Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 7:14 AM, Gour wrote:

 Mehmet Erol Sanliturk writes:

  First , forget Delphi ,


  and start directly from Free Pascal and Lazarus .

 What about other GUI options likes fpGUI  MSEide+MSEgui?

I am not a user of fpGUI or MSEide+MSEgui . Therefore I can not make any
expert comment .
If you study their web sites , you will get much information from them ,
and then you may ask your questions to them .

I think you will get good advice from them .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

  Delphi programs are NOT multi-platform but only for Windows .

 That’s clear.

  The Free Pascal and Lazarus documentations are excellent , but I suggest
  obtain the above two books also .

 OK. Thanks.


 From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady
 nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under
 the control of the self.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 15:08, Gour wrote:
 Now I wonder which one is recommended and if there are some helpers
 assisting manual authors

See this message from July, and the attached example application.

I use the INF format because it is very simple to author and extremely
compact (10+ times smaller than CHM of the same content). The markup
language is much shorter that HTML, less complicated than LaTeX, and not
very verbose. The IPF tags are mnemonic, making it easy to associate
them with their functions.

In my eyes DocView is also a superior help viewer compared to any CHM or
HLP help viewer I have seen, with built in support for Contents, Index
(auto-generated in none exists), full-text search with advanced
filtering, search highlighting, in-line annotation support, custom font
configuration and is lightning fast etc.

  - Graeme -

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
Gour I think you just need one book for beginning and I don't used any
one but that one linked in the forum maybe is good enough.
Also about GUI,they are good but for you just install Lazarus and go
with it and when you fill comfortable than you can research and ask here
but Lazarus on it default GUI are well enough for most of the usages.
When you want to choose take fpGUI seriously,its good and author is kind
and will help you,about others I dont know much.


-- - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an
  unladen european swallow

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 15:15, Gour wrote:
 Btw, how does one author *.inf files today?

You author your help using plain text IPF file. Then compile that with a
utility called WIPFC (IPF Compiler) to generate a very compact binary
INF file. The WIPFC compiler and DocView are available from the fpGUI

Some technical info:
INF is very compact and fast because the INF file itself contains a
dictionary of words, built from the help text, and each help topic
simply references the words from the dictionary. This also enables
full-text search support as standard.

I use a text editor called EditPad Pro (my favourite text editor), which
I improved the syntax highlighting and file navigation to make IPF file
authoring even easier. But any text editor will do. No special tools or
applications are required.

IPF, as explained by WikiPedia:

 I also see that you’re the man behind fpGUI, but that’s for another
 thread how to chooes the ’right’ GUI for FPC. ;)

When you are ready, you are welcome to email me in private to ask more

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 18:37, Gour wrote:
 Is there any Editor support for the markup?

You could always download Editpad Pro (trial) and I can send you the
syntax highlighting files and file navigation support for it.

MSEide itself also supports syntax highlighting of IPF files.

I don't know of any editor with auto-complete or similar functionality
built-in for IPF but then it isn't really needed, because the IPF
syntax is very simple and easy to learn. Much easier and less than say

 Now I see that it’s the old OS2’s format and I was die-hard OS2
 user. :-)

Correct. :) DocView is a newer and more user friendly INF help viewer
that the original IBM view.exe program. WIPFC is a open source IPF
Compiler created by the OpenWatcom developers. I'm still working on a
Object Pascal based IPF Compiler, but it isn't complete yet.

 Do you know about possible vim/Emacs support?

I downloaded VIM for OS/2 to see if they might include an IPF syntax
file, but they unfortunately don't. At least not the copy I found. If
you are familiar with VIM syntax files, it should be pretty easy to
create your own highlighter. I managed to create one for EditPad Pro in
about 30 minutes. The IPF syntax is much simpler than say HTML.

