI.  Notifiers would have been perfect, because I could
break out of the waiting portion of the task as soon as I received the
command (this isn't really possible when polling a global).  Later I
found out that notifiers are not supposed to work with VIs loaded with
the VI Server.  My notifier approach worked fine during testing, but
wouldn't work when I compiled the program as an executable (which is
what the end product will be, so I need a new solution).

I'm about to change my implementation to use Queues instead of
notifiers, because I think I can achieve the same Wait on
Notification functionality with a queue, except I don't think there
is a restriction on using a Queue across the VI Server.

My Questions are:
Is there another way to get VIs to execute asynchronously OTHER than
the VI Server?

Is there a better way to communicate between them?  (I considered
using a User Event control, and generating the commands using that,
however I can't poll the status of the User Event without an Event
structure, preventing me from terminating my task once the user
generates the end-task request.

Does anybody else find the LabVIEW documentation to be frustratingly
lacking at times?

Any help, comments, or stories of similar situations would be

Re: Detect/intercept windows shutdown

2004-03-24 Thread Michael Noll-Hussong
Yes, you are absolutely right ;-) ... and perhaps you want to have a
short look here:

Re: seperate window example

2004-03-24 Thread jhoskins
you must have the data socket server open and running before you start
running the main VI. if you do not it will appear that the VI does not
work correctly. Again read up on the data socket server before running
the VI again. If this still does not work write back and I will try to
help you more

Re: can LabView talk to USB devices by PC USB?

2004-03-24 Thread CB
Dear Liz, I am developing a USB oriented product and radio comms
circuit to control biped robots and capture leg movements. I am very
keen to find more info on integrating my third party product with
labview via USB. Any help greatly appreciated

Regards Chris

Re: can LabView talk to USB devices by PC USB?

2004-03-24 Thread Dennis Knutson
A co-worker of mine just started a project with a custom USB
interface. He started with the information A

RE: [W] Data link Serial port

2004-03-24 Thread R. Glenn Givens
Thanks again.
Here is my summary of the 2 answers I got:
I have 2 votes for VISA and none for anything else so VISA it is.

Next, I have to figure out if I installed it since I never had any use for
it until now!

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about the funny protocol  bad
documentation because I get to decide all this myself.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

-Original Message-
From: Rolf Kalbermatter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: March 24, 2004 04:22
To: 'R. Glenn Givens'
Cc: Info LabVIEW (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [W] Data link Serial port

R. Glenn Givens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am writing a data link to communicate between a PC running LV 6.0.2 and
industrial computer. The link on RS232C will run @ 9600 baud and the
throughput is such that I'm using 1/4 to 1/3 of capacity. The industrial
computer sends the data and has a 500 byte buffer each for send and
But the data is all one way from the industrial computer to the PC. The PC
will save this data to disk continuously and also present displays etc.

It sounds like there are many ways to operate the serial port in LV (maybe
VISA, maybe direct port manipulation, more likely old-fashioned serial port
VI's?. I haven't done much checking but I wondered what the consensus was
for the best method for this type of application. Since PC's only have a
buffer of a few bytes, I would prefer to have something automatically
the interrupts and have a big input buffer that I just read from time to
time (say every 50 to 100 msec). I used to do that interrupt handler stuff
in assembler in the DOS days.

VISA does all the buffering for you. You just open a session and with 9600
baud you shouldn't even need to configure special buffer sizes. I use
VISA with up to 48kBaud regularly without any problems and have also
managed with quite some ease 115kBaud on VISA. There is really no need to
do direct register programming and interrupt handling on application level
anymore for standard serial port communication. VISA and similar interfaces
neatly deal with this for you and you do absolutely not need to worry about
that. It may be hard to get used to this if you have previously dealt with
these thngs yourself but believe me it is a big relieve.

The serial port problems are seldon on the VISA (or whatever API you use)
level but most often on the actual instrument-application communication
level, due to funny (not to say stupid) protocol conventions and most often
bad documentation.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Line Frequency Noise

2004-03-24 Thread LocalDSP
The noise seems to have decreased considerably so you are on the right
track. There will always be some amount of noise remaining in your
signal (and actually this is good since it helps averaging your dc
result correctly. This is called dithering).

