Re: [Libreoffice] pb with junit

2011-04-02 Thread Jonathan Aquilina

On 03/04/2011 08:36, Julien Nabet wrote:


Since 2 days, i've been got this pb when I call ./ :
checking for JUnit 4... no
configure: error: cannot find JUnit 4 jar; please install one in the 

location (/usr/share/java), specify its pathname via
--with-junit=..., or disable it via --without-junit

On my config, the following lines (line 7662 to l 7664):
if test -e /usr/share/java/hamcrest-core.jar; then



seem the cause of this problem.

Because of the hamcrest lines, line 7671-7672 (junit detection) :
   "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar" tf "$OOO_JUNIT_JAR" 2>&5 | \
grep org/junit/Before.class > /dev/null 2>&5
can't work.

So for the moment, i put the hamcrest lines in comment but I'd like to 
understand how the hamcrest lines could work or what is the problem 
with my config.


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I would like to add I have the openjdk jdk and jre installed  on my 
linux netbook, and its not finding the jdk and jre which are installed 
on my system which makes the unit tests rather useless in my opinion if 
one cant run them on their system.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Юpидическое лицo плaтeльщик eдиного налoга

2011-04-02 Thread Hовыe услoвия рaботы для ФОП


11 aпрeля, 2011 г.
Bcе для ЧAСТHОГО ПРЕДПPИНИМАТЕЛЯ. Вce вoзмoжныe сxeмы c 1.04.2011 
Провeрки ПРЕДПPИНИМАТЕЛЯ - мeханизмы Нaлогового кoдeкcа, рeгулирующие дeйствия прeдпpинимателя в случae нeзaконных AKТОВ.  

 г. Kиeв, ул. Шeлковичная, 12  (044) 331-6414, 592-7564


Bельбицкая Иринa Игоpeвна — аудитоp, автоp публикaций в прecсе, книги «Eдиный нaлoг для юридичeских и физичеcкиx лиц».
Кривoручко Aндрeй Иванoвич — юриcт, имeющий большoй oпыт cпopов (cудов) c кoнтpолирующими оргaнами нa стоpоне налогoплательщиков.
BИДЫ ДEЯТЕЛЬHОСТИ ЧП (прoверки выплaт пo видaм дeятельнoсти, нe внeceнным в Cвидетeльство eдинoгo нaлога: кaк сeгoдня мoжнo гаpaнтированно oтбиться):

прoблeмы c отcутствием в пеpечне рaйиcполкома  «нужныx» видoв дeятeльности.  
  Удeржание eдиного социaльного взнoсa пpи выплатe дoхoда пpeдпpинимателю - какиe 
  дoкументы нужнo пpeдoставить юp.лицу.

Ведeние учетa c 2011г., KHИГA учетa дoхoдов и рaсходов, "пpaвильныe" пeрвичные докумeнты:

Почeму нe желaтeльно ТEРЯТЬ книгу. Рaссмотрение порядкa запoлнeния грaф pаcходов и дoxодов. 
  Штpaфы зa нeпрaвильное запoлнение. Пеpиодичность запoлнения (eжeднeвно...), 
  мoгут ли oштрафовать ЧП, сдeлaв контрoльную зaкупку,  неведeние учетa товaров 
  пo меcту рeaлизации. Зaполнение грaфы рacходов - 3 вapиaнта. Kaк вecти pасходы бeз 
  подтвepждающих документoв. 
  ПРИХOДHЫЕ ДOKУМЕНТЫ нa ТOВАР ШТPAФЫ, нeпрaвильное ведeниe учетa 
  (cрaвнение пpавил paботы в 2010 и 2011 г.): 2-кpaтный paзмeр, 45% ….? 
  Kaк пpaвильно зaщитить cвoи пpaва. Bыдaчa дoкумeнтов нa пoкупку товapа (уcлуг) – можнo ли 
  нe имeть дoкумeнты нa пpиxoд тoвара, чтo делaть, еcли иx нeт.  Oтражение выpучки пocлe каждoй oперации: 
  откудa взялоcь тpебование, aргументы пpотив. - Штрaф зa нe учeт товapно-материальных 
  цeнноcтей - пoчему пoка pедкo пpименяeтся нa прaктике.  
  HAЛИЧНОЕ ДЕHЕЖНОЕ OБPAЩЕНИЕ. Kакие дoкументы выдавaть покупатeлю 
  Kакиe нopмaтивные aкты в этoм вoпрoсе будут дeйcтвовать в 2011 г.
  (кoторые дeйствуют и сейчaс).

ПPОВЕРКИ.ВНИМАНИЕ! Пpaктикум - кaк пpoвeрить сeбя пeред пpоверкой, 
  чтoбы нe пoпaсть в штрaф 7,5 млн! (пpи oбоpоте 500 тыc.).

ПРОBЕРКИ нaличнoгo дeнежного обрaщения: хpoнометраж, контpoльная зaкупкa, 
  отcутствие предупpеждения. Kaкиe прaвила и cpoки пpовeдения ФАKТИЧEСКИХ ПРОBЕРОК.

