Greens Lambast Labor's Backflip on Terror Listings

2003-12-18 Thread Oquist, Ben (Sen B. Brown)
Please contact your ALP Senator or Member urging Labor caucus not to
change its position.

Wednesday, 17 December 2003

Greens Lambast Labor's Backflip on Terror Listings

Though we want to ensure that those who commit offences in relation to
terrorist organisations are dealt with, we will not and cannot
contemplate a proposal from the government that includes an executive
proscription regime. In our party's view that is anti-Labor. But that is
not the crucial point. The point is: it is antidemocratic. It runs the
risk of seriously abrogating the rights, the liberties and the freedoms
of Australians.

- Labor Senate Leader John Faulkner 25/6/02

Labor's move to give the Attorney-General Philip Ruddock the right to
ban any organisation he considers suspect as terrorist is a backflip
against its own stand for democratic rights in Australia, Greens Senator
Bob Brown said today.

This is opportunism over principle. Mark Latham may think that a
bipartisan approach with John Howard to dismantle safeguards on domestic
political rights is a good way to go, but half Australia will not
agree, Senator Brown said.

The Senate has safeguarded these rights by insisting that a ban require
legislation in parliament, not a minister's decree.  So far the Senate
has approved every ban - most recently on terror groups in Pakistan and
Palestine.  There is no new argument to validate changing this

The Ruddock law is potentially insidious and must be fully subject to
the authority of parliament.  It is truly anti-Labor. The Greens will
strongly oppose such legislation no matter how brazen Labor's backflip,
Senator Brown said.

More information: Ben Oquist  02 6277 3170 or  0419 704 095


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LL:PR: ASIO legislation passed unamended

2003-12-09 Thread Oquist, Ben (Sen B. Brown)
See Saturday 'AM' for final wash up on ASIO legislation
Friday 5th December 2003

ALP Joins Government to Put ASIO Above Public Interest

The ALP and Government combined in the last hours of parliamentary
sitting for the year to ram through legislation to put ASIO above the
public interest. It has been given secret police powers, Greens Senator
Bob Brown said today.

The legislation will make it an offence to discuss ASIO's questioning
of people, whether they are innocent or not, for two years after the
interrogation occurs.

Even media discussions of the questioning of associates in the Brigitte
case are now outlawed. Repeating previous revelations that are on the
public record could land a person in jail for 5 years.

Politicians, lawyers, academics all face jail just for revealing that
ASIO has issued a warrant.

If ASIO engages in human rights abuses or unlawful conduct journalists
will not be allowed to report on it for at least two years.

The ALP and Government rejected Greens amendments that would have
inserted a public interest test and protected journalists who disclosed
information which did not threaten national security.

The ALP's argument that the legislation is technical is fatuous.

Media organisations from Fairfax to News Ltd to the ABC and SBS have
all rung alarm bells about the legislation.   They, along with Amnesty
International, Liberty Victoria, other civil liberties organisations and
academics, have called for the legislation to be amended and referred to
a Senate committee.

But Latham Labor has joined John Howard in this remarkable assault on
fundamental rights, Senator Brown said.

Further information: Ben Oquist 02 6277 3170 or 0419 704 095



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2002-10-02 Thread Ben Donnelly

Please circulate widely (apologies for cross posting)

 *Saturday 5th October
 *11:00am on the George St entrance of the Hilton
 *(opposite Queen Victoria Building)

Workers at the Sydney Hilton have voted to take industrial action on
Saturday 5th October from 6:00am and need your support!

Anyone who could attend at this time would be much appreciated. However 
the community rally will occur at 11:00am on the George St entrance of 
the Hilton (opposite the Queen Victoria Building).

The strike follows the collapse of union-management talks on Monday, 
over the hotel's plans to sack nearly 500 workers so they can implement 
a $400 million renovation.

There are two outstanding issues:-
1. Some of these workers have worked at the hotel for over 20 years and 
will only recieve 8 weeks pay as they are under a federal award.

2. The hotel will not guarantee total preference of employment when the
hotel reopens in 2004.


**You can also support the LHMU Hotel Union campaign by sending a 
protest e-mail to the Sydney management at LabourStart's Sydney Hilton 
Hotel protest webpage


For more information contact:

Jagath Bandara - 0425 214 618

Rebecca Reilly - 0425 214 598



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LL:PR: Protest Will Mark the Beginning of the End for Woomera

2002-03-31 Thread Oquist, Ben (Sen B. Brown)

Thursday, 28 March 2002

Protest Will Mark the Beginning of the End for Woomera

Attorney-General must intervene to guarantee legal representation

Greens Senator Bob Brown congratulated those making the journey to 
Woomera where hundreds of people are expected to gather over Easter to 
protest against the Australian Government's treatment of asylum seekers.

This protest will mark the beginning of the end for the Woomera
detention centre, Senator Brown predicated.

Australia should not have to wear the international odium being caused 
by the inhumanity of the Howard government's on-shore and off-shore 
detention program for much longer.

