Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
If your menu tag Exit case, assign True to your Stop variable.


Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-06 Thread CB
Hi Joe,
Perfect.. neat and simple
Thanks, Chris

Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-06 Thread jhoskins
Glad to help.
Love labview, live labview

I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-05 Thread CB
I am using the Menu Selection With example alongside other
while loops, When I select exit from the new menu it stops the other
while loops but not the menu/event while loop

The event driven menu example works fine and I've integrated it into
my application. I have built in simple local vars to link menu
selections to existing GUI buttons. The problem is that I cannot get
the File-Exit menu option to switch off/terminate the application. The
[1] Stop: Value Change panel of the event structure simply switches
off the other while loops but leaves the event while loop running. Add
a while loop to the axample using a local var from the event while
loop to terminate 2nd while loop to get the effect.
Help appreciated, Chris

Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-05 Thread jhoskins
Post your code so that I can see what is going on and I should be able
to help you.
