LL:Anti-NATO war statement - sign on

1999-04-20 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

International statement by progressive organisations and

   Stop US/NATO war on Serbia!
 Self-determination for Kosova!

 We oppose both the US-led NATO war against Serbia/Yugoslavia
and the Serbian authorities' genocidal campaign of terror
against the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosova (the region
termed ``Kosovo'' by the Serbian regime). We support the right
of the Kosovar people to self-determination, which includes
their right to independence from Serbia.
 The NATO powers' war against Serbia/Yugoslavia has nothing to
do with defending the Kosovar people against Serbian
persecution, which began a decade ago and which these powers did
nothing against.
 The real purpose for the US/NATO war is two-fold: First, to win
greater public acceptance for the right of the US government to
use its war machine anywhere in the world. Second, to block the
Kosovar people's struggle for independence from Serbia. The NATO
powers have consistently opposed this struggle, denouncing the
Kosova Liberation Army as ``terrorists'', and insisting that
Kosova remain part of Serbia, regardless of what the Kosovar
people want.
 The NATO powers only began to express opposition to the Serbian
government's repression in Kosova when the Kosova Albanians
began an armed resistance to this repression. NATO began to
insist that Serbia allow  NATO troops to occupy Kosova and
disarm the KLA because the NATO powers had lost confidence in
the Serbian authorities' ability to crush the Kosovar armed
resistance movement.
 The NATO war against Serbia/Yugoslavia will do nothing to bring
about a just settlement of the Serbian/Kosovar conflict, which
can only be based upon recognition of the Kosova Albanians'
right to decide their own affairs free of both Serbian and NATO
 For these reasons, we believe it is necessary to oppose US/NATO
military intervention in the Balkans, to demand an immediate
halt to the NATO military campaign against Serbia, the immediate
withdrawal of all Serbian military forces from Kosova and
removal of all restrictions imposed on the ability of the Kosova
Albanians to defend themselves (including the UN-NATO arms

Lisa Macdonald, Editor, Green Left Weekly
Dr Syd Husin Ali, President, Malaysian People's Party
John Percy, National Secretary, Democratic Socialist Party
Sonny Melencio, Socialist Party of Labour (Philippines)
Patrick Bond, lecturer, University of Witwatersrand (South
Anna  Weekes  on behalf of the South African Municipal Workers
Allen Myers, Editor. Links
Max Lane, National Coordinator, Action in Solidarity for
Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET)
Sean Healy, National Coordinator,  Resistance (Australia)
Dr Helen Jarvis, Asia Pacific Institute for Democratisation 
Development (Australia)
Neville Spencer, Editor, Venceremos
Pip Hinman, Asia Pacific Women's Solidarity Network
Dave Holmes, Resistance Books.
Stephen  O'Brien, Committees in Solidarity with Central America 
the Caribbean (CISLAC)
Dr Kamala Emanuel, medical practitioner
Peter Boyle, New Course Publications
Dr Tuntuni Bhattacharyya, medical practitioner
Jill Hickson, film maker
Aaron Benedek, Education Officer, Sydney University Students
Representative Council
Tim Gooden, Secretary, ACT Government Section, Community  Public
Sector Union (CPSU)
Philippa Stanford, Section Councillor, Centrelink Section, CPSU
Mark Cronin, Section Councillor, Centrelink Section, CPSU
Melanie Sjoberg, organiser, Public Service Association (South
Maurice Sibelle, coordinator, Victorisn TAFE Students  Apprentices Network
Sarah Lantz, Student Research Officer, VTSAN
Dr Margaret Perrot, medical practitioner
Chris Latham, Coordinator, Australia-Indonesia Student Solidarity
Allen Jennings, CISLAC Victoria
Ertugral Titiz, Kurdish activist
Mark Abberton, Education Officer, RMIT TAFE Students Association
Natasha Izatt, Women's Officer, RMIT TAFE Students Association
Vanessa Hearman, ASIET Victoria

Organisations and positions for indentification purposes only.
Initiated by the Australian newspaper Green Left Weekly for
publication in the progressive media.

Name: ___ Tel: ___ Email:

Please return your endorsement to Green Left Weekly, PO Box 394,
Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia. Tel: +61 2 9690 1210 Fax: +61 2
9690 1381. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:PR: Too many parties in NSW?

