Re: [Lazarus] Circular references and code quality

2011-10-04 Thread Thierry Coq

Avoiding circular references is of particular importance for big 
projects. I don't understand your rant here. Several years back, when I 
was making professional software in Delphi, I noted two things:
- big projects in Delphi tended to be smaller than equivalent big 
projects in other languages (C++, Java)
- big projects in Delphi benefited much from the (very fast) compilation 
times of Delphi, itself resulting in part from the prevention of 
circular references.

Typical big project = 1M+ lines of code.

When I measure quality these days in C++ or Java programs, I find a 
lot of copy/paste, big classes, and many, many circular references, so 
allowing circular references obviously doesn't solve the problems 
mentioned here.

I noticed you haven't mentioned three other possible means of reducing 
copy/paste and sharing code:

- events
- notification/publication,
- generics.

Your comment about having difficulty to read big units is valid, of 
course, if the unit holds diverse classes with poor cohesion between 
them. But if the classes need to work together closely, as implied by 
the need for circular references, then it improves readability that they 
are close together in the same unit.

Looking at another language: Ada also prevents circular references 
between packages, with quite some success in its intended area.  
Admittedly, the latest versions of the language do provide very 
interesting capabilities for adding new features to an existing package, 
without recompiling/changing anything in the original package. Maybe 
these sort of features in pascal could help you, while keeping the 
safety net of the pascal language.

Best regards,

On 04/10/2011 16:40, Marcos Douglas wrote:

2011/10/4 Juha

There is lots of duplicate code and data definitions between Lazarus
TProject and TLazPackage (and their ancestors).


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Where is the documentation for powtils?

2011-08-14 Thread Thierry Coq

I'm trying to use powtils to build an embedded web server. Powtils looks 
useful, but all links pointing to documentation are stale. Could anyone 
provide a valid link to powtils documentation, please? Available 
examples are small and do not describe the various functions and object 
types in detail.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New Spreadsheet interface component available for Excel and OO Calc

2011-02-13 Thread Thierry Coq

a new version is available here:, 
correcting glitches and adding improvements (see below).

A direct link to the download is here:

N° of rows and columns not yet implemented. I could have them next
My usual practice is to loop on the cells in a given row or column
until a
condition is met, for example 'end' in the cell value, or '' empty.

New functions are introduced on the ISheet interface: GetLastColumn and 
GetLastRow. That should help you. It took me a little time: I coded them 
in both Excel and OpenOffice.

Some remarks.
There is something wrong with TWorkBook.Close. When I have 
DisplayAlerts=TRUE then it always ask File FALSE.xlsx already exists. 
overwrite it ?. Maybe it should have DISPID_CLOSE instead of 

What should look like the correct procedure for closing Excel without 
save file ?

I use:

  ExcelWb.Close(false);   // Close with DISPID_CLOSE

You're right. This is corrected. The Close now calls DISPID_CLOSE.
You should Save or SaveAs the workbook before closing, or set 
displayalerts to false if you wish to close without saving.

and Excel process still exists untl I close my app.
With DISPID_CLOSE I see that the process releases some memory 
(probably correctly closes sheet) but the process still exists (hangs?).
Yes, I don't why yet. Certainly a bug in the interface somewhere. It 
doesn't happen for OpenOffice, though. I'm still looking into it. In the 
meantime, there should be no remaining compiler warnings or hints, 
except in the Pas_Uno_Bridge (needs some investigating).

I hope this helps,
Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] New Spreadsheet interface component available for Excel and OO Calc

2011-02-06 Thread Thierry Coq
Please find an upgrade of the ExcelInterface component, now called 
SpreadsheetInterface, here:

It allows programs to connect to Excel using the OLE interface, and 
connect to the Open Office Calc using the UNO bridge, using the same 
interface. The OLE and UNO details are hidden using interfaces. The Open 
Office Calc interface is very preliminary, but demonstrates basic cell 
editing: values, strings and formulas. It has been tested under Windows 
for the time being, and with Lazarus 0.9.29 and FPC 2.5.1.
The design and user manual is very limited, so please look at the test 
suite for examples on how to use.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks to the Pas Uno Bridge team, for their huge work!

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New Spreadsheet interface component available for Excel and OO Calc

2011-02-06 Thread Thierry Coq

thanks for trying it so fast.

Please, can you specify which compiler, which operating system, which 
lazarus you use, for the compiler test?

Do you have OpenOffice installed? The test executable is compiled to use 
open office by default: if it isn't installed, things like sal3.dll will 
be missing.

I'll try checking which conditions create the compiler error.

On 07/02/2011 00:08, faber wrote:

I try to test it, but no success,
bin file need cppu3.dll, I found it, then I need MSVCR70.dll, I found 
it, then I need sal3.dll - I give up.

I try to compile from source, then I get err:

ExcelUtilities.pas(839,38) Error: class type expected, but got 


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is there a tool to list all the string literals in your application?

