Re: [LegacyUG] Post Card Collection Dilema

2014-04-29 Thread Rick Bowden
I am one of those who does not agree with creating census events, so I
would not use a postcard event. I believe that the event is related to the
information you extract or deduce from the piece of evidence such as the
census or postcard, making them sources. The most obvious would be the
address, making it a residence event on the reasonable assumption that the
recipient lived at the address at the time of the postmark on the card just
as the date of a census is evidence of residence at that time. Other events
would depend on the content of the postcard. You might have a line saying '
sorry to tell you that your aunt Edith passed away last Thursday' , making
it evidence of a death event, 'we went to her funeral on Sunday', making it
evidence of a burial event. It really depends on how much you can reliably
extract from the information it contains. My point is that the postcard can
be a source for many different events, just as a census would give
information on residence , occupation , disabilities, family ages ,
relationships, etc.
I don't see families living their lives according to events like receiving
a postcard or filling in a census questionaire, people do not sit around
saying , ' do you remember the night of the 1911 census ? , what fun we had
answering those silly questions' Whereas , they might well say ' do you
remember that old house Grandad had on Elm Street , when was that ?'
So I see the census or a postcard as a master source. Because the master
source name is freeform and Legacy does not use it for any form of control
I try to categorise my sources in a way relevant to me and also make use of
the alphameric sorting Legacy does. So I might have a source 'Census 1841
of England  Wales - transcription by Ancestry' or 'Census 1851 of England
 Wales via Genes Reunited' so that in the master source list the sources
appear in a logical order , all censuses together, all similar decades, all
similar areas, etc. Remember this is quite distinct from the master source
template used to create the source ( if you are using sourcewriter) where
Legacy uses the categories you select to control the fields which appear.
So you can create a master source list that appears in a manner relevant to
you while still creating the templates in a way relevant to Legacy. In my
scheme I would have a general category of 'Genealogical Research' which
covered things like letters, emails, postcards, forums, conversations, etc.
So my master source might be named 'Genealogical Research - Postcards from
Mabel Jones' , and I would use detail sources to split those of different
dates. But the templates could be 'Letters  Personal correspondence' or
'Artifacts  Privately held' , depending on which you felt was better
suited. In the end it is very much a matter of personal choice but it does
help to get different views on how you can organise your information.


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Re: [LegacyUG] To Do List Images

2014-02-05 Thread Rick Bowden
All the media/picture galleries work in the same way , there is no specific
Repository media.
That applies to galleries for Individuals , Events , Sources , Repositories
or Locations. When you attach media you can chose to have Legacy handle the
file by adding it as a Picture. But there are restrictions , a 'Picture'
can only be a graphic image file and even then , not a .gif and I think
there restrictions on some forms of .tif images , and always a
reccomendation that the file is not very large. The size matters because
Legacy opens the file and reads it into temporary storage in order to
create a thumbnail for the icon which it puts in the media frame. It does
this dynamically each time you enter the media gallery and many large
images create an enormous processing overhead.
For other files , .txt , .doc , .pdf , .url , .mpg , .wav , .mp3 and any
others you can think of, Legacy will not handle , but you can attach them
as Sound , Video or Document files as Legacy simply passes the control to
Windows and , in turn , Windows passes control to the default application
which you have set for the particular file extension. The only real
difference among Sound , Video and Document is that a different static icon
is assigned to the media gallery frame , symbolising a microphone , film
reel or document page but essentially Legacy doesn't care. Before , I think
it was version 6 , there was no Document category and I used to attach PDF
files as Sounds files, it still invoke Adobe Acrobat reader to display the
You can also attach those large .bmp , .jpg , .tif , .gif files as a
Document and have your default image display application display them
rather than Legacy.
With version 8 of Legacy there is now an option to add a website address
which means I no longer have to create .url files in order to have web
addresses in my media galleries.
I make extensive use of the ToDo list system and the associated
repositories to organise my research files as it allows me to keep all the
files in a single folder but have them accessible from the individuals in
my Legacy database in just a couple of clicks. It also works for general
information files , like keeping a reference table of the dates on which a
census was taken in different decades. Making use of ToDo list categories ,
such as Information , or creating your own such as Research notes allows
you to Apply the Filter option and get appropriate lists of the items.
I think it would be worth your while persevering with the ToDo list and
repository use because it is very flexible giving you a lot of options for
organising your external files while keeping track of them using Legacy.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Attaching a picture

2014-01-07 Thread Rick Bowden
Why not use the Media Gallery Clipboard ? That will copy the link for any
file , picture or not , together with the Date , Caption and Notes. You can
copy one or all the items from a gallery , or Copy Append , selecting items
from different galleries. The paste function allows you to paste to
Individual, Location , Source , Repository , in fact any Media Gallery.

