LL:URL: ASIET web page update - May 7, 1999

1999-05-07 Thread owner-asietnews-l


ASIET (Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor) has
added a new "Resource" page to its World Wide Web site. It
includes an extensive, indexed picture gallery, a comprehensive
listing of Indonesian acronyms and links to an on-line English-
Indonesian Dictionary.

This page is intended as a resource for activists supporting the
struggle for democracy in Indonesia and the fight for self-
determination in East Timor, West Papua and Aceh. To access the
page, from the ASIET home page http://www.pegasus.com.au/~asiet/
just click the "Resource" button in the left hand menu. If you
find the section useful, we would encourage you to include a link
either to the ASIET home page or directly to the Resources page
http://www.pegasus.com.au/~asiet/resource.htm in your
organisation's web site.

In solidarity,

James Balowski
ASIET Publications and Information Officer.


Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET)
PO Box 458, Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
Phone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax  : 61-(0)2-96901381
WWW  : http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet/
Free Xanana Gusmao, Budiman Sujatmiko and Dita Sari!
Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!


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Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDN: ASIET activities and demands

1999-04-21 Thread owner-asietnews-l

Letter from Max Lane to  East Timorese activists and supporters in Sydney,

Dear friends of East Timor,

I am writing to you at this time of suffering, crisis and struggle in East
Timor to reaffirm the commitment of all the activists of ASIET to campaign
in solidarity with the East Timorese people. The recent actions and
manoeuvres of the Habibie regime and the Indonesian military and the brutal,
cruel and terroristic campaigns of the ABRI backed terror gang militias once
again emphasise the necessity of increasing pressure from organised and
mobilised public opinion. Habibie was forced to retreat on the question of
East Timor last January as a result of the struggle of the East Timorese
people and of international solidarity pressure. Now the Indonesian regime
and military is trying to take back what has been squeezed out of it.

ASIET commits itself to escalating its activities and its support for other
groups' activities in support of East Timor. ASIET will be organising weekly
and emergency pickets of the Indonesian consulate and the Indonesian Trade
Promotion Centre in Sydney and Melbourne and will be organising emergency
speak-outs in other cities.

ASIET is calling for large FREE EAST TIMOR rallies at the start of all May
Day marches and rallies in Australia and for supporters of East Timor to
help form big FREE EAST TIMOR contingents in the May Day marches. We would
like to work together with CNRT, FRETILIN, UDT and all East Timorese
activists and all East Timorese solidarity groups to make these contingents
as big as possible.

ASIET restates its commitment to help make the International Day of
Solidarity with Indonesian and East Timorese Students on May 22 as big as

In all these campaigns, ASIET supports the following demands:
(1) that the Indonesian armed forces (ABRI) immediately disarm the
ABRI-backed terror gangs and withdraw all its forces from East Timor
(2) that a United Nations presence be allowed in East Timor to monitor this
(3) that there be a U.N. supervised referendum on self-determination in East
Timor as soon as possible
(4) that the Australian government immediately suspend all military ties
with Jakarta
(5) that the Australian government immediately end its recognition of
Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor, which is also the position of the
United Nations resolutions

We look forward to working with you on making the FREE EAST TIMOR rally and
contingent at May Day and the International Day of Solidarity with East
Timorese and Indonesian Students as successful as possible.

Yours in solidarity,

Max Lane, National Coordinator, ASIET

Telephone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax: 61-(0)2-96901381
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet
Free all kidnap victims of the military! No more military in politics!
Bring to justice all New Order violators of human rights!
Free Xanana Gusmao! Free Budiman Sujatmiko! Free Dita Sari!
Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!
Unban the books of Pramoedya Ananta Toer!


  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:ASIET News Updates - April 20, 1999

1999-04-20 Thread owner-asietnews-l

ASIET News Updates - April 20, 1999

* Wiranto: UN troops will be allowed after a decision on the option
* Residents raise separatist flags in Aceh
* Update on incidents/killings in Timor
* Parties push ahead with premature campaigning

Wiranto: UN troops will be allowed after a decision on the option

Suara Pembaruan - April 19, 1999 (summary)

ABRI commander General Wiranto said that East Timor is still part
of Indonesia and that any violations of the law by either side
are intolerable. Asked about the entry of UN forces, he said this
would happen at the appropriate time, ie when a decision has been
taken regarding the option that is being offered.

He denied that conditions in Timor were tense and said that
everything was under control. The army and the police there were
under orders to keep things in order and to prosecute those who
break the law.

Foreign Minister Ali Alatas that the conflicts were part of a
longstanding conflict between the pro- and anti-integration
groups and it would not influence the tripartite meeting at the
UN later this week.

Monday evening Justice Minister is due to meet Timorese leader
Xanana Gusmao at his Department when he will ask Xanana to
retract his statement regarding war (sic). He denied that Xanana
would be returned to prison because this would be a setback, but
said he could speak harshly to Xanana.