2011-01-06 Thread Thierry Coq

On 04/01/2011 14:27, Frank Church wrote:

Is there a tool to list all the string literals in your application?
You might want to look at Pascal Analyzer. I think one of its tools 
lists all strings (Literal Strings Report). See here:


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] SVN user

2010-12-30 Thread Thierry Coq

On 29/12/2010 20:16, Peter Williams wrote:

Hi Henry,

 Apropos is an English word, I'd recommend a dictionary.
à propos is a french word reused by the english language, meaning in 
reference to, or about or sometimes a comment...

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Thank you for Lazarus!

2010-12-30 Thread Thierry Coq

Dear developer team,
thank you very much for the Lazarus project.
My very best wishes for this new year!
Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] I desperately need some ideas of reducing edit, compile, debug cycle

2010-11-28 Thread Thierry Coq

Hello Frank,

On 26/11/2010 20:56, Frank Church wrote:

Quite simply I am thinking of a way to create the application in 
parts, so that the parts containing the new functionality can be 
developed separately as standalone programs, perhaps even console 

The FPC/Lazarus way is really to use components as the way to break down 
the overall complexity of your application, and structure your 
components into packages, several components working together going into 
one package.
The dependency graph of your set of packages should be acyclic (no 
cycles), where the more stable components and interfaces are the most 
used, and the newer things are at the end of the dependency graph.

Traditionally, Delphi has supported dynamic package loading allowing 
plug-ins to be added dynamically. FPC doesn't do that yet, but making 
DLL's is still possible if you need that option. Compiling your packages 
statically into your application does the trick nicely otherwise.

There are many books about making components for Delphi, those should be 
useful to you, especially those describing how to write non-GUI 
components (domain objects) as well as linking GUIs to domain objects.

Additionally, Peter Coad has a nice list of patterns for components that 
could be useful. It's in his book UML in color with Java, but very 
readable. The UML tool, ModelMaker, now implements Coad's color pattern 
and can help with your design. It parses most of FPC/Lazarus code.

My own site has a few non-visual components that may 
provide examples, especially the Excel interface unit. You've got an 
example of how to independently test a component.

I hope this helps,
Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Logging class or some kind of writeln for Lazarus

2010-10-23 Thread Thierry Coq

There is also TLog4Delphi class. I don't know if it is ported to FPC yet.

On 22/10/2010 20:47, Frank Church wrote:

Are there some  FPC/Lazarus class for logging events?

Frank Church


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Reading a spreadsheet with fpspreadsheet

2010-07-31 Thread Thierry Coq

On 29/07/2010 16:53, Koenraad Lelon wrote:

My application would be a transcoder. I get excel-files from a customer,
and I need a csv-like output. This is read by a proprietary application.
What I do now is read the excel-file in OOo or MS-Excel, save it as csv
and, with an editor, I fix the file (with a bunch of replaces) so that
the prop. application can read the file.
I would like to automate this : just read the excel-file and have the
output-file ready to read.
I could start from OOo format, it would be one step more than I would
like, but a lot less work than now.

I'll have a look at the OOo demo's.


Koenraad Lelong.

If you're interested in an alternative: ExcelInterfaces provides an 
interface to Excel using the COM interface. This is very stable over 
time. One asks for the data directly through Excel installed. It's 
possible to read/write data, and also to format the spreadsheets.

Take a look here, if your other solutions don't work. I'm also always 
interested in feedback.

I hope this helps

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Reading a spreadsheet with fpspreadsheet

2010-07-31 Thread Thierry Coq

The link is here:


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Updating an app on the fly

2010-06-19 Thread Thierry Coq


I was assuming that something like that would be needed for the 
dll/so, but the particular point I'm interested in is whether the main 
app /has/ to be restarted, or if there are hacks that can get around 

which suggests that there are limits as to what can go into a dll/so.

In Delphi, it was possible to create components in a dynamic package, 
store the packages in a plug-in directory, and have the application look 
at the plug-in directory to load the various functions in the components.

Basically a dynamic package is just a dynamic library, with some 
intelligent work to identify the components inside. The dynamic 
loading of packages is not yet in FPC.

However, it is possible to emulate this behavior.
Look up the dynamic loading example here:
I've tested that some time ago for windows and it seems to work. I 
haven't tested for Linux, though.

If you have any suggestions to improve that example, please send them ;-)

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-07 Thread Thierry Coq

Maxim Ganetsky wrote:

06.03.2010 22:38, Thierry Coq пишет:

As a user, I don't understand the team structure, now how can I report a
bug or contribute to its correction? This should be clearer, in my 

That's really strange. Have a look at

Thanks ;-)

This doesn't solve the issue on when this bug will be corrected, what 
path will it take, who can correct or test the correction, etc. The 
casual (would-be) contributor such as myself seems excluded and not 
really wanted. This is a perception that I have, unwillingly.