The decision by Australian Correctional Management (ACM) to deny those 
inside the centre access to lawyers, while the protest is on, is 

I have written to the Attorney General Daryl Williams asking for an
end to the ban on lawyers accessing their clients.

The Woomera 2002 protest, with so many Australians making the long
journey to outback Australia, will be a great show of compassion against 
the policies of both major parties that have sort to demonise asylum
seekers coming to Australia.

Further information: Ben Oquist 02 62773170 or 0419704095

Ben Oquist
Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown
02 62773170 ph
02 62773185 fx




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LL:DDN: Newcastle wild Spaces festival

2001-09-05 Thread BEN REID



The link between indigenous people's rights and the environment has emerged 
as a major theme in this years' Wild Spaces Environmental and Social 
Justice Film Festival. Screening nationally and in Newcastle from September 
21 to 23, the festival promises a feast of viewing pleasure.

Indigenous themes figure prominently, reflecting 2000 being the 
international year of reconciliation. WHITE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS (Directed by 
Diana Dacie and Melissa Seelenmeyer) features an urban perspective on 
non-indigenous involvement in the reconciliation movement in Australia. 
Through events such as the Sea of Hands, Mardi Gras, Corroboree, the Sydney 
Harbour Bridge walk and through the voices of ordinary Australians, this 
video captures these first unsteady steps on the path to a more harmonious 

FIGHT FOR COUNTRY (Directed by Pip Starr) documents one of the largest Land 
Rights and environment campaigns Australia has ever seen: the campaign to 
stop a second uranium mine in Kakadu National Park. This is the story of 
the Jabiluka Blockade. FOOTSTEPS (Directed by Heidi Douglas) documents 
Sydney's 500,000 strong walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to support 
reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.

International indigenous struggles are also represented. In SILA ALANGOTOK 
(Directed by Bonnie Dickie and Terry Woolf) observations by the Inuvialuit 
of Sachs Harbour support what has long been predicted - that climate change 
would be felt first in the Polar Regions.

Festival coordinator and University of Newcastle lecturer Ben Reid 
explained, there is a long association between struggles for indigenous 
rights and the environment.

The destruction of Australia's and the world's environment is a symptom of 
the disregard of indigenous values of defence of nature and sustainability.

Reconciling ourselves with the environment entails recognition of the need 
for justice for indigenous peoples everywhere.

Wild spaces is organised nationally by Friends of the Earth and in 
Newcastle by Green Left Weekly. For more information or tickets call 02 
4926 5328. Screenings start September 21, Gregson Hall, Steel Street, 
Hamilton. See


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LL:URL: Update to

2001-08-29 Thread Ben

New at

Anarcho-Syndicalist Outreach

Anarcho-Syndicalist propaganda of all shades and varieties, is currently
under construction, but there is something there to look at . . .



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LL:URL: New at

2001-08-13 Thread Ben

New at

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Answer to Corporate Globalisation
by Brian Oliver Sheppard

The capitalist class, through corporate globalization, can disempower
workers, and settle in areas where workers have no political voice to
affect change. Already the WTO is set to meet in the remote desert nation
of Qatar, which is ruled by a monarchy, and where rival political factions
and freedom of speech are illegal. In the USA, corporations increasingly
rely on the easily exploitable labor of illegal aliens and prison
workforces, two segments of the labor force that have no real rights.
Direct action is their only recourse. Likewise, oppressed workers in other
lands often have no political say. What else can they do but act directly
upon what is immediately oppressing them?

_ - Father's Day Shopping
- Find the perfect gift for your Dad for Father's Day


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LL:AA: Aboriginal Education is under attack

2001-08-13 Thread Ben Donnelly

Please send this email to as many people as you can: -


The admin at UWS in its wisdom decided that it would close down the 
Aboriginal Education centre at Bankstown known as Goolangullia. Their plan 
is to move all aboriginal education centres to UWS Blacktown, for the 
reason that that is where demographically where more Indigenous people live 
in the Western Sydney area. Despite the fact that most of the Indigenous 
students studying at Bankstown have roots here, the admin at UWS has 
decided to rip those up and move them to Blacktown. The Indigenous students 
who access Goolangullia are mostly students studying under the Aboriginal 
Rural Education Programme (AREP) which teaches education and welfare, with 
the idea that AREP students can go  back into the their communities and 
help their communities.

The boxes were sent to Goolangullia on Friday and staff were told that they 
have to be out by Wednesday which is TWO DAYS away. The plan is that AREP 
students are going to stop the moving from happening on Wednesday by 
staying in Goolangullia and refusing to leave. The time and stuff is not 
figured out but i will email everybody again when a decision has been made. 
But that is not the only sort of protest you can do. The elders of the 
traditional owners claimed Goolangullia the sacred learning place for 
Indigenous people. Community groups are sending messages of support. Here 
are some suggestions: -

- Send your letters / messages of support to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Fax
them to (02) 9774 3442

- Ring Jan Reid who is our Vice Chancellor on (02) 9678 7801, email at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Fax her a few times to make sure she receives the message 
on (02) 9678 7809. Some suggestions are 'leave Goolangullia at Bankstown' 
or 'Dont close Aboriginal Education at Bankstown'. Or if you're more 
creative make something up

- Get involved with the fight back, you can call on (02) 9772 6488, and ask 
for John or Dave or any student working on saving Goolangullia

- Or if you want to help on Wednesday that would be awesome.