Right mouse click on the icon in the required gallery for the copy dropdown
, select the copy option required , then go to the target gallery and right
mouse click in a blank space and select the paste option.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Can you embed a Hyperlink into Legacy

2013-01-25 Thread Rick Bowden
Yes you can. Create a bookmark and move/copy the resultant
.url file into your desired folder where you can then add it as a file
to your desired picture gallery.


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Re: [LegacyUG] How do I add a photo to an existing Source Detail?

2012-09-01 Thread Rick Bowden
 Although , as has been said, you will need to add the scanned
obit. to each sourced event there is some help. There is a Picture
Gallery clipboard. Having setup the first occurrence of the link to
the scanned image file in the source detail picture gallery, make sure
you have added any caption , date , description and fileid that you
want , as these are copied to the clipboard together with the file
link. Right click on the image thumbnail in the picture gallery frame
and you will get a dropdown with options, one of which is Copy ,
select this. Now you can go to each of the other picture galleries for
your source detail and Right click in the first blank frame. This time
the dropdown will contain an option to Paste , which should also tell
you how many items are on the Legacy clipboard to paste, when you
select this you will have all the details copied to that picture
gallery. You just need to repeat the Paste process for each of the
other picture galleries for the other source details. The copied item
remains on the clipboard until you overwrite it with another copy
operation ( or exit Legacy).


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RE: [LegacyUG] questionable family members

2012-05-17 Thread Rick Bowden
You could create a repository which you give a name relating to the
line of research , like ,
Researching Smiths. The repository entry has a notes field to further
explain your research and a Picture Gallery for linking any relevant
files you have. Then if you start with the individual in your main
tree to whom the unlinked individuals MAY BE connected you can create
a ToDo item to follow up on that Smiths research, selecting the
Researching Smiths repository as its repository. Copy the ToDo item to
the clipboard and then paste it in the ToDo list of each individual
connected with that research. Now in the future you will have the ToDo
item for the individual in your main tree and can select the
repository and using ShowList create a Search List of all individuals
with ToDo item using that repository.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Source Pictures and Picture Gallery

2012-04-18 Thread Rick Bowden
It would be worth your while investigating the use of
picture gallery clipboard. The picture gallery is really a link
gallery , Legacy is just storing a link to the image file not the
image itself. If you have taken the trouble to set up an image for a
source citation , maybe added a description , date and notes , you
don't want to keep repeating that same manual process.
The picture gallery clipboard will help you. In your source citation
picture gallery , right click on the icon you wish to copy and you get
a dropdown list of options. Copy will copy that one item, Copy all
will copy that entire picture gallery ( if you have multiple pictures
) , Copy Append is useful if you want to copy pictures from several
different galleries. When you have finished the copy just go to the
target gallery, for example the individual or a particular event
picture gallery and then right click in a blank picture space. Once
again you get the dropdown list but this time with a paste option ,
telling you how many images you have on the clipboard. When you paste
the item or items , all the description, date and notes are added as
well as the image (or rather the image link). It also applies to any
files you have in the picture gallery, not just image files but also
sound files text file, anthing you can put in the gallery in fact.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Where to enter history of the area?

