Re: [liberationtech] Fwd: [riseup] Space for dissent

2013-08-22 Thread Sean Alexandre
On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 04:22:17AM -0400, Ben Laurie wrote:
 So where are these radically new services documented?

From what I understand it's this:

LEAP Encryption Access Project
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[liberationtech] Fwd: [riseup] Space for dissent

2013-08-21 Thread Sean Alexandre
- Forwarded message from -

Space for dissent

It is a mistake to frame the recent US and European massive surveillance
revelations in terms of the privacy of individuals. What is at stake is not
privacy at all, but the power of the state over its citizenry.

What surveillance really is, at its root, is a highly effective form of social
control. The knowledge of always being watched changes our behavior and stifles
dissent. The inability to associate secretly means there is no longer any
possibility for free association. The inability to whisper means there is no
longer any speech that is truly free of coercion, real or implied. Most
profoundly, pervasive surveillance threatens to eliminate the most vital
element of both democracy and social movements: the mental space for people to
form dissenting and unpopular views.

Many commentators, and Edward Snowden himself, have noted that these
surveillance programs represent an existential threat to democracy. This
understates the problem. The universal surveillance programs in place now are
not simply a potential threat, they are certain to destroy democracy if left
unchecked. Democracy, even the shadow of democracy we currently practice, rests
on the bedrock foundation of free association, free speech, and dissent. The
consequence of the coercive power of surveillance is to subvert this foundation
and undermine everything democracy rests on.

Within social movements, there is a temptation to say that nothing is really
different. After all, governments have always targeted activist groups with
surveillance and disruption, especially the successful ones.

But this new surveillance is different. What the US government and European
allies have built is an infrastructure for perfect social control. By
automating the process of surveillance, they have created the ability to
effortlessly peer into the lives of everyone, all the time, and thus create
a system with unprecedented potential for controlling how we behave and think.

True, this infrastructure is not currently used in this way, but it is
a technical tool-kit that can easily be used for totalitarian ends.

Those who imagine a government can be trusted to police itself when given the
ominous power of precise insight into the inner workings of everyday life are
betting the future on the ability of a secretive government to show proper
self-restraint in the use of their ever-expanding power. If history has shown
us anything, it is that the powerful will always use their full power unless
they are forced to stop.

So, how exactly are we planning on stopping them? We support people working
through the legal system or applying political pressure, but we feel our best
hope of stopping the technology of surveillance is the technology of
encryption. Why? Because the forces that have created this brave new world are
unlikely to be uprooted before it is too late to halt the advance of

Unfortunately, most existing encryption technology is counterproductive. Many
people are pushing technology that is proprietary, relies on a central
authority, or is hopelessly difficult for the common user. The only technology
that has a chance to resist the rise of surveillance will be open source,
federated, and incredibly easy to use. In the long run, decentralized
peer-to-peer tools might meet this criteria, but for the foreseeable future
these tools will not have the features or usability that people have grown
accustomed to.

In the coming months, the Riseup birds plan to begin rolling out a series of
radically new services, starting with encrypted internet, encrypted email, and
encrypted chat. These services will be based on 100% open source and open
protocols, will be easy to use, and will protect your data from everyone, even
Riseup. This is a massive undertaking, made in concert over the last year with
several other organizations, and will only work with your support. We need
programmers, particularly those experienced in Python, C, Ruby, and Android
development, and sysadmins interested in starting their own secure service

We also need money. Donations from our amazing Riseup users keep us running on
our current infrastructure. But in order to be able to graduate to a new
generation of truly secure and easy to use communication technology, we are
going to need a lot more money than our users are able to donate. If you have
deep pockets and an interest in building this new generation of communication,
then we need to hear from you. If you have friends or family who care about the
future of democracy and who have deep pockets, we need to hear from them, too.

At Riseup, we have felt for the last few years that the window of opportunity
to counter the rise of universal surveillance is slowly shrinking. Now is our
chance to establish a new reality where mass numbers of people are using
encryption on a daily basis.

If you have the skills or 

Re: [liberationtech] [cryptography] Reply to Zooko (in Markdown)

2013-08-17 Thread Sean Alexandre
- Forwarded message from Jon Callas -

Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:04:38 -0700
From: Jon Callas
To: Zooko Wilcox-OHearn
Subject: [cryptography] Reply to Zooko (in Markdown)

Hash: SHA1

Also at

# Reply to Zooko

(My friend and colleague, [Zooko 
 wrote an open letter to me and Phil [on his blog at](
 Despite this appearing on Silent Circle's blog, I am speaking mostly for 
myself, only slightly for Silent Circle, and not at all for Phil.)


