Re: [liberationtech] New IT security measures underway

2014-02-09 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 03:09:24PM -0800, John Adams wrote:
 Reality: You don't understand business nor threat modeling.

Reality: I understand both *painfully* well, having worked for/consulted
to a number of Fortune 100 companies and several major universities as well
as a few ISPs and government agencies over a very long period of time.

This is not my first day on the job.

 Microsoft is, unfortunately, the backbone of most world-wide business.

That is one of the (many) painful things that I understand.  I also
recognize that it's a serious strategic error -- albeit a very
common one.  Anyone who does not immediately recognize it as a massive
blunder clearly requires a great deal of remedial education.

 Additionally, your statement of: Closed-Source software cannot be secured
 -- I prefer open source software but I disagree that it cannot completely
 be secured. It depends only on the motivation, financial resources, and
 merit of the company attempting to secure said software. 

I suggest you read the link I provided.  It is quite impossible to
secure closed-source software because of its very nature -- any such
claims may be instantly dismissed, with prejudice.  And not only may be,
but must be, because they are clearly fraudulent on their face.

The motivation doesn't matter.  The financial resources don't matter.
And the merits (or lack thereof) of the company (or university,
or government, or nonprofit, or whatever) don't matter.  These are
all totally irrelevant.  If they set for themselves the problem of
securing closed-source software then they have chosen a problem which
not only doesn't have a known solution, but *cannot* have a solution.

Let me quote Cory Doctorow from something just published this week,
as he expresses this in a pointed and entirely apropos manner:

Designing a security system without public review is a fool's
errand, ensuring that you've designed a system that is secure
against people stupider than you, and no one else.

Excerpted from:

What happens with digital rights management in the real world?

(which, by the way, is worth reading in its entirety)

This isn't a Microsoft-specific problem, although thanks to the
widespread infestation of their products they illustrate it on a
grand scale.  The same is true of Apple and Adobe and myriad others.
Which is why discerning operations that actually care about security
don't permit these inferior products to contaminate their environments,
and why incompetent operations that want to make vague noises about
security while doing nothing truly meaningful use them in profusion.

Let me give you one example -- out of thousands of possible ones --
that illustrates why it depends only on the motivation, financial resources,
and merit of the company attempting to secure said software is dead wrong.

Let's talk about Adobe Acrobat.  It's probably Adobe's most widely-used
product.  It's so ubiquitous that a kazillion web sites with PDFs say
you'll need Acrobat instead of the more accurate you'll need a
PDF reader.  Adobe has piles of money.  Adobe has piles of employees.
They have every resource that they could possibly need to produce a simple
piece of software that reads (formatted) bytes and draws on a screen.
And they certainly have the motivation, since their name is on it
and it's installed all over the planet.

And yet it's absolute crap.  It's one of the worst pieces of commonly-used
software out there.  It has a security track record that is nothing short
of appalling.  Doubly so when you consider how long Adobe has taken to
fix some of the glaring holes in it.  You can almost set your watch by
the routine occurrence of zero-days in it.

(If you doubt this, go search for terms like Adobe Acrobat security
hole zero-day.  Make coffee first, because you're going to be reading
for a while if you actually perform a reasonable amount of due
diligence and work your way through its sordid history.  After five
or six hours, I think the picture will be quite clear.)

Adobe could pour all of its enormous financial and personnel
resources into fixing it and they would *still* fail.  This is
obvious on inspection, as math texts like to say, because it
has nothing to do with their motivation, resources or merits,
and everything to do with the fact that it's closed-source.

So, to bring this back to the discussion thread: Stanford clearly doesn't
understand security first principles, because *if they did*, they wouldn't
be fiddling around with the worthless junk they're deploying now: they
would be attacking the problem at its root, by excising all closed-source
software from the campus.

Instead they're doubling down on failure.  They're going to spend a lot
of money and a lot of time, they're going to invade the privacy of their
staff and students, and in the end, they're going to fail anyway because

Re: [liberationtech] New IT security measures underway

2014-02-03 Thread John Adams
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 3:43 AM, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 09:01:06AM -0800, Yosem Companys quoted:
  One of these mandates includes having employees with Windows XP
  laptops and desktops migrate to Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate, or
  Windows 8 Pro or Enterprise, by April 8. Employees will be able to
  download the latest Microsoft software for free under a new campus-wide
  license obtained in November 2013.

 Let's stop right there.

 If this entire initiative was actually about security in any way,
 shape or form, then this paragraph would not be present.  Closed-source
 software cannot be secured, and changing from one insecure version
 of Windows to another is merely an expensive, time-consuming exercise
 that achieves nothing of significance.

Disclaimer: I can't stand windows and I've nearly banned it from work place.

Reality: You don't understand business nor threat modeling.

Microsoft is, unfortunately, the backbone of most world-wide business.
There are a host of applications from finance, to statistical modeling, HR
planning and otherwise that only run on Windows. You can't easily kill it
off. When and if we manage to kill it off, attackers will move to the new
thing (say. Mac OS) and focus efforts there.

So, for the users that must run Windows on a daily basis, they're electing
to offer free upgrades. Good on them. The older versions (such as XP) are
reaching end of life for support (and security support) and potentially
will become a source of indefinite zero-days. Calling this
action meaningless due to your implicit bias against commercial software
and windows is a fallacy.  Properly implemented, it will result in a
reduction of the overall threat to the University.

Unfortunately, their implementation process isn't very good. I don't agree
with the open-ended nature of their solution. Relying on the users to
upgrade themselves means generally that the upgrade will never occur. A
compliance-enforcing approach, such as those used in the Cisco and Juniper
VPN clients would be better. For example, You have 30 days to upgrade to
Windows 7 or VPN and 802.1X will block you from joining our network is
much better than Go secure yourselves, we'll be over here

Additionally, your statement of: Closed-Source software cannot be secured
-- I prefer open source software but I disagree that it cannot completely
be secured. It depends only on the motivation, financial resources, and
merit of the company attempting to secure said software. Just because you
don't happen to get a look at the source code doesn't make this a
definitive statement. There are numerous examples of commercial software
being immensely hard to defeat.

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