Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-28 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 2:26 AM Xavier G. Domingo (xgid) <> wrote:

Regarding the Leo settings "world": for a Leo newbie like me, settings in
> Leo are a complicated issue for sure. So it's something I try to avoid
> touching as much as I can... but just because the UX is really poor. Some
> of the problems I find:
> 1) It's difficult to know what settings do I have "available" to tweak.
> As an example, I have just opened my myLeoSettings.leo file to take a look
> (after more than a year of not doing so) and I've found there a node with
> just this:
> @bool minibuffer_find_mode = False
> But the node body is empty, so I don't know what that setting is about at
> all. So I've tried the "obvious" thing (though probably that's not what we
> can expect a newbie to do... so I'm probably moving away from the newbie
> "hat" here...): I've opened the leoSettings.leo file and did a search for
> "minibuffer_find_mode" to see what's this setting all about. Result: I've
> found nothing.
Big sigh.  This problem, as you discovered, is the result of a change
awhile back, which uses "-" everywhere instead of "_".  This was intended
to make searches easier! In your case, it had the opposite effect.

There is no way to improve Leo's past.  You just have to be aware that the
preferred names (in leoSettings.leo) use dashes (minus signs) instead of

> 2) It's difficult to know what settings are really "in effect" at any

Yes, it's a problem. I think there is a feature that finds settings for
you, but I can't find it at present.  Maybe it's a plugin.

> when using VSCode...I have none of the above problems of settings
discoverability and knowing which settings are in effect at any moment...I
always know what I'm doing.

This is a frequently requested enhancement. I've just reopened #852
 for this. The first
comment in #852 contains my present thoughts. To summarize...

Leo has a huge number settings. The *set of all settings* is dynamic. To
show all these settings clearly, they must be shown *in a Leo outline*,
organized *both* by *settings source* (the local .leo file,
myLeoSettings.leo and leoSettings.leo) and by the given organization of
nodes *within* the @settings tree in each settings source.

This *active settings outline* will be a real Leo outline, shown, say, in a
new tab.

This outline must combine both the contents and the organization of the
@settings trees of the three settings sources. It's tricky, but possible.

Furthermore, we would like to be able to change settings (that is change
the original @settings trees) simply by changing nodes in the active
settings outline.  Alas, the active settings outline can't clone nodes from
other outlines.  Instead, saving the active settings outline will
(somehow!) update all settings sources.

I think this project is worth doing, given the problems with the
show-settings command.


P.S. I do not want to discuss Leo's startup code further.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-28 Thread Xavier G. Domingo (xgid)

> Let's let newbies speak for themselves.

I think it's time to speak! 

Regarding the Leo settings "world": for a Leo newbie like me, settings in 
Leo are a complicated issue for sure. So it's something I try to avoid 
touching as much as I can... but just because the UX is really poor. Some 
of the problems I find:

1) It's difficult to know what settings do I have "available" to tweak. 

As an example, I have just opened my myLeoSettings.leo file to take a look 
(after more than a year of not doing so) and I've found there a node with 
just this: 


@bool minibuffer_find_mode = False


But the node body is empty, so I don't know what that setting is about at 
all. So I've tried the "obvious" thing (though probably that's not what we 
can expect a newbie to do... so I'm probably moving away from the newbie 
"hat" here...): I've opened the leoSettings.leo file and did a search for 
"minibuffer_find_mode" to see what's this setting all about. Result: I've 
found nothing.

Then I've done something a newbie would (more) probably do: a search in

Result: no results. 

So I've "guessed" that I probably got that setting from someone else making 
a comment in this forum. And I've done the search:!searchin/leo-editor/minibuffer_find_mode$20%7Csort:date

With success! There are several posts from Edward and others which include 
the setting, the most relevant one being this one from Edward 
stating that:

 P.S. I recommend minibuffer-find mode for experts.  Enable with @bool 
> minibuffer_find_mode = True.


After a lot mooore digging into the issue, I've finally found within 
leoSettings.leo a node with header "Find/replace options" and as a child 
I've found a node with, guess what...:

@bool minibuffer-find-mode = False 

So well: this story had a nice ending... but I would not call this a good 
UX for newbies (or anyone). And all the above is just for one only setting!