2012-02-25 Thread Rick Bowden
This is relevant to your question on research notes placement also.
There are a couple of places where you can link to external files from
within Legacy. One is the picture galleries of which there are
countless numbers, one for every individual, every event, every source
and every location and probably more besides. For location notes you
could use the gallery for the specific location, the gallery is not
just for pictures but for any files, you simply add the link as a file
and not a picture. If you find a website with local history you can
capture the information on the page with the web browser option to
save it as a web page archive format. Firefox for example can create
MAFF type files with an image of the webpage as you saw it. These
files can be simply added to the gallery and will use the Operating
system default for invoking the filetype, so .pdf files may use Adobe
Acrobat to display or you could store the url of the website as a
bookmark and use that .url file in your gallery to go straight to the
website with the information you wanted. Your default web browser
would invoke any .url files.
You could think about using the ToDo list function in Legacy for other
research notes. The ToDo list is not just about items which you have
to do but can just be information items. You can use existing
categories or create your own , like Research Notes , and then use the
filter option to display just those in that category. Each ToDo item
has a source associated and any source you create will have a gallery
to go with it which you can use for files containing research notes.
Alternatively the Todo item will also allow you to create a
repository. Repositories do not have to be real places, they can be
imaginary or virtual places. You could create a ToDo item for Hometown
Research and for that item a repository called Hometown Research. The
repository would have a gallery associated with it where you could
link your files regarding Hometown research. Alternatively it might be
a John Smith research ToDo item and repository dealing with an
The other way to get to external files from within Legacy is via the
URL addresses. You will find that repositories have a line for
recording their homepage and you can make use of this. If you wish to
invoke a file via a URL you enter
file:///C:/Users/Marg/Legacy/Pictures/research.pdf for example. An
advantage is that  it can take as little as two clicks from an
individual to get to the research notes, one on the ToDo icon and if
the Research notes is the only ToDo and you have the Repository Tab as
the one first shown you will see that the homepage can be clicked as
the second click and you're there. Homepage addresses are also
accessible from the individual's address icon ( the little house with
a wireless handset ), which seemed incongruous for those living in the
18th century. I find that it can be useful if you have a saved copy of
a Web version of your Legacy tree as you can invoke it from the
individuals page using something like
file:///C:/Users/Marg/Legacy/Web/Mytree/241.htm  , the numeric being
the appropriate RIN of the individual. So there are a number of ways
of tying your Legacy database to external files and this might also
apply to files created by more specialised research tools.


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Re: [LegacyUG] FHL film numbers in sources

2011-12-19 Thread Rick Bowden
If you start with a space in front of the number it gets interpreted
as character input rather than numeric and consequently the commas do
not appear in the formatted citation. The space is also not noticable
in the output.


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Re: [LegacyUG] JPEG display

2011-12-03 Thread Rick Bowden
Yes , you can do what you are asking. When you attach the Jpeg to the
source , add it as a file not a picture , that way it will be opened
by your default Jpeg viewer and not Legacy. The downside will be that
you will not get the preview, just a file icon and also those images
will not be shown in Legacy reports. I tend to use the Legacy view for
pictures which are photos of people and places rather than images of
documents but you can mix the two with no problem.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Two sourcing questions

2011-11-15 Thread Rick Bowden
You could create an event/fact for those living in the now defunct
streets and attach the source to that.
Alternatively you could put a reference in the location notes to its
picture gallery and link the file in there. I find that for items that
may change I can create PDF files with images of the pertinent
information from the website. I also find it useful create a URL
shortcut file and include that in the location picture gallery, this
gives me an internet link from my Legacy database to the website with
interesting information on the location.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery

2011-10-12 Thread Rick Bowden
  There are many picture galleries in your Legacy
database. Each individual has one, each event for each individual ,
each source for each event for each individual , as well as locations.
I personally place images of birth certificates in the picture gallery
for the source citation for the birth event of the individual. But if
you wish to keep a copy of the birth certificate image in the
individual picture gallery you can. If you have only one file in the
picture gallery and you added it as a picture then Legacy will display
the thumbnail on the individuals screen next to the name. To avoid
that but still keep the file in the picture gallery , do as advised by
Lavern , to remove the file. Then add the file back as a File , not as
a Picture ( you will see there are also options for Sound and Video ).
This way, even though the file is an image ( .jpg , .bmp or similar )
Legacy will not attempt to use its internal viewer to display the
image. When you look at the individuals picture gallery you will see
just a file icon not a thumbnail of the image but if you select that
item and press play, or alternatively double click on that item ,
Legacy passes the task of displaying the file to Windows which will
use your default image viewer to display the birth certificate image.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.0 Any master note area that applys to whole database file