Thank you for writing and your kind words. Thank you even more for being a 
customer. We're a startup and without customers, we'll be out of business. I 
think that everyone who believes in privacy should support with their 
pocketbook every privacy-friendly service they can afford to. It means a lot to 
me that you're voting with your pocketbook for my service.

Congratulations on your new release of [LeastAuthority's 
S4]( and 
[Tahoe-LAFS]( Just as you are a fan of 
my work, I am an admirer of your work on Tahoe-LAFS and consider it one of the 
best security innovations on the planet.

I understand your concerns, and share them. One of the highest priority tasks 
that we're working on is to get our source releases better organized so that 
they can effectively be built from [what we have on 
GitHub]( It's suboptimal now. Getting the 
source releases is harder than one might think. We're a startup and are pulled 
in many directions. We're overworked and understaffed. Even in the old days at 
PGP, producing effective source releases took years of effort to get down pat. 
It often took us four to six weeks to get the sources out even when delivering 
one or two releases per year.

The world of app development makes this harder. We're trying to streamline our 
processes so that we can get a release out about every six weeks. We're not 
there, either.

However, even when we have source code to be an automated part of our software 
releases, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed about how verifiable they 

It's very hard, even with controlled releases, to get an exact byte-for-byte 
recompile of an app. Some compilers make this impossible because they randomize 
the branch prediction and other parts of code generation. Even when the 
compiler isn't making it literally impossible, without an exact copy of the 
exact tool chain with the same linkers, libraries, and system, the code won't 
be byte-for-byte the same. Worst of all, smart development shops use the 
*oldest* possible tool chain, not the newest one because tool sets are designed 
for forwards-compatibility (apps built with old tools run on the newest OS) 
rather than backwards-compatibility (apps built with the new tools run on older 
OSes). Code reliability almost requires using tool chains that are 

The problems run even deeper than the raw practicality. Twenty-nine years ago 
this month, in the August 1984 issue of Communications of the ACM (Vol. 27, 
No. 8) Ken Thompson's famous Turing Award lecture, Reflections on Trusting 
Trust was published. You can find a facsimile of the magazine article at and a 
text-searchable copy on Thompson's own site,

For those unfamiliar with the Turing Award, it is the most prestigious award a 
computer scientist can win, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of computing. 
The site for the award is at

In Thompson's lecture, he describes a hack that he and Dennis Ritchie did in a 
version of UNIX in which they created a backdoor to UNIX login that allowed 
them to get access to any UNIX system. They also created a self-replicating 
program that would compile their backdoor into new versions of UNIX portably. 
Quite possibly, their hack existed in the wild until UNIX was recoded from the 
ground up with BSD and GCC.

In his summation, Thompson says:

The moral is obvious. You can't trust code that you did not totally
create yourself. (Especially code from companies that employ people
like me.) No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will
protect you from using untrusted code. In demonstrating the
possibility of this kind of attack, I picked on the C compiler. I
could have picked on any program-handling program such as an
assembler, a loader, or even hardware microcode. As the level of
program gets lower, these bugs will be harder and harder to detect.
A well installed microcode bug will be almost impossible to 

[liberationtech] FW: Lavabit down ...

2013-08-08 Thread Sean Alexandre
On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 09:30:26PM +0200, Trigger Happy wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 what I saw today
 My Fellow Users,
 I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit
 in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten
 years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul
 searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could
 legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I
 feel you deserve to know what’s going on--the first amendment is
 supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like
 this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As
 things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last
 six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.
 What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the
 paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the
 Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me
 resurrect Lavabit as an American company.
 This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without
 congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would
 _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a
 company with physical ties to the United States.
 Ladar Levison
 Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC
 - -- 
 Trigger Happy 
 otr: 85e6d794bbf77f6defd7e6648a6e48ebba6f0ffd
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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Re: [liberationtech] Stability in truly Democratic decision systems

2013-07-07 Thread Sean Alexandre
On Sun, Jul 07, 2013 at 12:47:52PM -0700, Peter Lindener wrote:
Watching Egypt iteratively attempt to find something that resembles a
 democratic form government feels quite uncomfortable for me. Not only that
 in the senseless confusion many lives will be lost, but also, closer to
 home, here at Stanford, deeper reflections of the human condition seem
 still to be leaving our institution's interest in promoting forms of
 democracy that are more likely to function in a state of disarray..
   While not all seem ready for the rigor of formal methods in information
 and Game theory towards building our society's better understanding of what
 it truly means to achieve a more genuine sense of democracy (i.e. a
 government for the people, by the people)... It would see that to just sit
 by and watch, as we preach to others that democracy is good, and then fail
 in any truly meaningful way to show how to achieve it, feels discouraging,
 at least for me.