1999-03-05 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

  Friday March 5, 1999
   Too many parties?

A comment by Dick Nichols, the Democratic Socialists lead
   candidate for the NSW Upper House

In the last NSW election, in 1995, there were a record 27 parties
standing for the Legislative Council, the upper house of state
parliament. This year, with 92 parties registered under state
electoral laws, a new record could be set.

The NSW Greens have called for Labor and Coalition to support
urgent State Electoral Office (SEO) and parliamentary
investigations into the "bona-fides of all political parties
being 'rush-registered' in the lead up to this election".
Conservative independent (former Labor) MLC Franca Arena and
Shooters Party MLC John Tingle have supported this call.

In response,  Labor Premier Bob Carr has said he will ask the SEO
to investigate changing the law after the March 27 election to
toughen criteria for registering political parties.

The Greens say that the large number of newly registered parties
(37 in the last month ) is suspicious and that "evidence is
mounting that some of the parties may be fronts for other
political parties''.

However, while there is some evidence that about half a dozen
registered parties are "fronts" or "feeder tickets" for other
parties, this cannot account for the large rise in small, often
single-issue, parties.  This development is not confined to NSW
or even to Australia and it ultimately reflects the massive
disillusionment in the traditional parties of government.

A Bulletin poll last year found that 66% of voters were unhappy
with Labor and the Coalition.  And this should come as no
surprise as state and federal governments of both stripes are
widely recognised as having a common agenda of austerity and
privatisation to boost big business profits.

With these two "economic rationalist" parties entrenched in the
various lower houses, voters have sought to hold back or slow the
social vandalism  of governments by voting more smaller parties
into the Senate and state upper houses, which in most cases are
elected under the more democratic proportional representation

The Greens say they are worried that the major parties may be
trying to discredit the upper house and claim their call for an
investigation into new parties is an attempt to pre-empt this
attack.  Certainly "upper house reform" is high on the agenda of
big business and their parties. But the Greens are naive to think
that more democracy will come out of  this call.  Instead,
genuine smaller parties -- and especially parties without big
business support -- will be the chief victims of  tighter
eligibility for registration or higher deposits for candidates.

Until some party or alliance wins sufficient political authority
to pose a real alternative to Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee, many
new parties are going to be thrown up. Some will be single issue
parties, many will be short-lived and others will be opportunist
or something more sinister. A viable alternative will have to be
put together through the political sorting out of who stands for
what, during and after elections.

This process is going on. Parties committed to real change
persevere and don't pack up shop after elections. They campaign
for the issues they claim to stand for. This wins respect. For
instance, many of the single-issue parties that did better than
the Democratic Socialists in the 1995 NSW elections have since
disappeared or were outpolled by us  in the NSW Senate election
last October 3.

Channel Nine's Footy Show and former Labor Right powerbroker
Graham Richardson have set up the What's Doing Party supposedly
to demonstrate how "ridiculously easy" it is to set up a silly
party. But so it should be. Under  capitalism it will always be
easy for people with money to set up as many parties as they want
to.  Toughening the registration criteria will only knock out
those with less money and power from running in elections.

Making parliamentary politics a  more exclusive club than it
already is won't advance the cause of democracy, social justice
and environmental sustainability. Instead of  inadvertently
feeding the big parties' campaign to further reduce our
democratic rights, the Greens should concentrate on politically
exposing  of  the big and small reactionary parties, not just the
handful of  possible "front" parties that might have been set up
to divert a few votes.

   Dick Nichols, 53, has worked in the printing industry and
   on the railways, where he was the Secretary of the
   Combined Unions at Eveleigh Loco railway workshops. For
   many years he was involved in the struggle against the
   privatisation of railway workshop work and, as a branch
   councillor  for the Australian Railways Union (now Public
   Transport Union), also fought the anti-public transport
   policies of the Wran and Unsworth Labor  governments. More
   recently Nichols has edited Links, 

LL:International Conference on economic sovereignty

1999-02-25 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

  Urgent Announcement  **


Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World:
Creating People Centred Economics for the 21st Century

23-26 March 1999
Bangkok, Thailand


For more information and registration, please go to our website
http://focusweb.org and click to 'Upcoming Focus Conference'

If you have difficulties sending the registration form from the website,
please print the completed form and fax to us at 66 2 255 9976.