2) It's difficult to know what settings are really "in effect" at any 

Yes, there's the "show-settings" command, I know that. But it shows you a 
long list of settings in a separate (text) pane, which for the example 
above happens to show that setting with yet another different "name":

[M] @bool   minibufferfindmode = False 


So although "in theory" the command should be "all you need to know"... I 
wouldn't qualify that as a nice UX.

But I'm the same newbie when using VSCode and there I have none of the 
above problems of settings discoverability and knowing which settings are 
in effect at any moment. The UX there is really great! Even if I directly 
edit the settings.json file instead of using it's settings GUI editor. I 
always know what I'm doing. 
And I can say that I've had the same good UX, or even better, with Pycharm, 
for example.

I don't pretend that we now radically change the way settings are "entered" 
in Leo (leoSettings, myLeoSettings and so on), but it's revealing to notice 
that the "show-settings" command is showing a "flattened" view of the 
settings! Doesn't that sound as a hint to you?

For me it's a clear indication (despite being a newbie, I'm a programmer) 
that what Leo uses internally to access those settings is a flattened list 
of settings *and* that there's probably a dictionary (in the Python sense) 
or a map that Leo is using in memory to access the settings. Isn't that the 
in effect "the cache" that Vitalije is talking about? I think so.

And that takes me to my second contribution today... regarding how Leo 
loads settings during startup time. 

When we discussed this same issue years ago (I have no time now to search 
in the forum) Vitalije and Terry did already commented some possible ways 
for improving it and I myself did also suggested another simple possible 
path to move forward, which at that time was simply ignored.

My contribution was something in this line of thinking: "You don't need 
during startup all the Leo machinery just to load the settings files".

And I do have stored in my Leo notes this quote from Terry about the issue:

I think there's great potential for simplifying init. code and settings 

editing by using something simpler than full blown Leo outlines for the 

key/value store needed for settings.  Sqlite is certainly an option - 

if you're just using it for settings, it may not be necessary to 

include those files in VCS. 

So I think that this all shows that there's really room for improvement in 
how Leo currently handles settings, both from the end-user point of view 
(UX) and from the "Leo internals" point of view (code).

Edward: what else do you need to see the evidence...? Why are you having a 
so strong reaction to Vitalije's proposal?


I think we are 

Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 8:25 AM vitalije  wrote:

> My point was that those additional required steps that I have to do to
fix my Leo are introduced just by updating Leo.

I do apologize for the problems you have been having. My intention is to
leave existing settings alone, wherever possible.  I do retire newly unused
settings from leoSettings.leo.

Behavior such as you describe can legitimately be called a bug.   The
general principle is new settings in leoSettings.leo should have default
values the preserve Leo's legacy operation.

> You probably have to make the body pane the central widget:

@string central-dock-widget = body

Probably, but it would again require more of my time to tweak
> myLeoSettings.leo having to reload it all the time. I might do this, but I
> prefer to wait until it is stabilized.

It should be stable as of Leo 6.0.  The present work with global docks
should not affect you, because it is in the gui branch.  Even when merged
into devel, global docks will only happen when --global-docks is in effect,
and even then there are, iirc, no new settings.

> My point is, you have many times introduced changes that required users to
>>> change their settings or to give up updating Leo.
You are the first to complain of such serious settings problems.  As I said
in my original reply, the goals of stability and innovation are inherently
somewhat at odds.

However, the principle of retaining legacy operation in the default
settings in leoSettings.leo should mitigate this tension.

I'm not sure why you have such problems with your settings.  It should be
>> possible to fix them with Leo as it is.
> I am not saying it is impossible. It just takes time and effort which I am
> not so eager to put into the tweaking my settings now.

Fair enough.

> If it was possible for me to change setting central-dock-widget with a
> menu or even through executing minibuffer command I would have tried this.
> If it was possible for me to change theme setting in the menu or executing
> minibuffer command I would have tried this.

It's called reload-settings.  I think we both agree that it won't work.

> Maybe it takes just to add two headlines to my settings file, but I am not
> sure. In my experience it might just turn into an hours long session of
> fixing some visual issues. That is the reason I rather choose not to follow
> this path.
> The real issue here is not my configuration problems. I am more concerned
> with the other users especially new ones.

Let's let newbies speak for themselves.

I have just tested that reloading all settings won't change theme. You can
> say that is how it is supposed to work. But for me this is a bug.

Fair enough.