2010-09-22 Thread Rick Bowden
I certainly started in much the way Bruce describes. I had a number of
short pieces of information which were general in nature. I created a
ToDo item for each and made the Category , Information.
I then had a filter option to show just the Information category items
so that clicking on Apply Filter showed me that list.
What I found though was that eventually I was collecting pieces of
information that required files external to Legacy and this was when I
started to build dummy repositories which were really just there to
contain the URL pointer to the file, in their Homepage setting , hence
giving me a way of referencing the file from within Legacy.
So my use of Tiddlywiki is just a development of that process. The
main aim is to keep Legacy as the control as it has the database of
Individuals and Locations which I am researching so provides the ideal
index to these research files.
I did find that any research information I had on Locations could not
be dealt with in the same way as the Master Location list does not
contain anywhere like a Homepage to place the URL pointer. So the
alternative I used was to create a URL file from a Bookmark , which
can be edited with Notepad to change the URL as appropriate and the
file renamed accordingly , remembering to keep the extension as .url.
Then that file can be added to the Picture Gallery of a Master
Location , entitled Research notes, and when double clicked or invoked
with Play will call up the file with the appropriate research notes.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.0 Any master note area that applys to whole database file

2010-09-20 Thread Rick Bowden
I picked up on a comment by JLB in a posting earlier this year. He was
suggesting a way of presenting your Family History in a less formal
way than Legacy reports. If you Google Jliki you will find his
tutorial on the subject. The tool he uses is Tiddlywiki , a free open
source function which uses any web browser and can be contained on a
flash drive.
I found that its main purpose is for keeping research notes and
personal information together in one place. So that's one way in which
I use it. In it's basic form there is not a lot to learn. You end up
with a personal website which does not require internet connection ,
where all your notes are searchable and can be linked via hypertext
If you create a ToDo list item in Legacy and start the name with a
zero , the Alphameric list keeps it at the top. If you then create a
dummy repository for the ToDo item , give it a homepage URL of the
Tiddlywiki html file , for example (
file:///c:/Users/Fred/Tiddlywiki/Research.htm ). Then you are only 2
clicks away from your main Legacy page to your notes.
In fact with Firefox as your browser you can even reference a
collection of notes for each individual in your database and access
them from that individual's ToDo list.
The link will not work , of course, if you are running from a flash
drive on another computer , but you can still invoke the Tiddlywiki
html file directly and have your notes available.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Photos added to source detail

2010-07-10 Thread Rick Bowden
  You need the Picture Gallery Clipboard. It doesn't work
from the Picture Centre but is fine from any Picture Gallery.
Just right click on the thumbnail in your source gallery and you get a
dropdown with options to Copy , for just the selected item or Copy All
for all of the items in the gallery. Once selected go to the target
gallery and right click in a blank frame to get another option
dropdown with a Paste option , which also tells you how many items are
on the clipboard. All your Subject , date and description data is
included with the image.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Photos added to source detail

2010-07-10 Thread Rick Bowden
   I don't think so. I think it is intended for use where you
want to add pictures from more than one source gallery or if you are
selecting more than one, but no all from a single gallery. You would
use Copy/Append to indicate that you were just adding to the pictures
already loaded onto the clipboard.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Introduction and a Picture/Source Question

2010-06-02 Thread Rick Bowden
 Make sure you use Picture centre to attach your photos , with what
you intend it will save you work.
Once you have indentified the photo to Legacy through the browse
function you can add the fields such as title , date , description and
fileid as suits you. Then when you locate the individual to whom the
photo should be attached you will see that ---Individual is the first
entry under Attached Pictures: click on that and click on Attach. You
can also attach the photo to the various events such as birth
christening death and burial and any custom events which you have added.
There is no function to attach the photo directly to the source picture
gallery for an event. However , when you come out of Picture centre , go
to the individuals picture gallery and right mouse click on the
thumbnail of the photo. This will give you the options from the Picture
Gallery Clipboard. The dropdown will allow you to copy a single picture
or copy all will copy all the pictures in the gallery. Then go to the
source picture gallery and right mouse click on an empty box which gives
you a dropdown to paste the picture(s) into the gallery. The advantage
is that all the title , date , description and fileid details get copied
along with the photo.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Citing city directories