This is really important, if Aboriginal Education goes to Blacktown all the 
AREP students and the AREP programme will be in jeopardy. UWS Blacktown is 
known for its high level of racism, violence, and sexual assualts in their 
residences. UWS Blacktown has none of the facilities for AREP students and 
thus the programme will soon be scraped, and the student union at Blacktown 
are unsympathetic to the cause (that's as nice as i can be). AREP students 
are taking this as the final showdown, this will be the one and only fight.

Please show your support and if you can show your solidarity and fight with 
these Indigenous students in their quest for an equitable education.

Thanks for your time

Dave Wilcox


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LL:URL: Women in the Spanish Revolution

2001-07-31 Thread Ben

New at Anarcho-Syndicalism 101

Women in the Spanish Revolution
by Liz Willis

The fate of women in revolution is closely connected with the fate of the 
revolution as a whole, In Spain, there were initial gains, even if partial, 
limited and fragmented (it could be argued that the lives of Spanish men 
were not totally transformed either); stabilisation set in with the wartime 
situation, to be followed by reverses; defeat brought reaction. But the 
fate of women must not be left as a neglected, subordinate factor, or the 
social revolution, as well as the women's cause, will be diminished and 


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LL:URL: 19 July 2001 - 65th Anniversary of Spanish Revolution

2001-07-19 Thread Ben

Today, 19 July 2001, is the 65th anniversary of the commencement of the
Spanish Civil War and Revolution, the former costing an estimated million
lives and the latter the first (but by no means the last) successful
experiment in non-heirarchal, directly democratic, anarchist social

More information:

Viva la libertad!


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2001-07-16 Thread Ben

. . . has been updated:

please check it out . . .


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LL:PR: New titles from Resistance Books

2001-06-06 Thread Ben Courtice

new web page address: go to

* The Red North - Queensland's history of struggle
This pamphlet by Jim McIlroy takes a look at the radicalism which
Queensland was famous for in the first half of the twentieth century:
shearers' strikes, the Red Flag Riots, the Union of Russian Workers,
the Industrial Workers of the World, the Communist Party and Fred

* Democracy and Revolution
A collection of writings by Lenin including (and centred around) his
post-revolution polemic The proletarian revolution and the renegade

* LINKS journal no. 18 is available now! This issue's theme is
Challenges for Asian Marxists, with articles on the state of
Indonesian politics, the Moro question in the Philippines, the role of
Australian imperialism in the region, religious fundamentalism in
Pakistan and the US, and more.

* Education for Socialists - class guides for the study of Marxism
Class outlines used by the Democratic Socialist Party.

* Cuba as alternative: an introduction to Cuba's socialist revolution
* Bosnia, Kosova and the West - the Yugoslav tragedy: a Marxist view; by
Mike Karadjis.

Check out our website for more info on the
above titles.


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LL:URL: updates to

2001-05-17 Thread Ben

hi there
i've given Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 a facelift:


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LL:URL: new URL for Ozanarchy website

2001-04-02 Thread Ben

For all your web-based, non-heirarchal, anti-authoritarian, autonomous
activities in the land of OZ.



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LL:DDV: Rally in support of charged solidarity activists

2001-03-05 Thread Ben Moxham

Rally in support of charged solidarity activists


Wednesday 7th March, 9am
Melbourne Magistrates Court
233 William St. City

In the wake of the East Timorese ballot for independence in August 1999,  an
Indonesian military sponsored rampage devastated the country. After receiving
phone calls from Timorese friends reporting on the outbreak of violence, dozens
of concerned supporters burnt the Indonesian consulate flag to draw 
attention to
the crisis.  In the following days, tens of thousands of people took to the
streets in support of the East Timorese.

Five members of the action have since been charged by the Protective Services
Intelligence Group (PSIG) - Victoria's own secret police - for burning a piece
of cotton.  The PSIG is the latest reincarnation of a covert policing group 
specialises in undermining community movements. It was the PSIG's infamous
predecessor the Operations Intelligence Unit (OIU) which was exposed in 
1998 for
spying on Aged-Pensioner lobby groups and the annual Teddy Bear Picnic. It was
the OIU which illegally kept files from it's disgraced predecessor, Victorian
Police's Special Branch.

Australian citizens are being persecuted for highlighting the human rights
atrocities that their government has been complicit in perpetrating. We call on
the police to drop the charges. We call on the government to abolish the secret
police.  Please come on Wednesday to protest what is an unjust political


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LL:AA: Revesby: Workers 'Locked-Out' - 24hr picket

2001-03-01 Thread Ben Donnelly

I thought I'd bring to the attention of the list an Industrial Action that 
is occurring in Sydney's West atm. Workers at 'Mirotone' in Revesby 
(Industrial Paint Company) were locked-out when negotiations broke down 
over their new Enterprise Agreement.

