Re: RAS hits the news

2005-09-27 Thread Steve Allen
On Mon 2005-09-26T10:27:11 -0400, John.Cowan hath writ:
 In addition, since GPS time is TAI - 19s, the GPS-UTC difference will
 eventually overflow any fixed-sized transmission packet (if transmitted
 as a delta or as a table, it makes no difference in the end).

Yes, but (as already mentioned) that does not preclude getting the
difference between GPS and UTC right for the immediate future (by
which I mean the expected useful life of most GPS receivers) with the
addition of a little bit of heuristic algorithm that predicts the
magnitude of the 8-bit signed Delta-t_LS as compared with the 10-bit

Today is a big day for GPS, for the launch of the first of the next
generation of SVs just happened.

The new GPS L2 ICD that describes the Block IIF SVs
is available via this web page
under the link that reads ICD-GPS-200 Rev. C

There are two significant additions in the Block IIF signals.

6.2.5 and indicate that bits 7 through 22 of word ten in
page 25 of subframe 5 will be a 16-bit integer giving the calendar
year (curiously it does not specify whether this is signed or
unsigned, but the Control Segment has around 14000 years to clarify
that point). indicate that bits 39 through 51 of L2 CNAV message type
1 will be a 13-bit unsigned integer which extends the range of the
existing Transmission Week Number from 1024 weeks to 8192 weeks.
This extends the ability of a GPS receiver to tell when it is from not
quite 20 years to over 150 years, which should be longer than any GPS
receiver is likely to last.  Unfortunately, 30.3.2 indicates that
message types 1 and 2 are temporary and will be replaced by the as yet
undefined messages 7 through 9.  This no doubt will reduce the
likelihood that a GPS receiver will bother to use them.

The inclusion of calendar year is an interesting addition to the
original week-based scheme.  The week-based scheme was perhaps chosen
while noting that the week remained intact when Pope Gregory (and
then, eventually, all the protestants) switched calendars.  Thus the
GPS scheme is probably robust against anything short of adoption of
the doomed-to-fail World Calendar schemes which proposed the
intercalation of weekday-free days, but which had little hope of ever
being adopted.  As such the inclusion of calendar year does not
prohibit the adoption of new calendars with new year schemes so long
as the change is adopted with sufficient lead time to permit the
firmware in GPS receivers to be updated.

With the calendar year available, the fact is that the signed 8-bit
quantity Delta-t_LS is no longer a limitation.  It will be something
like 3 years before the combination of calendar year and
Delta-t_LS values is incapable of producing an unambiguous result.

On Mon 2005-09-26T11:26:00 -0700, Tom Van Baak hath writ:
 The other point I was trying to make is that there are
 web pages that still claim that GPS WILL FAIL on
 such and such a date because of the 8-bit leap second
 field. This sort of hyperbole is uncalled for.

Mea culpa.  I have more homework to do on my web pages to incorporate
these very details.  It remains the fact that most existing GPS
receivers will fail by around 2070 or so, but that really should not
be much of a surprise or inconvenience to their owners.

UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99858
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06014
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Hgt +250 m

Re: RAS hits the news

2005-09-27 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Allen writes:

The inclusion of calendar year is an interesting addition to the
original week-based scheme.  The week-based scheme was perhaps chosen
while noting that the week remained intact when Pope Gregory (and
then, eventually, all the protestants) switched calendars.

I think you are far overestimating 1970 electronics :-)  The week
based scheme was a compromise forced by number of bits available
and how much electronics could be dedicated to the task of receiving
the signals.  For a long time the almanac was something you had to
manually enter into the receive (which is probably why almanacs are
still published by the GPS control segment people).

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

Re: Comments on Civil Time decision tree

2005-09-27 Thread William Thompson

Randy Kaelber wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 02:33:00PM -0400, Daniel R. Tobias wrote:

I would suppose that such a space probe would have little need to be
synchronized with earthly solar time, and thus might be best off
operating on TAI, with any adjustments to UTC for the sake of humans
observing it on Earth being done at the Earthly end of things.

That's the way we do it for interplanetary stuff now.  Data from
spacecraft are typically returned in spacecraft clock time (SCLK, which is
pronounced sclock) and then translated to whatever time base you want it
in.  Right now, the clock on Mars Odyssey (as I type this) should be
reading 2/0812228033.  Dealing with things like leap seconds, local time
conventions, and other time conversions are all handled here on Earth.