2010-04-21 Thread Rick Bowden
  To create a copy of a Master Source you must create at least one
detail citation using it. Once you have done that you can simply go to
the Master Source list and edit that Master Source and make the changes
which you require. When you save the Master Source you are given two
options , 1 to apply the changes to all references of this Master Source
and 2 to apply the changes to a New Copy of this Master Source. It's
always a good move to create at least one detail citation as soon as
possible after creating a Master Source as it is very easy to forget
that the Master is unused. If you then make changes to it thinking that
you are going to create a copy , Legacy will simply assume that you are
putting the finishing touches to your Master and will save the changes
without the New Copy option.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Church/building histories

2010-04-12 Thread Rick Bowden
  I do as you do and create Events for individuals with photos and
files attached to either the event or source citation. But I use
Location rather than Event Address for any more general information. The
advantage of Location over Event Address is that Location allows you to
use the Mapping facility.
For example I may have just general references to individuals in a city
such as Norwich , for which I would have a location Norwich , Norfolk.
But if I had an address specific reference such as a marriage at a
church in the city I might enter the place information as Norwich [ St.
Clement ] , Norfolk. This would give me two locations in the Master
Location list. Norwich , Norfolk and Norwich [ St. Clement ] , Norfolk.
Using the single square bracket places the inferior location after the
superior location in the sort order of the Location list. I can use the
Legacy Picture Gallery clipboard to copy any file references from the
Event Picture Gallery to the Location Picture Gallery and thereby have a
consolidation of information related to that location. In addition I can
use Mapping from the individual to go to a specific address within a
city or area. Legacy acknowledges that it is not a multimedia
manipulation tool which is why there are add-ons such as Passage Express
and Heritage Collector and your photos are not part of the Legacy
database but Legacy simply maintains pointers to the file paths , so I
don't worry about using external applications to manage those files as
long as Legacy can find them and invoke them for me. I use Internet
Explorer as my browser and if I find a village or town which has a
website that offers a potted history of that location or a building such
as a church I save the webpage as a single file and then attach that to
the Location picture gallery , then I can just double click on the file
icon , or click Play , and my web browser takes me to the website by
invoking the .mht file.
 So there are ways of keeping your information together using just the
Legacy database features if you are not looking to create your own
website or publish the information in book or report form.


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Re: [LegacyUG] SourceWriter Evidence Explained

2010-04-06 Thread Rick Bowden
I purchased a copy of a document which was a statement sworn under oath
by my 2G Grandfather in 1842.
It was basically his evidence before two justices of the peace in a
settlement examination and comprised of a statement of his working life
; who he worked for , where and when and how much he was paid as an
agricultural labourer.
I used the template Court records  loose papers  microfilm/fiche
The original and microfilm from which my photocopy was taken is held by
the Devon record office who had listed it in their holdings with a
reference number in the catalogue they publish on the National Archives
website. So I was able to use that reference as the file no. in the
detail. In the Master Source I used the parish name as the Jurisdiction
State and Devon as the county as this was how the Devon record office
had listed it in the catalogue. The series was also taken from the
catalogue listing
Overseers of the poor - settlement and poor relief - notices of removal
In the Master source I just made the Film ID Photocopy of original.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Questionable children

2010-02-24 Thread Rick Bowden
 If you want a visual cue in your database in the form of colour you
might consider using the uncertain gender option. In the Individual
information window , next to the Title suffix box there are three radio
buttons , M , F and ?. Even if you know the gender of the individual you
could set the ? button to express uncertainty. The colours are
controlled from the Cutomise option Colours tab. I tend to use the
default blue for Male , red for Female and I set the ? Unknown to yellow
which stands out well. It is not quite what it was intended for , but if
Geoff can track the pedigree of his pet dog with Legacy  I am sure you
could allow yorself some latitude in interpretation.


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[LegacyUG] Some help from across the pond

2010-01-24 Thread Rick Bowden
 The information you had was correct. Southampton was the county
name. Hampshire is an abbreviation for Southamptonshire , it's such a
mouthful to say , unlike Northamptonshire which is much easier. On BMD
certificates it would be written as the county of Southampton. Ron's
county of Lancashire is written as the county of Lancaster and many
shire counties take their names from the county town or seat of
administration. The problem with many modern publications is that they
show the situation as it is today. I think it was about 1961 that
Southampton became a unitary authority and thus was removed from the
county structure and now the county seat for Hampshire is Winchester ,
the old capital of England.

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