Your VI should of course give you the same results as MAX. Make sure
you enter your input range correctly in your AI Config. Use some of
the DAQ examples if needed.

LabView Object Speed Specs

2004-03-24 Thread Brutzy
I am looking for a table long does LabView take to process an
Add  Multiply  If  etc.

I expect that the table results would be given in clock cycles.  Info
on converting clock cycles to actual time [in micro-seconds] would

tutorial labview 7 en francais

2004-03-24 Thread vszeflin
je dois programmer et optimiser des programmes sur labview, je
recherche un guide, une notice technique ou un tutorial pour pouvoir
apprendre ce language.
J'ai deja les bases mais cela ne suffit pas!

how do you split the output of a waveform chart into seperate channels

2004-03-24 Thread jawalk01
I am trying to seperate each channel into their own seperate output
from a waveform chart.  How could I do this?

Re: How do I get my SubVI to close afterwards.... on the first run of my MainVI?

2004-03-24 Thread zilla
Thanks for both answers, it works fine like that. I don't understand
the logic on this, but that fixes it.

Re: when running the demo SW of AD12-8 DAQ card - Labview crashes

2004-03-24 Thread Koninika

Is this a National Instrument card? Does it have a specific version of
driver that needs to be installed specific to your operating system?
Is it compatible to the version of labview you are using?
How are you calling the card in your VI? Are you calling it through
specific dlls?
Was the card supplied with a specific instrument driver? At what point
of time does labview crash? Are you accessing the card at that point
of time?

These answers would help me assist you further.
Good luck and have a great day!

National Instruments.

Inverse FFT's

2004-03-24 Thread Blackj
I am using Fourier Transforms to filter a signal I have. I noticed
that for one perticular waveform the waveform returned after the
inverse transform was performed was messed up. In the course of
finding the problem I step up the filter so it would not filter the
signal at all. The waveform returned is still wrong. ie has real and
imaginary part. I have used this program on a number of waveforms and
never encountered this problem before. Anybody have similar

exemple de VI pour commander un appareil USB

2004-03-24 Thread Jojo6
Je cherche un exemple de VI pour commander un appareil USB via
labview, merci
I'm looking for a VI example to control a USB device for Labview,

Re: why my labview 7.0 shut down in XP

2004-03-24 Thread Koninika
Has this been happening since you installed labview or is it a new
occurrence? What else do you have on your system? Do you have any
other National Instruments software? Are you trying to open a specific
VI when labview shuts down or does it shut down on trying to open
labview itself?
Have you tried repairing your install in add/remove programs?
Also, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling labview?
These answers will help me assist you further.
Good luck and have a great day!
National Instruments.

Re: jauge

2004-03-24 Thread Cyn

Un vum=E8tre est un scalaire et ne peut donc avoir en entr=E9e un tableau
ou une waveform contenant plusieurs points. Dans ce cas, le seul moyen
est de d=E9sassembler la waveform pour en r=E9cup=E9rer le tableau et
ensuite indexer le tableau pour r=E9cup=E9rer =E9l=E9ment par =E9l=E9ment.
Par contre si votre waveform contient un seul point et non un tableau
alors ce sera compatible.
J'esp=E8re que cela vous aidera.

I build my application (Lv61) in XP but I can only run it...

2004-03-24 Thread Bert DB
I build my application (Lv61) in XP but I can only run it once with
clean cache when I close it crashes, the next time it hangs, even
after reboot. Application runs smooth on win98  2000. problem?
RunTimeEngine (v6.1) or conflicting software or XP?

When I close the application (exe with 2 dll's (one small -with
pasword information- and one large -main program-)) it hangs and I
need to use Taskmanager to end the it (it states reinitialising
VI's...). When I try a second time it hangs in the beginning of the
program (after the first dll). Even after rebooting it hangs in the
beginning. Reinstalling runtime engine 6.1 in combination with
rebooting sometimes helps to start it once but not always. When I have
started LV6.1 before the exe it wont work also. I even tried to
reinstall LV6.1 and rebuild the application, same problems. The
strange thing is that those exe's work perfectly under win98 and 2000.
The problems started after upgrading my pc with a new motherboard and
processor (P4) and reinstalling all the software including XP.