You will also find the registration form at the end of this message.
You can fill it in and send it to Jim at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All registrations will be acknowledged within three days, so if you do
not hear from us please contact Jim at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registrations close on 7 March 1999



Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World
Creating People-Centred Economics for the 21st Century
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, March 24-26, 1999

While financial analysts assess the global financial crisis in terms of
stock market indexes and currency values, the real impact is being
borne by the millions of people who are being pushed further into
poverty as we approach the new millennium. Generations will inherit a
debt not of their making, and as the human costs of the crisis continue
to mount, speculators and currency traders escape virtually unscathed.

Uncontrolled speculative investment and currency trading have a
devastating effect on economic stability and long-term development.
The crisis has shown that national economies no longer have control
over vital aspects of economic policy, and that they too are subject to
the whims of the market.

The inability of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to
respond to the crisis with appropriate policies has called into question
their capacity to understand and react to the needs of people in a
rapidly changing global economy. A growing number of critics are
now calling for a thorough review of these institutions' policies and
decision making processes.

The dire human consequences of this demand our attention. It is
imperative that international economic relations be reviewed and
reshaped to control speculation, regulate financial markets and reduce
inequalities between nations, while promoting economic democracy
and fostering sustainable development.

All these measures and reforms should aim to give local communities,
national governments and regional groupings the chance to pursue
economic policies which meet the needs of people, instead of the

Develop a deeper understanding of the nature and role of financial
capital and its impact on local, national and regional economic
development; closely examine existing and proposed regulatory
mechanisms, with the aim of regulating financial capital, fostering
productive investment and promoting sustainable 'people-centred'

Review national, regional and international financial institutions and
their programs; propose new mechanisms and institutions, or reforms
to those already in existence, in order to increase their accountability
and democracy.

Create a platform of joint action that articulates agreed principles,
defines common objectives and demands, and produces concrete
proposals for economic reform.

The unique feature of this conference is that it brings together
individuals and networks from all regions of the globe at a time when
the issues of financial regulation and financial architecture are high on
the international political agenda.

During the conference, there will be four working groups, focusing on
the areas of: Institutional Reform  New Institutions; Market Reform
 Regulatory Mechanisms; National Political  Policy Reform; and
People-Centred Alternatives. Each working group will identify
priorities, articulate demands and proposals, and develop education
and campaign strategies. Each participant will select a working group
for the whole conference.

Plenaries have been scheduled each day, which explore a broad range
of topics related to the conference. There will also be in-depth panels
providing information on pertinent issues, such as local responses to
the crisis, speculation taxes and capital controls.

The conference is being hosted by Focus on the Global South, and is
co-sponsored by Development Alternatives for Women in a New Era
(DAWN), the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiatives
Network (SAPRIN) and Focus on the Global South. Focus, DAWN
and SAPRIN have already initiated discussions with groups

We hope that national and regional working groups can informally

LL:PR: More police = more crime

1999-02-24 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

   Wednesday 24 February 1999

   'More police won't mean less crime'

"More police obviously doen't spell less crime", said Mr DICK
NICHOLS, who heads the Democratic Socialists' Legislative Council
ticket in the coming NSW elections.

"NSW Premier Bob Carr boasts that he boosted the police force by
2,000 and provided it with a record budget but every day we see
more evidence that many police are committing -- not fighting --
crime. Police have been sprung selling drugs, protecting
criminals and organising armed hold-ups.

"The Wood Royal Commission exposed just some of the corruption
that riddles the police force and the Independent Commission
Against Corruption (ICAC) has revealed that NSW  MPs -- like
their federal counterparts -- have been rorting their travel

"That's just the surface. We never get the full story about the
casino licences (and their special tax exemptions), the private
road tollways, big building projects and the secret deals done
around privatisation."

Mr Nichols cited as other real crimes:

 The planned "$25-28 billion heist" -- NSW electricity
privatisation. Privatisation is theft of public assets. Thousands
of jobs will be destroyed if the Coalition wins but their big
business mates would be very happy.

 Kerry Packer's tax bill, the banks' systematic daylight robbery
of its small clients, BHP's destruction of thousands of lives in
Newcastle and Wollongong and the mining companies ravaging of
towns Broken Hill, Cobar and Singleton with job cuts.

