Re: error in Simple PID

2004-05-26 Thread markwysong
I have run this VI, and it performs as it is supposed to with the
first call node outside the main loop.

This VI is meant to be inserted into a while loop.  Its own while loop
is only there to retain the previous values (in the shift registers);
it doesn't execute more than once on its own.

By placing the entire Simple into another while loop and
running, you'll see that the first call node works properly.

Re: reading a simple text file..

2004-05-04 Thread Dennis Knutson
I think you might be better off reading the entire file at once with
Read From spreadsheet File and then manipulating the resulting 2D
array, but if you want to do it line by line then a good place to
start is the Read Lines From File function on the File I/O palette.
Inside of this is a case structure and case 2 reads one line at a time
for x number of lines or until EOF is found.

RE: This is simple???

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Seifert, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thought I was taking the easy way out by using available drivers with all
the error handling built in. The setup on some GPIB instruments is not trivial
and it's nice to have the examples supplied with the drivers. It still seems
somewhat of a toss up to me as to whether I should write my own drivers or
live with all the installation hassles. I just don't understand why the installer
isn't smart enough to install the run-time version of all the necessary drivers.

Because it is hard for software to be smarter than humans ;-)
Honestly, automatic detection alone of which components to include is almost
an impossible task, deciding how much of each to include or not, in which
order, with what dependencies, for Win9x/NT/2K/XP etc etc, makes this
basically a harder job to design than the entire LabVIEW application
is to write.
And then with each new driver version you are again back to the start
and can try to figure it out yourself. Why do you think the new Microsoft
installer is so difficult to use once it didn't work as planned? Because
it is a software package which tries to do all of this, except the
component detection, which you have to manually tell it. One small thing
going wrong and you are stuck with partial installations not being possible
to resume or remove since the installer does not know where to start with
both. Then you can try to do a registry clean, some MSI problem solvers and
more esoteric magic and hope you get back to the point where you can do a
new full install.

And lets assume the installer says hey I need
1) LabVIEW runtime
2) several LabVIEW support components

Notice that the application builder does these first two steps already as
it is from LabVIEW for LabVIEW and threfore can quite easily know what LabVIEW

3) VISA (VISA 3.0 full runtime 40MB, you only need serial, for instance)
4) IVI (fill in your MB)
5) GPIB (Enet?, PCI?, USB?, 1394?, classic?)
6) NI-DAQ for the little DIO line you used

Jeez, my application is a simple 10 VI application and the installer uses more
than 100 MB, are those guys from NI crazy?

Last but not least about uninstallation. You update NI-VISA to 3.0.1 to fix a
problem. Uninstallation of the application will not be able to uninstall
NI-VISA 3.0.1 as well as it was not part of the original install!!

Basically as much as you would like a smarter application builder. It is a
project the developer who decides to try an attempt at it only can get
frustrated with. There are definitely an endless number of other possibilities
where someone can get at least a small chance to create something which will
work in the end.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: This is simple???

2004-04-13 Thread Seifert, George
I thought I was taking the easy way out by using available drivers with all the error 
handling built in. The setup on some GPIB instruments is not trivial and it's nice to 
have the examples supplied with the drivers. It still seems somewhat of a toss up to 
me as to whether I should write my own drivers or live with all the installation 
hassles. I just don't understand why the installer isn't smart enough to install the 
run-time version of all the necessary drivers.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Aivaliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:26 AM
To: Seifert, George
Subject: RE: This is simple???

Having experience with distributing GPIB applications myself, I have long decided to 
stick with the basic GPIB Read and Write
functions. You don't need VISA for those. Also, IVI is nice to get started but each 
driver requires an install for the DLL's it
needs. You should be able to read the IVI driver code and build a few simple GPIB 
calls to do what you need. Power supplies have a
limited command set.

Michael Aivaliotis

 I just tried to load an executable I built. In addition to 
 loading the executable (which is thankfully very easy) I had 
 to load VISA drivers, GPIB drivers and IVI drivers. All this 
 for a relatively simple program that controls one GPIB power 
 supply. Oh for the good old days when you just had to load 
 one thing. Fortunately all this work is in-house. I'd hate to 
 have to send this to someone and have them install it. Sorry 
 for the rant. I just hope someone at NI is listening.

RE: This is simple???

2004-04-13 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Having experience with distributing GPIB applications myself, I have long decided to 
stick with the basic GPIB Read and Write
functions. You don't need VISA for those. Also, IVI is nice to get started but each 
driver requires an install for the DLL's it
needs. You should be able to read the IVI driver code and build a few simple GPIB 
calls to do what you need. Power supplies have a
limited command set.

Michael Aivaliotis

 I just tried to load an executable I built. In addition to 
 loading the executable (which is thankfully very easy) I had 
 to load VISA drivers, GPIB drivers and IVI drivers. All this 
 for a relatively simple program that controls one GPIB power 
 supply. Oh for the good old days when you just had to load 
 one thing. Fortunately all this work is in-house. I'd hate to 
 have to send this to someone and have them install it. Sorry 
 for the rant. I just hope someone at NI is listening.

Re: A very simple hex conversion question

2004-03-21 Thread tsheikh
The basic assumption for using the Hexadecimal String to Number
primitive is that the input is normal text. My input happens to be a
'Hex' input. Hence your solution fails.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


Re: A very simple hex conversion question

2004-03-21 Thread Roy F
Your original implementation will work if you change the
representation of the integer wired to the type input to U16 (you have

The four character hex constant you have wired is equivalent to a 2
byte integer, not 4 bytes.

Re: need a simple VI to convert voltage into sound

2004-01-09 Thread nayisoe