Jed Davidow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there a way to set windows permissions thru labview on 
> XP/2000?  I'm not talking about the simple rwx file flags,
> but actual windowsNT security settings.
> Has anyone written a library that uses the SDK, or is there
> a command line hack/script out there?

Well the Windows security API is so involved with so many complex
data types, that trying to access that directly from within LabVIEW
is a total no-no to do, unless you have months and months of time.

The API is also so involved that depending on what you want to change
you may spend months to get it done properly even when writing an
intermediate DLL to call from LabVIEW.

Your best bet is to try to find an Active X control (shudder) which
gives you the functionality you want to modify and try to call that
from LabVIEW.

> I want to change read/write/execute, possibly owner/creator 
> permisions for different users, and possibly inheritance options
> on files and folders.

This seems to be feasable to do and probably can be done in a few
days of C hacking. But still the API to deal with ACLs and such to
get the job done is not something you easily call from within LabVIEW.

Another option in this case is probably to use the command line to
call some Windows command line tool to change the settings you want.
Not sure which one that would be though.

Rolf Kalbermatter

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