[liberationtech] Freedom Hosting, Tormail Compromised // OnionCloud

2013-08-04 Thread Rich Jones
1) Freedom Hosting owner arrested and TorMail appears to be distributing
FBI malware specifically targeting the Tor Browser Bundle.


2) I'm considering using Docker/Flynn to build an anonymous PaaS. Anybody
want to help with the sketches?

Deets: https://github.com/Miserlou/OnionCloud

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emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator 
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[liberationtech] OpenWatch Releases #OccupyGezi Android Application

2013-06-07 Thread Rich Jones
We were asked by members of the media in Turkey who have been shut down to
release a version of our new streaming media capture applications. In an
effort document the history of the struggle and to help show abuses by
authorities there, we are pleased to announce the Occupy Gezi android

Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ale.occupygezi
Code: https://github.com/OpenWatch

You will be able to see all of the media produced by the apps live as it
comes in here: https://openwatch.net/w/occupygezi and we will use the media
received to produce additional documentaries and reports.

If you've got any feedback, please get at us: t...@openwatch.net


Rich Jones

Why Turkey Needs an Independent Free Press - And How OpenWatch Is
Helping *Media
conglomeration and an ever-worsening press-freedom record have created a
void in independent reporting in Turkey, so OpenWatch has released a mobile
application for Turkish mobile reporters.*

In support of a free press, the right to demonstrate, and the right to use
media to document the truth, OpenWatch has released an Occupy Gezi
application for
 (with an iPhone version coming out shortly) to allow people on the ground
to collaboratively document the history they are making together.

Download the application here on the Google Play

The applications will send videos and photos directly online, where they
can be found in the apps and on the web by following the
  hashtag on OpenWatch <https://openwatch.net/w/occupygezi>, which will
show a live feed of media as it is received. We have optimized the
application to stream videos and photos to our servers in the fastest way
possible, even in low-connectivity environments.

We will be producing documentaries and reports using the media created by
the Occupy Gezi applications. All media created is Creative Commons, and
all of the code is Free and Open Source, and available on our GitHub
We have also updated our own open source software with additional Turkish
 Why?While thousands of demonstrators took over a public space in an
unprecedented act of mass political protest, the mainstream Turkish media
instead ran documentaries about penguins. This is actually not surprising,
as Turkey, which has the most imprisoned journalists of any country
according to Reporters Without Borders, has been increasingly restrictive
of press freedom in the past few years.

As a result, much of the coverage of the events in the Turkish streets was
provided by users of social networking services like Twitter. Now,
authorities are targeting social media reporters and provocateurs as well:
Authorities in Turkey have raided the houses and detained 38 people accused
of using social media services to promote insurrection. What now?Going
forward, we hope that people will be able to use mobile media to document
the truth, the history they are making, and to protect themselves from
abusive authorities by capturing and exposing the reality of events.

The #OccupyGezi App was built on top of open source software which is being
actively developed - there are some bugs, so please report them so that we
can fix them. (It is not an app for anonymous reporting, and we do not make
any such claims - it is an application simply designed to rapidly capture
and redistribute important information which needs to be seen by as many
people as possible. In the future, we do intend to build a separate
architecture to support anonymous submissions, but we take identity
security extremely seriously here, which is why we make no claims about
anonymity at the moment.)

If you are in Turkey and wish to document your experiences during this
struggle, or just want to show your solidarity, use the
 and share your view with the world!
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[liberationtech] Reminder! The OpenWatch Summit is THIS SUNDAY in Oakland, CA! New details inside!

2012-08-16 Thread Rich Jones
Hey all!

This is just a reminder that the first *OpenWatch Summit* is going to be

*What:* Participatory Discussion About New Radical Transparency
*Where:* Radical Designs <http://radicaldesigns.org/>, 1201 Martin Luther
King Jr. Way, Suite 200, Oakland, CA
12th St BART]
*When:* This Sunday, August 19th, 2012
*Time:* 2PM onwards, followed by drinks!

We've had a lot of interest so we're hoping for a good turnout. You're not
going to want to miss this one!
(I know that Burning Man is coming up soon, so some of you still have to do
some last-minute shopping for glowsticks and drugs or what have you, but
please make sure that you save the afternoon of the 19th for this event!)