 I’ve sent a post to FPC list asking about GUI options form FPC, but it
 did not went through (yet). :-(

I haven't seen that email. I'll check again.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 18:27, Gour wrote:
 means I have to forger about Emacs which I use a lot…

You can write software and help using Emacs, no problem. There is no
requirement to drop your editor of choice. Some prefer using Lazarus IDE
for everything, but equally I know of many that use Geany or Eclipse (or
some other text editor) to write Object Pascal software (compiled using

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 21:09, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
  Lazarus mailing list and the principal format used by 
 Lazarus is .chm. 

No, the official help format for lazarus is there is none! Some
parts are HTML (and then repackaged as CHM), the wiki, the mailing list etc.

There is also NO rule that says if you use LCL for your application that
you must use CHM for your application help. That is absolute nonsense.
Many use raw HTML in a directory as application help. Equally so, I
showed that they could also use DocView+INF for LCL based application help.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-04 00:26, waldo kitty wrote:
 this could be added to Lazarus, though... right?

Yes, somebody with the available time could easily add IPF syntax
highlighting support to SynEdit.

EditPad Pro goes one step further. With each syntax highlighting, you
can specify a custom help command. So when I'm editing IPF files,
pressing F1 will launch DocView with the IPF reference doc loaded for
that tag. A similar things for HTML, CSS etc.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gary Randall

Hi Gour,

I've been programming for 53 years, learning everything from machine and 
assembler languages to various OOPs.  When Delphi first came out I used 
it for four or five years and liked it. After retiring I was hired to 
write a program to run on multiple platforms.  I settled on FPC and 
elected to use the Lazarus GUI before trying anything else in order to 
learn Lazarus's limitations.  I purchased the Lazarus, the Complete 
Guide and Learn to Program Using Pascal package.  I refer to the 
guide when exploring methods, but find myself reaching most often for 
Howard Page-Smith's Learn to Program Using Lazarus.  It has excellent 
examples and got me going in a hurry.  Like any language where you can 
get to the guts of things, the learning curve can be long, maybe even 
continuous.  The forum is also an excellent resource when you need a 
question answered.  I do Google searches starting with Pascal Lazarus 
and usually end up finding the answer in the forum.  I got The Blaise 
Pascal Magazine going back a bunch of issues as a bonus when I ordered 
the package and found many excellent articles in them.


On 8/3/2015 3:58 AM, Gour wrote:


after (too) much time exploring/evaluating different languages, I’ve
finally decided to use use FPC/Lazarus to write open-source
multi-platform desktop GUI app…

It would be kind of semi-hobby project and the reason why I took so long
to decide about Pascal is that I was using it long ago (20yrs) while
studying software engineering on the University (we had to write some
compiler using TP, so I thought that some better language did
evolve. :-)

Of course, there are some interesting *languages*, but I simply do not
buy what web+JS is the only way to go to write app these days, and
that’s where FPC/Lazarus are shining very brightly!!

However, in the meantime, programming did not become my bread’n’butter,
so although programming is not strange/new thing to me, I need some
refreshment and looking for adequate literature/docs to equip myself to
use FPC/Lazarus for my GUI project…

I there is a ’bundle’
offering to buy Lazarus Complete Guide and get Learn to Program Using
Lazarus as downloadable PDF, so I wonder if it is good-enough for
learning FPC and start with Lazarus?

I’m aware there are lot of online docs available, but I am simply
accustomed to use/hold concrete books (if possible) and reduce my time
of starring at computer screens to save my eyes a bit.

Another option which I’ve found is: “Getting Started with Lazarus and
Free Pascal: A beginners and intermediate guide to Free Pascal using
Lazarus IDE” ( but
it seems it’s more into web development than writign desktop GUI apps?

Besides that, one Delphi/Lazarus user suggested to get some of the
“Marco Cantu's mastering.. series of older versions”, but not having
*any* experience with neither Delphi nor FPC/Lazarus, I’m looking for
some helpful hints which path to go?


p.s. I sent the same message from Gmane-subscribed group, but never
received its authorization message and it seems that the message went to
/dev/null, so, please, if anyone can check whether the information at is correct since the
“requires subscription to mailing list to post” status usually means it
should be possible to post for subscribed users, while my experience is
more like “posting isn't allowed”?

