
the searchfunction of the Lazarus-relevant sites isn't the best one. And to find all informations, you have to search on different sites and a standard Google-search returns a lot of irrelevant results.

Why we don't should use a mature technologie, adjusted specially for FPC/Lazarus? I have defined such a sourceengine, powered by Google and build a small site. On this site, everyone can find an Lazarus/FPC-relatet search-field which returns only sites from related domains. For comfortable use the site contains furthermore a searchfeld for a standard-websearch.

Initially, the site is located under the following URL:

www.search.lazarusforum.de <http://www.search.lazarusforum.de>

If someone know relevant sites which are not listet, please send me an Email, so that I could add more sites.

A new URL will follow if the site is adequate frequented.

regards Johannes

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