The atmosphere in Dili appears to be calm though all shops are
closed and the markets are quiet, while schools are not

The governor presided over a ceremony in which he inaugurated
civilian security guards (Pam Swakarsa) for Dili district, which
included members of the Aitarak militia.

In Becora, pro-independence youth gathered together while many
residents evacuated to a safer place. The security forces have
been unable to gain control of the area because the roads are
blocked by pro-independence groups who want to seek vengance
against pro-integration groups. In Dili proper the streets are
being patrolled by Brimob. The police chief admitted that his
forces were still unable to take charge in some areas because the
roads are blocked.

Manuel Carrascalao, speaking from Bishop Belo's home said he
lamented the violence at his house and the death of his son. Why
had they killed him and not me, he said, because I am the one
involved in politics.

Residents raise separatist flags in Aceh

Agence France Presse - April 19, 1999

Lhokseumawe -- Residents Monday raised separatist flags over
their homes in several villages of Indonesia's northern Aceh
district, a day after the flag figured prominently in a mass
rally here, a witness said.

In the colorful rally on Sunday hundreds of people including
scores of young children paraded through the city's main avenue
for several hours, cheered by hundreds of onlookers.

"This was the first time ever that the independence flag has been
openly displayed," a resident said. "Today [Monday] most homes in
the villages in the northern Aceh district are flying the
separatist flag," he added

The flag has a bright red background contrasting with the white
crescent and star symbol trapped between two thick black
horizontal stripes.

The children in Sunday's parade wore red headbands bearing the
same symbol and mounted large flags on the backs of bicycles.
"People were overjoyed and welcomed the flying of the flag,
widely seen here as a symbol of independence," the source added.

A few police officers stood by and largely ignored the yells of
some students who demanded a referendum on self-determination, he

The staunchly Moslem province of Aceh is home to the Free Aceh
movement which has fought for an Islamic state in the oil-rich
region since the mid-1970s.

President B.J. Habibie, in his first visit to the provincial
capital Banda Aceh in March, promised an inquiry into human
rights violations during the ten years the province was under
virtual military control. He said civilian or military offenders
would be taken to court.

Habibie has brushed aside calls for a referendum on self-
determination in Aceh. Separatist sentiment has been strongest in
districts where the military conducted heavy-handed operations
against rebels for a decade until last year.

Discontent at the central government has also been fuelled by
complaints that it is exploiting the region's natural resources,
including its oil and gas reserves, without little of the profits
going to Aceh itself.

Update on incidents/killings in Timor

Fortilos - April 16, 1999

[The following summarises a report from Yayasan HAK which was
circulated in Bahasa by Fortilos.]

1. With regard to the casualties at Manuel Carrascalao's house,
we have spoken by phone to a neighbour who said that yesterday,
17/4, he was able to 

LL:DDN:Premiere of new documentary: April 23, 1999

1999-03-20 Thread owner-asietnews-l

Indonesia in Revolt - Democracy or Death!

This film was made in Indonesia and Australia between August 1998 and March
1999 in cooperation with activists from the Indonesian political

It tells the story of the 1998 explosion of the Indonesian student movement
and its successful struggle to get rid of the dictator Suharto. It also
shows how the struggle for full democracy and social justice in Indonesia
and freedom in Indonesia is not yet over.

Apart from documenting the clashes with Suharto's military and the
mobilisations of student, workers and others, the film also lets Indonesian
activists speak for themselves to explain what they achieved and how, and
what is still yet to come.

Workers, students, political leaders of the political underground, writers
and journalists all speak of the struggle against Suharto and the unfolding
struggle to end militarism and establish social justice.

Sydney premiere:
6.30 pm  Friday April 23, 1999 (screening 7.00pm) Stanmore Globe Cinema,
Parramatta Rd., Stanmore.

The film will be introduced by the director, Jill Hickson, director of the
1997 film on the Indonesian undergournd: "There is only one word: RESIST!"

$15/$10 (concession) Bookings and prepaid tickets  02-96901977. Tickets also
on sale at the door, but it helps ASIET a lot if you prepay early.

All profits go to ASIET's solidarity campaigns with the Indonesian and East
Timor freedom struggles.

Telephone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax: 61-(0)2-96901381
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet
Free all kidnap victims of the military! No more military in politics!
Bring to justice all New Order violators of human rights!
Free Xanana Gusmao! Free Budiman Sujatmiko! Free Dita Sari!
Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!
Unban the books of Pramoedya Ananta Toer!

Telephone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax: 61-(0)2-96901381
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet
Free all kidnap victims of the military! No more military in politics!
Bring to justice all New Order violators of human rights!
Free Xanana Gusmao! Free Budiman Sujatmiko! Free Dita Sari!
Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!
Unban the books of Pramoedya Ananta Toer!


