[L-I] Forwarded from Nestor (Moyano proposals)

2000-10-03 Thread Louis Proyect

Dear Louis,

I am attaching the basic document of socioeconomic policies drafted by the 
Technical Department of the CGT - Moyano. This is an interesting document, 
both including points of advance and limitations, and it will be a good 
material for those interested in the policies of the Argentinian Labor 
movement. Could you please forward to your list and to L-I? Thank you.

Principios Socioeconómicos
consagrados en el Congreso de Renovación de Autoridades de la CGT

1.  La Confederación General del Trabajo no combate contra ningún Gobierno
democrático. Combatimos contra los verdaderos detentadores del poder, el
capital financiero internacional, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el
Banco Mundial y la Organización Mundial de Comercio. Contra ellos
lucharemos sin declinación.

2.  El actual modelo socioeconómico es el causante de la aguda y prolongada
crisis que nos afecta. Solo cambiándolo se podrán corregir los graves
desequilibrios existentes. La sociedad Argentina ha sido profundamente
degradada por una globalización unipolar y concentradora y por una
generalizada recolonización de sus activos materiales y de su acervo
cultural y espiritual.

3.  No aceptamos la profundización de la flexibilización laboral, pues esto
no hará mas que acentuar los desequilibrios en la distribución de la
riqueza, precarizando las condiciones laborales, bajando el salario,
destruyendo aun más el mercado interno y, en consecuencia, aumentando la
desindustrialización, el desempleo, el subempleo, y el autoempleo precario
y la caída de la recaudación pública.

4.  Rechazamos la actual política de explosivo endeudamiento externo. Ante
el recurrente déficit comercial, fruto de la avalancha importadora y de la
impotencia exportadora, de la creciente remisión de utilidades  de las
empresas extranjeras y de intereses de la deuda el modelo apela al
endeudamiento externo como único camino para afrontar esos déficits. La
deuda externa -en gran parte ilegitima- crece, hipotecando el presente y el
futuro de los argentinos, aumentando nuestra dependencia con los capitales
especulativos y comprometiendo las decisiones soberanas de nuestros gobiernos.

5.  Debemos refundar el Estado como principal salvaguarda de la  Nación y su
Pueblo, recuperando su rol activo frente a los desequilibrios e inquietudes
sociales y económicas producidos por la gran concentración
económico-financiera; reafirmando su función constitucionalmente
indelegable de garantizar las condiciones para el desarrollo sostenido y
sustentable y el pleno empleo, así como el acceso a la educación y a la
salud gratuita, el derecho a la seguridad y previsión social, al trabajo y
a un salario mínimo vital y móvil digno para todos los argentinos. En ese
camino se debe alcanzar una independencia efectiva de la justicia y el
libre acceso a ellos de todos los trabajadores activos y pasivos.

6.  El movimiento obrero organizado aquilata una fecunda experiencia en la
promoción de la cultura popular, la educación para todos y la formación
profesional como herramienta estratégica para la dignificación del trabajo.
No aceptamos la concepción cultural del actual modelo: elitista y
transnacional. Para la CGT la cultura reside en la patria y "la patria son
los trabajadores". Queremos que todos los argentinos puedan acceder a más y
mejor educación y que nuestros niños y jóvenes avancen hacia niveles más
complejos de conocimiento. Queremos una educación desarrollada sobre las
bases del patrimonio cultural de nuestro Pueblo, continuadora de nuestras
tradiciones y que consolide nuestra identidad nacional, basada en la idea
de que sólo hay justicia social si existe educación de mejor calidad y para
todos. Una educación fundante de un nuevo Humanismo Social para una
sociedad más justa y solidaria asentada en la cultura del trabajo como
sustento de una democracia legitimada en la dignidad de la persona humana y
en tránsito hacia la integración en la Comunidad Latinoamericana de Naciones.

7.  Afirmamos que la Seguridad Social es la hipoteca pendiente de los
sucesivos ajustes neoliberales del 76 hasta hoy. La Deuda interna generada
con el conjunto del pueblo argentino, que se ha visto expoliado de su
ahorro interno genuino, producto de generaciones de compatriotas. Por lo
tanto, rechazamos la nueva Ley previsional 24.241, la privatización de la
higiene y seguridad y los riesgos de trabajo de la Ley 24.557 y el
apropiamiento del INSSJyP  por parte del presupuesto nacional, sumado al
desfinanciamiento de la Obras Sociales, constituye el marco desbastador de
la cara más salvaje del capitalismo concentrado en el sector financiero,
hoy dueño de la decisión y los ahorros de los argentinos. El Estado debe
garantizar la salud de la población. Las Obras Sociales Sindicales, a
través de su sistema solidario, han contribuido a la atención de la salud
cumpliendo una función subsidiaria del Estado; atendiendo hoy a más de doce
millones de argentinos a 

[L-I] Forwarded from Nestor

2000-08-10 Thread Louis Proyect


See what has reached me, please!