HАEМНЫЕ  РAБОТНИКИ. Можнo ли пеpeквалифицировать трудовыe в гpажданско-правовые. 

  Заключениe гpaжданско-правовых дoговoров c рабoтниками: c кaкими катeгoриями 
  paбoтников нeльзя заключaть, срaвнительная таблицa нaлогообложения пo тpудoвoму 
  и гpаждaнско-правовому. Кoгдa гpаждaнско-правовые дoговор пoпадает пoд нaлогoобложение. 
  Пopядок нaчислeния и отрaжения в отчетнoсти единoгo cоциaльного взносa - какиe 
  будут прoцессы, кoтоpых нe былo дo cиx пoр. 
  c чeм сeгодня cтaлкиваются прeдприниматели, кaкиe oшибки привoдят к УГOЛОBНОЙ ОТВEТСТВЕННОСТИ. 
  Финмонитоpинг: кaкие опepация дoлжны вызывaть пoдoзрение.

Oптимизация налoгообложения c 1.04.2011 для теx, ктo paботал нa единoм нaлoгe: 

Bозможность легaльно пoлучaть нaличку пoд 0- 10-11-15-17%: вo всеx возмoжных комбинaциях. 
   Pазумное примeнeние нaлоговых льгoт и возмoжности нe  плaтить нaлoги (нe бaзa) c 1.04.2011. 
   Oграниченность сxем oбopотом - 300 тыc., 500 тыc., 1млн.

 Поcреднические oперации: комиccия, пoручение, aгeнтcкий. 
   Пpимeнeние пoсpедников для оптимизaции нaлогoобложения.

 Пoкупкa тoвaра у ЧП c 1.04.2011- кaк "oбoйти" запpет отноcить нa рacходы пo пpибыли.

 Уcлуги пo KBЕД 72, 74. Понятиe конcультaции c тoчки зpения украинcкого 
   и междунapодного зaконoдательства. Oтличиe дeятельнoсти oт опepации. 
   Kaк нe попaсть в признaние сдeлoк ничтoжными, фиктивными.

 Вce пpо Дeятeльнoсть в cфepе инфopмaтизации (72 кoд КВEД) c 1.04.2011. 
   Hужна ли ЧП спeциaльная подгoтoвка для оказaния этиx уcлуг. 
   Экcклюзивные разъяcнения Минcтата нa эту тeму.

 Мoжнo ли выплaчивaть ДИBИДЕНДЫ  "когдa зaxочется" и бeз пpибыли.

 "Пoдводныe кaмни" HAЛOГОВЫХ KAHИКУЛ - когдa пpийдeтcя вcю пpибыль oтдaть гocударству.

 HДC, пpибыль, HДФЛ, ECB - опepации, пpи кoтоpых нeт ни однoго налoга.

 Однoвременная paбота ЧП_учpедитель_директор c 2011 г.  
   Рaбoта ЧП c oдним прeдпpиятием - прaктикa пpоверок.

ЮPИДИЧECКОЕ ЛИЦO платeльщик eдинoгo нaлога.

Прaвила вeдeния бухгaлтeрского учeтa. B чeм зaключaется упрoщeнность учeта
 Зaполнeние Kниги учетa дoxoдов и pасходов. Пocледствия нeзaполнения.
 Поcpеднические oпеpации для юp.лиц - pазличиe пoдхoда ГHАУ к юp.и физ.лицaм.
 Bсе cxeмы пoлучения нaлички - oт 0 дo 17% пoтepи

ЮРИДИЧEСКОЕ ЛИЦO нa налогoвых кaникулах.

 ктo мoжeт пeрейти (огpаничения пo видaм дeятeльнoсти)
 огрaничения пo иcпoльзoванию денeг
 "пoдвoдныe кaмни" пo уплaте налогoв.

ЮPИДИЧЕСКОЕ ЛИЦO, ocущeствляющее кoнсультационные, буxгалтeрские, юpидичeские уcлуги...

oгpаничения, связанныe c квалификaциeй(переквалификацией) уcлуг

Рабoта "COДРУЖЕСТВА" нескo

[Libreoffice] pb with junit

2011-04-02 Thread Julien Nabet


Since 2 days, i've been got this pb when I call ./ :
checking for JUnit 4... no
configure: error: cannot find JUnit 4 jar; please install one in the default
location (/usr/share/java), specify its pathname via
--with-junit=..., or disable it via --without-junit

On my config, the following lines (line 7662 to l 7664):
if test -e /usr/share/java/hamcrest-core.jar; then

seem the cause of this problem.

Because of the hamcrest lines, line 7671-7672 (junit detection) :
   "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar" tf "$OOO_JUNIT_JAR" 2>&5 | \
grep org/junit/Before.class > /dev/null 2>&5
can't work.

So for the moment, i put the hamcrest lines in comment but I'd like to 
understand how the hamcrest lines could work or what is the problem with 
my config.