Basically the company wants workers to give up their 9-day fortnight and 
replace it with a 10-day fortnight., these conditions which were won back 
in 1982 during other industrial action.

A 24hr Picket of the factory will begin on Monday 26th February at 6am. The 
workers are locked out till the 5th March (baring a resolution) so if you 
wanted to come down or send a message of solidarity (e-mail, fax, etc) I'll 
provide details at the end of this e-mail.

NOTE: The Union involved is the LHMU (Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous 
Union) which also covers many students working in the hospitality industry.

Yours in Union

Ben Donnelly
Community Liaison
UWS Bankstown
ph: (02) 9772-6488
fax: (02) 9774-3442

Mirotone Pty Ltd
21 Marigold St Revesby 2212

Media Release
UWS Students Support Local Industrial Workers

Students at UWS Bankstown are throwing their support behind local industrial
workers 'locked-out' over an industrial dispute that involves the right to a
35hr week.

Workers at the 'Mirotone' Industrial Paint Company in Revesby staged a
'sit-in' of the factory floor on Thursday, when they were served with
'Lockout' notices preventing them from entering the factory for two weeks.

Workers were eventually escorted from the factory by police and security
guards and now plan to organise a 24hr picket of the factory, as well as
challenging the company's action in the courts.

The dispute centers around EBA (Enterprise Bargaining Agreement)
negotiations to change the current 9-day fortnight/35hr week and replace it
with a 10-day fortnight/38.75hr week; a step which would effectively take
the worker's RDOs.

The UWS Bankstown Students Association passed a motion supporting the
actions of the Mirotone Workers:

We the Bankstown Students Association support the Mirotone workers in their
struggle to maintain their working conditions. The BSA contributes $100 to
the workers 'fighting fund' from the Community Liaison line item.
Carried unanimously

"The movement towards a 10-day fortnight only provides benefits for those
who own the factories. For workers, the stretching of a workload over an
extra day means less time for leisure and family, more pressure and more
stress", Mr Ben Donnelly (Community Liaison Officer) said.

"What the workers are doing now is important, not only in their own
struggle, but also in the broader struggle to improve conditions for workers
in Australia. What's happening on their workplace today is happening on
workplaces throughout Australia, the conditions and entitlements of workers
are being stripped away by the bosses and the government", Bankstown
Education Officer Mr Dave Wilcox said.


Lock-Out at Mirotone (Paint Company)
23rd February, 2001

Mirotone is an Industrial Paint company. It produces coatings and finishes
for furniture, floors, and metals (primers, undercoats, etc).

- The owner of the factory has 'locked out' the Mirotone workers (unsure
about the number of workers involved)
- UWS Students will join workers on the picket line from Monday 6am.

- Because of negotiations around the workers EBA (Enterprise Bargaining
- Currently the workers have a 9-day fortnight (35hr week). This means
working 5 days in the first week, and 4 days in the second week (this occurs
because the workers work a little bit extra each day, earning the day off)
- The owner wants to change this to a 10-day fortnight/38.75hr week (which
would effectively take their RDOs)
- These conditions have been in place since 1982., entitlements won by
striking Paint Workers


- There has been industrial action at the Mirotone factory 'on and off'
since November 2000.
- On Thursday 23rd February (12:30pm), workers received 'Lock-Out' notices,
which then resulted in a 'sit-in' of the factory floor.
- At 2:45pm workers were escorted from the factory by Police and security
- The is a picket-line outside the entrance to the factory. From Monday
night it will become a 24hr picket, expected to last 2 weeks.

- There are currently 6-8 underskilled scab workers inside the factory at
the moment. Workers at Mirotone have been getting support from other paint
factories in the area., they are starting up a fighting fund to help sustain
then during the picket.
- Mirotone workers are members of the LHMU (Liquor Hospitality and
Miscellaneous Union)

Steve Bateman (LHMU) - 0401 762 766
Ken Phillips

Ben :)

Ben Donnelly


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LL:URL: new URL for ASF-IWA website

2001-02-15 Thread Ben

For the uninitiated, the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation is an organisation
of revolutionary unions whose goal is to build a union movement based on
principles of solidarity, direct action and self-management, as opposed to
the centralisation, bureaucracy and putting band aids on cancers approach
of traditional, mainstream unions. We are coming to your neighbourhood
sooner than you think!


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2001-02-13 Thread Ben

Just a short appendage a message I sent out a day or two ago:
The url for the Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 website is now:
In other words, there is now a "www" at the front.


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LL:URL: New url for Anarcho-Syndicalism 101

2001-02-11 Thread Ben

The Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 website has a new url:

Please update your bookmarks and links.

Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 is a web archive of material related to the
Anarcho-Syndicalist and revolutionary union movement, and includes texts,
articles, images, cultural items and forums for discussion.


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LL:URL: Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 updated

2001-01-29 Thread Ben

For all you budding class warriors out there in cyberspace:
The Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 site has just been updated. Check it out.