One of the most intelligent ways to struggle against the murderers and 
torturers of the oligarchic regime in Argentina is what we know as the 
"escrache".  This word comes from our Buenos Aires slang, a verb
which means "to publicly expose, to put in evidence").  This tactics consists 
in denouncing publicly, whether at their workplaces or at their homes, 
conspicuous Argentinian political criminals and, most important, their 

The foremost practitioners of the "escrache" are the HIJOS group.  This 
organization has been formed by children of disappeared, and their politics
far ahead from that of the Mothers and even the Grandmothers of Plaza de
They do not seek personal redress only, not even essentially. They act 
politically. They do not concentrate on the executive arms of repression and 
crime, the military, but permanently expose individual members of the 
oligarchy who were the actual winners and the ones who fueled the whole 
tragedy. In so doing, by the way, they are showing that they´re consequent 
inheritors of the tradition of their parents. In a country so ravaged by 
stupidity, they inject a strong wind of combativity, political clarity and 
imagination that one cannot but admire.

The most recent "escrache" has been made on a conspicuous oligarch, Ms. Nelly 
Arrieta de Blaquier, who either personally or through family connections is 
responsible for the disappearance and sequestration of around 400 popular 
militants in the province of Jujuy during the 1976-1982 regime. The
by the way, count among the largest landowners in Argentina (one of their 
estancias, is located at Entre Ríos province, on excellent soils, and
27,000 hectares; an acre= .44 hectares). They also own a sugar cane central, 
in Jujuy, commercial companies, etc. etc...

Workers in the sugar cane trade are particularly exploited in Argentina, and 
the central of the Blaquiers, the Ingenio Ledesma, has been historically one 
of the most tremendous workplaces, one of the companies that has for many 
decades resorted to murder of rebel workers as a matter of everyday life 
(there is even a popular myth on this: up to very recently, sugar cane
believed that the families of sugar cane planters owned a very peculiar pet, 
the "familiar" -the "family pet"- which was a monstrous beast that killed 
rebel workers in the dark of the high night).

This delicate lady, on the other hand, belongs to the closed circle of José 
Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, the oligarch-by-definition who led the destruction
Argentina from 1976 onwards. She has, or believes to have, a gift for the 
arts, and likes to be exposed as a "connoiseur".  During the Menem years, and 
as an important part of the oligarchic takeover, the actual management of the 
National Museum of Fine Arts was returned to a Commission of Friends of the 
Arts, presided by this Ms. Blaquier. The same social class which did not find 
it problematic to hire some high class robbers to steal from the Museum the 
extraordinary Santamarina impresionist art collection (there are links
the Blaquiers and the Santamarinas, by the way) considers itself, through 
people such as Ms. Blaquier, authorised to rule on art and culture just as 
they did during the Infamous Decade of the 30s.

At the same time, Menem -characteristically enough- named a very progressive 
and intelligent director of the Museum, Miguel Glusberg, one of the avant 
garde art critics of the 60s, and a man who kept a space alive for 
experimentation during the last dictatorship, at his Centro de Arte y 
Comunicación (CAYC).  I happen to be in acquaintance with his son Martín, who 
is living in Chicago with his wife and children, and this is not JUST gossip: 
Martín and his wife had to flee away from Argentina due to their political 
positions in the 70s, when they were hardly finishing their high school, BTW. 
His father never recanted from his progressive points of view, and is in the 
best terms with the son.

When Glusberg became its Director, there was almost no funding for the Museum 
but that provided by the Asociación de Amigos presided by Nelly Arrieta de 
Blaquier. Without this support, and officially starved to death, the Museum 
looked like doomed. Glusberg managed to strike agreements with some private 
enterprises, and now he has opened it up to general public (you pay no 
entrance fees at all), he gave new breath to a large host of activities, and 
of course clashed with the Asociación de Amigos presided by Ms. Blaquier, who 
considered the Museum their own.

When De la Rúa came to power, he confirmed Glusberg (a reasonable idea, such 
as that of the current major of Buenos Aires Ibarra -of the Alianza, of 
course- to put a mild peronist who was Ambassador of Menem to Cuba, Jorge 
Telerman, at the Secretary of Culture) in his post.

Glusberg came out victorious of his clashes, up to this day at