Re: This message internal fault graphobjs.cpp in line 56 pops...

2004-03-24 Thread Francis
Thanks for the response. In preparing to gather the information you
requested I have been unable to reproduce the crash. This is good I
suppose but doesn't help much in finding the problem. All that I can
think of at the moment is that some code was modified but not
intentionally in connection with this problem. I will resubmit if it
comes back!
Thanks again,

Digital input change detect

2004-03-24 Thread nicogt
I use three DIO-32HS and a RTSI bus and I want to write data of the
three port when one of the port of the second card change. For that I
have adapted the vi Cont Change Detect (Async):  I have added a new
slave card. Then to read data, my sub-vi read is in a boucle while and
when my acquisition is finished, my data are written in a file due to
But i have a problem, this system function at 200 Hz, but for more
important frequency, i have some false value in my file.
If you are a solution or an idea for the error, thanks.

En fran=E7ais:
J'ai trois cartes DIO-32HS et un cable RTSI et je dois r=E9aliser une
capture des donn=E9es avec d=E9tection de changement de valeur sur l'un
des ports du deuxi=E8me p=E9riph=E9rique. Puis =E9crire cela dans un fichie=
Pour cela, j'ai adapt=E9 le vi Cont Change Detect (Async), en g=E9rant
un port suppl=E9mentaire, puis pour lire mes donn=E9es, j'ai utilis=E9 mes
trois vi DIO read dans une boucle while et d=E8s que l'acquisition est
fini, j'utilise l'auto-indexation pour remplir mon fichier. Ce
principe fonctionne tr=E8s bien pour des fr=E9quences inf=E9rieures =E0 200
Hz, mais pour des valeurs sup=E9rieures cela pose un gros probl=E8me : il
y a des valeurs suppl=E9mentaires dans mon fichier et je ne sais pas
Aussi, si vous avez une id=E9e pour r=E9soudre cela, ou de pourquoi de
l'erreur, je suis preneur.

Merci d'avance, Nicolas

Does anyone know how to locate where a standard labview vi is in a library?

2004-03-24 Thread RyanS3I
I have vi's I built that access standard labview vi's.  I can't seem
to find the SQL vi's (SQL,...etc).  It says that they are
supposed to be in \program files\national...\labview 6\user lib\xx but
are not there?  Any help would be appreciated.

Connecting to Access 97 Database sporatically freezes my application, why?

2004-03-24 Thread BrianStone
I have a program written in LabView 5.1 that interfaces with a DB to
gather test data.  This program was functioning fine for about 2 years
and then all of a sudden started to have problems.  There were no
updates to the DB that I know of.  The DB resides on a networked
drive, the same one that it resided on for the 2 years it worked.  Now
I can sometimes (very rarely) get the test data from the DB without
freezing.  I have traced the program through and found that it is
freezing on the  This .vi is used in almost ever SQL
function but it fails when the is using it.  I have noticed
that inside one of the Where Loops the DSN will not get passed to the about 3 times and then it finally get's passed and finds
the data.  The connect will not fail when there is no DSN specified
but if it is going to fail it will only do so if the DSN was
succesfully passed in.  Even with the DB residing locally this problem
persists.  I have also downloaded and example that someone posted to
this site of how tO access a .MDB file and performing several Reads
with this sample program that freezes as well.  I suspect that it may
be drivers that are the problem, I am running on an NT4.0 SP5 machine,
MDAC v1.5

Re: Calculating statistics from an array with intervals

2004-03-24 Thread David Duffey
In your false case you need to fill in the {0,0} missing elements.
The only way that you hit the false case is if you come across a time
stamp that is larger that the current interval.  So, what you should
do is put a loop in the false case that add the correct number of
elements to catch up to the interval that will contain your next
value (the one that cause the false case).