> If we just put aside question how Leo should handle settings for a moment.
> Telling user that it is impossible to change theme on the fly because it is
> technically impossible to achieve this is a bit awkward and false. The
> sizes, colors, and fonts can be easily changed and immediately visible in
> PyQt widgets. The fact that we, Leo developers, can't deliver that feature
> to the Leo users is something we should be ashamed of.

Ahem.  If you think reload settings can update themes, feel free to do so.
It's a reasonable enhancement, that can be done without any major changes
to Leo's configuration machinery.  You would most likely want to change (or
create) methods called reloadSettings or reload_settings (depending on the

The reason why we can't deliver it lays in an inadequate way how Leo
> handles its own configuration.

No.  It's an indication of the complexity of themes.

I think we are done discussing this topic.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 12:01 AM Matt Wilkie  wrote:

Whoa. Edward, the strength of your reaction seems out of proportion.



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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread vitalije

> If, as you assert, the "user will notice nothing", then how can the new 
> behavior possibly solve such problems?
> I meant to say: users are supposed to notice that Leo works better but 
they won't have to do anything to have this improvement.

> > So I have chosen the BreezeDarkTheme for my preference and now I can't 
> edit myLeoSettings without loosing my preferred look and feel. 
> I don't have this problem.  My copy of myLeoSettings.leo contains:
>@string theme-name = EKRWindowsDark
> Am I correct in assuming your myLeoSettings.leo contains:
> @string theme-name = BreezeDarkTheme? 
> Yes you are correct. But I probably have some remaining settings from the 
previous ways of configuring the look and feel. I know what I have to do. I 
have to re-create myLeoSettings from the empty outline copying one by one 
setting and reloading Leo to see which settings are causing this issue, but 
as I said I am a bit reluctant to take such an effort because of many 
painful experiences I had with the changing myLeoSettings. My point was 
that those additional required steps that I have to do to fix my Leo are 
introduced just by updating Leo. I guess there are other users like me who 
just can't find enough will power to enter the settings battle again. But I 
am afraid that there might be even more users who just gave up Leo after 
encountering these kind of problems.

> Another example quite recent is introducing new dock layout. As you can 
>> see from the previous screenshots my preference is to have outline in the 
>> top left and log underneath, and body on the right. Recently when I updated 
>> Leo, docks were introduced and I couldn't find the way to layout the docks 
>> to look like the screenshot above. So, I had to change all my Leo launchers 
>> to add --no-dock argument. 
> You probably have to make the body pane the central widget:
> @string central-dock-widget = body
> Probably, but it would again require more of my time to tweak 
myLeoSettings.leo having to reload it all the time. I might do this, but I 
prefer to wait until it is stabilized.

My point is, you have many times introduced changes that required users to 
>> change their settings or to give up updating Leo. 
> Adding docks to Leo was a major change.  --no-docks makes it possible to 
> use Leo exactly as before.  We spent weeks fixing bugs in the new code. You 
> could have asked for help at any time during this process.

> I'm not sure why you have such problems with your settings.  It should be 
> possible to fix them with Leo as it is.
I am not saying it is impossible. It just takes time and effort which I am 
not so eager to put into the tweaking my settings now. If it was possible 
for me to change setting central-dock-widget with a menu or even through 
executing minibuffer command I would have tried this. If it was possible 
for me to change theme setting in the menu or executing minibuffer command 
I would have tried this. Maybe it takes just to add two headlines to my 
settings file, but I am not sure. In my experience it might just turn into 
an hours long session of fixing some visual issues. That is the reason I 
rather choose not to follow this path. 

The real issue here is not my configuration problems. I am more concerned 
with the other users especially new ones. 

You have argued that introducing a cache potentially can cause some 
>> confusion. Well I can agree that it is a possibility. But Leo already uses 
>> cache. 
> Yes, Leo does use a cache.  --trace=cache will show you what it contains.  
> I've been looking at that a lot recently while I worked on the gui (global 
> docks) branch.  At present, his cache is relatively benign because:
> I was not talking about that cache. My point here is that c.config and are caches in a nutshell. Leo doesn't read and scan outlines 
each time it needs particular setting value. Instead it retrieves this 
value from the and c.config. So your point that my idea is to 
introduce cache is not relevant. Leo already uses cache for configuration, 
although I would say not very efficient one. 