For the moment, Lazarus is enough for my prototyping, and I'm waiting 
for a stable, 1.0 version. Until then, there is no chance as a 
professional developer that I could recommend this tool, although it 
shows great promise. In the meantime, I develop a few components, 
testing such issues such as COM/DCOM and dynamic loading of libraries, 
and hoping my code has as few dependencies as possible.

I just hope for the best, and that Lazarus 1.0, stable, will come out.

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-07 Thread Thierry Coq

Marco van de Voort wrote:

On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 06:46:56PM +0100, Thierry Coq wrote:
This doesn't solve the issue on when this bug will be corrected, what 
path will it take, who can correct or test the correction, etc. The 
casual (would-be) contributor such as myself seems excluded and not 
really wanted. This is a perception that I have, unwillingly.


This list, for example.
For the moment, Lazarus is enough for my prototyping, and I'm waiting 
for a stable, 1.0 version. Until then, there is no chance as a 
professional developer that I could recommend this tool, although it 
shows great promise. In the meantime, I develop a few components, 
testing such issues such as COM/DCOM and dynamic loading of libraries, 

COM is getting better, slowly (noticable in 2.5.1, but still not perfect,
specially wrt exceptions. Will be in FPC 2.6 at the earliest).
Yes, I'm very happy about that. It's already possible to work with COM, 
although the coding is a manual activity. I've done a COM interface to 
Excel which works quite nicely.

I don't see any big development (or interest from _contributing_ users) in
dynamic libraries. (and there are many pitfalls and multiplatform gotcha's
here. There is not even a good inventorisation what should work how). So
unless somebody is going to invest major amounts of times, I don't see this
happening in say the coming two years _AT LEAST_.
Yes, the effort is probably large. The Lazarus team has done the same 
multi-platform miracle for GUIs, so it could be done. I know for a fact 
dynamic loading can be done in some cases, as I have done preliminary 
testing on the subject and have demonstrated it can be done (manually) 
with the current environment. It could be possible at least to be able 
to load packages compiled with the same version (of FPC and Lazarus). 
The principle of one code, compiling for each platform could be 
applicable here, too.

I completely agree that loading packages built with other compilers than 
FPC would much more arduous. So maybe there is a staged path to add this 

So there would be limits and caveats, but it would still be a great 
feature of Lazarus in its effort to be compatible with Delphi.

More importantly though, most of this are FPC features, and not Lazarus so
unrelated to Lazarus 1.0 or not.
No, I don't believe dynamic packages is only a FPC feature. Being able 
to dynamically load components in the IDE without recompiling would be a 
great improvement in FPC, as well as implementing one of the oldest 
features of Delphi. It would also allow people like me, users of Lazarus 
and builders of components to have a more external view away from the 
internals of Lazarus, and maybe create an ecosystem for lazarus components.

Also being able to load dynamically packages would be a great benefit 
for creating easily configurable or extensible applications.

Don't take my constructive wishes for Lazarus improvements for anything 
worse than what they are: I'm very happy that Lazarus exists, and I try 
to use it as much as possible. I wish to thank the core team for this 
great piece of work!

Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-06 Thread Thierry Coq

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

As a user, I'm very happy the Lazarus team is providing an alternative 
to Delphi, on top of FPC. I'm starting to use Lazarus to make small 
utilities, where the GUI needs are not so great. The compiler and basic 
GUI are quite good now, I'm just waiting for the famous Lazarus 1.0 now.

I would gladly contribute 100 EUR to BUY such a product and help 
maintain the product.

I have also been seeing more and more developers complaining that
their patches are not even being looked at - the core team seem to be
preoccupied with other stuff. Yes I know we are all busy and have REAL
jobs, but then give more developers write access and delicate work to
those developers. The fixes branch has been totally unusable for
months because the form designer is broken (you cannot move/resize
components) and nothing is being done regarding that - even though it
has been reported numerous times. Then there is the common known fact
that if you port a component or implement your own component, it's
guaranteed to not work or compile one or two Lazarus minor.minor
versions later (I explicitly mention minor.minor because Lazarus
doesn't increase major or minor versions - not it my lifetime at
least). So this means developers (which are also busy) must keep
fixing old/existing work.
As a user, I don't understand the team structure, now how can I report a 
bug or contribute to its correction? This should be clearer, in my opinion.

Then developers like myself, which try and promote FPC and Lazarus IDE
in the corporate environment, hoping to catch a break and get some
corporate sponsorship for Lazarus, is having an endless battle. I
personally have run out of options in what to recommend to such new
clients/developers. The supposed to be stable fixes branch is
broken. The trunk branch is changing to much for corporate on
independent developers to use in commercial environment because it's
often broken after a svn update or features are partially implement
(expected from a trunk branch I supposed). But that leaves no real
stable working version of Lazarus!
We absolutely need a stable 1.xx version to promote Lazarus in the 
corporate world, plus a team dedicated to its maintenance, somehow.

