LL:ART: Pastry Action Reports From the UK and OZ

2000-02-14 Thread margaret

From: Biotic Baking Brigade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pastry Action Reports From the UK and OZ
Report from Down Under:

"Meanwhile another corporate nasty got pied in South Australia - Chuck 
Foldenauer, head of a uranium mine owned by General Atomics (US-based 
nuclear giant).  Perpetrators of the pieing: the 'humps not dumps' women, 
anti-uranium camel crusaders.


"Minister Pays For Farm Fury"

Excerpts from the Evening Standard (London, UK), February 2, 2000, Front 
Page Chocolate attack farce on Nick Brown sends serious warning to Blair.

The fury of Britain's farmers impacted directly on the Government today 
when Agriculture Minister Nick Brown had his face smeared with chocolate 
eclair by a woman protester.

The incident came half way through an angry confrontation between Mr. Brown 
and farmers at their union conference. Delegate after delegate, at least 
one of them in tears, lined up to berate the minister over the Government's 
lack of help for agriculture.

[The perpetrator] is said to have links with anti-genetically modified crop 
protest groups, and later said the attack was a spontaneous protest at how 
the Government is treating farmers in Britain.

General Public Release (special pie technical data follows 'for your pies 

Tuesday, 1st February 2000. Grosvenor House Hotel, London.

Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid arrived in the UK today along with 
10 ministers and 100 Indonesian corporate directors for a business seminar 
with 400 invited delegates from British industry. They were in the UK as 
part of a tour of Europe and Asia designed to drum up business and rescue 
the Indonesian economy from the doldrums. It was a carefully crafted PR 
exercise aiming to spread the illusion that Indonesia is no longer run by a 
despotic regime that murders people and plunders the land to maintain the 
wealth of its ruling elite.

The Indonesian delegation flew in from Davos in Switzerland only this 
morning where they had been attending the World Economic Forum which had 
been besieged by more than 500 rioting demonstrators disguised with 
ski-masks. Escaping this, they arrived at the Grosvenor House Hotel in 
London's Park Lane where they were met by 25 demonstrators hastily 
assembled at only two days notice. The demonstrators, disguised with masks 
of a West Papuan tribesman, blockaded the entrance preventing the 
delegation entering the hotel and sprayed fake blood across the hotel 
steps. The delegates were harangued through a megaphone and greeted with: 
'Good morning suits! You are not anonymous, you are not invisible--if you 
invest in genocide we will target you! Your offices will be occupied, your 
homes will be visited. Welcome to the world of resistance!' Custard pies 
were flung at the alarmed Indonesian delegates, while demonstrators chanted 
'Papua Merdeka'! ('Free Papua!').

The demonstrators blockaded both the front and the back of the hotel to 
prevent delegates arriving unnoticed and were joined by an East Timorese 
exile who proceeded to attack the Indonesians in their own language.

After about an hour, when delegates had ceased arriving and the number of 
police outnumbered protestors by about 2 to 1, the protestors decided to 
leave. A successful, if small, action that hopefully scared off British 
companies from dealing with the murderous Indonesian regime and investing 
in 'developing' West Papua. Unfortunately the photographer wasn't pie-eyed, 
BBB needs specialist photographers with fishpie lenses to capture the action.

But if you look closely there are some mysterious white dots on 'london4' 
-- by the french window.(well ok, its the lights inside...) And pie 
shrapnel from previous slaughter is visible everywhere.

A portable pie strategy was decided on, and piers were issued with foil pie 
trays, a carton of ready made custard and an aerosol can of whipped cream. 
This proved useful as the piers were able to hide behind a second banner 
set at an angle and thus could continue making new pies as and when needed. 
The Pies, although none made a full-on direct hit in the face, got 
everyone; delegates, security and blockaders. One pier was overheard saying 
'we need a training camp with lots of pie'. They claim to have got about 
10-15 of the delegates with a sufficient amount of pie to cause annoyance, 
and knowledge that they were not welcome.