> When it needs a value of some setting it doesn't read all those outlines 
>> again and doesn't parse them again to retrieve the value, but instead it 
>> retrieves the value from the cache that was built during the startup. The 
>> difference is when this cache is built. 
> I am not convinced that this is an improvement. See below.
> In my idea it is built (and updated too) whenever user changes any 
>> setting, and not during the startup.
> At present, the user "changes" a setting only when saving an outline 
> (including leoSettings.leo and myLeoSettings.leo).  As you imply, this does 
> not immediately update Leo's internal settings data.
But it could if the settings are handled differently. 

> That is why if implemented my idea will help to make things easier for 
>> users and 

Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 7:13 AM vitalije  wrote:

GUI code depends on settings and can't be instantiated without settings but
> some of the Leo reading code depends on GUI elements. That makes the
> initialization code very hard to understand and maintain. It is a bit like
> the question what comes before chicken or egg.

That's why Leo uses Apple's finishCreate pattern. It makes the chicken and
egg problem explicit.

At the beginning of this thread Edward wrote about his idea of introducing
> global settings. The need for this was caused because there was an issue in
> the startup code. It is not clear to me what it was supposed to do: to read
> theme file before user settings or the other way around. But it is hard
> problem to solve mainly because startup code is so entangled and complex.

Happily, there is, in fact, no need for global settings.  In some places,
such as computing the window's starting position and size, Leo uses the
first loaded outline as a proxy.  That's why contains entries for
specific .leo files.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread vitalije

On Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 1:29:25 PM UTC+2, btheado wrote:
> Vitalije,
> Could you explain more on how using Leo's reading code for both reading 
> outlines and reading settings is an obstacle to fixing some of your 
> complaints (i.e. switching a theme can't be done without restarting leo)?
Because collecting settings in Leo happens during the startup, it is tied 
to startup. It can't be executed outside the startup code. That is the main 
reason why many settings require Leo restart to see the change.

GUI code depends on settings and can't be instantiated without settings but 
some of the Leo reading code depends on GUI elements. That makes the 
initialization code very hard to understand and maintain. It is a bit like 
the question what comes before chicken or egg. 

At the beginning of this thread Edward wrote about his idea of introducing 
global settings. The need for this was caused because there was an issue in 
the startup code. It is not clear to me what it was supposed to do: to read 
theme file before user settings or the other way around. But it is hard 
problem to solve mainly because startup code is so entangled and complex.

Your idea mentions "compiling" the settings to a simpler format at time of 
> save. How does that help compared to "compiling" the settings to a simpler 
> format during leo init? And isn't leo's reading of settings from outlines 
> into some internal data structure also a form of "compiling" the settings 
> to an alternate format? Is it that Leo's internal configuration structure 
> doesn't match what you want or is the the reading from outlines alone which 
> causes your complaint? Or both?
Main issue is using reading code for collecting settings. Changing this 
won't immediately solve my troubles with the settings, but it would allow 
simplifications in the startup code and that could lead to reducing number 
of bugs in the user preferences related code. Using reading outline code 
before fully initialized Leo is like creating a bike in two steps: first 
you attach one wheel to frame and then riding on one wheel to the store to 
buy the second wheel and other parts necessary to complete the bike. It is 
possible to do so, Leo has proven this. But it isn't natural.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-27 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 2:52 AM vitalije  wrote:

I can see that your idea of using Leo's reading outline code twice both for
> reading outlines and for reading settings is too dear to you and you are
> not going to let it go.

Ah.  I didn't understand that this was the main idea.  It wasn't clear to
me from reading your initial post.

You have pointed me to the page from the documentation that warns users
> about possible confusion when setting their preferences. I assure you that
> on more than one occasion I have spent hours trying to fix problem with my
> settings that was caused just by updating Leo, and I have always had only
> one myLeoSettings.leo.

If, as you assert, the "user will notice nothing", then how can the new
behavior possibly solve such problems?

> So I have chosen the BreezeDarkTheme for my preference and now I can't
edit myLeoSettings without loosing my preferred look and feel.

I don't have this problem.  My copy of myLeoSettings.leo contains:

   @string theme-name = EKRWindowsDark

Am I correct in assuming your myLeoSettings.leo contains:

@string theme-name = BreezeDarkTheme?