In any case, thank you all for this,

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] ActiveX component with Lazarus

2010-03-01 Thread Thierry Coq

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Mon, 1 Mar 2010, Arí Ricardo Ody wrote:

The company where I work here is thinking about buy an component to 
handle RSA hash codes.

After install it can I use the methods in a FPC/Lazarus program just 
as showed in the examples for Delphi?

No, you can't.
No you can't, not unless you're ready to write a wrapper to call the 
Active-X automation.

I did this around Excel's automation code (see here: ) and this takes quite a while! However, it's easy 
to do, once you have set up the root classes. It's just fastidious 
depending on the amount of data and operations you want to handle.

Best regards,


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] library initialization finalization syntax

2010-02-25 Thread Thierry Coq
Libraries are standard features, also available in Delphi. I use them 

Best regards,

Bernd Kreuss wrote:

Hash: SHA1

library libtest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  MessageBox(0, 'loaded', 'library', 0);
  MessageBox(0, 'unloading', 'library', 0);

This will compile and will pop up the messageboxes (at least on windows
it does) but the quick syntax check will complain and also
ctrl+space and shift+space to get autocompletion and calltips
won't work anymore inside these sections and JCF code formatting will
also fail.

Is the usage of these sections in libraries an undocumented feature that
only works by accident or should I try to find a fix for the syntax
check when I have some time?


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Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] library initialization finalization syntax

2010-02-25 Thread Thierry Coq


I need to check the latest version. My current production version of 
Lazarus is getting old ;-)


Mattias Gartner wrote:

Zitat von Thierry Coq

Bernd Kreuss wrote:

Hash: SHA1

library libtest;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


MessageBox(0, 'loaded', 'library', 0);
MessageBox(0, 'unloading', 'library', 0);

This will compile and will pop up the messageboxes (at least on windows
it does) but the quick syntax check will complain and also
ctrl+space and shift+space to get autocompletion and calltips
won't work anymore inside these sections and JCF code formatting will
also fail.

Is the usage of these sections in libraries an undocumented feature 

only works by accident or should I try to find a fix for the syntax
check when I have some time?



Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Hiding Comments

2010-02-15 Thread Thierry Coq

Hello all,

I join theo in asking for such features, my emphasis is on having more 
structured comments embedded in the code. For example, storing the 
design model, requirements, or traceability to the design and 
requirements. Of course, this would be awkward to manage if a feature 
like the one theo asks is not available. Even better, if there were a 
system to manage the structure of the comments (and turn them on/off), 
maybe in some XML-like syntax...

For example, I would love to be able to mention the Big-O notation of 
the algorithms in a structured manner that can be recovered 
automatically, and can be optionally hidden in the code when not useful.

Best regards,

theo wrote:

I know this is probably hard to implement but I sometimes would really
like to have it. ;-)
I have some heavily commented code, be it for the following reasons.
- Comments explaining what the following code is doing, sometimes line
by line.
- Comments which keep some thoughts of previous implementations in
code (not for shipping) but which might be helpful and be it only for
not going that route again.
- Some todo stuff (I know about the todo feature).

I think it would be helpful to hide all comments at times, because while
helpful, they make reading the actually working code a lot harder.

Does anybody know if this is implemented somewhere in other IDEs?
Does anybody else think this would be a good feature?
Does anybody have a suggestion how to implement this?

Don't beat me, it's just a question and I have no answer. ;-)


Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Call Load/Unload library from procedure

2010-02-03 Thread Thierry Coq


I confirm the calling conventions should match. Maybe try using the 
pascal calling convention to debug your code, it is more robust.

In addition, using strings in DLL calls is a bad idea for a beginner. 
Start with arrays of char or PChar.
Allocate the memory to the PCHAR and pass it as a parameter to the DLL. 
Don't forget to provide the length of the string, so there is no buffer 

For more complex calls, and if you compile your own DLLs, you might want 
to look here for an example (Dynamic Loading Library):, it reproduces the dynamic loading 
equivalent in Delphi.


cobines wrote:

2010/2/3 fabio

I need help with libraries. I'm working on Win XP with lazarus 0.9.29
and fpc 2.4.1.
I attached sample project app and project library.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or something I do not know, the
problem is that when I use library in public form procedure I get the
Access Violation when procedure is ended.

I'll be grateful for help.

You have specified different calling conventions: cdecl in main
program and stdcall in the library. I think calling conventions should


Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] What's the hold-up with Lazarus v1.0?

2009-11-28 Thread Thierry Coq
I vote for that: Lazarus 0.9.28 feels very mature, even when compiled 
with FPC 2.3.1 or 2.4.0 RC. The community of users needs to be more 
visible. Getting Lazarus 1.0 out would be great!

Best regards,

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

2009/11/28 Paul Ishenin

So what exactly is the Lazarus team afraid of in getting to v1.0?

Bugs in the tracker.

Well Paul, even if you were at v11 you would still have bugs. Where is
Delphi at the moment v12, v13? And still there are many bugs.