It was obvious from their faces that they were not used to this treatment, 
and would normally have had everyone shot. Security guards promised to 
'get' the pie people later.


very tasty
for a pastry--
must've cost
a lot of dough--

and the bakers
are good makers
of news stories
you can throw.

in the kitchen
they must pitch in,
arms in flour
to the elbows,

while creating
tarts to fling


2000-02-14 Thread Vanessa Johanson



The Australian Council for Overseas Aid (ACFOA) is pleased to invite you to 
Mr. Mus Pigai  Mr. Albert Rumbekwan
Human Rights Activists from West Papua, Indonesia

- Mus Pigai is a lawyer and member of the Amugme Consultation Council in Timika
- Albert Rumbekwan works at the Institute of Human Rights Study and 
Advocacy in Jayapura/Port Numbai

Mus and Albert will discuss recent events in West Papua and civil society 
plans and hopes for the future in West Papua.

ACFOA will also launch the report "West Papua: Past, Present, Future" from 
the seminar held on 12 Nov 1999, the 30th anniversary of the "Act of Free 

Tues 22 Feb 2000
6.30 - 8.30
The Upstairs Room, Cafe Nova, 307 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

Please RSVP to Marg Clausen by Feb 17 on 03 9417 7505, email:

Australia Council for Overseas Aid, Human Rights Office
124 Napier St, Fitzroy, Melbourne VIC 3065, Australia
tel: +61 3 9417 7505, Sri Lanka Project: +61 3 9417 7238
Indonesia Project: +61 3 9415 8219
fax: +61 3 9416 2746
[EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.acfoa.asn.au



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LL:ART: Free trade leaves the poor marginalised: UN

2000-02-14 Thread Trudy Bray

The Australian

Free trade leaves the poor marginalised: UN


BANGKOK, Thailand: The world's 48 poorest countries are failing to benefit 
from free trade and globalisation and face worsening poverty, inequality 
and marginalization, according to a United Nations report released today.

Economic production has declined for three straight years in the 
least-developed countries while their share of global trade has plunged, 
said the report issued by the UN Conference on Trade and Development.

"There is no greater challenge facing the international community today 
than integrating the least developed countries into the world economy,'' 
said UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General Carlos Fortin. "They are being 
increasingly marginalized."

Since 1971, the number of countries categorised by the United Nations as 
extremely poor has risen from 25 to 48. During that period, only one 
country, Botswana, has graduated from the list.

Thirty-three of the poorest nations are in Africa, nine in Asia, five in 
the Pacific and one in Latin America.

The report, released at an UNCTAD meeting in Bangkok, said rich countries 
should remove all tariffs and quotas on products from the poorest countries 
to allow them to sell more.

Developing countries have complained that trade agreements negotiated by 
the World Trade Organisation have cut tariffs on many products exported by 
rich nations, while falling to address agriculture, textiles and garments - 
key products for poorer countries.

The report also urged donor countries to provide more aid to enable poor 
countries to produce more so they can benefit from free trade.

"The main problem of the least developed countries today is they don't 
produce enough,'' Fortin said.

In real terms, aid provided to the least-developed countries has fallen by 
23 per cent in the past decade, the report said.

Unlike wealthier developing countries, the poorest nations are generally 
unable to turn to private investment for capital, and attract less than 1 
per cent of all foreign direct investment, the report said.

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LL:DDV: New International Bookshop

2000-02-14 Thread Patsy Segall

The New International Bookshop presents a forum with Jane Nicholls
(author of Flight 642: Jakarta to Dili) and Fretilin leader and CNRT
official Father Filomeno (to be confirmed).

Tuesday 22 February 6.30 pm.
New International Bookshop
Trades Hall

Left-linkers interested in Marxism might be interested to know we now
have a few copies of The Fate of the Russian Revolution: Lost Texts of
Critical Marxism. It contains major essays by Max Shactman, Hal Draper,
CLR James, Al Glotzer, Joseph Carter, Leon Trotsky and other
revolutionaries grappling with the question of how to understand the
degeneration of the Russian Revolution. A must read for those associated
with the Trotskyist tradition.



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LL:DDW: Mandatory sentencing vigil - the time of the event

2000-02-14 Thread Deaths In Custody Watch Commitee (WA) Inc.

From:   Executive Officer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Mandatory sentencing vigil - the time of the event

For those of you who wondered why i didn't put the time of the vigil in my 
last email - I forgot. (damn those aluminium saucepans!)