Another example quite recent is introducing new dock layout. As you can see
> from the previous screenshots my preference is to have outline in the top
> left and log underneath, and body on the right. Recently when I updated
> Leo, docks were introduced and I couldn't find the way to layout the docks
> to look like the screenshot above. So, I had to change all my Leo launchers
> to add --no-dock argument.

You probably have to make the body pane the central widget:

@string central-dock-widget = body

My point is, you have many times introduced changes that required users to
> change their settings or to give up updating Leo.

Adding docks to Leo was a major change.  --no-docks makes it possible to
use Leo exactly as before.  We spent weeks fixing bugs in the new code. You
could have asked for help at any time during this process.

I'm not sure why you have such problems with your settings.  It should be
possible to fix them with Leo as it is.

You have argued that introducing a cache potentially can cause some
> confusion. Well I can agree that it is a possibility. But Leo already uses
> cache.

Yes, Leo does use a cache.  --trace=cache will show you what it contains.
I've been looking at that a lot recently while I worked on the gui (global
docks) branch.  At present, his cache is relatively benign because:

1. The cache contains a *small* amount of data, data that can be contained
*nowhere* else.  Gui-related data, such as window position and arrangements
of docks, arises directly from moving or rearranging docks. This data does
not belong in an @settings tree.

2. The cache contains only non-essential data.  Clearing the cache is thus

3. The cache avoids polluting Leo outlines with non-essential data such
marks and expanded "bits".

When it needs a value of some setting it doesn't read all those outlines
> again and doesn't parse them again to retrieve the value, but instead it
> retrieves the value from the cache that was built during the startup. The
> difference is when this cache is built.

I am not convinced that this is an improvement. See below.

In my idea it is built (and updated too) whenever user changes any setting,
> and not during the startup.

At present, the user "changes" a setting only when saving an outline
(including leoSettings.leo and myLeoSettings.leo).  As you imply, this does
not immediately update Leo's internal settings data.

That is why if implemented my idea will help to make things easier for
> users and allow them to see the effect of their changes immediately and not
> after the next reload. It would remove a lot of confusions that Leo at the
> moment imposes on users.

The reload-settings and reload-all-settings do (supposedly;-) update all
settings data.

If settings were the *only* thing that mattered, then these commands should
(in theory), suffice.  Yes, in practice, there could be bugs.

However, settings are *NOT* the only things that matter.  Settings,
especially theme-related settings, and plugin-related settings, have side
effects throughout Leo.  Imo, your proposal has *no chance* of mitigating
these side effects.

My intention is not to impose my idea at any cost. I think this idea is a
> good one. It has several pros and all the cons you have pointed, I just
> don't see relevant.
>- It will not bring any inconvenience to users,
>- it will not remove any of Leo features,
>- it is not introducing a new caching mechanism because cache is
>already there. It just changes the time when this cache is built.
> Imo, putting all of Leo's settings into the cache accomplishes virtually
nothing.  It will add code that must be debugged.  Any discrepancy between
the cache and settings in the various Leo file will lead to unbounded

The fundamental problem with this proposal is that* no caching scheme can

Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-26 Thread Matt Wilkie
Whoa. Edward, the strength of your reaction seems out of proportion.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-26 Thread Edward K. Ream
On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 8:54 AM vitalije  wrote:

IMHO the real problem is the way Leo handles settings at the moment. I have
> suggested several times in the past to change this.

I do not at all agree with this proposal. First, I'll make specific
comments, line by line. Later, I'll discuss what I think Leo's future
project leaders would be better off thinking about.

The way I see it is this. Leo handles settings using the very same
> functionality that is used to handle its primary data - outlines.

Having setting be outlines has many advantages, including the various
@button scripts in leoSettings.leo.

> One might think it was a clever idea that saved some coding.

It's not just a clever idea.  The effect on coding is, from a design point
of view, irrelevant.  The question we must ask, first, is whether such
settings benefit users.

But if we honestly and without prejudices, look at the result of this idea,
> we can see that it caused numerous complications in several other parts of
> Leo. Initialization code is an excellent example.

That may be true, but there is no way I would allow major changes in
settings now.  Doing so would unnecessary inconvenience Leo's users.

But there is much more examples. One of the most extreme I can remember is
> that there is a call to c.endEditing very early before any gui element has
> any chance of being created.

Imo, c.endEditing does something reasonable, regardless of the
behind-the-scenes complications.

