Re: [Lazarus] [FEATURE REQUEST] Source Editor: jump to the marked line by clicking on it

2016-04-14 Thread Alan Corey
> It would be nice if these marks could accept clicks, allowing the
> programmer to jump to the marked line just by clicking on it.

I thought in Delphi you could double-click on an error message to jump
to the line where it was, but maybe I misremembered.

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Is it an error to have mutiple help viewers enabled?

2016-04-11 Thread Alan Corey
One of my copies of Lazarus shows that ChmHelpPkg 0.2 is installed.
If I hit F1 in a field in ObjectInspector I see what looks like a chm
viewer for a fraction of a second then I get an Access Violation and
it goes away.  Meanwhile if I look at Firefox it's trying to open a
chm file.  There are plugins for that, I'm downloading one, hopefully.

Figured how to change web browsers, just type in the path to one
beside where it says BrowserPath.

fpdoc looks good, but why is fpcdoc.chm in the Lazarus 1.0.14 tarball
yet gone by 1.6.0?  It seems to be the generator of most of your
documentation, whether in chm, inf or html.  It would probably not be
hard to add epub as a format since that's zipped html.  I'm trying to
manually construct the whole tree from toc.chm down as one file.  Just
what everybody should carry in their phone as an epub. :)  PDF or
dejavu wouldn't be bad as long as you can generate the internal
hyperlinks under program control.

FPC and Lazarus look like a giant project that's gone on for many
years.  I remember trying FPC in about 1998 and sticking with Borland.
Now that they're mostly gone and Lazarus has gone multiplatform it
surpasses anything Borland did.

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Pretty neat stuff Lazarus

2016-04-10 Thread Alan Corey
I ignored the help issues for now and opened my trusty Delphi 3 on my
laptop for reference.  Cranked out my first program in a couple hours.
It was 20 megs until I turned optimization on and debugging off, then
it went down to a little over 4.  The C command line version is about
8 K, but oh well.

Installing and running as root seems to present a strange problem in
that when I rebuild the IDE it doesn't write the new version to
/root/.lazarus/lazarus, it stays in /usr/local/bin.  I'll figure it
out.  So that's why adding packages and rebuilding seemed to not work,
because I had lazarus-ide in my rxvt menu but the new versions were
ending up as /usr/local/bin/lazarus and I wasn't using them.
Rebuilding the real thing while I was running it crashed big time.

New questions:  Can I use my Deplhi 3 help files?  These are old-style
.hlp files, not .chm.  How can I change my help browser from Opera?
Firefox thinks it's default but Opera keeps getting called somehow.
The problem with it is that since it's not open source I'm actually
running a Linux binary under Linux emulation, which is slow.

I saw the illegal character error only once, doing a clean and build
got around it.

Now to try compiling this into an apk file...

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying to work around "Illegal character in format string"

2016-04-10 Thread Alan Corey
OK, I downloaded 1.6 overnight and installed it, haven't seen the
illegal character error since.

Nice to add: If the OS is one of the BSDs, Tools -> Options ->
Environment -> 'Make' executable should default to gmake on install.
Or just look for gmake in the path and default to it if found.
OpenBSD's make gives an error on -w as an argument which rebuilding
the IDE by the buttons at least uses.

There's no 'make uninstall' so I renamed my old lazarus directory and
installed beside it.  Should I have maybe removed ~/.lazarus?

I still can't get the chmhelp package to install, even after
upgrading, rebuilding the IDE, restarting.  It's mentioned in
~/.lazarus/idemake.cfg and ~/.lazarus/ but it still
shows with a green +.

Should I be able to get to the point where I can do ctrl-F1 on a
keyword in the editor to bring up help on it?  F1 in a field in Object
Inspector is working to bring up htmlhelp.

Whaddya mean read the documentation?  It doesn't even have a manpage. :)

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Trying to work around "Illegal character in format string"

2016-04-09 Thread Alan Corey
I guess I've got to get to the bottom of why I get this “Illegal
character in format string” error under OpenBSD.  I seem to be able to
work around it in programs I might write by taking the Run → Clean up
Build Files -> Clean up and Build approach.  But I don't seem to be
able to rebuild the IDE to add help packages

Trying to install chm help using the directions at

My Lazarus installed itself into /usr/local/share/lazarus

I built lhelp.ini by loading it into the ide and doing a clean and build.
Now I have an /usr/local/share/lazarus/components/chmhelp/lhelp/lhelp

Look for chmhelppkg: doing "save and rebuild IDE" to install it, got "illegal
character in format string". Did my usual fix, restarted the ide, but it
still shows as not installed.  I need to rebuild the IDE I think, but the
"save and rebuild" option is grayed out now.  Clicked the Help button for
opens in Opera (why Opera not Firefox, Firefox is the default?
Internal setting I guess)

Tools -> Build Lazarus from
"Illegal character in format string" again.  "clean and build", rebuilt
lhelp apparently.  Build with normal IDE gets me the same error, I'm in a
loop.  A similar thing happens when I try to install ExternHelp 1.3

Looking at configuring the build.  lazarus-ide is in /usr/local/bin so
I browsed to that
as the target directory.  gtk2, i386, openbsd.  Verbose, restart after
build.  Click build, watch.  After "Compiling IDEIntf 1.0" the Illegal
character error is back.  Click OK, IDE is still open so I close and reopen.