The service/vigil will take place at 12.00 midday on Thursday February 
17th, at Parliament House, Perth


Theo Mackaay
Tel 9321 7033
Theo Mackaay
Executive Officer
Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission



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LL:ART: New 'overclass' out of touch: welfare group

2000-02-14 Thread Trudy Bray


New `overclass' out of touch: welfare group

Tuesday 15 February 2000

An "overclass" of people who earned massive six-figure salaries, owned 
numerous properties and were out of touch with the rest of society was 
emerging in Australia, a leading welfare group said yesterday.

The president of the Australian Council of Social Service, Mr Michael 
Raper, said the term "overclass" was a new and undefined term but applied 
to people whose incomes and lifestyle meant they did not share common 
experiences with those on low incomes and the unemployed.

"They no longer ride public transport; they certainly don't rent properties 
- they rent out properties instead; they don't have any trouble paying 
their bills; they holiday elsewhere or in resorts; they live in areas that 
have high employment," he said.

"The essential ingredient is that they are largely decision-makers as well. 
They are in positions in the public sector and in the private sector where 
their income and experience is just very different to those for whom they 
are making decisions," he told The Age.

The so-called Australian "overclass" included senior managers in large 
corporations, chief executives - some of whom were given 
multi-million-dollar payouts when they departed - and professionals in the 
investment and information-technology sector, Mr Raper said.

In addition, the "over-class" did not attend public schools. However, he 
did not include politicians in this category.

Mr Raper was speaking after the launch of ACOSS's 2000-2001 federal Budget 
submission at Parliament.

The ACOSS submission called for a $3.3billion spending boost next financial 
year on social services and welfare payments. It called for a $693 million 
boost to employment, education and training, a $300million increase in 
public-housing spending and a $19.90 a week increase in dole payments for 
unemployed single people.

Mr Raper said the emerging "overclass", which was now larger than at any 
other time, had the ability to expand and protect its wealth via 
investments, negative gearing and the establishment of family trusts to 
minimise tax.

Many in the overclass did not know how much better off they were than most, 
he said. "Single or individual income earners over $100,000 (a year) are 
really in the rarefied atmosphere and don't realise it," he said.

ACOSS also warned yesterday that Australia risked growing social problems, 
including rising crime and suicide rates, if it failed to address the 
growing gap between the rich and poor.

Despite apparently rosy national economic indicators, Mr Raper said the 
benefits from economic restructuring were not being shared evenly in the 

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LL:DDV:Protest Ruddock- No slave labour of refugees!

2000-02-14 Thread arun p


  - End mandatory sentences of refugees
  - Let the refugees stay
  - Reverse the cuts to migrant services

One address in Melbourne only:
MARCH 2, THURSDAY, 6:30PM @ Bayswater
Phone RESISTANCE 9639 8622
  ask for Sarah, Arun or Jorge

(note- the exact venue has not been announced... to prevent protests such
as this one. ring us to be put on a phone tree to be contacted when the
venue is confirmed)

Ruddock is currently considering "using" illegal immigrants for fruit
picking. The only criticisms that the Labor party have raised involve
logistical and security concerns.

Amidst media hype about "hordes of boat people" and a bipartisan policy
attacking refugees ... who needs Hanson? Australia has some of the harshest
refugee laws in the world. In most Western countries once someone applies
for refugee status they are released into the community while their case is
reviewed. Here, thanks to the Labor party, they are  detained, breaching
sections of 9.1 and 9.4 of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.

The Liberal's recent rejection of 1650 East Timorese asylum seekers,
despite the Australian governments complicity in the invasion and
occupation of that country, is the latest example of hypocrisy. Asylum
seekers are fleeing desperate situations: war, poverty and repression, that
have often been caused by foreign policies of Western governments.

We can not let our government widen the already huge chasm between rich and
poor countries. Reject their use of refugees: for cheap labour one day and
scapegoats for their economy the next... Demand an immigration and foreign
policy based on people not profits!   PROTEST AGAINST RACISM! PROTEST

organised by RESISTANCE,
socialist youth organisation.

  5th floor, Druids House
  407 swanston st, (opp rmit)
  ph:9639 8622



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