  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=subscribe%20leftlink
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LL:ASIET News Updates - Jan 15, 1999

1999-01-16 Thread owner-asietnews-l

ASIET News Updates - Jan 15, 1999

* Australia policy shift on Timor receives mixed response
* East Timor stance praised, attacked
* Scared Dili refugees refuse to return home


Australia policy shift on Timor receives mixed response

Agence France Presse - January 12, 1999

Sydney -- The Australian government announced Tuesday it will
press Indonesia to grant East Timor an act of self-determination
in a policy shift which East Timorese activists immediately said
does not go far enough.

In what Foreign Minister Alexander Downer described as an
historic policy shift, Canberra will support a measure of
autonomy for the former Portuguese colony annexed by Indonesia
following its 1975 invasion, but remnains opposed to

East Timorese activists in Australia welcomed the move as a
positive step, but said the people of East Timor must be allowed
to decide in a referendum if they want limited autonomy or
fully-fledged independence. Human rights activist and former
Fretilin jungle fighter Jose Gusmao described the policy of
supporting self-determination but opposing independence as "a
contradiction in terms."

Canberra's new position on East Timor follows an internal review
of East Timor policy ordered by Downer to take account of the
changing political structure of Indonesia where President Suharto
was ousted last year.

Downer said the policy had received a mixed response from the
Indonesian government. "We do want to do what we can to encourage
the Indonesian government to come to a successful conclusion in
negotiations with a whole range of different parties in East
Timor," he told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio.

"In the end some sort of act which is going to bring a sense of
ownership of the process to the people of East Timor I think is
going to be an important conclusion to the process, be that in 10
years time or whatever the period might be."

He said there were a variety of competing views on the issue but
Canberra believed that a completely independent East Timor would
have the potential to fracture Indonesia itself. "And this is a
very delicate time now for Indonesia, so we don't want to
encourage the fracturing of the Indonesian state."

Australian Coalition for a Free East Timor spokesman Andy Alcock
said the international community could suspect Australia would
assist Indonesia to conduct a bogus act of self determination
similar to what occurred in West Papua (now Irian Jaya) in 1969.

"Its opposition to independence for East Timor at the same time
as it says it is lobbying Indonesia for an act of self
determination advertises to the world that the present Australian
government is not very committed to democracy, peace and justice
in the South-East Asian region either."

East Timor stance praised, attacked

Canberra Times - January 13, 1999

Lincoln Wright -- Risking possible friction with Jakarta, the
Labor Party has backed a policy of funding an autonomous or
independent East Timor using Indonesia's share of the oil and gas
revenue from the Timor Gap.

Oil analysts have forecast that the annual revenue from the Gap's
Bayu-Undan oil and gas field could reach $100 million a year
after 2002, revenue Labor sources said could finance an
independent East Timor government.

Labor's foreign affairs spokesman, Laurie Brereton, raised the
stakes yesterday on the Howard's Government's historic
announcement that it would support greater autonomy and an act of
self-determination for East Timor.

After an isolated and controversial 20-year recognition of
Indonesia's sovereignty, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander
Downer said the Federal Government had made a significant
adjustment to its East Timor policy.

The official line on East Timor was now to support a substantial
period of autonomy for the troubled province, followed by an act
of self-determination that would help to reconcile the
conflicting parties.

But Mr Downer made it clear that the Australian Government would
still prefer that East Timor remained part of Indonesia. He did
not specify exactly what "autonomy" would entail, nor explain
what method the East Timorese could use to determine their
future, but he mentioned 10 years as a possible period of
autonomy before a referendum.

Unlike the Labor Party, Mr Downer has not called yet for a
referendum, and made it clear the Government for now still
recognised Indonesia's sovereignty over the province, and
independence would be a second-best outcome.

Labor's policy is for Indonesia to hold an internationally
monitored referendum. A more controversial position is that Labor
seems to be strengthening the momentum for formal independence by
pushing for the transfer of Indonesia's oil and gas revenue from
the Timor Gap to East Timorese groups.

This would provide crucial funding and 

LL:ASIET News Update 23/12/98

1998-12-23 Thread owner-asietnews-l

ASIET News Updates - December 23, 1998

* Aceh in turmoil after sexual harassment by soldier - Waspada
* Soliders accused of abducting activists to face trial - AFP
* 'Third party' behind bloody Kupang riots - JP
* Horta agrees with transition period leading to referendum - Lusa


Aceh in turmoil after sexual harassment by soldier

Waspada - December 22, 1998 (slightly abridged)

Seven government offices were seriously damaged and seven people
-- four soldiers and three civilians -- were seriously injured
when hundreds of people flooded into Lhokseumawe early Monday

The troubles came to a head at around 2.30am following an
incident in which a soldier pulled the prayer robe of a young
married woman from Dayah Tuha village who was on her way to the
mosque for evening prayers.