 Bi-partisan commitment to the social catastrophe of economic

"While real criminals go free, the poorest and most oppressed
sections are locked up for petty offences. In NSW,  the prison
population grew by 75% over the last decade and the Aboriginal
proportion doubled to about 12% . Deaths in custodies continue to
take place. And following recent rounds of anti-Arab and
anti-Asian crime scapegoating, the NSW police are trying to
devise new codenames for racist stereotypes."

Mr Nichols said Labor and Liberal politicians were "utterly
hypocritical" in their reactionary "law and order" campaign.

The Democratic Socialists are also running candidates in 10
Legislative Assembly seats: Lismore, Newcastle, Port Jackson,
Heffron, Marrickville, Strathfield, Auburn, Parramatta, Illawarra
and Wollongong.

  Dick Nichols, 53, has worked in the printing industry and
  on the railways, where he was the Secretary of the Combined
  Unions at Eveleigh Loco railway workshops. For many years
  he was involved in the struggle against the privatisation
  of railway workshop work and, as a branch councillor  for
  the Australian Railways Union (now Public Transport Union),
  also fought the anti-public transport policies of the Wran
  and Unsworth Labor  governments. More recently Mr Nichols
  has edited Links, the international journal of socialist
  renewal. He is presently the Democratic Socialists'
  national industrial convenor.

  Dr Helen Jarvis, 53, the no.2 Legislative council candidate
  for the Democratic Socialists, is a lecturer at the
  University of NSW. She has stood as a candidate for the
  Democratic Socialists on numerous occasions. She has been
  working on documenting the Cambodian genocide since 1995
  (Cambodian Genocide Program), and has been involved in a
  number of human rights and international solidarity
  campaigns. Dr Jarvis was a founding member of Sydney
  Women's Liberation  in 1969.

To arrange interviews contact Peter Boyle
  02-9690 1230


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Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:PR: Vote left in NSW elections

1999-02-24 Thread Democratic Socialist Party


Wednesday 24 February 1999

The Democratic Socialists will be running an upper house (Legislative
Council) ticket and fielding candidates in 10 lower house (Legislative
Assembly) seats in the March 27 NSW elections (for platform, candidate
profiles and media statements, visit http://www.peg.apc.org/~stan/ds).
Other left organisations likely to field candidates are the Communist Party
of Australia and the Progressive Labour Party.

NSW Coalition leader Kerry Chikarovski shameless wielding of a $5.2 billion
electricity privatisation pork barrel confirms the total moral bankruptcy of
the major parties, DICK NICHOLS, the Democratic Socialists' lead candidate
for the Legislative Council, said in Sydney today.

While Labor Premier Carr has so far failed to force electricity
privatisation on his own party, the Coalition is offering householders $1000
or $1100 of shares from a possible $25-28 billion electricity privatisation.
The Coalition is also offering another $2.6 billion from the privatisation
proceeds for regional projects.

"Chikarovski is aping the most corrupt practices adopted by governments in
Eastern Europe and Russia to sell privatisation. Those governments have
wreaked social and economic vandalism and the Coalition threatens to do the
same here.

"Chikarovski thinks she can buy votes at $1000 a household, but people --
especially in regional NSW -- are well and truly sick of privatisation. They
know from bitter experience that it means you lose your local school,
hospital, post office, bank and  CES, and, if you haven't already, your job!

"Coalition and Labor government share a pro-privatisation agenda but they
are badly out of touch with public opinion today", said Nichols.

The Democratic Socialists, who obtained the ninth highest vote in last
year's  NSW Senate election, are campaigning for reversing the
Coalition-Labor privatisation drive. "Privatisation is theft and the public
has the right to resume ownership of of privatised assets with compensation
only to small shareholders."

  Dick Nichols, 53, has worked in the printing industry and
  on the railways, where he was the Secretary of the Combined
  Unions at Eveleigh Loco railway workshops. For many years
  he was involved in the struggle against the privatisation
  of railway workshop work and, as a branch councillor  for
  the Australian Railways Union (now Public Transport Union),
  also fought the anti-public transport policies of the Wran
  and Unsworth Labor  governments. He is presently the
  Democratic Socialists' national industrial convenor.

   For interviews contact Peter Boyle
  02-9690 1230

   Democratic Socialists candidates for the
  1999 NSW elections:

   Newcastle: Geoff Payne
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 19/509 Hunter
   Shopping Village, Newcastle. Tel: 02-4926 5328.