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 18:17, Gour wrote:
 Any ’selling points’ in regard to fpGUI?

See my reply off the mailing list.

  - Graeme -

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread waldo kitty

On 08/03/2015 06:38 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

I don't know of any editor with auto-complete or similar functionality
built-in for IPF but then it isn't really needed, because the IPF syntax
is very simple and easy to learn. Much easier and less than say HTML or CSS.

this could be added to Lazarus, though... right?

 NOTE: No off-list assistance is given without prior approval.
   *Please keep mailing list traffic on the list* unless
   private contact is specifically requested and granted.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gordon Cooper

 Just a comment - with the requirement to produce a User
Manual in HTML  and PDF for a new Linux OS, we settled
on Lyx as the primary editor.

Tauranga N.Z.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Mark Morgan Lloyd writes:

 Focussing on help files, in the past I've experimentally generated
 text for these as an appendix in a PDF file using Lyx etc., then
 post-processed it into a .chm.

Heh, I was using Lyx for authoring real books in the past..

 Speaking as somebody who is neither a core developer nor a list
 manager, this is the Lazarus mailing list and the principal format
 used by Lazarus is .chm. It's all very well for an advocate of an
 alternative documentation format and an alternative UI toolkit to be
 enthusiastic about them, but I'm not sure that they're something which
 should be promoted too vocally to somebody who hasn't been active in
 the field for an extended period.

Hmm, I’m very new here, but in my original message I posted a link from
*Lazarus* wiki
( which
mentions CHM, HTML and INF as possible help formats and that was the
reason to ask “which one?” ;)


There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, 
if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much 
or does not sleep enough.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Gordon Cooper writes:

  Just a comment - with the requirement to produce a User
 Manual in HTML  and PDF for a new Linux OS, we settled
 on Lyx as the primary editor.

Thanks. I was using LyX and I like it…although in a recent time I’m
considering some markup (rst/AsciiDoc) so I can use ’single’ markup for
web content writing (static-site generator), study-notes etc.


Never was there a time when I did not exist, 
nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future 
shall any of us cease to be.

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour

after (too) much time exploring/evaluating different languages, I’ve
finally decided to use use FPC/Lazarus to write open-source
multi-platform desktop GUI app…

It would be kind of semi-hobby project and the reason why I took so long
to decide about Pascal is that I was using it long ago (20yrs) while
studying software engineering on the University (we had to write some
compiler using TP, so I thought that some better language did
evolve. :-)

Of course, there are some interesting *languages*, but I simply do not
buy what web+JS is the only way to go to write app these days, and
that’s where FPC/Lazarus are shining very brightly!!

However, in the meantime, programming did not become my bread’n’butter,
so although programming is not strange/new thing to me, I need some
refreshment and looking for adequate literature/docs to equip myself to
use FPC/Lazarus for my GUI project…

I there is a ’bundle’
offering to buy Lazarus Complete Guide and get Learn to Program Using
Lazarus as downloadable PDF, so I wonder if it is good-enough for
learning FPC and start with Lazarus?

I’m aware there are lot of online docs available, but I am simply
accustomed to use/hold concrete books (if possible) and reduce my time
of starring at computer screens to save my eyes a bit.

Another option which I’ve found is: “Getting Started with Lazarus and
Free Pascal: A beginners and intermediate guide to Free Pascal using
Lazarus IDE” ( but
it seems it’s more into web development than writign desktop GUI apps?

Besides that, one Delphi/Lazarus user suggested to get some of the
“Marco Cantu's mastering.. series of older versions”, but not having
*any* experience with neither Delphi nor FPC/Lazarus, I’m looking for
some helpful hints which path to go?


p.s. I sent the same message from Gmane-subscribed group, but never
received its authorization message and it seems that the message went to
/dev/null, so, please, if anyone can check whether the information at is correct since the
“requires subscription to mailing list to post” status usually means it
should be possible to post for subscribed users, while my experience is
more like “posting isn't allowed”?