Thousands of people descended on Bayu village, about 15 kms east
of Lhokseumawe, the place where the incident occurred. The
security forces were unable to hold the huge crowd back. They
blocked 15km of the Medan-Banda Aceh highway with electricity
poles that were lying by the roadside about to be installed by
the PLN, and burnt tyres.

Traffic along the highway was blocked for 14 hours and eventually
the traffic was re-directed to the road running parallel to the
Pipeline of Mobile Oil.

The government buildings seriously damaged included the Koramil
(military command) command post, a police headquarters, a sub-
district office, a village centre, a religious affairs office and
the Lhokseumawe district court in Bukit Rasa.

The crowds halted all vehicles including public transport and
private cars, looking for members of the armed forces. They
burned the Honda Accord vehicle of Major Harahap and Rp600,000 in
cash belonging to the major who is a senior officer at the
Liliwanga military command -- Korem, as he was on his way home
with his family. The seriously and lightly wounded included the
major and other soldiers, as well as the major's wife.

The atmosphere in Lhokseumawe remained very tense throughout
Monday. Many shops remained closed and local people stayed home.
Few dared to venture out to the mosque for evening

Soliders accused of abducting activists to face trial

Agence France Presse - December 22, 1998

Jakarta -- Eleven members of the Indonesian armed forces will
face a military court Wednesday, charged with involvement in the
abduction and torture of political activists, a rights group said

Munir of the Commission for Victims of Violence told AFP that he
learned of the trial date from a subpoena sent by the military
prosecutor to a former abductee asked to testify at the trial

The 11 suspects, from the elite Kopassus special forces and
including seven non-commissioned officers, are suspected of
involvement in the abduction and torture of at least 24 activists
earlier this year.

Three of their superiors, including a son-in-law of former
president Suharto, have already received administrative sanctions
from the head of the armed forces on the advice of a military
council probing the abductions.

President B.J. Habibie on Monday pledged that the government will
continue with its probe into the extent of the involvement in the
abductions of Suharto's son-in-law, Prabowo Subianto, who headed
Kopassus at the time of the kidnappings.

Prabowo was honorably discharged from the armed forces in August.
Two other senior officers of Kopassus were barred at the time
from ever holding an operational position in the armed forces.
The military says the three senior officers might face court
martial if evidence against them emerges during the trial of the
11 soldiers.

At least 24 activists were abducted early in the year in the
run-up to a general session of the People's Consultative Assembly
to elect Suharto for a seventh consecutive term. Nine of the
abducted victims have since resurfaced, one has been found dead
and 13 are still listed as missing, Munir said.

Munir however expressed doubts that much would come out of the
current court case, saying that the military court "will not go
into the depth of the matter, since the top-level officer giving
the order" for the kidnappings was not on trial.

'Third party' behind bloody Kupang riots

Jakarta Post - December 21, 1998

Jakarta -- Rights campaigner Benjamin Mangkoedilaga said on
Saturday that an investigation into recent unrest in Kupang, East
Nusa Tenggara, revealed that it was not a spontaneous eruption of
outrage over earlier unrest in Jakarta.

Instead, it was determined that a "third party" masterminded the
attacks against mosques and properties of the Muslim community in
the predominately Catholic region, Benjamin said in Bandung.

The new member of the National Commission on Human Rights 

LL:ASIET News Update 22/12/98

1998-12-22 Thread owner-asietnews-l

ASIET News Updates - December 22, 1998

* Crowds rally to greet UN envoy in East Timor - AFP
* Marker airlifted amid protests at airport - AFP
* Mobs pelt churches on eve of Ramadan - AFP
* Moslem leader defends meeting with Suharto - AFP


Crowds rally to greet UN envoy in East Timor

Agence France Presse - December 19, 1998

Dili -- More than 1,000 pro-independence residents of East Timor
rallied in the capital Dili Saturday, preparing to greet the UN
secretary general's special envoy on the territory Jamsheed

Riding on buses, trucks, motorbikes and taxis, the protestors
circled through town. They sang songs and called for a peaceful
solution for the former Portuguese colony, witnesses said. "Let
us protest in peace," "(Indonesian) Soldiers, leave our homeland
forever," "Let the UN hear from the people," they yelled.

At the governor's office representatives from student groups and
the East Timor National Resistance Council met local officials
including East Timor military commander Colonel Tono Suratman.

The council representatives demanded that Marker stay in Dili.
There were rumours that he might hold planned meetings with
government, military and church leaders outside the capital for
fear that demonstrations could degenerate into riots.