If you would, please bring *ANY OLD PHONES* and *CHARGERS/USB CABLES* which
you may have! Please also make sure that you bring your phone with a *FULL
BATTERY* and the expectation that you may leaving with an empty one.

Again, please feel free to *send this note along* and to *bring
anybody*who you feel may be interested in joining our discussion!

If you have any more questions, please reply and I'll get back to you as
soon as possible. If you didn't get a copy of the flyer with the agenda,
please let me know and I'll make sure you get one!

See you then!,

Rich Jones
*http://openwatch.net* <http://openwatch.net>

ps: If you want to tweet about it, we're at @OpenWatch, and here's an
online link to the event: http://openwatch.net/blog/21 Thanks!
pps: I know some of you SF folks don't come out to the East Bay very much,
so might I recommend the wonderful open source Android app
help guide you there on time, written by OpenWatch's very own David
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[liberationtech] The OpenWatch Minisummit - Aug 19, 2012 - Oakland, CA

2012-07-31 Thread Rich Jones
each and streamline our
white-labeling process?

** Grants*
-  Grant attempts in the field of journalism have failed. Are there
other avenues we can explore?

 How can we further engage OpenWatch users and visitors? Can recordings
and data processing be incentivized? How can we use documentary evidence to
enact tangible change?

** Social Accountability*
- How can we use the social network of OpenWatch users to demand
accountability of misbehaving police?

** Contact Local PD*
- Should OpenWatch visitors be able to directly contact local
police departments?

** Contact Local News*
- Should OpenWatch visitors be able to directly contact local media?

** Legal involvement*
- How can we effectively pair OpenWatch users with legal

** FOIA activity
*- Can we use local Sunshine Laws and the Freedom of Information
Act to improve our understanding of regional police enforcement? Is there
an opportunity to partner with MuckRock?

** Communication*
- As it stands, we are extremely slow to reply to email and pull
requests. How can we fix this?

** Development cycles - Testing, Regular Releasing, Code Management*
- How can we apply best software development practices to The
OpenWatch Project?

** Internationalization / Scalability*
- There is a lot of interest in the project from overseas,
particularly in the areas where the tools are more seriously needed than
they are in the United States . How can we work to scale the project

** Propaganda // PsyOps*
- How can we expand our userbase and the public recognition of the
- Everybody loves stickers! And Shirts!

** Leadership / Board*
- How can we best steer the OpenWatch project in a positive and
effective direction? There are plenty of opportunities for responsibility
here and if you or somebody you know want to become more actively involved
in the project, this is the time for you to step up!


*** Get down*
** Get down*
** Jungle boogie*

So please, *join us!* I think it will be a good time, and hopefully we'll
be able to make some *wonderful schemes! *If you know anybody who you think
will be interested in discussing and/or contributing these technologies and
organization, *please feel to pass this invitation along* to them! Please
RSVP if you plan on attending just so I have some idea of how much
refreshments to acquire.

For more information, please email reply off-list. (Space is limited!
For less information, check out the page about this here:

See you then!,
Rich Jones

ps - There is also a new #openwatch IRC channel on FreeNode if you'd like
to come say hi!
liberationtech mailing list

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[liberationtech] WebP2P - Discussion and Hacking on Next-Gen P2P Tech

2012-05-09 Thread Rich Jones
Hi LibTech folks!

Hope this email isn't out of place.

Just writing to invite any hackers interested in working on the
next-generation of Peer-to-Peer systems to come join the webp2p
mailing list!

WebP2P over WebRTC-data is going to cause some pretty major shifts in
how people use the internet, and there are going to be some pretty
profound implications for communication, decentralization, privacy and

Please join us in making this new technology socially-positive from
the beginning!

To join, just send an email to: web...@librelist.com and you'll be
signed up! Then, please introduce yourself and say a little bit about
your skills and the problems that you'd like to see solved.

We've been working on a demonstration of the Kademlia DHT in pure
client-side javascript, plus a few other projects, and we'd love to
have more people join the conversation!

Thanks very much!,

Rich Jones
http://openwatch.net || http://gun.io || http://anomos.info
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