That is probably the easiest change.

Re: extract and display array elements

2004-03-24 Thread kmoorthy76107
Thank you so much Jean.  That really helped.

Re: Curseurs sur un graphe déroulant?

2004-03-24 Thread Cyn
Les curseurs ne sont disponibles que sur les graphes et graphes XY.
Vous pouvez quand m=EAme simuler un graphe d=E9roulant =E0 partir d'un
graphe, en construisant au fur et =E0 mesure un tableau , en utilisant
un registre un d=E9calage et en l'affichant de la m=EAme mani=E8re =E0 chaq=
nouveau point. Dans ce cas, pr=E9cis vous aurez acc=E8s aux curseurs.
Le seul probl=E8me qui peut se produire dans ce cas, est que vous allez
peut =EAtre avoir une saturation m=E9moire si votre application tourne
relativement longtemps ou si vous fa=EEtes l'acquisition de nombreux
points. Cela est du =E0 la fragmentation de la m=E9moire.

Bonne continuation

Re: compteur décompteur sur labview pr

2004-03-24 Thread Cyn
Il exitse bien un VI qui permet de g=E9n=E9rer des signaux triangulaires.
Il se situe dans la palette Analyse  g=E9n=E9ration de waveforms 
waveform Triangulaire.

Bonne continuation

Re: Calculating statistics from an array with intervals

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick

I'm 100% sure I could help you... if I knew what you were trying to
do.  The more I read your description, the less I understand, and
since I don't really know what you're trying to do, I can't do much
with your code.

It seems to me like your real problem is your ability to partition the
original array into smaller arrays to do calculations on.  If you can
describe to me EXACTLY how the arrays are supposed to be partitioned,
then I can help you out, even write you a VI that will do the trick,
but I'm fuzzy on what's supposed to be happening.

Here's my understanding so far:
Everytime an element in the first column satisfies some value, it
corresponding value in the second column is set aside to be used

Help me help you.

Why does a strictly Typed Control cause error 1082

2004-03-24 Thread mlenz
I have a main VI which has strictly typed clusters for user control. I
load a subVI into a subpanel within the main VI.  When I run the Main
VI, everthing works fine until I change a value within the one of the
strictly typed clusters.  I get an Error 1082 for the subVI.  None of
the strictyly typed clusters are in the SubVI.

If I do not load the SubVI, changing the values in the strictly typed
cluster produces no error.

Any help on what might be the problem here?

Re: How to use a USB-to-parallel adapter to communicate with my switch device?

2004-03-24 Thread Marcus G
Hi Kelvin,
I understand that you want to control pins on your serial port using
LabVIEW. Since you are using Windows XP, only LabVIEW version 7.0 will
be able to control the pins. The pins can be controlled by modifying
the values of the access registers that windows associates with each
pin. If you are using LabVIEW 7.0, then the VI's located on the
Funtions  Advanced  Port I/O palette should help you assign values
to the proper pins.
This information can also be found on another discussion forum thread
located at the following url:

Thanks for contacting NI, and I hope this helps.

Marcus G.
National Instruments

Re: Does anyone know how to locate where a standard labview vi is in a library?

2004-03-24 Thread Dennis Knutson
When I installed the toolkit for 6.0 and 6.1, it got put into
\vi.lib\addons. Under that, you should have a SQL folder with Access,
Intrface, and Menu folders under that. That was with version 3 of the
toolkit. If you don't have the files anywhere, you should try
reinstalling the toolkit. They are not part of the normal LabVIEW
distribution so if you recently upgraded or did a reinstall of
LabVIEW, you wil have to install the toolkit separately.

Re: Implace Array Functions

2004-03-24 Thread Aaron B.

I appologize for the mistake.  The link that I sent you was indeed to
an internal document.  Here is a link to another, public knowledge
base that may be of help as well.  It will help you determine where
LabVIEW is creating new buffers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.  I hope that this help.  Take care!

Aaron B.
National Instruments

Re: techniques for a synchronous long-life data acquisition

2004-03-24 Thread preston johnson

you have the general architecture correct.  Let us know how well the
idea works for you.