   Lismore: Bernie Wunsch
   Campaign office: Tel: 02-6622 0103

   Illawarra: Dr Margaret Perrott
   Wollongong: Angela Luvera
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 23 Central Chambers,
   cnr Crown St Mall  Church St, Wolongong. Tel: 02-4226

   Auburn: Shane Bentley
   Parramatta: Kylie Moon
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, Suite 3, Railway
   Arcade, Darcy St, Parramatta. Tel: 02-9635 8449.

   Heffron: Dr Jim Green
   Marrickville: Dr Tuntuni Bhattacharyya
   Port Jackson: Marina Carman
   Strathfield: Stephanie Roper
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 23 Abercrombie St,
   Chippendale, NSW. Tel: 02-9690 1977.

   Legislative Council ticket: Dick Nichols, Dr Helen


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LL:PR:PKK and KDP on Ocalan arrest

1999-02-19 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

Osman Ocalan's Statement About the Arrest

In the name of Central Committee of Kurdistan Workers Part and Commanders
of People Liberation Army of Kurdistan (by Osman Ocalan)

This is our call to our people in The North Kurdistan, East 
Kurdistan, South Kurdistan and (mini) South Kurdistan,  to our people 
in the metropolis and abroad, to all democratic forces and human 
right organizations:  

The October 9th international conspiracy aimed at our leadership has 
reached a new dimension with the hijacking of our leader to Turkey. 
First and foremost, the actions taken against our leadership are the 
prime examples of international piracy; they are flagrant violation 
of international law and basic humanitarian  rules.  The behavior of 
countries that champion "human rights" visa vis the Turkish attacks 
on our leadership is disgraceful.  

Our peoples desire to express their longing for peace and freedom has 
been blocked.  Our leadership came to Europe to pursue peace.  As the 
leader of people threatened by genocide, people who have sacrificed 
everything for an honorable and just existence, he extended the hand 
of peace and asked that this hand be shaken. However, those who talk 
of human rights and democracy have adamantly refused the hand of 
peace, they have instead engaged in acts of piracy that violate all 
norms of international law and humanity in the pursuit of our 
leadership.  Clearly, this conspiracy is directed at our people. This 
is a conspiracy by imperialist forces sworn to deny our people the 
right to live in freedom and peace they so deserve. The western 
powers have demonstrated unequivocally that their petty interests 
supersede the rights of people to live in peace and freedom. They 
want us to submit to Turkish genocide machine, like the lambs in 
slaughterhouse.  The attacks on our leadership is a significant 
element of genocide directed towards our people. Obviously our people 
should react to this genocide.  Freedom can be attained only through 
struggle against the imperialist interests. Let it be clear: The 
imperialists and the reactionary forces around the world has 
sacrificed our peoples quest for peace and freedom to their dirty 
interests. They desecrated all human values (for  the sake of 

What will be the response of our people?  Without a doubt, the wishes 
of imperialists and the reactionaries will not be realized. Kurdish 
people, both inside the country and abroad, will intensify their 
struggle for freedom as directed by our leadership.  The hopes of 
imperialists and reactionaries will be dashed. As for any people, 
freedom is our birthright. Freedom from genocide is our natural 
right.  No one can take away this rights from us. No economic or 
politic interest can justify infringement on our right to freedom and 
peace. The imperialists are asking us to consent to genocide. What a 
folly! The Kurds live for freedom, for honor and dignity.  Let no 
less be expected!  Our people shall continue their struggle for 
freedom under the leadership of Chairman APO.  The life shall become 
unbearable for the Turkish state. Our party, army and liberation 
front will accomplish these objectives in the name of our people.  We 
will extract a heavy price from Turkish State for the act of piracy 
against our leadership.  Every Kurd, in particular, those living in 
the country and the metropolis should take whatever action they deem 
appropriate on this basis. They should employ all the means available 
to them.  We will not bow to enemy, we will only fight it.  

The Kurds living abroad should not put themselves on fire, they 
should put the enemy on fire.  They should avoid the armed violence, 
but use every legitimate avenue to defend their national rights and 
the leadership. Let no one interfere with this struggle.  