There is NO software without bugs. I think version numbers should
rather reflect features, and Lazarus sure has plenty of those to boast


Maybe the next version will be 1.0 rc1 instead of 0.9.30

That would be great - plus it would stop those idiotic posts. If one
those users bothered to try Lazarus. I'm pretty sure they will once it
hit the v1 mark.

Also seeing that Delphi will soon (two or so years) have a Linux and
Mac version, Lazarus should try and grap as much of the market share
as they can. Currently cross-platform development is one of FPC and
Lazarus's biggest strengths - so play towards those strengths while
they last, and you guys have the upper hand against Delphi an that
ground (for the next two plus years at least)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Code Metrics and Project Analysis

2009-11-17 Thread Thierry Coq


Have you tried Pascal Analyzer from Peganza here :

Best regards,

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Can Lazarus IDE report on a Project or Package any statistics?

eg: % code lines, % comment lines, total no of lines of code, number of
units etc..?

If not, anybody know of such a tool I can use on Object Pascal code?

  - Graeme -


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] OpenWire for lazarus available at SourceForge

2009-10-26 Thread Thierry Coq


Boian Mitov wrote:

 Hi folks,
I have added a Lazarus under Windows compatible OpenWire version at 
It requires the 0014881 patch in order to work. Hopefully the patch 
will be applied to Lazarus sometime soon.
This version is tested only under Windows at the moment, and only 
limited testing has been done, but all the basic functionality appears 
to work.
I will be working on Linux version next. I have it rebuilding there, 
but there are some threading issues that need to be resolved.
With best regards,

  Boian Mitov

Mitov Software

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Installing Lazarus 0.9.29 trunk on fpc 2.5.1 trunk: can't make clean all?

2009-10-25 Thread Thierry Coq
So I installed lazarus trunk on FPC 2.4.0 (RC1). Apart from a few issues 
(debian script does not recognize patch version 0, lazarus and fpc 
installed in /usr/share instead of /usr/lib), it now works.

There seems to be an issue between FPC 2.5.1 and Lazarus.


Thierry Coq wrote:

FPC svn : 13949
Lazarus svn : 22279
Ubuntu 8.04

Installing FPC and Lazarus from the trunk seems fine. But...

the units directories in Lazarus are not created.

So when I do a make clean all to recompile lazarus, I get:
lclmemmanager.pas(100,37) Error: Cannot access a private field of an 
object here
lclmemmanager.pas(100,53) Error: Cannot access a private field of an 
object here
lclmemmanager.pas(104,1) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, 

Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Erreur 1
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.28/lcl »
make: *** [lcl] Erreur 2

Has somebody seen this before? Is it reproducible? Can I make it a bug?


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-25 Thread Thierry Coq


The EXACT same code compiles and (mostly) works on Linux (Ubuntu 8.04, 
Lazarus 0.9.29, FPC 2.4.0 (RC1)). I had to change a few paths. This is nice!

Thierry Coq wrote:


I did a first port of DrawObjects to Lazarus on Windows. I'm now 
working on the Linux version.

The source code, test code, UML model and screen shots are 
downloadable here:

Some UML design and screenshots are available here:

The TODO list records what still has to be done. I hope to write a 
testimonial on how this graphical component was ported to Lazarus, 
what were the issues and how they were resolved (or not).

The original contributor is Angus Johnson. I've added a composite 
component that could be very useful to answer Osvaldo's needs for UML 

The licence is MPL 1.1.

All comments are welcome.

Best regards,
Thierry. wrote:


maybe this one is a good starting point if you want to do it in pascal.

There is a library called drawing objects, licence is MPL 1.1.



Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Installing Lazarus 0.9.29 trunk on fpc 2.5.1 trunk: can't make clean all?

2009-10-25 Thread Thierry Coq

I did this at around 4 o'clock this morning...

svn co lazarus

Is this OK?

Paul Ishenin wrote:

Thierry Coq wrote:
I wasn't able to install FPC trunk and lazarus trunk using the 
procedure described for lazarus. I was able to do it for FPC 2.4.0 
and lazarus trunk. I described the issue with the private fields not 
accessible. I'm just reporting what I did, and what were the results. 
If somebody can check that, that'll be fine.
It is seems to me that you are using not the trunk but 0.9.28 branch. 
Or maybe your trunk is not uptodate?

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-25 Thread Thierry Coq

 A screen copy can be found here:

Thierry Coq wrote:


The EXACT same code compiles and (mostly) works on Linux (Ubuntu 8.04, 
Lazarus 0.9.29, FPC 2.4.0 (RC1)). I had to change a few paths. This is 

Thierry Coq wrote:


I did a first port of DrawObjects to Lazarus on Windows. I'm now 
working on the Linux version.

The source code, test code, UML model and screen shots are 
downloadable here:

Some UML design and screenshots are available here:

The TODO list records what still has to be done. I hope to write a 
testimonial on how this graphical component was ported to Lazarus, 
what were the issues and how they were resolved (or not).