Preston Johnson

Re: Is it possible to debug into DLL created by LabVIEW App Shared Library Builder

2004-03-24 Thread Koninika
You would have to debug the VI (labview created dll) prior to
compiling it and calling it. There is no other way of debugging it.
Good luck and have a great day!
National Instruments

Re: tutorial labview 7 en francais

2004-03-24 Thread Conseils
tu trouvez ce livre =E0

LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
de Francis Cottet

Table des mati=E8res

Les concepts et l'environnement de programmation LabVIEW#8482;.
Les bases de la programmation LabVIEW#8482;.
Applications : traitement de donn=E9es.
Applications : acquisition de donn=E9es et automatisation.
Applications : =E9change de donn=E9es et communication.
Programmation avanc=E9e en LabVIEW#8482;.
Glossaire et sigles.
Lexique anglaisfran=E7ais dans le contexte de LabVIEW#8482;.
Lexique fran=E7aisanglais dans le contexte de LabVIEW#8482;.

Langue : Fran=E7ais =C9diteur : Dunod (9 novembre 2001)
Collection : EEA
Format : Broch=E9 - 432 pages
ISBN : 2100056670
Dimensions (en cm) : 2 x 17 x 24

can't delete bad icons in controls pallette

2004-03-24 Thread aartjan
I am trying to make more effective use of the user palettes in the
function and controls palette. For example I have created a folder
(using windows) for a certain instrument and the folder contains VI's
and CTL's (and maybe a sub folder for low level VI's) that I consider
as generic and reusable.
When I manage the function palette view, I create a new sub menu and
link it to the folder. So far so good. Then I find out that I need to
make the submenu in the controls palette, too. No problem. But then I
select the wrong folder or I want to get rid of some submenu and.. I
doesn't allow me to delete it!!! This only happens in the controls
menu, which is slowly accumulating more and more useless sub menu
icons. On top of that it seems to automatically generate CLT sub
menus!! GGRRR! This is not quite
Anybody know what is going on here? (did I mess up the root or
user.lib mnu file?) Thanks for the input

Re: dinamically reading load cell

2004-03-24 Thread Conseils
Looks like this might get lost, so I hope to help get it going

I would imagine that the most difficult part would be getting the
mechanical engineering / handling correct.

  1) Is this your own mechanics ?
  2) How are you managing damping of the system?
 i.e. When the tray 'hits' the load cell.
  3) Are you sure it's not resonant / resonating ?
 Have you tested for resonance ?
 See damping.
  4) Can you correlate actuals with data at lower speeds ?
 Post signal data as an example.

I would suggest that you post a picture (It's worth a thousand words)
or two and some sample data, then you might get a fuller answer.

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your suggestion.  I had seen that method of changing the
value of some panel's control before, but it hadn't occured to me to
use in that manner.  I thnk that's actually a pretty clever, and could
be quite useful.

Unfortunately, this method wouldn't really work the way I want.  My
task is an iterative one, being run in a while loop.  Between
iterations of the loop, there is a set delay time.  In certain
situations, this can be quite substantial.  I was attracted to using
notifiers because of the Wait on Notification function.  This would
allow me to track the amount of time spent waiting, but I could break
out of the wait period instantly when I received a command.  If I used
the Wait function and specified a certain length of time, I can do
nothing until that time has elapsed.  So if the delay is 10 seconds,
my VI won't terminate for 10 seconds.  I could break the wait down
into several sections to reduce the time between sending the command
and receiving it, but this would amount to polling a variable and I
don't want to do that.

In any case, sincere thanks for your suggestion.


Re: can't delete bad icons in controls pallette

2004-03-24 Thread Nancy
From what you said, you may have some synchronization problem.
Synchronization means this palette will check a certain folder to see
if anything new is added to it everytime LV launches, and
automatically update its content to have new stuff in this folder.
This is what you can check:
1. By default, the top most level of controls palette synchronizes to
\vi.lib\addons folder. If you happen to put your controls in this
folder, they will show up at the bottom of your top level controls

2. By default, the user librariy palette synchronizes to user.lib
folder. If you put your controls in this folder, they will show up in
your user library of your controls palette.