The US is extremely hostile to our people. We have refrained from any 
hostile act against the United States. The more we refrained from 
hostile acts against this country, the more intense American 
hostility towards our people has became.  The American authorities 
has shamelessly justified  the act of piracy by Turkey.  All this in 
pursuit of its dirty interests.  The Zionist State of Israel, ever 
concerned about its dirty interests, has joined Turkey in deny our 
people their  legitimate aspirations. Israel armed Turkish army and 
cooperated with Turkey in all international matters. We wish not make 
enemies with Israeli people.  However, the harder we tried not to 
make enemies with Israeli people, the more Israel served Turkey, a 
criminal enterprise, in oppressing our people.  In addition, Germany, 
Italy, Russia and In particular Greece have taken part in the 
conspiracy against our people.  The Greek foreign minister, Mr. 
Pangolos,  has gone so far as to insult our people.  Neither Greek 
government, nor its representatives have any right to insult our 
people; they may only apologies to our people for their misdeeds. The 

LL:PR:Solidarity with Kurds

1999-02-18 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

Solidarity with the Kurds!

The Democratic Socialist Party declares its solidarity with the Kurdish
people in their international protests for the release of Kurdish liberation
movement leader Adbullah Ocalan and their ongoing struggle for national

The Turkish government charges Abdullah Ocalan with "terrorism" but the real
terrorists are the Turkish government and their imperialist backers who have
waged decades of genocidal war against the Kurdish minority.

Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer's labelling of the the Kurdish protests as
"un-Australian" is a racist and hypocritical slur against one of the most
oppressed nationalities in the world.

How is it that the Australian government's support for repressive regimes
and aggressive wars is not called "un-Australian" but the desperate protests
of the victims of this repression and aggression is labelled

The Democratic Socialist Party calls upon all progressive people to join in
with the Kurdish community in their protests against Abdullah Ocalan's

Acting National Secretary Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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1999-01-16 Thread Democratic Socialist Party


Date: 14 January 1999

Violence against left leaders in Sri Lanka

Leaders of the New Left Front (NLF), Dr Vickramabahu Karunaratne
(General Secretary of the Nava Sama Samaja Party - NSSP), comrade
Patrick Fernando (the candidate for the post of Chief Minister in
the Wayaba provincial council elections) and comrade Nishantha,
their driver, were brutally assaulted by thugs who came in
motorcycles decorated with flags of the Peoples Alliance - the
ruling coalition - on January 13, 1999 around 10pm in Padeniya
Kurunegala, a town situated about 80 km from Colombo.

The leaders were returning from a public rally held in Kobeigane
in support of the NLF candidates contesting the Provincial
Council elections for the Wayaba province which is scheduled to
be held on January 25, 1999. The thugs had followed the vehicle
carrying the leaders since they left the public meeting and
attacked them when they stopped for tea at Padeniya town.

As a result of this attack, the leaders sustained grave injuries
for which they were treated at Kurunegala teaching hospital.
While Dr Vickramabahu along to Nishantha had to be removed from
the Kurunegala hospital in view of the security situation,
Patrick Fernando is still being treated for head and eye injuries
in the teaching hospital, ward 31. A complaint has been lodged at
the Wariyapola police station regarding the incident.

This incident has come at a time where violence has escalated
between the ruling Peoples alliance and the United National Party
which is now being directed against the candidates of the
combined left represented by the parties of the NLF and the
Peoples Liberation Front (JVP). The JVP too has reported numerous
attacks on their candidates during the recent past. The NSSP has
been particularly targeted by the chauvinistic elements of the PA
and other parties because it has called for unconditional talks
with the LTTE to resolve the North-East issue.

We hold the government totally responsible for this state of
violence. It has not only failed to control their supporters but
has been unable to provide adequate security and create a
peaceful atmosphere to conduct a democratic election.

We therefore request you to bring this information to the notice
of all relevant organisations throughout the region. Send protest
letters to President Chandrika Kumaratunga and general Anurudha
Ratwatte, Deputy Minister of Defence,
1. To protest against this attack and requesting to take adequate
measures to stop any further attacks on the candidates of the
left parties.
2. To conduct an impartial inquiry into this incident and punish
those responsible for this brutal attack.