By the way this call is spread throughout the code base, contaminating and
> entangling all Leo's modules. I am not very convinced that it is still
> necessary because there had been many changes since it was introduced. It
> would be good to look how to eliminate the need for this call. But this
> should go to another topic.

I agree. This belongs a separate discussion. However, as I note below,
Leo's devs have much more important things to worry about.

Let's continue with the way Leo handles settings. Let's first split this
> idea in two parts:
>1. editing settings as an ordinary outline
>2. loading settings from the outline
> The two parts are not necessarily bound to one another. They can be
> changed separately without too much trouble. While I am not very interested
> in changing the first, the second one IMHO should be changed in order to
> simplify other parts of Leo, and I am pretty sure the simplifications would
> be significant.

I am definitely *not* going to change the user's view of settings.  We
might consider adding to settings outlines, but I have no interest in doing

If we ask users both newbies and seasoned are they satisfied with the way
> Leo handles settings, I guess we would find many more unsatisfied users
> than the satisfied ones.

Maybe.  I don't know any way to do a valid survey.

I remember loosing many hours on more than one occasion while trying to
> solve some settings issue. I am afraid of touching any settings because of
> these bad memories.

This section
Leo's docs says:

This search order offers almost too much flexibility. This can be
confusing, even for power users. It’s important to choose the “simplest
configuration scheme that could possibly work”. Something like:

- Use a single leoSettings.leo file for installation-wide defaults.
- Use a single myLeoSettings.leo files for personal defaults.
- Use local settings sparingly.

Imo, this scheme should work for most users.  Leo now has several tools
that allow users to see where settings are coming from.

Many things are impossible or prohibited because of this. There is no way
> user can load and unload plugins without restart. Python is dynamic
> language and there should be no problem to allow this.

The problems with unloading plugins do not involve settings.  Plugins can
modify many aspects of Leo.  Undoing such general actions can be difficult
to impossible.

LeoPluginsController.unloadOnePlugin is supposed to unload a plugin.  How
well it works is another matter. The issues are similar to Python's

> In almost all other editors plugins are downloaded from the internet,
> installed and switched on and off with the single click. Leo users can't
> possibly dream about such a feature mainly because of the way Leo handles
> its settings.

Again, I disagree.

> Switching the theme is impossible without restart.

Maybe, but again Leo's settings really are not the issue.

> *What can we do about it?*
> After editing settings in the myLeoSettings.leo or any other settings
> outline, user should invoke a command to save settings. This command can be
> executed automatically on each save. This command would read settings from
> the outline and build settings dict as it is now done during the startup
> code.

Leo pretty much works this way now.

The result set of settings can be stored in for the next run.
> During the 

Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-26 Thread Brian Theado

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 3:42 AM vitalije  wrote:

> Do you envision distributing the leoSettings.leo derived database with leo
>> itself? Or do you have something else in mind? I was wondering how that
>> first database of settings would be available at the time of leo first use.
> Leo defaults contained in leoSettings.leo should be distributed in their
> "pre-compiled" form. For example it could be one python module containing
> one big tuple of tuples representing the initial content of db. On start if
> this db doesn't contain table settings, table will be created and populated
> with the default values from this python module. This action is executed
> only once and it takes negligible time. For new users the result would be
> exactly the same as if they installed Leo and run it for the first time
> before they created myLeoSettings.leo.

Sounds reasonable and it would probably also be possible to have a
"compile-settings" command line option for leo which could be used in place
of the "open myLeoSettings.leo and save it again" you mentioned.

About 10 years ago I worked on some server software we wrote in C. The
configuration was controlled via a complicated set of sqlite tables. They
were complicated because it was a structure which made it easier for the
end-user configuration UI. We decided to have the C code initialization
structure be as simple as possible. We kept the complexity of transforming
the complicated structure to the simple structure far away from the
harder-to-change C code. This decision was very helpful. It resulted in
fewer changes to the C startup code and the changes we couldn't avoid were
made on simpler code. The simpler structure would have been onerous for the
user to construct, but the data transformation took care of hiding that
difficulty from the user. Having the transformation separate from the
server code, it also made it much easier to troubleshoot.

I see the leo situation as somewhat analogous. The settings-in-outlines is
easier for the user to deal with just like the complicated sqlite tables
were easier for our configuration users, and the settings db you propose is
easier for the code to deal with just as our simplified C structure was for
our server software. Data transformations can be useful!