Here's an article that speaks to this, fwiw...

System Failure; Christopher Hayes; 2010-01-14

From the article:

[T]he corporatism on display in Washington is itself a symptom of a broader 
illness that I noted above, a democracy that is pitched precariously on the 
point of oligarchy. In an oligarchy, the only way to get change is to convince 
oligarchs that it is in their interest--and increasingly, that's the only kind 
change we can get.

In 1911 the German democratic socialist Robert Michels faced a similar problem, 
it was the impetus for his classic book Political Parties. He was motivated by 
simple question: why were parties of the left, those most ideologically 
committed to 
democracy and participation, as oligarchical in their functioning as the 
self-consciously elitist and aristocratic parties of the right?

Michels's answer was what he called The Iron Law of Oligarchy. In order for 
kind of party or, indeed, any institution with a democratic base to exist, it 
have an organization that delegates tasks. As this bureaucratic structure 
it invests a small group of people with enough power that they can then subvert 
very mechanisms by which they can be held to account: the party press, party 
conventions and delegate votes. It is organization which gives birth to the 
domination of the elected over the electors, he wrote, of the mandataries 
over the 
mandators, of the delegates over the delegators. Who says organization, says 

Michels recognized the challenge his work presented to his comrades on the left 
viewed the task of democratic socialists as a kind of noble, endless, Sisyphean 
endeavor, which he described by invoking a German fable. In it, a dying peasant 
his sons that he has buried a treasure in their fields. After the old man's 
the sons dig everywhere in order to discover the treasure. They do not find it. 
their indefatigable labor improves the soil and secures for them a comparative 

The treasure in the fable may well symbolize democracy, Michels wrote. 
is a treasure which no one will ever discover by deliberate search. But in 
our search, in laboring indefatigably to discover the undiscoverable, we shall 
perform a work which will have fertile results in the democratic sense. 

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Re: [liberationtech] Medill online Digital Safety Guide

2013-06-02 Thread Sean Alexandre
At risk for stating the obvious (and getting in the middle of what may be a 
turf war
of sorts), I'd add like to add to this conversation.

There are two positions: (1) give journalists (and activists) what's possible 
even though it's not ideal, and (2) create the ideal and give them that instead.

Both sides make very strong arguments for both positions: 

Rich for position (2):

Eleanor for position (1):

Nadim for position (1):

Both positions seek to solve the same problem, and I would say both are right.

There's the here and now, and what can be done today (1). And, there's the 
future and 
what could ideally be done then (2).

The differences between the two positions shouldn't prevent both sides from 
doing all 
they can to advance what they feel strongly about. Both sides accomplish great 
and advance the overall objective of making journalists, and activists, more 

I see the situation like this. Today, a journalist has the effectiveness of, 
say, one unit. Anything the libtech community can do to improve that 
is great. Maybe today it's only one unit x10. But maybe tomorrow it's one 
unit x100
and then the next day one unit x1000. 

There will be no one unit times infinity, unfortunately. There were always be 
0days, new methods of social engineering, new Blue Coats, more Patriot Acts, 
more Constitution busting Attorney Generáles and Presidéntes.

All we can do is improve the chances of those that need protection, and make 
them more 

So while the debate is spirited, and very interesting (thanks!!), I hope at the 
of the day that everyone finds ways to complement each others work.

Those on the ground working with journalists and activists now, are probably 
to be more focused on (1) while those more removed and probably going to be 
more focused 
on (2). Great! Both are desperately needed!!

Again, maybe this is the obvious, but it seemed like it needed to be said.

The more interesting question might be how to convey to users on the ground now 
their threat models are and how they can improve their chances -- to add to the 
motivation they feel to move from (1) to (2) as quickly as possible. Too much 
information becomes overwhelming, but the right balance presented in the right 
becomes empowering. It seems there's no simple answer, and that the answer varys
from user to user depending on the time they have, abilities, interests, etc. 

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