As someone said somewhere else, if you want the 5-2 victories you get from 
playing that way, then you’re going to have to take the odd 6-2 defeat as well, 
because some days it doesn’t fall for you. Also, as Bamford said, they are 
learning that being a yard out of position can really cost you against players 
this good...

Well. Most of them managed to be at least a yard out of position a good few 
times yesterday. That said Bamford, Harrison and Raphina could easily have 
scored: it could have been 10-6.

The midfield were absolutely nowhere defensively in the first half...Klich’s 
man (who I had never heard of before yesterday) left him for dead twice in the 
first 4 minutes, and Philips lost their full back for the 4th goal. It seemed 
like they had set their formation lines up against ours so they matched, and 
then shifted them all forward five yards...all they did was pass it between our 
lines time after time. It was too easy. Their possession mostly came from soft 
mistakes by us.

As for the famously makeshift defence, losing Cooper, whatever you think of his 
performances, would be a can’t operate a back four with 3 
non-specialists out of position, never mind 4. Looks like we might need to raid 
the U-23s or something.

Raphina and Rodrigo still look to push forward and make things happen and we 
will need them to keep doing that.

In the long run though, the success or otherwise of this season won’t be 
decided by games like yesterday’s but by games against the teams below us and 
around us.

Sent from my iPad

> On 20 Dec 2020, at 18:40, John Lee via Leedslist <> wrote:
> OK, first things first, wishful thinking aside, this was going to be one of 
> those games in the ‘probably won’t win’ category, and as such getting 
> anything out of it points wise would have been a bonus. 
> For a while, roughly 3 minutes my wishful thinking held true, but really poor 
> passing combined with clinical finishing meant expectations were met. Time 
> and again we did exactly the same thing, and to be honest 6 was flattering. 
> OK, we could and should have had anything between 3 and 6 ourselves, but if 
> they’d got 10 it wouldn’t have flattered them. No way was that a penalty, but 
> irrelevant in the scheme of things.
> I got very excited that Klich and Phillips were subbed, but calmed down once 
> we were informed by the commentator that both were on 4 yellow cards. I 
> thought both were outclassed!
> Second half we looked better, and I did like Neville’s comment that it looked 
> like Leeds thought they could score another 4. We couldn’t but Harrison at 
> least should have made it 6-3.
> So, onto Burnley and WBA - pivotal games in our season maybe?
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 20 Dec 2020, at 18:25, John Boocock <> wrote:
>> I am absolutely exhausted
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