The spacecraft that I've had experience with coordinate the spacecraft clocks
with Earth-based time standards.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft (which at a distance of
0.01 A.U. can be considered to be on the edge of interplanetary space)
synchronizes its onboard clock to TAI time, expressed as the number of TAI
seconds since 1 January 1958.  The spacecraft operators keep track of the clock
drift, taking into account the approximately 5 second light travel time, and
periodically uploads new clock frequency parameters to keep the onboard clock in
sync with TAI to within a specified requirement.

The upcoming Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories (STEREO) go in orbit
around the Sun, and are thus definitely interplanetary.  They also use the JPL
SPICE system, and thus spacecraft SCLK files, like other interplanetary
missions.  The STEREO clocks will be synchronized to UTC, including an
adjustment for leap seconds.

For both of these missions, the Earth-based time values, TAI or UTC, are
calculated and maintained onboard the spacecraft.

Bill Thompson

P.S.  Please excuse me if you get this message twice.  I was having trouble with
my subscription setup, and wasn't sure if it really went out the first time.

William Thompson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 612.1
Greenbelt, MD  20771


Re: Comments on Civil Time decision tree

2005-09-27 Thread William Thompson

Randy Kaelber wrote:

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 03:56:07PM -0400, William Thompson wrote:

The spacecraft that I've had experience with coordinate the spacecraft clocks
with Earth-based time standards.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft (which at a distance of
0.01 A.U. can be considered to be on the edge of interplanetary space)
synchronizes its onboard clock to TAI time, expressed as the number of TAI
seconds since 1 January 1958.  The spacecraft operators keep track of the clock
drift, taking into account the approximately 5 second light travel time, and
periodically uploads new clock frequency parameters to keep the onboard clock in
sync with TAI to within a specified requirement.

I suppose I should've prefaced with an in my experience. :-)

The upcoming Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories (STEREO) go in orbit
around the Sun, and are thus definitely interplanetary.  They also use the JPL
SPICE system, and thus spacecraft SCLK files, like other interplanetary
missions.  The STEREO clocks will be synchronized to UTC, including an
adjustment for leap seconds.

Ugh.  Is there a compelling science or operations reason to try to synch
this clock with terrestrial times on-board that I'm just ignorant about?
It sounds like a more work and more things that can break, versus just
profiling the on-board clock and making SCLK kernels to map back to
terrestrial time frames.  Maybe the exact times aren't so important? With
Odyssey and THEMIS, if we're off by a second, it's a 30 pixel along-track
offset error in our images, so we're pretty obsessed with knowing exactly
when we start and stop imaging.

On the contrary, exact times are extremely important in the STEREO project.
Images from the two spacecraft are supposed to be synchronized to each other to
better than a second.  (The images from one spacecraft are actually delayed
relative to the other to take into account the different solar distances of the
two spacecraft--the amount of delay is periodically uploaded from the ground.)
The accuracy requirement for the delivery of UTC to the instruments is +/- 0.410

Each instrument team commands its own instrument directly.  Time-tagging is done
via UTC.  I sincerely doubt that the individual instrument commanding
workstations know anything about SCLK files.  The orbit and attitude files are
provided in SPICE format, which is probably a first for these teams, and I've
been leading the effort to learn how to use the SPICE kernels.

I don't have the number in front of me, but I believe that the timing
requirements for the SOHO spacecraft is even more stringent, on the order of 0.1
seconds.  This is to support the helioseismology instruments.  SOHO doesn't use
SPICE, and thus does not have an SCLK file.

The telemetry timestamps from both SOHO and STEREO are in TAI and UTC
respectively, referenced in both cases to 1-Jan-1958.  For the STEREO
spacecraft, which uses UTC, one has to interpret this as the number of non-leap
seconds, as is done with Unix/NTP time.  There's a one-second period of
ambiguity  on the STEREO spacecraft whenever a leap second is inserted, and time
critical operations will be avoided during that second.

SOHO uses TAI time onboard the spacecraft, but all ground operations are done in
UTC time.  I wrote the software that many of the instrument teams use to convert
between UTC and TAI in their data analysis software, as well as some of the
commanding software.