The original contributor is Angus Johnson. I've added a composite 
component that could be very useful to answer Osvaldo's needs for UML 

The licence is MPL 1.1.

All comments are welcome.

Best regards,
Thierry. wrote:


maybe this one is a good starting point if you want to do it in pascal.

There is a library called drawing objects, licence is MPL 1.1.



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Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-24 Thread Thierry Coq


I did a first port of DrawObjects to Lazarus on Windows. I'm now working 
on the Linux version.

The source code, test code, UML model and screen shots are downloadable 

Some UML design and screenshots are available here:

The TODO list records what still has to be done. I hope to write a 
testimonial on how this graphical component was ported to Lazarus, what 
were the issues and how they were resolved (or not).

The original contributor is Angus Johnson. I've added a composite 
component that could be very useful to answer Osvaldo's needs for UML 

The licence is MPL 1.1.

All comments are welcome.

Best regards,
Thierry. wrote:


maybe this one is a good starting point if you want to do it in pascal.

There is a library called drawing objects, licence is MPL 1.1.




Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Debugging: Some thanks is in order

2009-10-24 Thread Thierry Coq
I second that. I have been debugging some delphi code I was porting to 
Lazarus, and getting the information, step by step, was very helpful.

Good work!
Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


I was one of those developers that strongly voiced my opinion on the bad
state of debugging in the Lazarus IDE. Well, I am also one to give
thanks when it is due...

Now is such a time. I hardly every debug directly in the IDE and
stepping through code. I just did not work for me. Yesterday, I updated
my Lazarus and FPC 2.3.1, and debugged some complex code reading binary
data and doing pointer arithmetic. It was the first time that stepping
through code and asking for variable information via tooltip debugging
worked for me. :-)

So thanks again to everybody that added better debugging support in FPC
and Lazarus IDE. I really appreciate your efforts, and the recent
changes made a HUGE difference in the debugging experience. Awesome work!

  - Graeme -


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Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy Logic

2009-10-24 Thread Thierry Coq

Hello Fernando,

usually, the best way to look for components is to look for Lazarus + 
whatever it is, then if it is not successful, then go to Delphi + 

In this particular case, Delphi Fuzzy Logic immediately brings up 
efg's lab (which I should have thought of immediately). See this page:

You'll find the what's fuzz components:

which should give you some initial input.

Since you're trying to make non-graphical components, the port should be 
very straightforward.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Fernando Grant wrote:

Hello! I'm new to the list and new to lazarus but usual developer on
delphi (until now).

I'm looking for some kind of component or whatever of Fuzzy Logic, I can
make my own, but it is unnesessary if there is already one.

I didn't find it googleing ¿is there anyone?
If there isn't, I will probably develop one and give it to the

Fernando Grant.

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[Lazarus] Installing Lazarus 0.9.29 trunk on fpc 2.5.1 trunk: can't make clean all?

2009-10-24 Thread Thierry Coq

FPC svn : 13949
Lazarus svn : 22279
Ubuntu 8.04

Installing FPC and Lazarus from the trunk seems fine. But...

the units directories in Lazarus are not created.

So when I do a make clean all to recompile lazarus, I get:
lclmemmanager.pas(100,37) Error: Cannot access a private field of an 
object here
lclmemmanager.pas(100,53) Error: Cannot access a private field of an 
object here
lclmemmanager.pas(104,1) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, 

Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Erreur 1
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/lib/lazarus/0.9.28/lcl »
make: *** [lcl] Erreur 2

Has somebody seen this before? Is it reproducible? Can I make it a bug?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus International Games Contest

2009-10-19 Thread Thierry Coq

Hello Antônio,
could you please explain the rules?
- executable, source code?
- test cases?
- size?

What criterias to win?
Best regards

Antônio wrote:
Send your game made with Lazarus to the Lazarus International Games 
Contest promoted by LazarusBrasil.Org until December, 31, 2009. Send 
it by email to with the subject Lazarus 
International Games Contest. The best game will have a page to it in 
our website.


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Has somebody tried using some GExperts with Lazarus?

2009-10-18 Thread Thierry Coq

Alexander Klenin wrote:

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 00:48, Thierry Coq wrote:

I was looking indeed for the multi-line component palette so that many
components can be used in the IDE. I tend to develop and use components a

If you expand the main Lazarus window down, and then make it narrow enough,
you will see that component palette buttons rearrange in several rows.
Is it counten ad multi-line palette?

Thank you very much for this answer. I wans't aware of this feature.

No, it's not what I expected. The feature is useful, though, and could 
complement the multi-line tab idea. I was expecting the component tabs 
itself to go multi line, like standard, additional, common 
controls, dialogs on two or several lines.


Thierry Coq

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Has somebody tried using some GExperts with Lazarus?

2009-10-17 Thread Thierry Coq

Dear all,
through the OpenTools API, Delphi is enhanced a lot, and all is 
customizable by the developer.