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-26 Thread vitalije

> Do you envision distributing the leoSettings.leo derived database with leo 
> itself? Or do you have something else in mind? I was wondering how that 
> first database of settings would be available at the time of leo first use.

Leo defaults contained in leoSettings.leo should be distributed in their 
"pre-compiled" form. For example it could be one python module containing 
one big tuple of tuples representing the initial content of db. On start if 
this db doesn't contain table settings, table will be created and populated 
with the default values from this python module. This action is executed 
only once and it takes negligible time. For new users the result would be 
exactly the same as if they installed Leo and run it for the first time 
before they created myLeoSettings.leo.

For users that have already created myLeoSettings.leo, we can allow some 
grace time period when Leo starts as usual (reading all settings files), 
and after start Leo can just store all processed and collected settings in 
the settings db. On the next run Leo would use db.

Then in the next phase when all users have their settings db created, we 
can start cleaning the startup code and remove unnecessary code parts. 

That should cover most of the users. Users who install only release 
editions, will have in the next release both startup routes (one reading 
leo settings files, and one using settings db). On the first run the old 
startup route will read and collect all settings and after startup those 
settings are written to settings db. On every next run when settings db is 
present, Leo will use the second route. In the next release first route can 
be removed.

For users who use git version, the situation will be similar only they 
would sooner get their settings db created.

Almost none of the Leo users would have to do anything special to switch to 
new settings code. The only case when some action is required from users is 
if they switch from the current release to the release when startup code 
has been cleaned and Leo will miss their myLeoSettings.leo. But in this 
case they would simply solve the issue by opening their myLeoSettings.leo 
and saving it.

Otherwise, as I'm conceiving of it, this scheme would then also need a 
> mechanism to compare the saved state with the settings .leo files, 

Theoretically speaking yes. But in the reality is never changed 
outside Leo (or at least we can say it is not supposed to be changed 
outside Leo). If someone changes outside Leo, well I don't think 
that Leo developers should be concerned at all. If someone deletes 
(sometimes it is suggested to do so), user should afterwards open 
myLeoSettings.leo and save it again, and db will be fully recreated.

The worse possible case that can happen is that on the next run Leo use 
only default settings ignoring myLeoSettings.leo, and in this case user 
just need to open myLeoSettings.leo and save it.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-25 Thread Matt Wilkie

> Hang on, I've just described a cache. I don't think that is what you're 
> pointing towards, because that wouldn't make finding and changing the 
> setting currently of interest any easier.

Oh but it could! If each cached setting had a breadcrumb trail back to 
where it was set.

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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-25 Thread Matt Wilkie

> After editing settings in the myLeoSettings.leo or any other settings 
> outline, user should invoke a command to save settings. This command can be 
> executed automatically on each save. This command would read settings from 
> the outline and build settings dict as it is now done during the startup 
> code. The result set of settings can be stored in for the next 
> run. During the startup settings can be retrieved from the in one 
> line. 

So, essentially take the live settings after all the startup processes have 
completed and save that state on disk somewhere? With being the 

I guess this is fine if we trust that is never changed outside of 
the "save settings" command. Otherwise, as I'm conceiving of it, this 
scheme would then also need a mechanism to compare the saved state with the 
settings .leo files, which would blow any performance gains, and add 
complications of what to do when sometthing differs. 

Hang on, I've just described a cache. I don't think that is what you're 
pointing towards, because that wouldn't make finding and changing the 
setting currently of interest any easier.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-24 Thread vitalije

> Is there anything a person of small dev skills like myself can do to help 
> prove/isprove the approach is sound and beneficial?

If you have any questions about my idea I would be glad to explain it in 
more details. That could be a great help to make my idea clear. It is clear 
in my mind, but I am not sure if I explained it well. Sometimes I feel I 
should write more detailed explanation. But sometimes too many details can 
make things less clear. Questions of careful reader are likely to help in 
achieving an optimal ratio between details and the whole picture.


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-24 Thread Matt Wilkie
Clearly you've devoted some concentrated thought to the challenge Vitalije. 
I love the idea of setting levels 0,1,2,... and the setting being able to 
report on it's level. Is there anything a person of small dev skills like 
myself can do to help prove/isprove the approach is sound and beneficial?


