Re: [Lazarus] Component compilation problem with lazarus 2.2

2021-10-01 Thread Howard Page-Clark via lazarus

On 01/10/2021 16:32, Gabriele Cappelletto via lazarus wrote:

Sorry, I also allocate the complete file

Hello to all,

This code compiles with lazarus 2.0.12

constructor TExtTabPanel.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
ᅵᅵ PageClass := TExtPanel_Tab;
ᅵ inherited Create(AOwner);
ᅵ Disabled := False;
ᅵ Hidden := False;

but with lazarus 2.2 it gives me the following error:

*extp_design_ctrls.pas(1247,4) Error: Identifier not found "PageClass"*

How do I resolve?

Remove the {$ifdef}...{$endif} altogether.

The reference to "PageClass" is presumably some leftover from earlier 
code. It is not needed.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to get space before auto-inserted assignment?

2019-08-16 Thread Howard Page-Clark via lazarus

On 16/08/2019 09:57, Bo Berglund via lazarus wrote:

I am used to having whitespace between names and operators, but
Lazarus insists on putting := directly after a property when it
So I get Canvas.Brush:=
instead of Canvas.Brush :=
Which is what I want.
It is annoying to get unwanted help which every time has to be
Presumably this is an IDE setting, but which?

The editor settings is quite a maze to navigate so I would appreciate
a hint on where to look.
I am using Lazarus 2.0.4 on Windows 7.

Tools->Options dialog

In the treeview select the Codetools node, and Space page

"Insert space in front of" the Symbol checkbox must be checked.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Feedback Wanted: Next tutoring project

2019-05-06 Thread Howard Page-Clark via lazarus

On 06/05/2019 01:32, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:
Regarding the next project, I think I am going to concentrate two 
different programming tasks for my students. One task is to create 
various tones through simple functions, and the other is to create 
effects (again through simple functions) which manipulate a sound 
source. Examples of effects might include a chorus effect, pan effect, 
flanger effect, reverb effect, echo effect, and probably a few crazy 
original sounding effects that don't make much sense for musicians to 
use. In any case, I suspect that I will allow the user to again hook 
effects up together in a chain, possibly using the same node type user 
interface where one effect outputs samples that can be fed into other 

And in place of the image drawn above like in the Image Shop example, 
I might just make the rendering take the shape of graphing real time 
wave forms and cut back slightly on the musical staff, at least until 
another point in time.

As well as effects to alter the tones, you could consider adding a 
repetitive mode in which beats/rhythm is introduced for one or more 
tones, such as various drumming styles, pizzicato, rock rhythms, hip 
hop, waltz and other dance beats etc. If the tones sounded concurrently 
this could add a ground bass effect.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Can't install LazSerial 0.2 in Lazarus 2.0 under Raspbian

2019-02-22 Thread Howard Page-Clark via lazarus

On 22/02/2019 14:51, Joe via lazarus wrote:

Am 22.02.2019 um 15:42 schrieb Howard Page-Clark via lazarus:
Why not use the Lazarus forum members' section to send him a private 

I clicked this link. After login, I got the error message 'An Error 
Has Occurred. You are not allowed to access this section'.

Perhaps access via a link is not allowed.

Try logging in as you normally would to the Lazarus forum.

Then find Jurassic Pork's members page either by clicking on his 
underlined name in one of the posts he has made, or by searching for his 
name in the Members section. Then try sending him a PM.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Can't install LazSerial 0.2 in Lazarus 2.0 under Raspbian

2019-02-22 Thread Howard Page-Clark via lazarus

On 22/02/2019 14:34, Joe via lazarus wrote:


the package can't be compiled. Reason: The file "lazsynaser.pas" in 
lines 252..262 references undefined constants. They should be defined 
in file ''. In other operating systems and/or Lazarus 
versions they are, but not in Lazarus 2.0 under Raspbian Stretch, Nov 
2018 edition.

As a quick and very dirty intermediate fix I replaced the constants in 
these lines with literal expressions. This worked, but of course 
that's no tidy solution.

I could not get the mail address of 'JurassicPork', the author of 
LazSerial. Does someone know this address?