I can see SOHO using a geocentric time. It's relatively close to Earth and
holds a more or less constant distance from it.  It seems that STEREO is
going to have a more complicated relationship with a geocentric coordinate

I'm not sure what the extra complication is.  For both missions, one has to deal
with a significant light travel time, much larger than the required time
accuracy.  The process of taking this into account is essentially the same, no
matter where you are in the solar system, and no matter whether you feed the
results back to the spacecraft, or simply take it into account on the ground.

Bill Thompson

William Thompson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 612.1
Greenbelt, MD  20771


Re: Comments on Civil Time decision tree

2005-09-27 Thread Rob Seaman
Perhaps I might expand on some of Bill Thompson's statements in the context of the great convenience factor of using the current UTC standard.The accuracy requirement for the delivery of UTC to the instruments is +/- 0.410 seconds.High quality, cutting edge science doesn't always require nanosecond precision.  In particular, when you are talking about an "experimental apparatus" such as the Solar System, in which light takes 16 minutes to cross the orbit of the Earth, and many hours to reach the outer planets, the few tenths of a second provided by raw UTC may well be exactly what is required.  UTC provides simplicity in handling while retaining the option of later converting observed timestamps to TAI and thus to some dynamical timescale.Each instrument team commands its own instrument directly.  Time-tagging is done via UTC.UTC - or any future civil time scale - provides a common clock to tie together both scientific and logistical requirements between a multiplicity of teams and team members.  It is often the case that different instruments on a spacecraft are operated by different teams.  Those teams have to address scientific concerns - they also have to interoperate with FedEx and with each other.I don't have the number in front of me, but I believe that the timing requirements for the SOHO spacecraft is even more stringent, on the order of 0.1 seconds.  This is to support the helioseismology instruments.I worked on an asteroseismology experiment several years back in which 40,000 spectra of Procyon had to be acquired on an even barycentric time grid.  Cadencing the exposures required converting Earth time (UTC) to the time as the wavefronts passed the Sun and triggering on the predicted clock tick.  Sure, I could have referenced the barycentric corrections to something other than UTC, but I challenge anybody to engender confidence in such a conversion from an obscure, moving, Earth clock to a remote location a hundred million miles away.  I can handle one or the other, but not both at the same time, with anything like an intuitive feel.There's a one-second period of ambiguity  on the STEREO spacecraft whenever a leap second is inserted, and timecritical operations will be avoided during that second.So, presumably this is an example where handling a rare - but necessary - phenomenon "properly" was deemed to be not cost effective.  However, they simply redefined the problem such that the "outage" was reduced to its minimum duration of one-second.  In six hundred years, one might expect many affected parties to do the same - but of course, the minimum outage then will be 3600 seconds.  On the other hand, we've heard apocryphal horror tales of GLONASS falling from the sky and other Ghostbuster scale apocalyptic events resulting from a leap second.  Even if such projects chose not to handle leap seconds transparently, why should their system outages persist for more than the second achieved here by another space mission?For both missions, one has to deal with a significant light travel time, much larger than the required time accuracy.Much of the discussion to date has implicitly assumed that civil time here on Earth can simply be transported across the Solar System or the Galaxy as needed - that it is trivial to correct for distant locales.  On the scale of tenths of seconds, this is likely true for spacecraft bound to the Sun.  One questions if this is achievable - or desirable - at the level of nanoseconds, or perhaps even of microseconds or milliseconds, for very many scientific or utility purposes for Solar System travel.The process of taking this into account is essentially the same, no matter where you are in the solar system, and no matter whether you feed the results back to the spacecraft, or simply take it into account on the ground.And more to the point - why should such projects have to be responsive to such alien requirements?  Presumably there were any number of factors involved in determining the timekeeping choices of these space projects as a response to various use cases.  Is there any particular reason that they should be forced to put their system clock on the ground rather than on the spacecraft simply to meet the one-size-fits-all expectations of others?We've heard many times in many ways that atomic clocks are orders of magnitude more regular than our wobbling Earth.  But this extends to other physical phenomena.  We all know that atomic clocks are sufficiently regular time pieces that detection of relativistic effects is trivial.  Think about that - what used to require exquisitely sensitive measurements during exceedingly rare opportunities such as a transit of Venus can now be carried out by a high school student (albeit a relatively well-heeled student) on a weekend trip to the mountains.  General Relativity for everyman - Albert in a box.How nice!  Isn't that support for ditching that dirty old UTC for 21st century technology?  Well - no. A single atomic clock is a loose