YEP saying that Saiz (subject to any appeal) has got a mandatory six match ban 
for spitting
Now I find spitting at someone a disgusting an awful thing to do and I do not 
want to appear to be condoning it in any way at all, but it does seem odd that 
a red card for violent conduct -a punch, an elbow a leg breaking foul- gets a 3 
game ban and spitting gets double that 

TO those out there who say they would prefer to be punched than spat at I would 
suggest you have never been punched !Yes spitting at someone is horrible and 
nasty but generally a quick wipe of the face (or in this case his shirt) and it 
is is sorted. A punch to the face and it could be a black eye or stitches and a 
permanent scar etc
Whatever, the rules are there and I doubt we will appeal (there are stories 
that Saiz was tripped as he went back to the centre circle and /or he was 
elbowed and therefore the spit was retaliation) and I don't think we would win 
an appeal
We now need two things - one Pablo to come to the party week in week out, and 
two Saiz to learn from it
davePS it looks like the left back from Belgian is sorted (subject to medical) 
and the Japanese lad will get a work permit, but is still, somewhat 
surprisingly, going out on loan in Spain- to me if he can play in England he 
shoud do so, either for us if good enough now, or on loan in a lower league
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