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LL:DDV: Palestine Solidarity March - 12 Nov

2000-11-09 Thread Ben Moxham

...please forward this email...
Come Support the Declaration Of a Palestinian State

Israel is Occupying Palestinian Land
Israel continues to contravene international law with Human Rights abuses, 
land confiscation, house demolition and Jewish resettlement. Israel is a 
nation with policies of discrimination and segregation towards its Arab 
citizens. Israel flouts international law, the 4th Geneva Convention, the 
UN Charter and UN Resolutions. Palestinian's are demonstrating against 
continued Israeli Military Occupation. Over 130 Palestinians have been 
killed. Over 4000 have been injured, and thousands have been deprived of 
food, water, medical supplies, and electricity.

Support the Palestinian People in their fight for

Objectives of the Solidarity March

To call on the Australian Government to provide a stronger public 
Condemnation of
Israeli violations of Human Rights and International Law;
To condemn the excessive use of force and violence by the Israeli military;
To support an immediate implementation of UN Resolutions 194, 242, and 338;
To support a Declaration of Palestinian Statehood.

Peace for Palestine

2.30 PM Start at the
Victorian State Library
(Crnr Latrobe  Swanston Streets)
March to Parliament House



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LL:URL: Anarcho-Syndicalism 101

2000-10-26 Thread Ben

hey there

i'd just like to invite you to visit the newly-updated
Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 website at

i've just added a huge bunch of stuff, as well as redesigning the
layout of the site. check it out.

please forward this email far and wide.




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LL:REM: Indymedia Benefit Thursday Night

2000-10-25 Thread Ben Moxham

Melbourne Indymedia Benefit

Screening 'Melbourne Rising', the Ska TV doco of s11

Thursday 7pm, 26th October
Union House Theatre
Ground Floor, Union house, Melbourne Uni

$5 Entry. For more info ring 8344 4810

Indymedia is a collective of independent media organisations and people 
grassroots, non-corporate news coverage.


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LL:DDV: Indymedia Benefit

2000-10-18 Thread Ben Moxham

Melbourne Indymedia Benefit

Screening 'Melbourne Rising', the Ska TV doco of s11

Thursday 7pm, 26th October
Union House Theatre
Ground Floor, Union house, Melbourne Uni

$5 Entry. For more info ring 8344 4810

Indymedia is a collective of independent media organisations and people 
grassroots, non-corporate news coverage.


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LL:INFO: Book on Philippine Left

2000-08-31 Thread BEN REID



15 years ago the Philippine left was considered by many to be a major 
political force. It played an important role in the movement against the 
Marcos dictatorship and acted as an inspiration for a generation of 
activists in the Asia Pacific region.

Yet by the early 1990s this movement was in crisis. Out of this crisis new 
forces and currents have emerged that aim to rekindle the traditions of 
resistance and struggle in the Philippines.

Now a new book has been published exploring the evolution, crisis and 
renewal of the Philippine left and the social crisis of the Philippines. 
Published by the Journal of Contemporary Asia, it is based on author Ben 
Reid's doctoral thesis.

A must read for scholars and activists concerned with liberation struggles 
in the Third World, a limited number are available for purchase.

To order a copy contact BEN REID [EMAIL PROTECTED] or pick up a copy 
from New International Bookshop (Trades Hall), Resistance Bookshop (Druid's 
House, Swanston Street) all good bookshops everywhere.


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LL:DDV: Update on Student Movement in Timor

2000-08-09 Thread Ben Moxham


Two recently returned members of University Students for East Timor (USET) are
speaking about the role and postion of East Timorese students in the developing
nation. They spent 3 months with the East TImor Student Solidarity Council
(ETSSC), a group formed out of the Univeristy in Dili that conducted several
community education and consultation processes in the lead up to the vote for
independence in 1999.Aside from an update on the student movement in Timor,
we will be discussing the role of Australian students in assisting the
continuing struggle for East Timorese self determination.

1pm Monday 14th August
Undergrad A Room
2nd Floor Union House,
Univeristy of Melbourne

For more information please contact Penny or Ben on 8344 4810



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LL:URL: new text at anarchosyndicalism 101

2000-07-06 Thread Ben

Introduction to Pouget's "Sabotage" by Arturo Giovannitti


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LL:URL: Anarcho-Syndicalism 101

2000-07-03 Thread Ben

hello there

i've just updated my Anarcho-Syndicalism 101 webpage. please check it out
if you feel that way inclined. the url is:

i've added a section on anarcho-syndicalist culture:

i've also added articles to the articles section:

the front page now features a link to anarcho-syndicalist email (fun for
the whole family):

the site also now has a guestbook:

please forward this email far and wide.

sincere apologies if you received multiples copies.

a big black and red bearhug,



despite all: We are not commodities for sale.
We are and will be what we want and not what
they want us to be.


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LL:URL: ozanarchy

2000-06-19 Thread Ben

hello there

i've just updated my ozanarchy page. check it out, if you like:

if i've left anything out, let me know.



despite all: We are not commodities for sale.
We are and will be what we want and not what
they want us to be.