Late in the morning Marker was reportedly on his way to Dili from
the Indonesian island of Bali where he held a closed-door meeting
with the regional military commander overseeing East Timor
Friday. He was due to arrive in the neighboring Indonesian
provincial capital of Kupang and be taken by military helicopter
to Dili.

Marker arrived in Indonesia Tuesday for a nine-day visit. He met
Wednesday with two top generals, the head of the military
intelligence agency and the head of the military's territorial

On Thursday Marker met in Jakarta with jailed East Timorese
resistance leader Xanana Gusmao, who has signalled he would
accept an Indonesian offer of autonomy as a step towards self-
determination. Xanana also pledged his support for continuing
UN-sponsored talks to find an autonomy formula for the troubled

Marker, whose East Timor visit is due to last for two days,
declined to comment on reports of increased Indonesian military
activity in several districts of East Timor. He said his mission
is "to find a political solution," not "fact-finding."

There has been a resurgence of attacks by independence supporters
on Indonesian troops, including one on a military outpost in Alas
sub-district last month. Reports of alleged military violence,
though not confirmed by a visiting International Committee of the
Red Cross team, prompted Portugal briefly to suspend the autonomy
talks last month.

Marker airlifted amid protests at airport

Agence France Presse - December 20, 1998

Dili -- A special envoy of the UN secretary general was airlifted
by helicopter from the Komoro airport here Sunday as hundreds of
protestors stormed the terminal, witnesses said.

Some 500 people, mostly students but also other civilians, some
of whom held machetes, stormed the airport and broke through two
security cordons as envoy Jamsheed Marker was waiting to board a
commercial flight to Denpasar.

The protestors were at the head of a column of thousands more who
travelled to the airport in a convoy of trucks, buses, cars and
motorcycles to see Marker off after a two-day visit here. Marker
was driven to a helicopter and flown off as the mob began to
break glass windows at the airport and force their way into the
VIP lounge.

A Merpati Nusantara Airline airplane, which arrived at the
airport from Denpasar, Bali, and was to take Marker and other
passengers back to Denpasar, only taxied for a few minutes on the
runway before taking off again as the mob began to stream into
the taxiway.

A Merpati official said the airplane headed for Kupang in West
Timor and would return later in the day if the security situation
allowed it. Military sources the aircraft would return to pickup
Marker and other passengers, adding that the UN envoy was taken
to the nearby military airbase.

But Dili district military commander Lieutenant Colonel Endar
told AFP that Marker was flown directly to Kupang and will take
another flight there to Denpasar. "The Danrem (the East Timor
military commander) ordered for the helicopter to pick Marker and
his delegation up and fly them to Kupang," Endar said, refering
to Colonel Tono Suratman who heads the East Timor military

Police and soldiers reinforcement were sent to the airport to
disperse the mob and, about 60 minutes later, order had been
reestablished there. The mob, "a mixture of students and
civilians", had been dispersed and no arrests were made, Endar

Mobs pelt churches on eve of Ramadan


LL:ASIET News update Dec 15

1998-12-15 Thread owner-asietnews-l

ASIET news updates - December 15, 1998

* Tension remains following deadly Bali brawl - AFP
* EU backs call for referendum, troop cuts - AP
* Rioters to be shot on sight in Java - AFP
* Military forges ahead with militia - AFP


Tension remains following deadly Bali brawl

Agence France Presse - December 13, 1998

Jakarta -- Tension remained high in northern Bali despite heavy
security deployed following a brawl among villagers that left
three dead and scores injured, reports said Sunday

Groups of men armed with traditional weapons remained on guard by
the roadside in the Banjar subdistrict in northern Bali on
Saturday, after clashes between supporters of two political
parties late on Thursday and early on Friday, the Bisnis
Indonesia said. Tension remained high despite the deployment of
over 700 police in the area, the daily said.

Police on Saturday said three people had died and at least 20
others were injured after the brawl that broke out in Cempaga
village, some 120 kilometres (75 miles) north of the Bali capital
of Denpasar. The brawl opposed supporters of the ruling Golkar
party and those of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) faction
of opposition leader Megawati Sukarnoputri.

The two first victims, both PDI supporters, died when a mob of
Golkar supporters in Cempaga attacked a house where seveen PDI
fans were visiting a sick colleague late on Thursday. Fifteen
people who went to their rescue were then attacked as the
fighting continued through to Friday morning.

The third victim was Cempaga village head, 40-year-old I Putu
Arta, who was attacked and killed in the neighbouring Mlantingan
village a few hours later. The village chief was attacked and
killed as he passed through Banjar by residents angered by news
of the Cempaga attack.

The two PDI victims have been buried while the funeral of the
village head has been postponed because of the remaining tension,
Bisinis Indonesia quoted the head of the Buleleng district
police, Lieutenant Colonel Nasser Amir, as saying. Amir could not
be immediately contacted on Sunday.

