Pasting an Excel 2000 Chart into Word 2000 using ActiveX

2004-02-26 Thread Malcolm Myers
I am slowly getting to grips with ActiveX for Excel and Word and can
now display a chart in Excel.  However, when I

Invoke _Chart Copy

it gives a copy of the chart in Excel, but I then cannot Ctrl-V it
into Word, i.e. it is not copied to the clipboard.

Could anyone tell me how to do this please.  Also, what is a good
reference for all the various ActiveX options.  Would Excel in a
Nutshell do the job?



Re: Pasting an Excel 2000 Chart into Word 2000 using ActiveX

2004-02-26 Thread Joe Guo
Excel 2002 Power Programming and Excel 200 VBA are two of the
books I use from time to time.  The VBA Editor help file in Excel is
also an excellent soure.

You may need to write some VBA code yourself to copy a Excel chart
into word.