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LL:INFO: syndicalists

2000-06-14 Thread Ben

a new email list has been set up at the server for 
non-partisan discussion of syndicalism and revolutionary unionism within an 
australian context. to subscribe, send a message to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe syndicalists" in the body of 
your email message.




despite all: We are not commodities for sale.
We are and will be what we want and not what
they want us to be.


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LL:DDN: Lucas Heights Reactor Tent City

2000-03-30 Thread Ben Donnelly

Lucas Heights Reactor Tent City!

Local residents have expressed outrage at ANSTO's and the Federal 
Government's lack of community consultation and education about the plans 
for the new nuclear reactor. Many people are concerned for their safety, 
given that there is no adequate procedure in place in the event of a 
nuclear accident.

Inspired by the response of the local community, anti-nuclear activists 
have established a Tent Village to raise awareness about the reactor and 
its impacts on the local area. It is also their aim to bring to people's 
attention the Federal Government's plan to dump Lucas Heights nuclear waste 
on Aboriginal land in South Australia (Billa Kalina).  The Tent Village 
will spend the week disseminating information, culminating in a public 
forum on Friday evening.

The Tent Village participants demand three things:
1. A Royal Commission in to the Federal Government's handling of the 
approval process.
2. A full public disclosure by ANSTO of the real dangers a new reactor 
would pose to local residents (including full details of past accidents).
3. A comprehensive health study into the effects of heightened levels 
radioactivity around the reactor site.

This Saturday at the protest site the Reactor Community Forum will be 
staged, including Lee Rhiannon, and ANSTO headkicker Helen Garnett. amongst 
many others. Stall and activities for kids are on aswell.

We encourage all activists and local residents to visit the Tent Village to 
find out more about these issues and show their support for the campaign; 
cnr Princess Hwy and Cooper St Engadine.

An initiative of Sydney People Against a New Nuclear Reactor 
(SPANNR),People Against a New Nuclear Reactor (PANNR), National Union of 
Students (NUS), Jabiluka Action Group (JAG) Sydney, Friends of the Earth 
(FoE) and members of the UWS Students Association.

CONTACTS: Natalie Stevens (SPANNR) 0414 336 800,
   Jemma Bailey (NUS) 0409 319 070,
   Jesse Wynhausen (NUS)  0415 161 911
   Corrie Hodson, Tim O'Connor, Jim Johnson (UWS) 9772 6488

cnr Princess Hwy and Cooper St Engadine



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LL:URL: anarcho-syndicalist ring

2000-03-12 Thread Ben

i've just set up the anarcho-syndicalist ring. if you have a webpage,
join it if you want. the joining page is here:

go wild, go really, really wild, man.


my webpage is on holiday.


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LL:URL: Resistance Bookshop: web page launched

2000-03-07 Thread Ben Courtice

Check the new webpage for Melbourne's best socialist/Marxist bookshop at

The page highlights recent releases from Resistance Books - classics of 
Marxism and publications of the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance.

For example:
*The Communist Manifesto (Marx/Engels)
*The State and Revolution (Lenin)
*Stop Uranium Mining! Australia's decade of protest 1975-1985 (Adamson)
*Comrades in Arms - Bolshevik Women in the Russian Revolution (Fairfax)

Previews of these and more are on the website.

The bookshop itself can be found at floor 5/407 Swanston St, upstairs
from Druid's Cafe - ph 9639 8622/email [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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LL:URL: Anarcho-Syndicalism

2000-03-03 Thread Ben

a little while ago i went a bit crazy and changed all the references to 
"anarcho-syndicalism" on my website, "Anarcho-Syndicalism 101", especially 
with regard to the online version of "Anarcho-Syndicalism" by Rudolf 
Rocker. this is just to let you know that i've come to my senses a little 
bit, and changed them back to how they were.

you can now find the proper, non-modifed version of "Anarcho-Syndicalism" here:




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LL:INFO: Dissenterlink #2 out now

2000-02-24 Thread Ben

The Melbourne branch of the Industrial Workers of the World has just
produced the second issue of Dissenterlink, an agitational and organising
zine by and for the unwaged. If you would like to see a copy, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and one will be posted out to you.


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LL:URL: Black Flag site updated

2000-01-17 Thread Ben

hello there,

i've just added a lot (and i mean a lot) of articles to the Black Flag
webpage, running back from issue 216 to issue 210. please feel free to
check them out at:

here's the Black Flag speil:

Black Flag: For a social system based on mutual aid and voluntary
co-operation - against state control and all forms of government and
economic repression. To establish a share in the general prosperity for
all - the breaking down of racial, religious, national and sex barriers -
and to fight for the life of one world.

hope all is well,


the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to
escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.   Marcus Aurelius


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LL:URL: Direct Action #171 out now

2000-01-12 Thread Ben

hello there,

Direct Action is the paper of the Industrial Workers of the World in
Australia. #171 is out now, and available from your local IWW General
Membership Branch, group or contact for only $1.

PO Box 78
Bellingen NSW 2454

Articles from this issue are also available on the web at the following

wobbly regards,


the object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to
escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.   Marcus Aurelius


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LL:ART: Strikes spread through BHP over contracts

1999-12-22 Thread Ben Donnelly

Strikes spread through BHP over contracts


BHP workers at Granville, Revesby, Villawood, Rooty Hill and Western Port 
yesterday voted in favour of sympathy strikes to support union colleagues 
in the Pilbara who are resisting non-union contracts.