If your case is the above two, you can move your controls to other
folders to avoid having them show up automatically.

3. If one of your own subpalette has undeletable items, then you can
go to the parent palette of this subpalette, right-click on this
subpalette icon, see if Synchronize with Directory is checked. If
so, that's the problem. Uncheck it will stop synchronization, and you
can delete the items in it.

The same synchronization behavior exists for functions palette too.
Hope this helps!

Re: Inverse FFT's

2004-03-24 Thread LocalDSP
The IFFT in LabVIEW 7.0 requires you to enter the complete complex
input array, that is also including the complex conjugate mirrored
array. Earlier versions of LabVIEW were assuming your array to be
complex conjugated so this was optional.

So if you want your N samples to be real, you have to make sure your
complex input array also contains N samples and that H(n) = H*(N-n)
and that H(0) and H(N/2) are real.

See for example the following exchange and associated examples on how
to implement this correctly.

Re: Generalize a search of an array of a cluster

2004-03-24 Thread NIBOUND
This is great, this will definatly help, but I do have 2 different
arrays of clusters than this will not work as well.  Anyone know a way
todo this even more generally? Possible by using variants as you
Randall suggested?

Re: Having problems with Labview 7.0 after installing Windows XP Pro

2004-03-24 Thread Koninika
Hi Sergio,
Looking at your screen shot, seems like the bottom error does not even
look like its a labview error. Did any of your drives interchange or
was there any big directory structure change while you upgraded your
operating system? Is that file located in the path labview is looking
Does this error occur while you are running a specific VI or just
opening labview itself?
These questions will help me assist you further.
Good luck and have a great day!
National Instruments.

Re: Very slow performance of LabVIEW 6.1 under Windows XP

2004-03-24 Thread Bacchea
I am experiencing slow response from a vi in labview6.1 w/Winxp in


2004-03-24 Thread Enrique
It seems that all you need to know is how to program in LabVIEW! It
only takes 4 step. At least, that is what suggest a
latest NI Newsletter/a.

You need the a href=;LabVIEW
PDA module/a along with LabVIEW to develop you PDA application.

I remember last year for NIWeek, you can get a small program developed
with LabVIEW/PDA module from NI Week. All you needed to do is to copy
the program to your PDA/Pocket PC. If you want to remove it, you just
delete it. (My guess is that you can only debug in the PC, not in the
PDA.) Unfortunatelly, I am not finding that program in NI website. I
think I have it somewhere, so if you are interested I can look around
to see if I still have it and post it here.

About the customer having its own hardware... that's another story.
You are more likely to obtain answers to your questions in the a
Targets/a forum.


2D interpolation from a randomly distributed 3D array

2004-03-24 Thread Jin Xuesong
Hi, all
  I am facing a problem now and hope to get some help from you. The problem is:
  I collect a bunch of 3D data (x,y,z) which x and y are not uniformly 
distributed. To draw a contour graph, I need a matrix which is built from the 
(x,y,z) data. How can I do a 2D interpolation from a randomly distributed 3D 
  Thanks for your kindly help in advance.

Xuesong Jin
Dr. Xuesong Jin
Physics  Department
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Tel: 353-1-6083031
FAX: 353-1-6083037
Mobile phone: 353-087-7851016

Re: Timestamped charts with variable numbers of plots

2004-03-24 Thread Mads
XY-graphs do not have an in-built buffer the way charts do (there is
no XY-chart) so you will have to hold the data in a buffer/buffers you
make yourself. A circular buffer is a good option for this.

Let's say that when adding an input you dynamically create a circular
buffer for it and you also make a functional global that administers
the buffers (keeps a list of the signals available and which circular
VI that holds it's data, in this case the timestamp X and the signal
value Y). Now you can let the user see that list and select which ones
to show on the XY graph. Every now and then you read that selection
list. Wire the selection list to a for loop e.g. with autoindexing and
inside it you call the circular buffers holding the data. You bundle
the X and Y (or do it inside the buffer) and wire it out of the for you have an array of XY plots ready to be wired into the XY
graph...refresh at a rate high enough to give a real time impression
for the user.

