Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

Makes a lot of sense, to me anyway.  :)

> A look at Jonesboro through NRA crosshairs
> I suppose you think I’m going to write another gun control column, don’t
> you? You think the Arkansas killings
> — four children and a teacher dead at the hands of a pair of barely
> adolescent misfits — are going to send me off
> like a 10-cent rocket, that I’m going to roll around on the floor,
> wailing about the need to regulate firearms.
> You’re wrong. The last time I wrote a column like that, hundreds — and I
> mean hundreds — of gun lovers wrote
> in to inform me of the error of my ways. Like a good liberal, I listened
> to them with an open mind, and ... they
> convinced me. Guns don’t kill people; they prevent people from killing
> people.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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