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-24 Thread vitalije

On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 2:46:02 PM UTC+2, Matt Wilkie wrote:
> It's too bad there's no obvious path forward. Maybe one will present 
> itself eventually as we dwell here longer. Good that increased complication 
> without clear gain has been avoided though!
> -matt
If you ask me, there is an obvious path forward. The question is whether 
Edward will like it or not :-).


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Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-24 Thread vitalije
IMHO the real problem is the way Leo handles settings at the moment. I have 
suggested several times in the past to change this. 

The way I see it is this. Leo handles settings using the very same 
functionality that is used to handle its primary 
data - outlines. One might think it was a clever idea that saved some 
coding. But if we honestly and without prejudices, look at the result of 
this idea, we can see that it caused numerous complications in several 
other parts of Leo. Initialization code is an excellent example. But there 
is much more examples. One of the most extreme I can remember is that there 
is a call to c.endEditing very early before any gui element has any chance 
of being created. 

By the way this call is spread throughout the code base, contaminating and 
entangling all Leo's modules. I am not very convinced that it is still 
necessary because there had been many changes since it was introduced. It 
would be good to look how to eliminate the need for this call. But this 
should go to another topic.

Let's continue with the way Leo handles settings. Let's first split this 
idea in two parts:

   1. editing settings as an ordinary outline
   2. loading settings from the outline

The two parts are not necessarily bound to one another. They can be changed 
separately without too much trouble. While I am not very interested in 
changing the first, the second one IMHO should be changed in order to 
simplify other parts of Leo, and I am pretty sure the simplifications would 
be significant.

If we ask users both newbies and seasoned are they satisfied with the way 
Leo handles settings, I guess we would find many more unsatisfied users 
than the satisfied ones. I remember loosing many hours on more than one 
occasion while trying to solve some settings issue. I am afraid of touching 
any settings because of these bad memories.

Many things are impossible or prohibited because of this. There is no way 
user can load and unload plugins without restart. Python is dynamic 
language and there should be no problem to allow this. In almost all other 
editors plugins are downloaded from the internet, installed and switched on 
and off with the single click. Leo users can't possibly dream about such a 
feature mainly because of the way Leo handles its settings.

Switching the theme is impossible without restart.

*What can we do about it?*

After editing settings in the myLeoSettings.leo or any other settings 
outline, user should invoke a command to save settings. This command can be 
executed automatically on each save. This command would read settings from 
the outline and build settings dict as it is now done during the startup 
code. The result set of settings can be stored in for the next 
run. During the startup settings can be retrieved from the in one 
line. This would require the least changes in Leo's code. However there 
might be even a better scheme. Store each setting in the db table with the 
following columns:
(name, level, filename, type, value) where primary key is (name, level, 
Then c.config.get can be changed to execute simple query from the 
database selecting the value at the highest level for this outline. Leo's 
defaults defined in leoSettings.leo should have level=0, myLeoSettings.leo 
- level=1 and all other outlines should have level=2. 
I remember an experiment to test whether accessing settings from db would 
slow down Leo and result was that sqlite3 database would outperform Leo's 
present config machinery. 

Now, adjusting  any setting would be as easy as executing a simple SQL 
command. Calling afterwards c.reloadSettings should apply new setting value 
immediately without any trouble. 

There will be no problems related to what is read before and what is read 
after because already compiled set of settings will be present from the 
early start. And if a user wishes to change some setting it can be done at 
any moment, and the result of this change will be preserved for the next 
run too.


IMHO your idea of having global settings is not bad at all. The only thing 
I would change is not keeping it in an .ini file, but instead in the 
sqlite3 database, so we get parsing, querying, persistence for free.
This idea conflicts with the way Leo handles settings now. To resolve the 
conflict, you should change the way Leo handles settings now and it would 
simplify many parts of Leo's code base.


PS: I would gladly help with the necessary changes.

On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 1:50:12 PM UTC+2, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> I've just killed #1298 
>  and #1301 
> . #1298 suggests 
> using a .ini file.  #1301 suggests replacing @string theme-name with an 
> *implicit* setting in
> Both were my ideas.  Both are truly wretched. Each would complicate how 
> Leo handles settings. Each would confuse newbies and 

Re: I've just killed two issues

2019-08-24 Thread Matt Wilkie
It's too bad there's no obvious path forward. Maybe one will present itself 
eventually as we dwell here longer. Good that increased complication 
without clear gain has been avoided though!


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