I remember using it to have multi-line component tabs. It was 
interesting when one has many components available.


Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Help needed for conference...

2009-10-17 Thread Thierry Coq

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Geoffray wrote:

Hi the list...

You probably don't know me but I'm for years a Lazarus fan.

I have to prepare a conference for February 2010 in my LUG. The main 
theme is

to give a good idea of what are Lazarus and Free Pascal with technical
demonstration. This is the easy part... The public will be mainly 
Delphi users
(including companies) that want to move from Delphi to Free Pascal. 
So I need
help with details about which problems they can meet, the solutions, 

feature, and not (yet) supported ones...

Having ported/developed some applications, the main problems when 
porting are IMHO:

a) They should not expect to find the same components in Lazarus as in 
(This concerns mostly DB components, web components. GUI is mostly 

b) Third-party components are usually not usable.
(unless that company supports FPC, which is unlikely)

c) Cross-platform development means:
- No Windows API. (e.g. the registry).
- SizeOf(integer)SizeOf(Pointer)!
- No assembler

And under no circumstances promote '1 source for both Delphi/Lazarus'
because that is a recipe for problems :(
+1: I agree so much on that. Port the code to Lazarus, and then stay 
there, currently! It's very possible to have back-end (no GUI) 
components that are delphi- and lazarus- compatible, but then you're 
forgoing some of the advanced goodies of Delphi OR Lazarus/FPC, like 
operator overloading and generics (improperly called class templates). 
Also the COM work is, for the moment, harder in Lazarus/FPC, although 
possible, as well as dynamic package loading.

Honestly, I wish it were different. Some components like GlScene I would 
love to have compatibility Delphi/Lazarus, but it seems so difficult.

IMHO, It would be a very good idea to have a tutorial, targeted to 
professional IT guys:

- on porting graphics,
- on porting interfaces to Office,
- on doing dynamic package loading,
- on porting DB-related code,
- etc.

I would be ready to help on the first point, as I'm doing the exercise 
right now for TDrawObject, as well as the second and third, also.

This is a very good initiative, by the way.

Good luck,


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[Lazarus] LUG for France?

2009-10-17 Thread Thierry Coq

Is there a Lazarus User Group for France, BTW?

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] LUG for France?

2009-10-17 Thread Thierry Coq

thanks Wile64,

I'll register there.

wile64 wrote:

You have group we making set of components for lazarus.
Like loupe, gauge, wince  sync, db acces and more.

See here

Svn here

Laurent de mon pda.

- Message d'origine -
De: Thierry Coq
Env: samedi 17 octobre 2009 18:36
À: General mailing list
Objet: [Lazarus] LUG for France?

Is there a Lazarus User Group for France, BTW?

Best regards,

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Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-08 Thread Thierry Coq

Interesting, it's based on TGraphicControl which Lazarus also has.

How much of the code is Windows-related? Would it be difficult to 
make-it platform independent?

Thierry wrote:


maybe this one is a good starting point if you want to do it in pascal.

There is a library called drawing objects, licence is MPL 1.1.




Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-08 Thread Thierry Coq
If it's easy to port, I might give it a try, to port to Lazaurus, using 
only portable code. I might have to ask some help, though.

It would take additional time to add specific UML drawings, as it would 
soon become necessary to distinguish between view and subject objets, as 
per the OMG metamodel. We'll see.

Thanks Matthias!

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Thu, 08 Oct 2009 15:44:32 +0200
Thierry Coq wrote:


Interesting, it's based on TGraphicControl which Lazarus also has.

How much of the code is Windows-related? Would it be difficult to 
make-it platform independent?

After a quick glance: it should be easy to port.



maybe this one is a good starting point if you want to do it in

There is a library called drawing objects, licence is MPL 1.1.


Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Build graph application (like uml design)

2009-10-04 Thread Thierry Coq
OpenGL could be a portable answer, maybe GLScene (but 2D objects need to 
be added)!

There is a tool called StarUML written in Delphi. I don't know if it has 
been ported to Lazarus.

Osvaldo Filho wrote:

How can do this:

Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Request for student project ideas

2009-09-13 Thread Thierry Coq
This idea about an Oberon front-end is very interesting. I second that 


Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Alexander Klenin schrieb:

I would ask to implement modern delphi language features like:
- anonymous methods
- for-in loop
- class constructors and destructors
- support for strict private and strict protected sections
- abstract and sealed classes
- class const, class var, class type, class property

Anyway, sooner or later delphi developers will use them more and 
more and

there will be a need to port that code to fpc.

These are obvious candidates for me too, but although they are good 

they are rather hard -- for advanced students only.

ACK, all these tasks required deep insight into the existing compiler
code and data structures :-(

Perhaps a somewhat simpler goal: add the new Attributes syntax to the
parser, and check for possible implementations. I don't understand the
hype and problems with these new attributes - is it really more than
adding an Attributes:TStrings property to TObject?