The relevant addresses are as follows:

H E  Chandrika Bandaranayaka Kumaranatunga
Her Excellency the President of the Democratic Republic of Sri
Presidential Secretariat
Colombo 1
Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-1-436371
Fax: 94-1-333703

General Anurudha Ratwatte
Deputy Minister of Defence
Ministry of Defence
15/5 Baladaksha Mawatha
Colombo 3
Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-1-445699
Fax: 94-1-439380

Please send copies of your letters to the NSSP, 143 Kew Rd,
Colombo 2, Sri Lanka. Fax: 94-1-334822 or 94-074-713308.

Dr Sunil Ratnapriya
On behalf of the International Affairs Committee
Nava Sama Samaja Party, Sri Lanka

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue

LL: Further update on anti war protestsFurther update on anti-war protests

1998-12-17 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

Latest details of some of today's demonstrations against the
bombing of Iraq:

 Adelaide: 5pm, Parliament House.
 Brisbane: 5pm, King George Sq, City.
 Canberra: 5pm, British High Commission  march on US
 Hobart: 4pm, today, Franklin Sq.
 Melbourne: 5pm, GPO Steps, City.
 Newcastle: 4.30pm, Civic Park, Cnr King  Darby Sts, City.
 Sydney: 4pm, US Consulate, Martin Place, City.
 Wollongong: 7pm, tonight, Wollongong Mall.

Details of a Perth protest action (probably tomorrow) will be

Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party national office
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp

   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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1998-12-17 Thread Democratic Socialist Party


The following actions against the US/British bombing of Iraq will take place
around Australia today, Friday 18 December:

MELBOURNE: 5pm, GPO Steps, City.
SYDNEY: 5pm, US Consulate, Martin Place, City.
BRISBANE: 5pm, Queen St Mall, City.
PERTH: 5pm, Hay St Mall, City.
NEWCASTLE: 4pm, Civic Park, City.

19 December at the Salamanca Markets, 10am-3pm.


** Please let us know if there are any we have missed.

Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party National Office
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp

Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List


1998-12-17 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

There will be another protest against the US/British bombing of Iraq in
Canberra on Saturday December 19.

12.30pm Civic Mall.
Details: 02-6247 2424

Democratic Socialist Party
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp


Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

LL:AA:Nationwide rallies Iraq bombing

1998-12-16 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

   Thursday 17 December 1998

Stop the bombing of Iraq!
 Nation-wide protests organised

Demonstrations against the latest US/British bombing raids on
Iraq have been called today in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Newcastle and Wollongong by anti-war activists. These
match protests being organised in the US and around the world and
will be probably be followed by more protests over the next few

Details of some of today's demonstrations:

 Sydney: 4pm, US Consulate, Martin Place, City.
 Canberra: 5pm, British High Commission  march on US
 Melbourne: 5pm, GPO Steps, City.
 Brisbane: 5pm, King George Sq, City.
 Newcastle: 4.30pm, Civic Park, Cnr King  Darby Sts, City.
 Wollongong: 7pm, tonight, Wollongong Mall.

"The US and British government have no right to carry out this
latest act of aggression on the people of Iraq", said Mr Peter
Boyle a national spokesperson for the Democratic Socialist Party,
today. "And PM John Howard should be condemned by all
democratic-minded Australians for supporting this latest bloody
Xmas bombing by the US and its allies."

"The economic sanctions on Iraq, which according to UN figures
have killed 1.6 million Iraqi civilians, should have never have
been imposed" said Mr Sean Healy, national coordinator of
Resistance, the youth group that organised this year's high
school walkouts against racism. "It is a barbaric action that
cannot be justified when the US and many of its allies continue
to possess most of the weapons of mass destruction that exist in
the world today."

Former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark has condemned the bombing
as a "wanton act of mass murder" which the Clinton Administration
had no right to carry out.

   For interviews or more information contact:
Peter Boyle or Sean Healy
      02-9690 1230

Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp

Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

LL:Updated Iraq bombing protest details

1998-12-16 Thread Democratic Socialist Party

Updated details of some of today's demonstrations:

 Sydney: 4pm, US Consulate, Martin Place, City.
 Canberra: 5pm, British High Commission  march on US
 Hobart: 4pm, today, Franklin Sq.
 Melbourne: 5pm, GPO Steps, City.
 Brisbane: 5pm, King George Sq, City.
 Newcastle: 4.30pm, Civic Park, Cnr King  Darby Sts, City.
 Wollongong: 7pm, tonight, Wollongong Mall.

Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party National Office
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381
Website: http://www.peg.apc.org/~dsp

Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List