Package -> Install Packages.  chmhelp still has a green + and isn't

Trying inf help.  Going to

I ended up with 1 renamed zip which has in it fcl.inf, fpc_lang_ref.inf,
fpgui.inf, rtl.inf all dated Apr 4 2015

Created /usr/local/share/lazarus/components/infhelp1 and copied the infs in
there.  How to connect to them?

Back to rebuilding the ide.  Built lazbuild, trying lazbuild -B lazarus.lpi:
106110 lines compiled, 12.6 sec
8 warning(s) issued
64 hint(s) issued
"Compiling package SynEdit 1.0" completed
Start IDE, look under Packages, the help packages still aren't installed.

I don't know where this illegal character error is coming from, but I
didn't get it when I built and installed initially.

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus Digest, Vol 99, Issue 32

2016-04-08 Thread Alan Corey
Re: [Lazarus] Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation

OK, I was just hoping for a sentence or paragraph to be added to the
documentation.  In HTML you group radiobuttons by giving every button
in the group the same name but different values.  I started with a
tgroupbox then went to a tradiogroupbox when it didn't work.  Still
got -1 for ItemIndex so I defined some with tstrings and got a
duplicate set, but itemindex works on those.  Aha!  But a radio button
that doesn't belong to a group isn't much different than a checkbox.

I agree with most things said about documentation except that nobody
has time to read it all.  And it can change, so you have to keep
rereading.  Being a multilingual project complicates things too.  When
I started in Linux I read (and printed) howtos, took them very
seriously.  But by the time I got around to doing what I was reading
about I found the howtos were years old and almost worthless.

I don't have my internal help working yet, and it may not be as good
as Delphi's when I do.  So I Google a lot.  Documentation that looks
like it came out of doxygen turns me off because so much of it's bad.
Good internal help may be a thing of the past.

I've seen bad documentation that looks like it was written by
fledgling technical writers and tells you obvious things. I agree, the
programmer is the ultimate reference/authority but I've had to
document projects and didn't enjoy it either.  So I think some
compromise like the newbie tech writer writes it and the programmer
checks/edits it might work.  How that works in a multilingual
environment I haven't a clue.

Really, I'm sort of trying out Lazarus again.  A year or so when I
tried it last I kept getting an error which, from Googling, I thought
came from the fact that OpenBSD basically has no working locale and
little interest in it.  So I gave up on using it.  Now I find it's
better, and when I get the error doing a "clean up and build" seems to
always get rid of it.  "Illegal character in format string" I think it

On 4/8/16,
> Send Lazarus mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Lazarus digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation (Michael Van Canneyt)
>2. Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup
>   documentation (J?rgen Hestermann)
>3. Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation (Bart)
>4. Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup
>   documentation (Ondrej Pokorny)
>5. Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation (J?rgen Hestermann)
>6. Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup
>   documentation (J?rgen Hestermann)
>7. Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup
>   documentation (Ondrej Pokorny)
>8. Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Suggestion for TRadioGroup
>   documentation (Michael Thompson)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 17:35:46 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Michael Van Canneyt 
> Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation
> To: Lazarus mailing list 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> On Fri, 8 Apr 2016, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
>> On 2016-04-08 15:54, Michael Thompson wrote:
>>> To be fair, a TGroupBox gets things dropped in it, and both nomenclature
>>> and look/feel are similar.
>> I fully agree. As far as I can remember, even in my Delphi days I've
>> made that mistake of dropping radiobutton controls on a TRadioGroup.
>> Bart, it's not as obvious as you think. It's learning by error, and then
>> getting used to that fact.
> Or maybe read the documentation ? At least in the case of early Delphis
> that
> would have helped. (can't comment on current Lazarus)
> Thinking that you start without reading any form of documentation is an
> attitude which I highly condemn.
> Unfortunately, this attitude seems typical for IT.
> If NASA or Airbus or Boeing engineers would use that approach,
> I guess a lot of rockets, planes and whatnot would fall on our heads.
> I am glad they do not seem to have this attitude.
> Even cars come with a manual: usually located in the glove box, because
> your average citizen manages to open that without "Quick start guide".
> Michael.
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 18:56:16 +0200
> From: J?rgen Hestermann 

[Lazarus] Suggestion for TRadioGroup documentation

2016-04-08 Thread Alan Corey
I don't think the existing documentation stresses the point enough
that if you use individual TRadioButtons you won't be able to use
ItemIndex to find out which one is checked.  Creating a TRadioGroup as
a container then adding TRadioButtons to it does nothing useful,
ItemIndex is always -1.  Change Parent doesn't seem to fix it.  It
seems like that worked in Delphi, I rarely used string lists.

To use ItemIndex you have to populate the TRadioGroup using strings.
I haven't found out yet whether the strings can be changed under
program control, but I was building a context-sensitive menu, planning
on changing the captions on the buttons to suit the context

New to the list, I've got a resume at  I used mostly Delphi 3 from
when it first fascinated me about 1998 through the end of my last job
in 2009.  Turbo Pascal before that, VAX and Apple II Pascal before
that.  Used to tinker with Oberon Native.  I spend most of my time in
OpenBSD lately so I've been writing C for the last 6-7 years.  Delphi
was the thing I missed most about Windows.

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

Lazarus mailing list