I'd like to ask how to bundle offline HTML help to *.lpk package, to make key 
[F1] work.
I've created some units as a part of project and documentation (using FPDoc).
I created package, copied units and xml documentation there. I renamed xml 
headers (package name) and created html using console:
$ fpdoc --format=html ..... 
I set the path in Package dialog -> Options -> IDE Integration -> FPDoc 
settings / Search path to "docs".
Directory structure is:
$(PkgOutDir) ... pas, inc, lpk, lrs files
$(PkgOutDir)/docs ... xml files
$(PkgOutDir)/docs/html ... html files
When I start a new  project and I place component from my package there 
(project must be saved):
- when I hover identifier, Lazarus displays correct hint with desription, OK
- when I open FPDoc editor, it works too, when I place carret in Source Editor 
on identifier, OK
- when I press F1, Lazarus shows dialog: No help found for line 36, column 35 
of /media/disk/v1/Projects/Test/packagehelp/unit1.pas
When I try to press F1 for other identifiers, it works. Example: TForm opens 
default web browser with online help: 
What should I do? 
Vojtěch aka Blaazen 

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