[LU] Wish I'd thought of this

2011-10-23 Thread Terry Emmott
Tweet of the week for me on BBC football web site:-  On a scale of 1-6, how
embarrassed are Man U fans today?

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

[LU] Johnson etc.

2011-06-10 Thread Terry Emmott
Just for the record, whichever player it was was on £4000, the club offered
£7000 which is almost double the current salary and only when the agent
asked for £11000, almost treble, was he told to get stuffed.

Is anybody on the list going to double their salary this year, let alone
treble it?

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[LU] Johnson, Kilkenny and the market rate

2011-06-09 Thread Terry Emmott
I received today, courtesy of our beloved leader’s largesse, my
complimentary copy of the official matchday magazine for June. In it Sir Ken
talks about players and agents and wages etc. He says that in January they
offered a player who was on £4000 per week £7000 for his new contract. His
agent requested £11000 per week and was told to get stuffed as the club
didn’t believe he was worth it. He also said that the total cost to the club
with taxes etc to be paid for a salary of £11000 per week is £650,000 per
year which is more than the gate receipts for a Championship home game. Now
Johnson played a lot better last season than I ever thought he could but was
he worth £11000 per week? Not in my opinion. Neither was Kilkenny if he was
the one Mr. Bates was talking about.

I don’t have much time for our leader and he could be telling us a pack of
lies for all I know but somehow it has the ring of truth about it and
personally I think he did the right thing in telling which ever player it
was to take a hike.

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[LU] No goals again

2011-04-25 Thread Terry Emmott
Leading scorers in the division but unable to score again today. Makes a
hell of a difference when your leading scorer is out. What wouldn't we have
given for a couple of tap-ins in the last two games.

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[LU] Offsides in 1971

2011-03-26 Thread Terry Emmott
As someone who was a referee in 1971, albeit in local football not the
professional game, I can confidently say that, no matter what the letter of
the law said, under the common interpretation in use by referees of the time
99.999% of referees would have ruled any player in Astle's position
offside. The common practice was also that the linesman's word was more or
less final, in other words if the flag went up it was offside, hence the
players stopped without waiting for the whistle and the ref then blew up for
the free-kick. I strongly doubt that any other referee on the League list at
the time would have given the decision that Tinkler did, but hey we're Leeds
United, shit happens to us.

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[LU] Today

2011-02-19 Thread Terry Emmott
I'm not Becchio's biggest fan and a lot of Rich Walker's criticisms are
justified but where I do take issue with Rich is the total blindness he has
to the good things Becchio does do. All credit to Somma for a superb finish
with his first touch to get the second goal but who created the space for
him to get the shot in? Becchio that's who, with a great header. Oh no that
can't be right can it. Becchio doesn't win any headers.

Today Becchio scored one in my opinion (though it could be that he just
created enough of a nuisance to put the defender off and prevented him from
keeping Snoddy's header out)and helped Somma to score the other, so although
he may not be Berbatov he is not the total numpty Rich would have us believe
he is.

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[LU] Chant of the day.....

2011-02-05 Thread Terry Emmott
To greet Garry McSheffery Grayson was right, you're fucking shite

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[LU] Paynter

2010-12-28 Thread Terry Emmott
Becchio without the work rate,

Won nothing in the air, missed a sitter that would have put us three nil up
and did nothing that Becchio couldn't have done better except for a
marginally better first touch, and I'm not a particular Becchio fan

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[LU] perceptions and view points

2010-12-13 Thread Terry Emmott
Probably due to my advancing years I find that stuff that happens in matches
seem to happen so quickly that I don't always take in exactly what has
happened. There were several good interchanges between Snodgrass and
Connolly on Saturday and I thought the second goal came from one of them.
What a disservice I did Howson thinking that! What a great ball it was by
him to set Connolly free. 

From the back of our goal Gradel's miss in the first minute looked glaring.
On the tele he seemed to be under much more pressure than it appeared to us
at the time. He should still have scored though.

For Howson's goal, looking from behind, the Burnley defence seemed to part
in front of him like the Red Sea in front of Moses (one for you there Doctor
Mike J) yet on the tele there looked to be a lot of defenders around and I
would have sworn he'd got into the area before he shot but no he must have
been twenty to twenty five yards out.