And another one: an Oberon front-end for FPC! {$mode OBERON}
The language should be close enough to Pascal, so that the 
implementation of the parser should not be a big deal. More difficult: 
the interface to the existing compiler.

There is much room for sub-projects, like garbage collection.

The same for other languages (Java, C...). Wouldn't it be nice to have 
a C front-end or {$MODE C} for opening the world of existing C code 
(at least: header files) to FPC? See my ToPas project on SourceForge, 
that implements an preprocessor and parser for C, written in Delphi 
OPL - it could be extended by an interface to the FPC compiler.


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Support for dynamic libararies/package ; Is this like bpl?

2009-09-12 Thread Thierry Coq

you should ask the FPC team directly, I suggest. A release candidate of 
2.4 is out (2.3.1 or something). How much is implemented?

In the meantime, it's possible to do Dispinterfaces and dispid in 2.2, 
although it is a manual activity. See my ExcelInterface unit as an 
example (here :

An on the Lazarus page (here:, there 
is an example of dynamic libraries on Lazarus. Also manual, but works.

Hope this helps,

Osvaldo Filho wrote:

Support for dynamic libararies/package ; Is this like bpl?

Freepascal future plan
# Next major Version (2.4)

* Language:
  o Support for DispInterface and dispid (OLE binding on Windows).
  o Support for dynamic libararies/package

Lazarus mailing list


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Request for student project ideas

2009-09-12 Thread Thierry Coq

Alexander Klenin wrote:

As some of you may already know, I teach programming in Far Eastern
National University
and encourage students to participate in open source projects for
their course works.
Among opensource projects I recommend are Free Pascal and Lazarus.

Last year one of my students already participated in FPC development
with moderate success (see

This year, I expect 1-3 more students to choose Lazarus/FPC for their projects.
So I request community for a suitable ideas -- projects should be
reasonably self-contained, not too hard, require actual coding and
be interesting enough to motivate students.
Students will work on projects they select from October 2009 to April 2010.


Another thing possible is to implement the package mechanism.

Most of the basic stuff is already in the compiler (dynamic libraries, 
RTTI, etc), but there is a need to bring that together in something 
easily usable (maybe add a XML-based manifest in the package, add some 
code to check compiler compatibilities, etc). Demos can be provided and 
I can provide support to one or several students on how to achieve. Of 
course, the FPC and Lazarus team needs to tell us how they want to 
integrate the feature. We can also breakdown the work so that it is 
achieved over a couple of years..

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] New version of Excel Interface unit available

2009-08-26 Thread Thierry Coq

A new version of ExcelInterface is now available (version 0.4) here:

It's provided as is, under the MPL 1.1 license.

This is unfinished work, but the version 0.4 has the minimum necessary 
to do

useful stuff with the interface, and more:
- creating and loading excel workbooks,
- saving workbooks,
- creating and accessing sheets,
- getting values and setting values (and formulas) in cells,
- getting and changing cell format
- creating comments,
- creating shapes,
- creating charts.

There is no user manual, but the test example in the Tests directory 
provides an example
for each function, so it should be easy to use. In addition, Excel' VB 
documentation should

be also very useful.

It provides a very clear demonstration COM programming (although a 
manual activity) is entirely possible in FPC 2.2.4 and Lazarus.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New version of Excel Interface unit available

2009-08-26 Thread Thierry Coq

Yes, there are several alternatives now to read/write spreadsheets:
a) - using CSV files,
b) - using XML files,
c) - using FPSpreadsheet,
d) - now using ExcelInterface.

Unlike a) and b) ExcelInterface controls Excel directly using the COM 
interface, so the interaction with the Excel program is immediate: 
formulas can be written and and evaluated automatically by the Excel 
solver, the user can input data with Excel filled-in spreadsheets, the 
format itself is rendered immediately, moving shapes also move 
connectors automatically. It also requires less manual work from the 

Unlike c) ExcelInterface provides many additional facilities in addition 
to the cells and values: formulas, formats, comments, shapes, diagrams, 
etc. and works on many Excel versions.

ExcelInterface brings the power of Excel to FPC and Lazarus as a sort of 
additional external component.

In the future, I hope to add a similar interface to link to OpenOffice, 
so as:
- to have the same interface to generate either OpenOffice or Excel 

- to be able to run the interface on Linux.


Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Leslie wrote:

Tip for a basic and simple solution (Windows but presumably similar on other
platforms?) you can just write your data to a Comma Separated Variable (csv)
text file and do a ShellExecute 'open' on it.

Or you can generate a spreadsheet with the fpspreadsheet library:


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New version of Excel Interface unit available

2009-08-26 Thread Thierry Coq

Good idea, Felipe, ;-)

I will do so

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

Some time ago there were people asking in the forum how to use COM to
interface with Excel.

I think it would be cool if you could add a link to this component in
the Lazarus wiki for easier future reference:


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