Why not use the Lazarus forum members' section to send him a private 
message? After login:;u=51097

Just click "Send PM"

He'll see the message the next time he logs on.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] IDE Spotter- issues

2018-09-25 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 25/09/18 09:07, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus wrote:

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018, AlexeyT wrote:

How do I know if the scrollbar is visible ?

TListbox.ClientWidth gives width considering scrollbar.

I committed a new version with some visual improvements and bugfixes:

* Actually load saved options on startup :)
* Button to go to settings
* Margins around controls
* Better Left and right margin inside listbox
* Use different default colors (maroon, navy)
* Handle keydown instead of key up, so repeat is enabled...


A further issue: Spotter appears not to know about menu items added by 
some packages.

For instance, LazProfiler adds three new menu items to the IDE, but 
Spotter does not list them.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Linux: howto define file *.lpi to be opened with lazarus?

2018-01-15 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 15/01/18 17:25, John Landmesser via Lazarus wrote:
I'm on Linux-Mint Cinnamon and i want to associate *.lpi with lazarus 

*.lpi is of Filetype XML, but we need the fileExtension *.lpi here!!




 cp '/home/john1/lazarus/install/lazarus.desktop' 




 cp '/home/john1/lazarus/install/lazarus-mime.xml' 

Content of these two files seems to define for what i'm looking for, 
but reboot wasn't enough.

What i'm missing to get the filetypes/extension-Database updated?

Tipps are welcome!!

Navigate to any .lpi file on your disk using the file browser (Nemo). 
Right click on that .lpi, and choose Properties. In the .lpi 
Properties dialog click on the third button at the top, Open With, and 
choose Lazarus from the list (if it is installed) or use the edit box at 
the bottom of the dialog to locate a Lazarus or StartLazarus executable 
if you have a various Lazarus versions to choose from. You can set this 
choice as the default.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Converting all code to use UnicodeString

2017-09-26 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 26/09/17 20:51, Marcos Douglas B. Santos via Lazarus wrote:

I understood that I can use like this:
   VALUE: string = 'áéíóú';

Not like this:
   VALUE = 'áéíóú';

But this is not compile:
   V1: string = 'a';
   V2: string = V1 + 'b';

You can't do that in a const declaration.
But in an implementation, the following does compile:

{$J+} {$H+}
  V1: string = 'a';
  V2: string = 'b';
  V3: String = '';

  V3:=V1 + V2;
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Writing >1000 TBufDataset records to file is extremely slow

2017-03-26 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 26/03/17 22:53, Werner Pamler via Lazarus wrote:
Trying to extend the import/export example of fpspreadsheet from a 
dBase table to a TBufDataset I came across this issue with 
TBufDataset: While data are posted to the database as quickly as usual 
writing to file takes extremely long if there are more than a few 
thousand records.

Run the demo attached below. On my system, I measure these 
(non-linearly scaling) execution times for writing the TBufDataset 
table to file:

1000 records -- 0.9 seconds
2000 records -- 8.8 seconds
3000 records -- 31.1 seconds

Compared to that, writing of the same data to a dbf file is a wink of 
an eye. Is there anything which I am doing wrong? Or should I report a 

I don't think you do anything wrong.
I can get small performance increases by
- avoiding FieldByName() calls and using AppendRecord
- using SaveToFile and avoiding an intermediate memory stream
- increasing the value of PacketRecords
but the speedups are insignificant.

Clearly either the insertion algorithm should be improved, or the 
buffering, or the way the buffered records are written to disk. Maybe 
all three areas of TBufDataset can be optimised for better performance.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Spedd buttons disappeared

2016-11-05 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 05/11/16 15:29, Kaj Mikkelsen via Lazarus wrote:

Just to clarify, I run version 1.6 on mint 17.3


On 2016-11-05 16:23, Kaj Mikkelsen via Lazarus wrote:


I just rebuild the IDE in order to allow docking.
Docking works fine, but the main speed buttons (open, run, ) has 

I have googlet for this issue, but has not been able to find anything.

Does anybody knows where the speed buttons has gone, and how I get 
them back?


Check in the Tools->Options dialog, Environmjent node, IDE Coolbar page that

[X] Coolbar is visible is checked, and that

Coolbar width edit field is set to a sensible value.

Lazarus mailing list