Dear Friend

Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG - the main body 
responsible for organising the Sydney Olympics) and its Olympics web site 
designer, IBM, are exploiting disabled people for PR purposes while denying 
blind people fair access to Olympic results on the site.

Visually impaired people are being shut out from the Olympic party, while 
IBM claims to be powerless to make the site accessible.

For a relatively small cost, IBM could solve the problem and make the site 
useable by people with visual impairment.

IBM have the resources and the technology to allow everyone with internet 
access to share in Sydney's games. They are refusing to do so.

You can send a message to IBM's senior management by visiting The Greens 

and filling in the petition.

We urge you to do so today: tell IBM that no one should be left out in the 

Please pass this message on to your friends: we need to send a strong 
message to IBM.


Lee Rhiannon MLC and Gisele Mesnage The Greens


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