LL:DDV: Solidarity with Solomon Island workers

1999-07-01 Thread AAWL

Solidarity with Solomon Island workers

A solidarity fundraiser will be held
at the Comrades Bar, 514 Swanston Street, Carlton
on Monday 5 July at 5pm
for the Solomon Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW)

Workers members of SINUW have been picketing the Malaysian logging company
Earthmovers (Solomans) Limited since October 1997, when 412 workers were
sacked after taking legal strike action.
The workers have refused to leave company housing and have submitted the
dispute to the Trades Disputes Panel. A ruling in favour of the workers was
made, and was upheld by the High Court in June 1998.
The company has refused to reinstae the workers and continues to use legal
procceedings to delay a settlement.

SINUW called a rally in support of their demands in March 1999, but this was
cancelled by the Commissioner of Police.

It is clear that the company is trying to use its resources and keep the
case tied up with legal action to avoid reinstating or compensating the

As a result of the protracted legal action the union is asking for
assistance to support the sacked workes and their families.

David Tuhanuku, President of SINUW, will be speaking at the solidarity

Please send messages of support to:
Solomon Islands National Union of Workers
Fax: 677 23 110

Soloman Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW)
Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union (CFMEU) Australia
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW)

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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LL:PR: This Week on BB

1999-07-01 Thread RN's Background Briefing

THIS WEEK On ABC Radio National's
  Background Briefing Program:
Sunday, July 4, 9.10am
Repeated Tuesday, July 6, 7.10pm
  Produced by Chris Bullock

It used to be easy - find the Red under the bed.  Now the enemy can be an
unpredictable dictator, or a terrorist with some plutonium, or gangs of
crazed thugs killing in the name of god.

Satellites scan the earth, like huge orbiting eyes.  And mobile phones,
videos, laptops and the world wide web never cease.

What's spooking the spies is how to turn all that information into

Background Briefing, this Sunday morning after the news at 9.

At the end of the 20th Century the spies have come in from the Cold War.
The enemy has changed =85 and the once exclusive domain of the intelligence
agent is now a space occupied by any number of academics, analysts and
other desk jockeys, the information hunter-gatherers of the world wide web.

The war behind every war is the information war, and the business of
gathering and keeping secrets is getting harder and harder under a deluge
of publicly available information.

This changing landscape makes it increasingly difficult for the aid
organisations you'll find at wars and natural disasters.  When they are no
longer perceived as neutral humanitarians, their work may be compromised
and their lives placed in danger.

They all have their hands full, this week on Background Briefing.
LAST WEEK:  Transcripts now available on-line:
  Produced by Paul Barclay
  BB 27/06/99
The introduction of live streaming audio of Background Briefing programs is
scheduled to premiere on July 18.

Background Briefing on ABC Radio National
GPO Box 9994  Sydney NSW 2001   Australia
Fax: +61-2-9333-1400 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subscribe weekly program announcements:
  SUBSCRIBE BBANNOUNCE   (in body of message)
  email to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Transcripts: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing
Tuning: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/freq/map.htm


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LL:PR: earth matters

1999-07-01 Thread 3CR Staff Email

EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra
Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs Sundays between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday
10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX
Wollongong between 9-10am & much more!!
Earth Matters
Programme 77b
Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Programme 2/7/1999

INTRO : "Hello and welcome to ..."
OUTRO : "... see you later."
DURATION : 24'45" (frogs til around 26'00)

Oil spill in St Vincent's Gulf in South Australia
Today on Earth Matters we discuss the recent oil spill in Adelaide's St
Vincent's Gulf in South Australia which occurred on Monday Juine 28th.
Margi Prideaux, National Marine campaigner with the Australian Conservation
Foundation, joins us to describe the details of the spill and her concerns
about the not only the incident but the ongoing danger the petroleum
industry poses to the ecology.

Margi also expresses concern about the clean up process and what effect
that can have on the marine wildlife. Broader issues surrounding the
presence of the petroleum industry in the Great Australian Bight are also
raised, with a marine park for that region currently under negotiation.

Students and Sustainability 1999 - `Making it Happen'
Students and Sustainability Conference is the largest student conference
held in Australia. Just a brief information piece for listeners about the
up and coming Students and Sustainability Conference to be held at the
University of Western Sydney from July 12th to 16th. This year's focus is
"Making it Happen" and there'll be an array of speakers, workshops and
filed trips on this theme.

For more information about the conference call the Students and
Sustainability Conference office on 02 4578 1210 or see their website

Forestry Tasmania sells 50% of its softwood plantations
Just recently Forestry Tasmania sold half of its northern softwood
plantations to an United States based company called GMO Renewable
Resources. The part privatisation of these public assets has riased many
concerns about the ever-expanding pine plantations and just who takes
responsibility for ecosystems and waterchatchments when a private overseas
based company owns the resource.
Today we speak with Greens parliamentarian Peg Putt in Tasmania, who
recently voiced many of these concerns.