The brawl was the last in a series of open conflicts between
supporters of Golkar and those of the PDI since the latter held a
mass congress in Bali in October.

EU backs call for referendum, troop cuts

Associated Press - December 12, 1998

Vienna -- In a decision welcomed as a landmark by Portugal,
European Union leaders Saturday backed calls for a referendum to
decide the fate of East Timor, the former Portuguese colony
occupied by Indonesia since 1975.

"A definitive solution to the East Timor question will not be
possible without free consultation to establish the real will of
the East Timorese people," the 15 EU leaders said in statement
after their year-end summit.

Portuguese Foreign Minister Jaime Gama said the statement marked
the first time the EU had backed Lisbon's call for the East
Timorese to vote on whether to opt for independence or remain
under Indonesian rule. Indonesia has resisted such calls for a
referendum and maintains thousands of troops to keep order in the
half-island territory.

The EU statement also urged Indonesia to bring about a "real
and substantial reduction" in troop levels and called for the
establishment of a permanent UN presence in East Timor.

The leaders repeated a demand that Indonesia release jailed
Timorese rebel leader Xanana Gusmao, and all political prisoners.

Rioters to be shot on sight in Java

Agence France Presse - December 14, 1998

Jakarta -- The head of police in the Indonesian province of
Central Java has ordered his forces to shoot rioters on sight
after a mob rampage in Solo, a report said here Monday.

"I have issued a shoot-on-sight order against rioters in Central
Java," police chief Major General Nurfaizi was quoted by the
Media Indonesia daily as saying in Solo, Central Java, on Sunday

Nurfaizi was speaking a few hours after visiting the site of
Sunday's riot that erupted following police efforts to disperse a
motorcycle drag race late on Saturday.

More than 1,OOO people, mostly youths, resisted police attempts
to disperse them, including by firing warning shots, and pelted
the police with stones. The Suara Pembaruan evening daily said
Sunday at least seven people were injured as the police used
clubs to halt the race and disperse onlookers.

Police also seized several motorcycles left when their owners
fled the scene. The crowd, angered by the beating and the seizure
of the motorcycles, began to fight back by pelting the police
with stones.

It then started to march on Slamet Riyadi street, Solo's main
avenue, vandalizing police posts and public telephone booths on
their way. Crowds and convoys of motorcycles attempted to attack
the regional police headquarters but dispersed after warning

LL:ASIET news updates - November 30

1998-11-30 Thread owner-asietnews-l

* Suharto 'to drag down' officials - The Australian
* Committee agrees to keep old proportional system - JP
* Jakarta's answer: keep out - SMH


Suharto 'to drag down' officials

The Australian - November 30, 1998

Jakarta -- Current and former government officials will suffer if
Suharto is brought to trial on corruption charges, former
Indonesian president Suharto's legal adviser warned at the

In twin statements issued late Saturday on television and in
writing, Yohannes Yacob reminded government ministers that should
the ousted leader be brought to face court, they could be among
the many "dragged down" with him.

"We need to point out that the probe if taken to court will also
drag down government officials, ex-officials and all the cronies
who are also suspected of improper gains through corruption,
collusion and nepotism," Mr Yacob said.

There was no direct confirmation yesterday from the 77-year-old
Mr Suharto, whose Jakarta residence has been the target of
repeated student demonstrations since his fall in May, as to
whether he had personally authorised Mr Yacob's warning.

The statements followed disclosures over the past week that Mr
Suharto has 21 billion rupiah ($4.2 million) in domestic bank
accounts and that he and his family hold vast tracts of land and
assets nationwide. Mr Suharto's successor and protege, President
B. J. Habibie, last week authorised the setting up of a new
commission to investigate the Suharto wealth and assets.

In a television interview, Mr Yacob said Mr Suharto -- who until
now has simply been asked to give evidence to the inquiry and not
formally charged to appear -- was ready to sit as a suspect in a

An estimated 20,000 supporters of Indonesia's leading Muslim-
backed opposition party crammed into the centre of Jakarta
yesterday for the opening of its five-day congress in preparation
for national elections within months.

Jakarta's answer: keep out

Sydney Morning Herald - November 30, 1998

Bernard Lagan and Louise Williams -- The Government's links to
Indonesia were under strong attack last night after Jakarta
refused to allow an Australian Government-appointed investigator
into East Timor to gather new evidence on military abuses.

And the Government's claim of success in getting agreement for an
Australian defence attache to monitor military activity in Timor
was also criticised as unlikely to clear up allegation of a
recent massacre. An inconclusive result could be portrayed by
Jakarta as an Australian all-clear.