Waveform graph legend

2004-03-24 Thread brtcsp

I have waveform graph of 48 plots.  The first 16 plots are the actual data.  The last 
32 plots are the upper and lower limits for the first 16 plots.

I have the legend visible and only expanded to for the actual data (first 16 plots).  
So there are only 16 plots in the legend.  If the color one of the plots in the legend 
changes the color of the limits needs to change accordingly.  I do this by using a 
property node (set active plot, plot color).  But since legend is not expanded to 
include the limits an error 1077 Invalid property type is given.  If all 48 plots are 
included in the legend I do not get the error.  However I would prefer to not display 
all 48 plots in the legend.

Has anyone else seen this?  What are some ways to work around this?


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Re: How to execute NIDAQ functions

2004-03-24 Thread Jonnie 5

Re: dll

2004-03-24 Thread Jonnie 5

How to set background color to black for PCI-1407 on 2nd target machine with LabVIEW 5.1

2004-03-24 Thread LabVIEW 5.1
I have one machine run LabVIEW 5.1 with PCI-1407 card.The background
of video picture is black. when I use same application exe file on the
2nd target machine, the background color of video picture turn into
blue.How to set the video background color to black?


2004-03-24 Thread Jonnie 5


2004-03-24 Thread Dennis Knutson

You just answered 5 questions from 1999. The answers are great but
maybe the timing is a little off?

Re: Generalize a search of an array of a cluster

2004-03-24 Thread NIBOUND
perfect thank you very much

Re: Connecting to Access 97 Database sporatically freezes my application, why?

2004-03-24 Thread Dennis Knutson
I haven't used the SQL Toolkit in a couple of years. I converted to A
href=;LabSQL/A when I had
similar problems. There's a couple of things you might try. First, if
you don't do it on a regular basis, try compacting the Access Database
or try some queries on a new database with only a small number of
records. Second, try reinstalling Access. I had a couple instances
where the local installation had gotten corrupted somehow. I also
remember a problem with one of the NT service packs. You could try
installing SP6 to see if that makes a difference. Lastly, MDAC 1.5 is
pretty old. The latest version is 2.8 ubt I would try the other things

RE: join synchronization methods

2004-03-24 Thread Daniel Press
Make sure the Wait on Occurence and Dequeue functions have no data
dependency.  Then wire the queue reference to an Enqueue function with a
dummy queue element that is data dependent upon the Wait on Occurance.  Wire
the occurence ref to a Set Occurence function that is data dependent on the
Dequeue function.

To get fancy, you can check the queue element and if it matches the dummy
queue element, do not do the Set Occurence.  In order to do the same with
the occurence, scrap it and use a Notifier instead.  That way to can
distinguish between your dummy trip and the real thing that trips the Wait
on Notifier.

Daniel L. Press
PrimeTest Corp.

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread Robert Cole
Yes, unfortunately, event structures do not notice data changes when
you use the VI server like this (only when you manually change the
control - Doh). So that idea is out.

It might be possible to build a parallel loop in the subVI that does
nothing except watch for the button to be pressed and can then do
what's needed to shutdown the subVI. A little awkward but functional.

I take it that you don't want to use the Abort VI method from the
Invoke nodes. That would be instant, but just ends the VI running -
no orderly shutdown (if you need that).

Well, have fun with it and let us know what you settle on for a


Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread CoastalMaineBird
Not sure if this will help, but here's a trick I just used.

The main loop handles UI stuff - changing which channel gets plotted,
such things as that. It's a WHILE loop with an EVENT structure in it.

A separate WHILE loop needs to run every 1000 mSec. It reads DAQ data,
calculates averages, and stores data away.

I set the DAQ loop to wait on an occurrence, with a 1000 mSec timeout.
Inside the DAQ loop I put a CASE structure, selected by the TIMED OUT

If the occurrence timed out, I perform the DAQ operations, and loop.

