EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra
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Earth Matters
Program 107b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 25/8/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... see you then."
DURATION : 25'40" (frogs til 26'40, music til 31'00)

Western Australia Parks Proposal Condemned
It's not often that the announcement of new National Parks and Conservation
Reserves is met with such disappointment. West Australian Premier Richard
Court made the announcement to convert some 540,000 hectares in to 2
National Parks and 3 Conservation Reserves. The proposal has been widely
condemned, primarily because it blatantly fails to respect and involve the
aboriginal traditional owners.=20

Premier Richard Court has labelled those opposing the parks proposal as
following a political agenda. Maria Mann is from Environs Kimberley, a
local environment group based in Broome, and she rejects the Premier's
accusation saying that it's simply about good conservation and opposing a
cynical exercise in trying to win green credential. Here Maria Mann begins
by describing the land now proposed for conservation.
IN: "Okay well there's two basic areas =85"
OUT: " =85 visiting the area."
DUR: 9'40"

Mining Monitor, publication of the=20
Mineral Policy Institute
Mining Monitor is the publication of the Mineral Policy Institute based in
Sydney. It's aim is to provide detailed, referenced information to inform
and support community organisations concerned about the impacts of mining
projects - including oil and gas - in Australasia and the Pacific.=20

Environmental journalist Bob Burton is the editor of Mining Monitor and
Earth Matters caught up with him this week to talk about just what's in the
latest edition of the publication.
IN: "Well ummm =85"
OUT: " =85 in Washington as well."
DUR: 10'10"


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