Australia had wanted to send the former head of the National
Crime Authority, Mr Tom Sherman, to East Timor to investigate
fresh allegations that the Indonesian military had executed five
Australian-based journalists in East Timor in 1975. The refusal
was confirmed by the Minister for Defence, Mr Moore, who returned
at the weekend from talks with the Indonesian President, Mr B.J.
Habibie, and the head of the Indonesian armed forces (ABRI),
General Wiranto.

The Indonesians agreed only to allow Australia's Jakarta-based
defence attachi into East Timor tomorrow to investigate
allegations of Indonesian troop build-ups and allegations of the
further slaughter of civilians.

The Australian Embassy in Jakarta confirmed Mr Moore had raised
the issue of access to East Timor for Mr Sherman, but Dr. B. J.
Habibie had replied: "That would not be possible." Dr Habibie is
understood to be unwilling to antagonise the powerful armed
forces by attempting to re-open an inquiry into the killings.

The new information about the Balibo killings, aired on ABC-TV
last month, implicated Indonesia's Minister for Information,
Lieutenant-General Muhammad Yunus Yosfiah, who led a special
forces unit during the incursion into East Timor in October 1975.

Last month, General Yosfiah denied he supervised the killings
and, at the same time, the Habibie Government announced it would
not re-open the investigation. Mr Sherman found in an earlier
inquiry that the newsmen were probably killed accidentally in
crossfire between pro- and anti-independence fighters. His
conclusion was reached without an attempt to visit Indonesia or
East Timor, because permission was considered unlikely under the
former Soeharto government.

Mr Moore claimed that Australia's defence attachi would be given
unlimited access on East Timor this week.

Indonesia's refusal to allow Mr Sherman into East Timor and the
inadequacy of an inquiry by the defence attachi were condemned
last night by politicians, the International Commission of
Jurists and by the East Timorese independence activist Mr Jose
Ramos Horta.

Mr Ramos Horta condemned Mr Moore's show of support for General
Wiranto, who is facing harsh criticism for the actions of his
troops, including security forces who opened fire on thousands of
unarmed students in Jakarta on November 13.

"Instead of supporting 

ASIET daily news updates - Nov 16

1998-11-17 Thread owner-asietnews-l

Populist Marines flare army tensions

Australian Financial Review - November 16, 1998

Greg Earl, Jakarta -- As a line of Marines suddenly broke
formation on the main road to Indonesia's Parliament about 3pm on
Saturday, the students pushing down the tollway erupted into
cheers of joy.

But it was the look of trepidation on the faces of the regular
soldiers about 100 metres down the road that hinted at the way
tensions within the military are again at the heart of the
country's latest unrest.

For a country where the army has again turned its guns on its
citizens with a ferocity that has stunned foreign observers, the
arrival of the maroon-bereted Marines at troublespots around
Jakarta is a discordant sight. "Long live the Marines," the
crowds shout as the embarrassed-looking young soldiers grin and
punch their fists in the air with a tentative revolutionary

They usually arrive without riot control gear, automatic rifles
slung nonchalantly behind their backs, and walk casually into
crowds that only minutes before had been raging at other wings of
military. The Marines took control of the march on the Parliament
on Saturday and kept the students separated from the more
unpredictable masses. In other parts of the city they sometimes
managed to calm looters before they burnt buildings.

But with one Marine wounded by gunfire in the centre of Jakarta
on Saturday morning, there are concerns that tensions are
emerging over their populist role -- or that darker forces are
trying to stir up trouble within the military.

Security guards in the Senen shopping district told a group of
foreign journalists of a second unconfirmed incident where other
troops accidentally wounded a Marine later on Saturday. One
security guard said about 100 soldiers from the Jakarta command
had then hidden in the shopping centre to avoid a raging crowd
while Marines eventually restored calm.

The Marines have had a populist reputation since they stuck with
former President Soekarno in 1965 for longer than the army
mainstream and are considered to live closer to the ordinary
people. They have since emerged as cool heads during recent
unrest and a large group of ex-Marines recently joined the
Indonesian Democracy Party headed by Soekarno's daughter,

The contempt the general public now has for the army mainstream
was underlined on Friday as several trucks of Marines arrived
after the first deadly clash outside Atmajaya University in the
central business district. "Long live the Marines. Kostrad (the
elite Strategic Reserve) are PKI (communist)," crowds screamed in
a new twist on the military's assertion that all political
dissidents are communists.

Habibie bows to mobs

The Australian - November 16, 1998

Don Greenlees, Jakarta -- Indonesian President B. J. Habibie has
conceded for the first time that he may have to speed up
presidential elections after mobs angry over the killing of
university students by security forces went on a weekend rampage
of looting and burning in Jakarta.

Under instructions from the Government, police yesterday began to
round up a dozen members of a political group accused of inciting
the bloody student demonstrations. Among the members of the
Barisan Nasional (National Front) organisation are retired
generals and prominent academics.