If it did NOT time out, it must have been triggered, so I terminate
the DAQ loop immediately.

Inside the UI loop, I trigger the occurrence based on a DONE button.

Outside BOTH loops, I generate an occurrence that feeds to both
TRIGGER and WAIT functions in both loops.
You can make THAT connection thru global variables, or pass thru
connectors, with no penalty.

Re: Use IBIC for a program

2004-03-24 Thread KileenC
Hi Warren,

There are some links at the bottom of the a
mentioned by Dennis that will direct you to the specific Language
Interface for your Visual Basic application.  Examples are also
provided on those pages.  Hopefully that will give you a good start.

Best of luck!

Kileen Cheng
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: labview 7 subvi's loaded from other sources

2004-03-24 Thread Aaron B.
Hello Jim,

There is an extremely useful KnowledgeBase (2CKGQ6G4) called, How
Does LabVIEW Save Path Information for SubVIs? on our website at that goes into great detail explaining how LabVIEW
saves path information for subVIs.  Here is a direct link to the page:

I hope that this will be sufficient.  Write back if there is anything
that is unclear.  Take care and good luck!

Aaron B.
National Instruments

Re: LabView Object Speed Specs

2004-03-24 Thread CoastalMaineBird
I just took my own advice.
I re-measured the ADD operation by putting 10 ADDS into the frame 4
loop instead of 1
I get a loop time of 39.4 nanoseconds,meaning an add time of 3.94
I guess the original estimate (discarding the output) was better.

My guess is that for the primitive functions like Add, Multiply, etc.,
it's faster to just do it than to decide if you need to or not.

But I have seen certain functions perform WAY faster if the output is
not connected.

RE: 2D interpolation from a randomly distributed 3D array

2004-03-24 Thread Bruce Ammons
Here is a trick I picked up while searching for methods to blend images.

Create a weighting function that is a function of x and y.  Probably a
gaussian or something like that.  For each point, evaluate the functions
using dx and dy distances from the point.  Multiply by z and sum the
values for all the points, then divide by the sum of all the weighting
functions.  In summary:

F(x,y) = weighting function

Z = sum F*z / sum F


Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
(810) 687-4288 Phone
(810) 687-6202 Fax

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jin Xuesong
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: 2D interpolation from a randomly distributed 3D array

Hi, all
  I am facing a problem now and hope to get some help from you. The
problem is:
  I collect a bunch of 3D data (x,y,z) which x and y are not uniformly 
distributed. To draw a contour graph, I need a matrix which is built
from the 
(x,y,z) data. How can I do a 2D interpolation from a randomly
distributed 3D 
  Thanks for your kindly help in advance.

Xuesong Jin
Dr. Xuesong Jin
Physics  Department
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Tel: 353-1-6083031
FAX: 353-1-6083037
Mobile phone: 353-087-7851016

Re: Vi's text file..editing?

2004-03-24 Thread Shan
Can you provide more information on what you are trying to do?  What
do you mean by a VI's text file -- a text file of data generated by
a vi?  Or do you mean something akin to the equavilent line code of
a block diagram?  If your looking for line code, it doesn't exist.



2004-03-24 Thread Jonnie 5
Yeah, you're right... Sorry about that, I'll try to keep it current
from now on:)

However, 1) I didn't feel like doing real work today,

2) it does say on the ni page: We need your help to answer every
question in the Discussion Forums. (when did it break 1600?)

and 3) I was frustrated when doing a search on the forums and finding
the same question I had unanswered.

Do you support x10 or have x10 drivers?

2004-03-24 Thread Max Steel
Do you support x10 or have x10 drivers?

Re: Do you support x10 or have x10 drivers?

2004-03-24 Thread Enrique
Max Steel;

There are some X10 VIs you can download from a
href=;VI Control Systems/a. Click on

Enrique Vargas

Re: simple image processing sample vi ?

2004-03-24 Thread Enrique
Richard Zhu;

There are very limited a
Processing tools/a at

If what you want is to process images, instead of going into the
details on ihow/i to process images, then take a look at the a
href=;G Toolbox/a.

Enrique Vargas