Scmeichel's last minute save wasn't quite as good as it seemed live either
as the bloke didn't really get hold of his shot right, but it was a good
save nevertheless.

The final thing I couldn't believe was the possession statistics. We did so
much more with our 39% than Burnley did with their 61%, a testament to the
effectiveness of our 4-5-1/4-3-3 formation?

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[LU] Burnley

2010-12-11 Thread Terry Emmott
Life has its shitty moments at times but sometimes something happens that
more than makes up for all those times. Today was one of those things. We
were disappointed to learn of O'Brien's injury and feared the worst for the
defence but we should have led in the first couple of minutes when Gradel
was put clear by a superb Snodgrass pass, cutting in on goal from the left
side of the area, but he shot wide when he really should have scored. Put
clear again later on he chose to try an ambitious shot when a cross to
Becchio steaming in at the far post would have been a better option, the
shot floating well over. Burnley were giving as good as they got in a superb
advert for the Football League, their little number six being a right bloody
nuisance and the big rough centre forward Ilewumu or some- sutch causing
Collins and Bruce plenty of problems. We rued our missed chances when a
superb pass from midfield put their right-winger away and from his cross
Schmeichel was forced to concede a corner at his near post. A great header
from the corner was blocked on the line but in the ensuing scramble Easton
forced it home from close in.

We rolled up our sleeves and got stuck back into them and a great corner
from Snodgrass was met by Collins but he put it wide when he should really
have scored. Then disaster struck. We were pressing hard for the equaliser
when a big hoof downfield by Clarke Carlisle resulted in a chase for the
ball between Bruce and Rodriguez. Bruce was favourite and could have knocked
it back to Schmeichel or hoofed it for a throw-in or a corner but he
dithered and did neither letting Rodriguez bustle past him a wallop it into
the net. A bad, bad goal to give away and it lifted them and knocked the
stuffing out of us and for the rest of the half we weren't really at the
races, not closing them down quickly enough, not getting tackles in,
resorting to desperate clearances and doing well to survive to half time at
2-0. The boy Sean said if Grayson didn't get them sorted out we were going
to be in for a right pasting and he wasn't wrong.

Fortunately we came out well fired up and took the game to them right from
the off and ten minutes in a great cross from Snodgrass was headed down by
Becchio to Gradel who smacked it home. We really had them on the run now and
on 65 minutes a fantastic interchange of passes out to the right between
Snodgrass and Connelly led to Connelly putting a great cross along the edge
of the six-yard box and there was Lucky Luciano in the right place at the
right time again to bundle it in. Pandemonium! We had the upper hand now and
Johnson was played in by Gradel but shot wide then Snodgrass snaked in from
the right, got the ball onto his left foot and curled an absolute peach onto
the cross bar at the far side of the goal. We roared them on and felt a goal
had to come and eventually it did, courtesy of Howson. He picked the ball up
in mid-field and ran and ran as Burnley backed off him. Becchio rand wide
one side and McCormack the other, drawing defenders away as Howson ran into
the area and planted his shot carefully into the bottom corner. Fucking

Christmas shopping, you should have gone Christmas shopping we sang to the
Burnley fans as injury time ran out but it took a superb save by Schmeichel
to preserve our lead until the final whistle. Away from home, 2-0 down and
win 3-2, with local boy made good scoring the winner. It doesn't get much
better than that. Bring on QPR!

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[LU] Songs

2010-10-30 Thread Terry Emmott
I doubt we'll ever hear it sung but here's one for RW  - Billy Painter,
Billy Painter, Billy Painter, Billy-O, number 9 who came from Swindon to
take the place of Becchio

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[LU] testing (again, sorry)

2010-09-01 Thread Terry Emmott

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[LU] Hello

2010-08-16 Thread Terry Emmott
Well, I feel like the kid that went to school and came home to find that his
parents had moved! Come back off holiday to find no Leeds list. The e-mail
telling me to re-subscribe to the new address obviously got mysteriously
deleted before I read it. (Alright, alright I cocked up). I had to wait
until my computer adviser came back off his hols to find out what to do. I
haven't half missed you all.

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