Government advisers said those detained would be questioned over
their role in orchestrating student demonstrations aimed at
disrupting last week's special session of the People's
Consultative Assembly (MPR), called to clear the way for mid-1999
elections. Charges may be laid over attempts to "topple the

As the toll from wild student demonstrations in Jakarta's central
business district on Friday night rose to 12 dead and as many as
200 wounded, Dr Habibie extended an olive branch to his opponents
by signalling an earlier leadership transition and promising a
dialogue with student leaders.

The concession came after the worst violence and riots in the
capital since former president Suharto was ousted in May. Dozens
of shops and offices were looted and burned by mobs of poor
youths roaming through streets in commercial districts of central
and north Jakarta on Saturday.

After emergency meetings of Cabinet ministers and armed forces
commanders, Dr Habibie gave a televised address appealing for
calm and warning of a harsh security crackdown to restore law and
order. The armed forces and the Jakarta administration advised
people to stay off the streets after 10pm.

He also backtracked on an earlier electoral timetable of mid-year
elections followed by a session of the MPR six months later to
choose a new president and vice-president. This scenario would
have left Dr Habibie in office at least until January 1, 2000,
and drag out the period of uncertainty over the country's

In an interview with CNN, he conceded: "After the elections in
May or June -- even one week after that -- 

LL:DDN: Emergency solidarity picket in Sydney, Australia

1998-11-16 Thread owner-asietnews-l

Picket in solidarity with Indonesian student movement
12noon-2.00pm, Wednesday November 18
Indonesian Consulate, Maroubra Rd., Maroubra Junction.
Precedence: bulk

15 students and others killed by the troops of President Habibie and General
Wiranto. Hundreds injured by rubber bullets fired at close range. KOMPAS
daily newspaper described the shooting as "membabi-buta", like blind pigs.

Reports now of opposition figures being detained after Habibie ordered army
to crackdown.

The student movement is demanding:

* An end to the role of the military in politics
* For Habibie and Wiranto to resign and be held accountable for the killings
* For the establishment of a transitional government to organise free
* For Suharto tgo be tried for corruption and crimes against humanity

Come to the picket and show your solidarity with the tens of thousands of
Indonesian students putting their life on the line!

The picket is being organised by ASIET and Warta Indonesia.

Tel: 61-02-96901032  Fax: 61-02-6901381
Web Page: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet/
Free Xanana, Budiman, Dita Sari and all political prisoners!
No military ties with Suharto dictatorship!
New elections in Indonesia now! Genuine referendum in East Timor!



1998-11-14 Thread owner-asietnews-l

Telephone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax: 61-(0)2-96901381
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet
Precedence: bulk

ASIET has receeived the following appeal from the Peoples Democratic Party

Central Leadership Committee of the
Peoples Democratic Party (PRD)
Secretariat: Jl. Utan Kayu No. 17 Jakarta, Indonesia


Blood has been shed in Jakarta. Fighters for democracy have been killed.
Habibie and Wiranto must be made accountable.

To all in the international community who love democracy, In Indonesia today
a wave of peoples struggle, spearheaded by students, has unfolded aiming to
win justice and popular sovereignty. We, the Indonesian people, have
rejected the Special Session of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (SI-MPR)
because this MPR is full of people who are the product of the May 1997
elections which were full of manipulation and cheating as organised by
Soeharto's New Order.

We, the people of Indonesia, demand the end of the Dual Function of the
Armed Forces [the armed forces' role in politics] and the repeal of the 1985
political laws. These are the two greatest obstacles to the establishment of
democracy in Indonesia.

We the people of Indonesia reject the leadership of Habibie because it has
been proved that Habibie is just an agent to continue the dirty politics of
the dictator Soeharto. We demand the formation of an Indonesian Peoples
Council as a transitional government.

To all those in the world community who love humanity and justice,

We now hear that 5 university students and one high school student have died
[the latest figure is 15] and hundreds have been wounded. Blood has been
shed. But we will not retreat until our ideals of justice and social justice
have been reached.

We call upon all those in the international community who support democracy
and oppose oppression to:
1. Carry out protest actions outside Indonesian consulates and embassies
around the world
2. Condemn the acts of violence by the Habibie regime which has used the
Armed Forces as its killing machine.
3. Bring Soeharto, Habibie and Wiranto before an International Court to face
charges against the Indonesian people, in particular, and humanity, in
4. To send aid in the form of money, food and medicine to the people of
Indonesia who are struggling for democracy.

Jakarta, 13 November 1998

Henry Kuok (International Department, PRD)


Please take actions immediately.

No more military in politics! Habibie and Wiranto out! Form a transitional

Bring to justice all New Order violators of human rights!

Free Xanana Gusmao! Free Budiman Sujatmiko! Free Dita Sari!

Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!

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