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LL:ART: California Consumers Deceived by Green Electricity

1999-07-01 Thread jimcros


Oct. 22, 1998
New Report Shows California Consumers Deceived by "Green" Electricity
Marketing Claims
Ratepayers Pay Extra Dollars for Sham Benefits

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A ground-breaking new study released today by Public
Citizen shows that the marketing of "green" electricity in California's
newly deregulated utility market is largely a hoax on consumers and results
in little or no benefit to the environment.

"The electric utility industry is justifying deregulation by claiming there
are environmental benefits, such as the marketing of green electricity, but
in fact the 'green' is going mostly into the pockets of marketers," said
Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook.

According to the report, consumers who choose green electricity pay an
average of $10 extra per month for it. An estimated 75-95 percent of that
cost goes toward covering marketing and overhead and does not result in an
expansion of renewable energy generation. Green electricity is generated
from wind, geothermal, solar and other sustainable, non-polluting power

"Most marketers are making renewable energy the 'boutique option' and
taking advantage of people who want to do the right thing," said Wenonah
Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project. "They
are deceiving ratepayers into believing the extra dollars they pay for
'green' electricity are actually promoting the greater use of clean,
renewable energy sources, when that is clearly not the case."

The report, Green Buyers Beware: A Critical Review of "Green Electricity"
Products, reviews the content and cost of green power products being
offered in California and analyzes the claims being made about them.
California is one of the first states to open its electric utility market
to retail competition. A number of states are following suit.

The green electricity bought by California consumers comes largely from
renewable energy sources controlled by utilities and is already being paid
for by those utilities' customers. The electricity is simply being
repackaged and sold at higher prices. The result of a consumer's purchase
of green electricity can in some cases lead to the extended operation of
fossil fuel plants and greater pollution.

"The message in this is that consumers should look very carefully at claims
dealing with green energy, and they should demand policy changes that
result in real gains, not bogus claims," Hauter said. "We will encourage
the California State Attorney General's Office to look into this situation."

The report, written by energy consultant Nancy Rader of Berkeley, Calif.,
found that only one marketer of green electricity exclusively sells power
that is not repackaged from existing utility resources.

"The bottom line is, reselling utility resources does not result in any
additional generation of renewable energy, such as wind or biomass power,
and so it makes no difference to the environment," said Rader. "Clearly,
consumers are being deceived by claims that they are helping the planet by
purchasing these so-called green products."

Other major findings include:

Promised "new" renewable energy content comprises only a small fraction of
the products on the market.

The resale of utility-controlled resources to green consumers cannot make a
difference in the West because the supply of these resources already
greatly exceeds any realistic projection of green demand.

Largely because of high retail marketing costs, public subsidies are
required to support green marketing. More than $75 million in direct public
subsidies will support such ventures in California through 2001.

Green product claims cannot be verified without a regionwide tracking
system, which does not exist.

False or misleading green product claims are common. Some marketers, for
instance, falsely give the impression that their products contain solar or
wind power.

Green marketing is unlikely to reverse the current decline in renewable
energy production or significantly diversify electric system resources.

Most green marketers are affiliated with polluting companies and are not
advocates of renewable energy policy.

Consumers have no way of distinguishing between renewable energy that is
merely resold and renewable energy that truly needs support.

Significant policy changes are needed to make green electricity a larger
part of our energy future, Hauter said. For example, consumers need to have
the right to work with their local governments or purchasing agent to buy
green power directly from producers on behalf of all citizens in the
community, making green power both affordable and meaningful. Currently,
this "community choice" is impossible under California's utility
restructuring legislation.


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LL:URL: thehungersite.com

1999-07-01 Thread Ria Strong


Click the "donate free food" button on the site-- and site sponsors pay for
food, donated to the hungry via international relief agencies.

You can make one donation of food per day-- so visit daily!


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LL:DDV: 1999 Viva Cuba! Fiesta

1999-07-01 Thread Debbie Brennan

You are invited to
A Latin American Fiesta to celebrate 40 years of inspiration.

The Cuba Solidarity Coalition presents:
Guararey, authentic Cuban Salsa
Espiritu Latino, Latin American Orchestra

Saturday, 24 July
7.00 pm - 1.00 am
North Melbourne Town Hall (cnr Errol and Queensberry Sts, North Melbourne)
Tickets; $12/$10 concession
For tickets, phone: Andrea 9376 8840, Adam or Sharryn 9416 8812,
Marita 9306 3312, Brenda (03) 5253 3373 (Geelong)

All proceeds to aid projects in Cuba:
Australian Conservation Foundation Green Team -- Urban Permaculture Project
Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean -- Children's
Asthma Clinic in Havana
Radical Women -- July 2000 Australian Tour of the Federation of Cuban Women

To endorse the 1999 Viva Cuba! Fiesta:
Send your endorsement (indicating whether as an individual or an
organisation) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or radical.women.melb @ bigpond.com
Or phone 9416 8812

If you can help with publicity, please let us know.




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