vincent rogier writes:
 > For example, instead of using cached values (that need extra memory from
 > dbbdi core module while the driver sometimes already hold cached values),
 > the public dbdbi functions like dbi_result_get_int() could use callback to
 > specific drivers functions that delivers the value.
 > This would solve as well the problem of strong typed columns. It would be
 > the driver to return the value as requested, whatever the real type of the
 > column, making its own conversions. That's what OCILIB does. The application
 > requests a column value with a desired type and OCILIB makes conversion if
 > needed and possible.

The current cvs revision of libdbi has a lightweight variant of this

long long dbi_result_get_as_longlong();
long long dbi_result_get_as_longlong_idx();
char *dbi_result_get_as_string_copy();
char *dbi_result_get_as_string_copy_idx();

These functions return any value as either a long long integer or a
string after converting the value returned by the database
engine. Client programs can cast the integers to whatever they
need. I figured this would cover the most urgent needs.

 > Introducing this possibility through callbacks would not break the actuals
 > drivers. The libdbi core could check if the driver supports this feature and
 > then call its functions. If not, it could work as it does now...

This is an interesting idea how to introduce this feature without
breaking backwards compatibility. Thanks for sharing this.


Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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