1999-10-27 Thread Andrew Haydon Alcock

Dear supporters of East Timor

Below is a very important resolution from the UN on the issue of East Timor

Please circulate widely

In solidarity

Andrew (Andy) Alcock
Information Officer
Campaign for an Independent East TImor (South Australia) Inc

Phone:  61 8 83710480 (home)61 8 82053259 (work)
Pager:  61 8 82734382   Facsimile:  61 8 82236509


Distr.   GENERAL

S/RES/1272 (1999)
25 October 1999

RESOLUTION 1272 (1999)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4057th meeting,
on 25 October 1999

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President on 
the situation in East Timor, in particular resolutions 384 (1975) of 22 
December 1975, 389 (1976) of 22 April 1976, 1236 (1999) of 7 May 1999, 1246 
(1999) of 11 June 1999, 1262 (1999) of 27 August 1999 and 1264 (1999) of 15 
September 1999,

Recalling also the Agreement between Indonesia and Portugal on the question 
of East Timor of 5 May 1999 and the Agreements between the United Nations 
and the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal of the same date regarding 
the modalities for the popular consultation of the East Timorese through a 
direct ballot and security arrangements (S/1999/513, annexes I to III),

Reiterating its welcome for the successful conduct of the popular 
consultation of the East Timorese people of 30 August 1999, and taking note 
of its outcome through which the East Timorese people expressed their clear 
wish to begin a process of transition under the authority of the United 
Nations towards independence, which it regards as an accurate reflection of 
the views of the East Timorese people,

Welcoming the decision of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly on 
19 October 1999 concerning East Timor,

Stressing the importance of reconciliation among the East Timorese people,

Commending the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) for the 
admirable courage and determination shown in the implementation of its mandate,

Welcoming the deployment of a multinational force to East Timor pursuant to 
resolution 1264 (1999), and recognizing the importance of continued 
cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and the multinational force 
in this regard,

Noting the report of the Secretary-General of 4 October 1999 (S/1999/1024),

Noting with satisfaction the successful outcome of the trilateral meeting 
held on 28 September 1999, as outlined in the report of the Secretary-General,

Deeply concerned by the grave humanitarian situation resulting from 
violence in East Timor and the large-scale displacement and relocation of 
East Timorese civilians, including large numbers of women and children,

Reaffirming the need for all parties to ensure that the rights of refugees 
and displaced persons are protected, and that they are able to return 
voluntarily in safety and security to their homes,

Reaffirming respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Indonesia,

Noting the importance of ensuring the security of the boundaries of East 
Timor, and noting in this regard the expressed intention of the Indonesian 
authorities to cooperate with the multinational force deployed pursuant to 
resolution 1264 (1999) and with the United Nations Transitional 
Administration in East Timor,

Expressing its concern at reports indicating that systematic, widespread 
and flagrant violations of international humanitarian and human rights law 
have been committed in East Timor, stressing that persons committing such 
violations bear individual responsibility, and calling on all parties to 
cooperate with investigations into these reports,

Recalling the relevant principles contained in the Convention on the Safety 
of United Nations and Associated Personnel adopted on 9 December 1994,

Determining that the continuing situation in East Timor constitutes a 
threat to peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1.  Decides to establish, in accordance with the report of the 
Secretary-General, a United Nations Transitional Administration in East 
Timor (UNTAET), which will be endowed with overall responsibility for the 
administration of East Timor and will be empowered to exercise all 
legislative and executive authority, including the administration of justice;

2.  Decides also that the mandate of UNTAET shall consist of the following 

(a) To provide security and maintain law and order throughout the territory 
of East Timor;

(b) To establish an effective administration;

(c) To assist in the development of civil and social services;

(d) To ensure the coordination and delivery of humanitarian assistance, 
rehabilitation and development assistance;

(e) To support capacity-building for self-government;

(f) To assist in the establishment of conditions for sustainable development;

LL:DDV: Rally for safe injecting facilities

1999-10-27 Thread Toni Bloodworth

Steve Bracks has promised safe injecting facilities in 5 locations around 

People are still dying!

Don't let it continue. Victoria needs safe injecting facilities now!

RALLY:  Saturday 30th October
Victoria Market (crn Elizabeth and Victoria Sts)

Invited speakers include: Premier Steve Bracks, Steve Watson (major of 
Yarra), Dick Gross (mayor of Port Philip) and David Stanley (Aust. drug law 
reform foundation). Hopefully some women too.

Safe Houses are for everyone's safety.

Community Campaign for Heroin Reform  ph. 9380 8749


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LL:ART: Unionists being driven underground Inquiry told

1999-10-27 Thread Trudy Bray


Unionists being driven underground Inquiry told

Frightened workers were keeping their union memberships secret to avoid 
being sacked by militant bosses, a senate inquiry was told today.

Australian Workers Union Queensland secretary Bill Ludwig said some workers 
were having their dues secretly debited from their bank accounts.

He said job security was the biggest issue facing Australian workers and 
the federal government's campaign against unions had driven underground 
many of those who wanted to join something they believed in.

Outside the inquiry, Mr Ludwig said: "This is happening in Australia today 
and it is terrible. It smacks of Nazi tactics."

Mr Ludwig's comments were supported by ACTU national secretary Jennie 
George, an observer at today's Brisbane sittings of a Senate Inquiry into 
the Workplace Relations Amendment Bill 1996 proposed by Workplace Relations 
Minister Peter Reith.

The bill seeks to curb the powers of the Australian Industrial Relations 
Commission, introduce secret ballots for industrial action, limit strikes 
and control the rights of unions to enter workplaces.

Ms George said the practice of workers keeping their union membership 
secret was widespread and growing.

"Many unions have gone to direct debits to keep the members' identities 
secret. It has the overtones of American McCarthism," she said.

The Queensland Council of Unions, which represents 42 trade unions with 
325,000 members statewide, told the hearing Mr Reith's reforms should be 
scrapped and replaced with industrial laws similar to state laws put in 
place by Queensland.

State secretary John Thompson said Queensland laws encouraged industrial 
relations between employers and employees, and encouraged responsible union 

"Queensland's industrial laws should be the benchmark and be used as a 
model for the rest of Australia," Mr Thompson said.

Mr Thompson said under Mr Reith's proposals "workers hands would be tied 
behind their backs' because they needed to give employers 48 hours notice 
of union intervention in a dispute.

"But the boss can have an Employers Association representative on the site 
within minutes," he said.

National secretary of the 200,000-strong Shop Distributive and Allied 
Employees Federation, Joe De Bruyn, said the federal government was trying 
to drive down union membership.

"The Senate should vote the proposals down because they are grossly 
unfair," he said.

Professor David Peetz, a university specialist in industrial relations, 
said union membership in Australia was already at its lowest since 1911.

He said research showed 50 per cent of workers today wanted to belong to 
unions but the actual membership was only half this.

The Senate Inquiry will hold its final sittings in Canberra tomorrow and 
expects to table its report by the middle of next month.


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LL:DDN: cuba festival

1999-10-27 Thread joan

the 8th annual festival de cuba

amigos de cuba, the cuba solidarity committee and the australia-cuba
friendship society present the AUTHENTIC cuba festival, on saturday,
november 6 from 6pm until late. dance to the rhythms of son, salsa,
charanga and timba with bands charanga libre and cachavacha at addison road
community centre main hall, 142 addison road, marrickville. sponsored by
the cfmeu, tickets are $8 at the door and latin-american food and drinks
will be on sale. proceeds go towards solar electricity projects in 3 rural
medical clinics in granma province in cuba.



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