Workers at BHP's Rooty Hill steel mill decided to postpone their strike 
action until after the Christmas industry shutdown.

Workers at Port Kembla steelworks and at BHP coal mines are also expected 
to wait until mid-January before striking against the company's new policy 
of refusing to negotiate a collective union wage agreement at its iron ore 
division in the Pilbara.

Steelworkers at Whyalla will meet today to decide what action to take. A 
meeting of workers at Port Kembla tomorrow is expected to agree on a strike 
but postpone it.

About 300 of 1,000 BHP iron ore workers are believed to have signed contracts.


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LL:AA: NSW Bev-Pak workers on strike over forced introduction of AWAs

1999-12-07 Thread Ben Donnelly

Bev-Pak Workers sacked for saying no to AWAs

Around 80 workers at the Bev-Pak bottle packaging company in Condell Park 
NSW have been sacked following a walk-out of employees last Wednesday (30th 
November) after they refused to sign Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) 
effectively putting them onto individual contracts.

Bev-Pak has brought in scab labour as the 80 sacked workers and members of 
the community continue to picket outside the factory.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) is taking Bev-Pak to the 
Australian Industrial Relations Commission which will hear the case on 7th 
December at 2:30pm.

A striking Bev-Pak employee stated, "They basically put the AWA in front of 
the workers and said 'sign here', and if you don't you basically didn't 
have a job".

"None of us knew what the paper was..., many of the workers have trouble 
speaking and reading english. When the translator and union rep. queried 
the document on behalf of his work mates, the boss suspended his 

"The Union was called and that's when we walked out".

Bev-Pak produces and bottles fruit juice, cordial and softdrink. Brands 
include "pop-tops", "juice pops", "pure and natural", "australian fruits" 
and "summer fruits".

Letters or solidarity can be sent to the AMWU:
Phone: (02) 9897 2011 Fax: (02) 9897 2219

Ben :)

Ben Donnelly


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LL:URL: invitation to join iww announce list

1999-11-07 Thread Ben

an email announce list for organising activities, campaigns and solidarity 
actions of the industrial workers of the world in australia has just been 
set up. to subscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
"subscribe announce" in the body of your message, or visit our homepage at

solidarity greetings,



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LL:AA: MUMIA: Execution set for December 2

1999-10-14 Thread Ben


SOURCE: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

Pennsylvania Gov. Ridge Signs Three Execution Warrants

HARRISBURG, Pa., Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge today 
signed warrants for the execution by lethal injection of Mumia Abu-Jamal of 
Philadelphia, Dennis Counterman of Lehigh County and Jerome J. Gibson of 
Bucks County.

Gov. Ridge set Abu-Jamal's execution for Thursday, Dec. 2, 1999.

In July 1982, Abu-Jamal was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced 
to die for the Dec. 9, 1981, murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel 
Faulkner, 25. Abu-Jamal was formally sentenced to death on May 25, 1983. 
That judgment was upheld by the state Supreme Court on March 6, 1989. The 
U.S. Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's petition for a writ of certiorari on 
Oct. 1, 1990, and denied two subsequent petitions for rehearing.

On June 1, 1995, Gov. Ridge issued a warrant scheduling Abu-Jamal's 
execution for the week beginning Aug. 13, 1995. On Aug. 7, 1995, the 
Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas stayed the execution pending the 
resolution of Abu-Jamal's Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition. On 
Sept. 15, 1995, the Court of Common Pleas denied post-conviction relief. On 
Oct. 29, 1998, the state Supreme Court affirmed the denial of PCRA relief. 
The U.S. Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's petition for a writ of certiorari 
on Oct. 4, 1999, lifting the stay.

Abu-Jamal, 45, is an inmate at the State Correctional Institution (SCI) at 
Greene, Greene County.

Gov. Ridge set Counterman's execution for Tuesday, Dec. 7.

In February 1990, Counterman was convicted of first-degree murder and 
sentenced to die for burning his house and killing his three trapped sons 
-- Christopher, six years old; James, four years old; and Scott, 10 weeks 
old. Counterman was formally sentenced to death on Dec. 6, 1996. The state 
Supreme Court upheld that judgment on Oct. 26, 1998.

On Feb. 17, 1999, Gov. Ridge signed a warrant scheduling Counterman's 
execution for April 13, 1999. On March 12, 1999, the state Supreme Court 
stayed the execution pending the filing and resolution of Counterman's 
petition for writ of certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court denied Counterman's 
petition for a writ of certiorari on Oct. 4, 1999, lifting the stay.

Counterman, 39, is a prisoner at SCI Greene.

Gov. Ridge set Gibson's execution for Thursday, Dec. 9, 1999.

In March 1995, Gibson was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to 
die for the Sept. 29, 1994, murder of Robert Berger, a 76-year-old store 
clerk, during a robbery. Gibson was formally sentenced to death on Aug. 24, 
1995. That judgment was upheld by the state Supreme Court on Nov. 17, 1998.