As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 
the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the 
sake of leading people on the right path.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 12:58 AM, Gour wrote:


 after (too) much time exploring/evaluating different languages, I’ve
 finally decided to use use FPC/Lazarus to write open-source
 multi-platform desktop GUI app…

 It would be kind of semi-hobby project and the reason why I took so long
 to decide about Pascal is that I was using it long ago (20yrs) while
 studying software engineering on the University (we had to write some
 compiler using TP, so I thought that some better language did
 evolve. :-)

 Of course, there are some interesting *languages*, but I simply do not
 buy what web+JS is the only way to go to write app these days, and
 that’s where FPC/Lazarus are shining very brightly!!

 However, in the meantime, programming did not become my bread’n’butter,
 so although programming is not strange/new thing to me, I need some
 refreshment and looking for adequate literature/docs to equip myself to
 use FPC/Lazarus for my GUI project…

 I there is a ’bundle’
 offering to buy Lazarus Complete Guide and get Learn to Program Using
 Lazarus as downloadable PDF, so I wonder if it is good-enough for
 learning FPC and start with Lazarus?

 I’m aware there are lot of online docs available, but I am simply
 accustomed to use/hold concrete books (if possible) and reduce my time
 of starring at computer screens to save my eyes a bit.

 Another option which I’ve found is: “Getting Started with Lazarus and
 Free Pascal: A beginners and intermediate guide to Free Pascal using
 Lazarus IDE” ( but
 it seems it’s more into web development than writign desktop GUI apps?

 Besides that, one Delphi/Lazarus user suggested to get some of the
 “Marco Cantu's mastering.. series of older versions”, but not having
 *any* experience with neither Delphi nor FPC/Lazarus, I’m looking for
 some helpful hints which path to go?


 p.s. I sent the same message from Gmane-subscribed group, but never
 received its authorization message and it seems that the message went to
 /dev/null, so, please, if anyone can check whether the information at is correct since the
 “requires subscription to mailing list to post” status usually means it
 should be possible to post for subscribed users, while my experience is
 more like “posting isn't allowed”?

 As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results,
 the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the
 sake of leading people on the right path.


First , forget Delphi , and start directly from Free Pascal and Lazarus .
Delphi programs are NOT multi-platform but only for Windows .
If you want to write multi-platform Pascal programs , instead of wasting
time on Delphi programs , use your time for directly on Free Pascal and
Lazarus programs .

You may compile the same program on all supported platforms listed in Free
Pascal and Lazarus package lists for installation .

If you use a NFS server , then from the same server , you can compile the
same programs in different platform clients , ( even from Windows , if you
use a Samba server in your NFS server exporting the same source directories
) ( you may even use cross compilation )  .

This means that , if you use Free Pascal and Lazarus your choices are as
you want .

The Free Pascal and Lazarus documentations are excellent , but I suggest to
obtain the above two books also .

I have Lazarus book , but not other book .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] OOP - where do you start?

2015-08-03 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:30:49PM +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 So here is my question:
   When faced with a new database related project, where do you start? Do
 you first design the database schema, then build the BOM (Business
 Objects) accordingly? Or, do you first design the BOM, then design the
 database schema to fit.

If you want to do ORM per se, define how objects are mapped, and then BOM
and schema are fairly equivalent, and are designed in step.

But in production circumstances make sure you always can override the
mapping so that you can also use existing tables with some custom code.

If you have too many preexisting tables, forget about ORM.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-08-03 08:58, Gour wrote:
 it seems it’s more into web development than writign desktop GUI apps?

You spoke of using Turbo Pascal some 20+ years ago. So you probably need
a language update as well.

Here are a couple of ebooks:

Start with tutorial.inf which gets you up to speed with the Object
Pascal language.

If you understand German, you can take a look at the objref.inf and
oop_refg.inf too.

INF files are viewable with DocView help file viewer. You can download a
binary ( 500KB download) from here:

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: TEdit: Find character at caret position

2015-08-03 Thread Jürgen Hestermann

Am 2015-08-02 um 20:32 schrieb Howard Page-Clark:
 On 02/08/2015 18:33, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
 In a TEdit component, how do I find out which character is at the
 caret/cursor position?
 Or in other words: At which (string) position will the next typed
 character be inserted?
 I want to insert text at just that position myself but cannot find out
 where this (character) position would be.

 Edit1.SelStart gives the character position of the caret/cursor. The next 
typed character is inserted at Succ(Edit1.SelStart).

Sure? I thought SelStart gives the start of the selected text, not of the 

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Aradeonas writes:

 So begin with one of mentioned books,its easy and when you begin all
 other problems will be solved with others helps in here or forum.

OK, will start with one of those Pascal tutorials…


What is night for all beings is the time of awakening 
for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for 
all beings is night for the introspective sage.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Marco van de Voort writes:

 For unit documentation a tool called fpdoc is used that is basically
 generate with XML + source scanning as input. there are various outputs.

Yeah, that’s for code, that I did see.

 The preferences vary. The IPF proponents are very vocal as I'm sure you
 noticed. I prefer CHM, if only because you can open it on e.g. Windows
 without telling people how to install a viewer. 

I like that it’s nicely supported and not vendor lock-in.

So far, I do not see about conversion capabilities for IPF, iow. whether
there are tools convert to/from it.


The working senses are superior to dull matter; mind is higher 
than the senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; 
and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Graeme Geldenhuys writes:

 See this message from July, and the attached example application.

Ahh…I apologize for not spotting this recent thread. :-(

 I use the INF format because it is very simple to author and extremely
 compact (10+ times smaller than CHM of the same content). The markup
 language is much shorter that HTML, less complicated than LaTeX, and not
 very verbose. The IPF tags are mnemonic, making it easy to associate
 them with their functions.

Hmm…sound good and I have to check it out - I just wonder if it’s rich
enough and/or how its markup compares with e.g. rst/Asciidoc.

 In my eyes DocView is also a superior help viewer compared to any CHM or
 HLP help viewer I have seen, with built in support for Contents, Index
 (auto-generated in none exists), full-text search with advanced
 filtering, search highlighting, in-line annotation support, custom font
 configuration and is lightning fast etc.

I like what I’ve seen in DocView…now have to find out if using FPC/INF
means I have to forger about Emacs which I use a lot…


A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, 
who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of 
proprietorship and is devoid of false ego — he alone can 
attain real peace.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 04:08:46PM +0200, Gour wrote:
 by looking at page it
 seems there are several options to provide help (aka user manual) for
 one???s app - CHM, HTML  INF.

For unit documentation a tool called fpdoc is used that is basically
generate with XML + source scanning as input. there are various outputs.

The preferences vary. The IPF proponents are very vocal as I'm sure you
noticed. I prefer CHM, if only because you can open it on e.g. Windows
without telling people how to install a viewer. 

And frankly I don't care about size, at least not till it gets too weird.
 Now I wonder which one is recommended and if there are some helpers
 assisting manual authors to use some higher-level markup like

No, it was more meant to be edited from the GUI using editors. The original
gui tool was part of fpgui's precursor fpgtk.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Aradeonas writes:

 Gour I think you just need one book for beginning and I don't used any
 one but that one linked in the forum maybe is good enough.


 Also about GUI,they are good but for you just install Lazarus and go
 with it and when you fill comfortable than you can research and ask here
 but Lazarus on it default GUI are well enough for most of the usages.


 When you want to choose take fpGUI seriously,its good and author is kind
 and will help you,about others I dont know much.

Any ’selling points’ in regard to fpGUI?


From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady 
nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under 
the control of the self.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Graeme Geldenhuys writes:

 You author your help using plain text IPF file.

Is there any Editor support for the markup?

Now I see that it’s the old OS2’s format and I was die-hard OS2
user. :-)

 Then compile that with a utility called WIPFC (IPF Compiler) to
 generate a very compact binary INF file. The WIPFC compiler and
 DocView are available from the fpGUI project.


 Some technical info:
 INF is very compact and fast because the INF file itself contains a
 dictionary of words, built from the help text, and each help topic
 simply references the words from the dictionary. This also enables
 full-text search support as standard.

That’s cool.

 I use a text editor called EditPad Pro (my favourite text editor), which
 I improved the syntax highlighting and file navigation to make IPF file
 authoring even easier. But any text editor will do. No special tools or
 applications are required.

Do you know about possible vim/Emacs support?

 When you are ready, you are welcome to email me in private to ask more

I’ve sent a post to FPC list asking about GUI options form FPC, but it
did not went through (yet). :-(


The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal 
vision a learned and gentle brāhmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog 
and a dog-eater.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Aradeonas writes:

 Dear Gour I think you make things complicated for your self.
 Just install and go and default GUI option is very good at least for
 When you learned what you want then you can ask about GUI here or talk
 to Graeme.

Well, here I’m asking about the method/markup to document help files
and/or manuals, iow. it’s in one sense separated from the GUI option one


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, 
O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion — 
at that time I descend Myself.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
 Any ’selling points’ in regard to fpGUI?
For now dont think about these,just start working,when you will on the
road you will fin that out.

Regards, Ara

-- - Does exactly what it says on the tin

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
Dear Gour I think you make things complicated for your self.
Just install and go and default GUI option is very good at least for
When you learned what you want then you can ask about GUI here or talk
to Graeme.


-- - Choose from over 50 domains or use your own

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
So begin with one of mentioned books,its easy and when you begin all
other problems will be solved with others helps in here or forum.
Or wait for others help,they know about books better because I didnt
used any one.


-- - mmm... Fastmail...

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Sven Barth
Am 03.08.2015 11:21 schrieb Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
 First , forget Delphi , and start directly from Free Pascal and Lazarus
 Delphi programs are NOT multi-platform but only for Windows .
 If you want to write multi-platform Pascal programs , instead of wasting
time on Delphi programs , use your time for directly on Free Pascal and
Lazarus programs .

That doesn't mean however that tips and information provided in books about
Delphi aren't valid at all for FPC/Lazarus. And since the thread starter
had stated that he isn't fit with programming that are viable hints.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk writes:

 First , forget Delphi ,


 and start directly from Free Pascal and Lazarus .

What about other GUI options likes fpGUI  MSEide+MSEgui?

 Delphi programs are NOT multi-platform but only for Windows .

That’s clear.

 The Free Pascal and Lazarus documentations are excellent , but I suggest to
 obtain the above two books also .

OK. Thanks.


From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady 
nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under 
the control of the self.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Error buiding Lazarus

2015-08-03 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 15:25:24 +0200
Santiago A. wrote:

 I have upgraded Lazarus in my Linux mint from 12.6 to 1.4.2, (the deb
 package from sourceforge).
 When I start Lazarus I get a message with two buttons:

How do you start Lazarus?
Maybe you are starting an old binary?

 Start my custom or start system default.
 Well, I had just one version of Lazarus. I suppose that the custom
 version is because a I had compiled the IDE to add some packages.

That is your custom version.
Since you installed a newer version as 'system default', the system
default is newer. In that case the startlazarus asks which one to

 If I click my custom I get something like Downgrade configuration...
 well, a little scaring, I don't want to downgrade anything, I want to
 upgrade, so I abort.


 I try the other option. I click start system default. Ok it starts
 fine. Now I try to build Lazarus from IDE (clean + build) and after
 compiling a lot I get the following error
 cmdlinedebugger.pp(161,31) Fatal: Can't find unit CmdLineDebugger used
 by LazDebuggerGdbmi
 Can't find file /usr/share/lazarus/1.4.2/ide/cmdlinedebugger.pp.
 Any idea?

Check that the IDE is using the correct Lazarus directory (Tools /
Options / Environment / Files / Lazarus source directory). It should be

If this does not help:
Close the IDE, delete ~/lazarus/bin, start IDE, build normally (you
don't need clean).

By default /usr/share/lazarus/1.4.2 should be readonly for users
and only root can write. This is debian policy. Don't change that
unless you have a special case.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Gour

by looking at page it
seems there are several options to provide help (aka user manual) for
one’s app - CHM, HTML  INF.

Now I wonder which one is recommended and if there are some helpers
assisting manual authors to use some higher-level markup like


A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge 
of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform 
such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gour
Graeme Geldenhuys writes:

 You spoke of using Turbo Pascal some 20+ years ago. So you probably need
 a language update as well.

Indeed. :-)

 Here are a couple of ebooks:


 Start with tutorial.inf which gets you up to speed with the Object
 Pascal language.

It looks good.

 INF files are viewable with DocView help file viewer. You can download a
 binary ( 500KB download) from here:

Btw, how does one author *.inf files today?

I also see that you’re the man behind fpGUI, but that’s for another
thread how to chooes the ’right’ GUI for FPC. ;)


Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, 
when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge 
you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries.

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Error buiding Lazarus

2015-08-03 Thread Santiago A.
I have upgraded Lazarus in my Linux mint from 12.6 to 1.4.2, (the deb
package from sourceforge).

When I start Lazarus I get a message with two buttons:
Start my custom or start system default.
Well, I had just one version of Lazarus. I suppose that the custom
version is because a I had compiled the IDE to add some packages.

If I click my custom I get something like Downgrade configuration...
well, a little scaring, I don't want to downgrade anything, I want to
upgrade, so I abort.

I try the other option. I click start system default. Ok it starts
fine. Now I try to build Lazarus from IDE (clean + build) and after
compiling a lot I get the following error

cmdlinedebugger.pp(161,31) Fatal: Can't find unit CmdLineDebugger used
by LazDebuggerGdbmi
Can't find file /usr/share/lazarus/1.4.2/ide/cmdlinedebugger.pp.

Any idea?

Santiago A.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Bug in TListView custom draw item ?

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
Now I test project with Last Trunk version but nothing solved.
How can I use the path or get a working version?


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Bug in TListView custom draw item ?

2015-08-03 Thread Aradeonas
Here is the bug link :


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Gour wrote:

In my eyes DocView is also a superior help viewer compared to any CHM or HLP help 
viewer I have seen, with built in support for Contents, Index (auto-generated in none 
exists), full-text search with advanced filtering, search highlighting, in-line 
annotation support, custom font configuration and is lightning fast etc.

I like what I’ve seen in DocView…now have to find out if using FPC/INFmeans I 
have to forger about Emacs which I use a lot…

Focussing on help files, in the past I've experimentally generated text 
for these as an appendix in a PDF file using Lyx etc., then 
post-processed it into a .chm. This has the obvious advantage that 
printed and online documentation remains in step, however I'm not sure 
how practical this would be if a substantial amount of 
internationalisation were required.

Speaking as somebody who is neither a core developer nor a list manager, 
 this is the Lazarus mailing list and the principal format used by 
Lazarus is .chm. It's all very well for an advocate of an alternative 
documentation format and an alternative UI toolkit to be enthusiastic 
about them, but I'm not sure that they're something which should be 
promoted too vocally to somebody who hasn't been active in the field for 
an extended period.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] authoring user manuals

2015-08-03 Thread Yann Mérignac
2015-08-03 20:47 GMT+02:00 Gour

 Marco van de Voort writes:

  For unit documentation a tool called fpdoc is used that is basically
  generate with XML + source scanning as input. there are various outputs.

 Yeah, that’s for code, that I did see.

If you want to use fpdoc without writing XML, you can try Txt2FPDoc (
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