EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra
Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs Sundays between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday
10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX
Wollongong between 9-10am & much more!!

Earth Matters
Program 98a

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 14/4/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... see you again next week."
DURATION : 27'00" (frogs til 28'00")

Ok Tedi Traditional Owners
On April 11th traditional owners form the Ok Tedi region in Papua New
Guinea cme to Melbourne to highlight the social and environmental problems
that continue to come from BHPs Ok Tedi mine. They dumped dead fish and mud
and called on BHP to clean up and get out of Ok Tedi.=20

3CR's Jennifer Macey attended the action, where she spoke with Ok Tedi
traditional owner Barnabas Uako about how the river once was, the outcomes
of the legal settlement of 1996, and what BHP should do now.=20
IN: "When the mine =85"
OUT: " =85 clean it up."
DUR: c.9'50

Earth Day celebrates 30 years
April 22nd is Earth Day, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Today on Earth Matters we talk to Cam Walker, National Liaison Officer with
Friends of the Earth Australia, about the signficance of the day and its
origins back in 1970.=20

We also reflect on just how things have changed over the last 30 years with
regard to the state of the environment on a global level, and what types of
solutions need to be taken on over the next 3 decades.
IN: "The first Earth Day =85"
OUT: "=85 global perspective either."
DUR: c.14'15


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