
What does your son-in-law want? All of his ancestors or all his children's ancestors? Do have only one 
database. You can use the View, Split Screen, and have have the two files open side by side, then drag the 
son-in-law's data into your data. Works best for me if I have the same person open in both files in side by 
side pedigree views, drag "new" to "old", select everyone in file. Then merge. Repeat of 
another person's advice, do not edit notes. I believe you can append OK, but best to copy notes for both 
people to Notepad, then have the notes available after the merge is completed so you can paste them in if 
they have disappeared or are "damaged".

Then tag the ancestors of the person you want to send to your son-in-law and 
export the Legacy file for him if he is using Legacy.

Jay Ingalls

On 11/24/2017 5:20 PM, RCT Gmail wrote:
My first time question:
I made a separate family tree for my son-in-law
Now I need to add/attach that tree to my tree
Gedcom his tree and attack it to him???and how???
Any help would be great and thanks


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