On March 9, 1999, Gov. Ridge signed a warrant scheduling Gibson's execution 
for May 6, 1999. On April 1, 1999, the state Supreme Court stayed the 
execution pending the filing and resolution of Gibson's petition for writ 
of certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court denied Gibson's petition for a writ 
of certiorari on Oct. 4, 1999, lifting the stay.

Gibson, 41, is an inmate at SCI Greene.

Gov. Ridge now has signed 176 death warrants since taking office. Three 
have been carried out, the first executions in Pennsylvania since 1962.

For more information, contact Tim Reeves, Press Secretary of the 
Pennsylvania Office of the Governor, 717-783-1116.

SOURCE: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor


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LL:URL: Direct Action #170 online

1999-08-25 Thread Ben x342073

hi there

number 170 of Direct Action, the paper of the Industrial Workers of the 
World (IWW), is now online. you can access it here:




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LL:URL: syndicalist directory

1999-07-13 Thread Ben x342073


and here:

hope all's well



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LL:URL: black flag #217 online

1999-06-21 Thread Ben x342073

hi there

this is just to let you know that Black Flag #217 is now online. you can
access the black flag page at:

please forward this message to any relavant places.




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LL:URL:anti-war image

1999-05-15 Thread Ben

hi there

it's a little late, but i've put an anti-war image in the web which you
might find useful:

please forward this message to other relevant lists / wherever.



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LL:PR: win for prisoners voting rights - privacy lost

1999-02-18 Thread Oquist, Ben (Sen B. Brown)

Wednesday, 17 February 1999

Voting Rights for Young and Prisoners Saved but Privacy Trammelled

Greens Senator Bob Brown says the Government has lost in attempts to
disenfranchise young people and prisoners.

"This is a victory for democracy, by backing Greens, ALP and Democrat
amendments stopping the Government closing the electoral rolls early before
an election, the Senate has protected the integrity of our electoral system.

The Senate has amended the Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill  (No. 2)
1998 by blocking Government moves to close the electoral rolls early and
remove voting rights for all prisoners.

The Government had proposed that for all new electors the rolls would close
at 6pm on the day of the issue of the writ for an election.  

"It is estimated that some 80 000 new enrolments occur in the one week
period (that could have been eliminated under this legislation) before the
close of rolls in an election period.  

"The legislation also proposed removing voting rights for all people in
prison.  These measures ran counter to our obligations under the United
Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1991 Article
25(b) and the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights 1948
Article 21(1)," said Senator Brown..

"The legislation would have been racially discriminatory because Indigenous
Australians are vastly over-represented in prisons.

However, Senator Brown condemned the Coalition-ALP majority which voted to
give political parties access to the date-of-birth, gender and salutation
details of all registered voters - a move not supported by the Privacy
Commissioner who has said:

" Where personal information is collected compulsorily I consider that
additional uses or disclosers should only be authorised if there is a
significant and clearly demonstrated public interest  in that happening"

Further information: Ben Oquist 02 62773170 or 0419704095

Ben Oquist
Greens Senator Bob Brown
Parliament House, Canberra
Australia 2600
Ph: +2 6277 3170 Fx: +2 6277 3185
mobile: 0419704095


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LL:URL: Melbourne IWW

1999-02-10 Thread Ben x342073

Hi Leftlinkers.

The homepage of the Melbourne IWW is now up and running at:

Anyone interested in swapping links, please get in touch.




Australian IWW:
* education * organisation
* emancipation

"Everybody's an authority, in a free land"
- Hüsker Dü, In a Free Land


  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   As vilified, slandered and attacked by One Nation
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LL:URL: direct action

1999-02-03 Thread Ben x342073

I've added Direct Action by Emile Pouget to the US mirror of the
Revolutionary Unionism 101 page. I've also revised the translation to try
to make it a bit clearer. This is a new transation, as far as I know. You
can find it here: 

hope you like it.



Australian IWW:
* education * organisation
* emancipation

"Everybody's an authority, in a free land"
- Hüsker Dü, In a Free Land

LL:Updated website

1999-01-08 Thread Ben x342073

Hi there.

I've just added a whole bunch of stuff to the Revolutionary Unionism 101 
page. Visit the Recent Additions page to find out what:





Australian IWW:
* education * organisation
* emancipation

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue  


1999-01-05 Thread Ben x342073


The Black Flag web page has been given a facelift. Check it out:



Australian IWW:
* education * organisation
* emancipation

 Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue

LL:URL:Revolutionary Unionism 101

1998-12-20 Thread Ben x342073


R E V O L U T I O N A R Y  U N I O N I S M  1 0 1

   [ U.S. mirror ]

[ Australian mirror ]

 S O L I D A R I T Y

  D I R E C T  A C T I O N

S E L F - M  A N A G E M E N T


 [  visit, pass this message on  ]

   [  visitez, disez tes amis  ]
  [  todo sus amigos y amigas me quiero  ]


Australian IWW:
* education * organisation
* emancipation

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue