LL:DD: WEST PAPUA DOCU Land of the Morning Star on ABC

2004-01-14 Thread Papua Merdeka
This event has been posted on the Leftlink Calendar at 

Narrated by Rachel Griffiths and featuring rare archival film and
eyewitness accounts, Land of the Morning Star explores the causes
and realities of the troubles in Papua.


Land of the Morning Star, screens 8.30pm, February 2, on ABC TV

Land of the Morning Star tells how for centuries the world has
jostled for control of this rugged, isolated region with its abundant
natural resources and strategic position. It is an epic story of
colonial ambitions, cold war sellouts and fervent nationalism.

Land of the Morning Star is a new Australian documentary premiering
on ABC TV at 8.30pm, Monday February 2. Its director, Mark Worth,
has spent much of his journalistic career reporting on the region.

The western half of the island of New Guinea is a wildly beautiful
place where snow-capped mountains drain into massive rivers and
over 250 of the world's languages are spoken. It has been known by
many names including Netherlands New Guinea, West Papua, Irian Jaya
and Papua.

The first outsiders to arrive were Macassans from the Malay
Peninsula, looking for sandalwood, prized bird of paradise
feathers and slaves. Next came the Dutch, with their explorers,
anthropologists, traders, planters and missionaries.

When war came to the Pacific in 1941, the Americans chose Dutch
New Guinea's capital Hollandia as their base of operations against
the Japanese. Half a million soldiers passed through Hollandia,
going on to fight some of the bloodiest battles of the Pacific war.

After the war, the Dutch reclaimed Papua, until U.S. President
Kennedy persuaded them to hand over their colony to a newly
independent Indonesia. Today, despite continuing Papuan resistance,
the Indonesians remain firmly in control.

Narrated by Rachel Griffiths and featuring rare archival film and
eyewitness accounts, Land of the Morning Star explores the causes
and realities of the troubles in a land only 100 kilometres to
Australia's north.

Film Australia is an Australian Government-owned company, which
supports production and distribution of documentaries in the
national interest.

Further information @

Free West Papua !Free Aceh !
Papua Merdeka !!!Aceh Merdeka !!!


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LL:QUERY: REQUEST FOR HELP/IDEAS - Kopassus chief coming to Oz

2003-08-28 Thread Papua Merdeka
From: Pip Hinman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear all,

According to a report by the ABC online on August 21, Indonesia's
Kopassus chief will visit Australia next month to cement the deal
on training and military ties.

Indonesia's Army Chief General Ryamizard Ryacudu was quoted as saying
the restoration of links between the Kopassus and Australian troops was
important. He and Kopassus chief Major-General Sriyanto will visit.

Earlier this month, Chief of Australia Defence Forces, General Peter
Cosgrove, said the resumption of ties with Kopassus was a necessary
part of the regional war against terrorism because the unit was a major
counterterrorism force in Indonesia and it could help save lives.

Never mind the number of lives it is helping to extinguish now in Aceh,
West Papua and elsewhere in Indonesia.

We are trying to find out when and where these two visitors will be -
probably Canberra at the very least.

It seems to be an appropriate time for a protest - perhaps 
simultaneously in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne? Given the 
anti-Indonesian racism that is being pushed now in the mainstream press, 
we will make it clear that we are not anti-Indonesian, rather we are 
against the Howard government interfering in the internal affairs of 
Indonesia. These military ties, which help rehabilitate the TNI and 
Kopassus, will set back the struggle for democracy in Indonesia.

We could also get lot of signatories onto a protest petiton - and send
it to the government.

What do you think? Ideas and suggestions welcome.

Below is an aticle from the Jakarta Post about more power going to the

In solidarity,
Pip Hinman


TITLE: Government to give more power to TNI

SOURCE: Jakarta Post - August 15, 2003

Muninggar Sri Saraswati, Jakarta -- In a response to the rampant
terror attacks plaguing the country in the past year, the
government has decided to give the Indonesian Military (TNI) some
of its pre-reform era powers back.

Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono said on Thursday that the government would
empower the military to detect and find possible terror threats
that needed an immediate response.

There has been a long-standing impression that the TNI should
only handle external defense while internal security is in the
hands of the police. This is not exactly consistent with the
law, Susilo said without elaborating at a press conference after
presiding over a ministerial meeting on political and security

In the spirit of the reform movement, the People's Consultative
Assembly (MPR) decided in 2000 to restrict the military to a
defense-of-the-borders only role and entrusted internal security
to the police. The ensuing police law and defense law confirmed
the clear-cut division of the forces, which marked at least a
symbolic end to the military's leading role in the country's
affairs. The National Police fell under the armed forces, or
ABRI, before that.

Susilo said the government intended to provide the TNI with a
greater role in internal security due to the police's lack of
personnel, and because the military had some of its personnel

The government will give a greater role, or appropriate space,
for the TNI to carry our their duties as long as it is related to
national interests, although the focal point remains the police,
Susilo said. He did not elaborate on the extent of the military's
role in the fight against terrorism, or how terror would be
defined. The government, Susilo said, would still consult the
House of Representatives or the MPR over the issue.

It remains unclear whether the military's greater role in
security affairs will be part of the amendment to the
Antiterrorism Law No. 15/2003, which was discussed during a
meeting hosted by Susilo.

Also attending the meeting were TNI chief Gen. Endriartono
Sutarto, National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar, justice
minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra, defense minister Matori Abdul
Djalil, Attorney General M.A. Rachman and National Intelligence
Body chief Hendropriyono.

Endriartono, Matori and Hendropriyono had thrown their weight
behind a proposal to adopt a Singapore-like internal security act
in a bid to combat terrorism. Hendropriyono is also apparently
seeking greater authority for intelligence officers to make
arrests, similar to the way they did just that during the New
Order regime of former president Soeharto.

Susilo said that the antiterrorism law needed revising. It was
passed in the wake of the Bali bombings, but, according to the
retired army officer, needed to be made more effective in
preventing terror attacks.

We will do it as soon as possible. We cannot wait because
terrorism is a real threat and we should not be in a weak
position, he said, saying that the government had evaluated the
application of the law following the Bali bombings.

As many as nine articles in the law are expected to be revised in
a bid to make it stronger, Susilo said. The articles deal with

LL:PR: AWPA (Sydney) press release - 30 June

2003-07-01 Thread Papua Merdeka
Tele/fax: 61.2. 99601698 Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

PRESS RELEASE   -   30 June 2003

The Australia West Papua Association (Sydney) calls on the Pacific
Island foreign ministers meeting in Sydney to condemn the ongoing
military operation in the Wamena region of West Papua.

Since the raid on the military armory in  the town of Wamena in the
central highlands (where two soldier and one of the attackers were
killed and a number of weapons and ammunition stolen), the military
have been conducting an operation to find those responsible. Although
the military immediately blamed the OPM they now admit that their own
soldiers were also involved.

Since the operation was launched more than 5,000 villagers have taken
refuge in the bush in fear for the lives.

One media report said that “Indonesian military using flame-throwers are
burning houses, killing people and  destroying livestock and gardens in
the Kurawage district in West Papua”.

And the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras)
has “noted that as  many as 16 civilians have been killed or have died
of starvation in the ongoing military operation in the Papuan regency
of Wamena”.

Local Papuan NGOs and leaders of religious groups have demanded that
the Indonesian Government form an independent team to investigate the
human rights abuses.

Yet while Alexander Downer talks about the lawlessness in the Solomon
Islands, he refuses to condemn the human rights abuses in the other
Pacific country to our north, West Papua.

While urging a local warlord in the Solomon Islands to surrender to
authorities in the capital, Honiara, saying There's nothing to be gained
from them hiding out ... and conducting raids, burning villages, killing
people in  a completely lawless and I think quite outrageous way, he
fails to condemn the Indonesia military for the same crimes.

Joe Collins of AWPA, Sydney said “the foreign ministers of the Pacific
countries should be vigorous in condemning the human rights abuses that
are ongoing in West Papua and the Pacific  Islands Forum countries
should send a fact finding mission to West Papua to investigate the
human rights situation in the province”.

“They  should also encourage the Indonesia Government to dialogue with
the various civil society organisations including Church groups in West
Papua trying to create a Zone of Peace in the province’.

Further info:
Joe Collins, Mob. 0408 860 342
John Wing,   Mob. 0410 713 775

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Papua Merdeka !!!Aceh Merdeka !!!


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LL:DDA: Protest Australian military ties with Indonesia

2003-06-16 Thread Papua Merdeka
 because Engel was not fluent in
English or wasn't feeling well enough, “someone else” wrote the letter
which she then read, agreed to and signed.

Maybe. But, I can help wondering why, if I was lying in a hospital bed
with a hole in my leg, having just seeing my spouse gunned down in a hail
of bullets, and in the absence of a lawyer or consular representative, my
first act would be to agree to write or sign a letter who's sole purpose
is to absolve the military of any wrong doing?

From Green Left Weekly, June 11, 2003 
Visit the current June 18 issue Green Left Weekly home page @


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Papua Merdeka !!!Aceh Merdeka !!!


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LL:DDV: Black Paradise with Telek and David Bridie!!

2003-03-10 Thread Papua Merdeka
 Please pass this around far and wide. 

This great gig has been generously organised by trades hall.
As there has been little lead up time and we need all the promotion we 
can get to make sure we get a great turnout for what promises to be a
fantasitic event!

Hear the soulful music of rising West Papua sensation Black Paradise
performing at Trades Hall bar on the Friday the 14th with PNG/Pacific
music giant George Telek and singer songwriter David Bridie.

Tickets at the door: $12/15.  Music starts at 8p.m.

This will be one of the final Black Paradise gigs before they leave
Melbourne for the Brisbane Social Forum.

Black Paradise's music is an uplifting blend of contemporary and
traditional Melanesian music based around guitars, traditional drums and
soaring four-part harmonies.  Drawing on the spirit of Mambesak and
legendary West Papuan anthropologist and musicologist Arnold Ap, Black
Paradise perform ancient songs, stiring indigenous protest music and
traditional dance from the Land of Morning Star.

Kami menyani untuk hidup; dulu, kini dan nanti

We sing for life; before, now and in the future.


Black Paradise: `Kami menyanyi untuk hidup' (We sing for life)


“Nanen babe nanen babe, Kwin matreuban maska teufyar deiwa teimwa, Aram
usker ma enap aram enap (The morning star appears in the east and will
soon be followed by the sun. The beauty of the sky brings back memories 
of home) — from “Nanen Babe” by Black Paradise.

Black Paradise, a group of West Papuan women, are a rising cultural and
musical troupe from Jayapura, the capital of West Papua. A place that
would be a tropical paradise if it weren't for the greed of 
multinationals and the actions of the genocidal Indonesian military that 
has occupied West Papua for nearly 40 years.

Black Paradise's performances feature contemporary “string band” and
traditional music from different regions of West Papua, including from
Biak, Merauke and Jayapura near the border with PNG. Their string-band
music — a feature of Melanesian culture — is based around guitars, kundu
drums, the ukulele and soaring four-part harmony vocals. The women's
traditional material, accompanied by dance, draws on ancient songs from
their land of jagged and rugged highlands and tropical coastlines, songs
from the bush and earthy throat-based vocals and rhythms played on skin

The group features songs collected by West Papuan musicologist Arnold 
Ap. Ap ventured around West Papua recording the songs and dances of his
people, before he was assassinated by the Indonesian military for
promoting Papuan identity.

Black Paradise's lyrics paint pictures of liberation. All the members of
Black Paradise work for an Amnesty International-type organisation, 
Elsham (Institute for the Study and Advocacy of Human Rights), that 
investigates human rights in the troubled territory, accompanies local 
communities as they assert their rights and educates the rest of the 
world about the beauty of West Papuan culture.

Black Paradise sing a song, “Nanen Babe”, in the local Sarmi language —
one of 300 spoken in West Papua — that evokes the ancient legend of
Kumeseri, the Morning Star. Kumeseri gives Manarmakeri, a humble village
man, the gift of peace and renewal. Manarmakeri leaves West Papua on a
journey to gather support to herald in a new age of freedom, peace and

Jakob Rumbiak, a West Papuan leader now living in Melbourne, who endured
10 years in Indonesia's dungeons and shared a cell with East Timor's
president Xanana Gusmao, says: “Maybe Manarmakeri came to Australia? 
Maybe he wants you to join him to help free West Papua?”

Black Paradise appeared at the successful Morning Star concert in
Melbourne on February 28 and performed at the International Women's Day
concert on March 10 at the University of Technology Sydney.

Jason McLeod is an activist with the Free West Papua Collective.
Visit http://www.freewestpapua.com/

From Green Left Weekly, March 12, 2003. 
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page @


Free West Papua !
Papua Merdeka !


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DD: Lesley McCulloch Nurdin Abdul Rahman to speak on ACEH

2003-03-02 Thread Papua Merdeka
Dr Lesley McCulloch,
Recently freed after 5 months in prison for researching the human rights 
situation there.
Nurdin Abdul Rahman,
Veteran human rights campaigner and political prisoner for 12 years.
SYDNEY: Friday, March 14, 6.30pm
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (opp. Newtown station)
Ph. Iggy 0421 322 175, Pip 0412 139 968
MELBOURNE: Thursday, March 20, 6.30pm
New Ballroom, Trades Hall, cnr. Lygon  Victoria Sts, Carlton
Co-sponsored by the Globalism Institute, RMIT; generously assisted by 
Trades Hall. Ph. Vanessa 0407 023 672, Margarita 0438 869 790
Organised by Action in Solidarity with Asia  the Pacific (ASAP)

For Sydney, also checkout the latest on

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LL:DDV: SKA TV, 24 Feb, 8.30pm on Ch31: RAISING WEST PAPUA

2003-02-19 Thread Papua Merdeka
From: access news [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To let everyone know, RAISING WEST PAPUA - a video outlining the history
and current situation in West Papua will be screened on Access News,
8.30 pm, CH31 this monday 24th and hopefully - if we have enuff time,
a piece compiling the global response to the WAR on Iraq.

West Papua was handed over to Indonesian regime by the international
community against the wishes of the Papuan peoples. For almost 40 years,
West Papuans have struggled for independence from Jakarta. Environmental
destruction and human rights abuses have been occuring daily.
The campaign for a Free West Papua needs everyones support.


What: Access News SKA TV Screening (Raising West Papua) ON THA BIG SCREEN
When: Mon 24th Feb 2003, 7pm...
Where: Trades Hall Bar - cnr Victoria + Lygon streets, Carlton

ALSO: Conference on West Papua (Feb 25, 26) and
Concert for West Papua (Feb 28)...
see www.morningstarconcert.com for more

See you at Trades Hall Bar on Monday the 24th Feb.


Suite 75, Trades Hall
54 Lygon St, Carlton Sth
Victoria 3053, Australia
ph +61 3 9663 6976

SKA TV: http://www.skatv.org.au
access news: http://www.accessnews.skatv.org.au
Channel 31: http://www.channel31.org.au


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Papua Merdeka !


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LL:ART: Australian University ditches West Papua forum

2003-02-16 Thread Papua Merdeka
The Australian - February 14, 2003

RMIT ditches West Papua forum

By Jim Buckell, Higher education writer

PRESSURE from the Indonesian Government has forced RMIT University to 
withdraw official support for a conference on West Papuan independence 
scheduled for later this month.

The co-sponsor of the conference, the New Internationalist magazine, has 
transferred the venue to the Victorian Trades Hall after RMIT refused to 
allow it to proceed on campus at Storey Hall.

The university's Globalism Institute had been involved in convening the 

RMIT's pro vice-chancellor for research and innovation, Neil Furlong, 
said last night it was not appropriate that universities formally 
endorse activities such as conferences and forums where criticism on 
matters pertaining to the sovereignty of other nations is intended.

It is in this context, and in respect to our body of international 
students and their broad cultural backgrounds, that RMIT University has 
decided not to host the West Papua conference.

A spokesman for Australian Greens leader Bob Brown said RMIT had behaved 
in a cowardly manner. Australians had a right to hear about the plight 
of West Papuans, the spokesman said.

Senator Brown would approach the university to reverse the decision.

It is understood the cash-strapped university is fearful that it could 
be threatened with cuts to its education programs in Indonesia or that 
fee-paying students from Indonesia might be discouraged from attending RMIT.

RMIT expects to enrol 1465 Indonesian students this year. It does not 
keep figures on provincial origin, so cannot account for numbers from 
West Papua.

Indonesia is a significant source of fee-paying students for Australian 
universities. Last year almost 10,000 Indonesian students were enrolled, 
making it the fifth-highest source country, behind Singapore, Hong Kong,
Malaysia and China.

The Australasian editor of New Internationalist, Chris Richards, said 
yesterday that Indonesia was in the process of reversing its earlier 
position granting a degree of autonomy to West Papua.


Free West Papua !
Papua Merdeka !


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
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LL:DDV: West Papua concert 28th February in Melbourne

2003-01-09 Thread Papua Merdeka

On 28 February at the Melbourne Concert Hall, some of Australia's most
talented and best known musicians and comedians will join forces to
support the people of West Papua.

Acts include Alex Lloyd, Paul Mac, the Bangarra Dance Theatre, Lisa
Gerrard (Academy Award winning composer), Andrew Denton, Sandman, Dave
O'Neil, Not Drowning, Waving, Telek. The concert will also include a
performance by Black Paradise from West Papua playing traditional Papuan
music and string band music.

For three decades, West Papuans have endured an illegal and often brutal
occupation by Indonesia's military forces. The plight of the West Papuan
people is similar to that of the East Timorese, who voted for 
independence in 1999.

As West Papuan leader John Rumbiak said recently, unless the world takes 
a stand against Indonesia as happened in the case of East Timor the 
future of the West Papuan people is bleak. I appeal to all Australians. 
What you are dealing with here is the fate of all West Papuan people. 
Maybe we're going to be finished some day soon. This is what's going on 
now. Are you going to wait until it is too late?, Rumbiak said.

The concert is part of a broader campaign to raise awareness about the
plight of the West Papuan people. A book [-- LINK]and CD [--LINK] will
also be published to coincide with the concert. A photo-essay featuring
work by Ben Bohane, Liz Thompson and Jim Elmslie dealing with the
cultural, political and historical aspects of the West Papuan story will
also be published in the lead-up to the concert (you can view some of 
the stunning photographs that will feature in the book, thoughout the 
site). The CD will feature remix soundscapes by Australian artists.

If you'd like to find out more about concert, please contact:

Supported by the Victorian Trades Hall Council and The Wilderness Society


Free West Papua !
Papua Merdeka !


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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