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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] How to disable addon installation

2011-04-02 Thread Olivier Hallot

Hi Manuel

I second your concern. Extensions are a potentially security hole and it 
should be possible to install LibreOffice without the ability to install 
extensions. The extension installer, expecially the GUI should be an 
option at intall time.

It has been noted here:

If you want no extensions at all (can break something, I have not 
tested), you must erase unopkg executables from your installation.

But if you want only to disable the GUI, de-register the proper dll in 
the command prompt:

C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program>..\..\URE\bin\regcomp 
-revoke -r services.rdb -c 
revoke component 

dll' from registry 'services.rdb' succesful!

swoosh!, vanished.


Em 02-04-2011 05:41, Manuel Reimer escreveu:

Manuel Reimer wrote:

As it's possible to install an addon by just passing it to the soffice
executable, anything, a bad guy has to do, is to deliver a oxt file with
the content type "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text".

Addition to my first post: Seems to be no bug but a feature. In the past
it pointed out that if it is made to easy to start potentially bad
stuff, this usually caused security problems.

As this (in my opinion too) simple way of installing addons is even
documented here:
I don't think that someone will change this.

So can someone please just point me to the setting to disable addon
installation at all?




LibreOffice mailing list

Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise needs
LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Libreoffice QA Review and Feedback Gathering - Title mail

2011-04-02 Thread Petr Mladek
Yifan Jiang píše v Pá 01. 04. 2011 v 15:40 +0800:
> Bug Triage:
> - Looking for people as Focal Points for handling bugs written in 
> non-English.
>   The role of focal points people is to help ping NL/l10n team asking
>   for a bug translation.
>   Before that, we could assign those bug to Sophi at the moment, we may
>   indicate these somewhere in wiki ;-)

I have updated Sophi's expertise at ;-)

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] sal/qa/osl/file/osl_old_test_file.cxx

2011-04-02 Thread Christina Roßmanith


is anybody else having trouble to compile osl_old_test_file.cxx? I have 
to comment out lines 133 and 263, then everything is fine:

133: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failure #1.1",  target.equalsAscii( 
aSource1[i+1] ) );
263: CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failure #10.1",  target.equalsAscii( 
aSource1[i+1] ) );

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] export mathml

2011-04-02 Thread Kpykcъ

On Sat, 2 Apr 2011, Fernand Vanrie wrote:

You can read and write to a "stream"  using

when googling you can find more examples to work with

Thanks, it is very useful info for me, i used wrong keywords when searched 
in google.

Is it possible to create  doc object in memory, i mean work not with
real document,
not load it from somewhere, but create in only to create some amount

WBR Olekѕandr Lavruschenko___
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Clean compilation error (Linux)

2011-04-02 Thread Kohei Yoshida
Hi Octavio,

Re-sending to include the list this time

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Octavio Alvarez
> Hi!
> I cleaned and then compiled LibO master yesterday and got a problem. I did
> *not* do aptitude build-dep libreoffice because it wants to install a lot of
> Mono-related libraries (Debian Sid) but some others might already have been
> in place.
> The problem seems to be related to libwpd when using the internal library
> (see lines 763-780).

Try building the libreoffice-3-4 branch, and try getting the latest
from the branch.  This should already have been fixed.

FYI, many of us are concentrating our effort on stabilizing the
libreoffice-3-4 branch at the moment, with the plan of merging the
fixes back into master every now and then.  But there will be a lag
between the fix in the 3.4 branch and when that gets merged into

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] installing on ubuntu

2011-04-02 Thread Arno Teigseth

Wanted to tell about two problems I've noted.

1) Libreoffice writer crashes when I press F1 without the help pack

Since the help pack is optional, this is a bit strange behaviour.

So I just downloaded today (2 apr 2011 12:00) the latest x86 debs.

Installing them goes fine until I try and install the helppack. That's
when I get 

sudo dpkg -i libobasis3.3-en-us-help_3.3.2-19_i386.deb 
(Reading database ... 354556 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libobasis3.3-en-us-help 3.3.0-4 (using
libobasis3.3-en-us-help_3.3.2-19_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libobasis3.3-en-us-help ...
error: trying to overwrite
'/opt/libreoffice/basis3.3/help/en/sdraw.cfg', which is also in package
libobasis3.3-en-us-draw 0:3.3.0-4

Now, I can override it with  --force-overwrite, but it will be hard
explaining that to my father, who's used to doubleclick the package...

Do I do anything wrong?


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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Feature list for 3.4

2011-04-02 Thread Kohei Yoshida
Hello Sophie,

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Sophie Gautier
> Hi all,
> I've really big difficulties to find information about the new features
> implemented (or in course to be) for 3.4.
> - the commit logs provided each week by Petr don't speak enough to me
> - issues on BZ are not commented about features and implementation date so
> it makes difficult to retrieve the information here also
> - planet gives some information but very few.
> So if you have any hint on how I can collect and assemble the present list,
> I'll be happy :)

I think as of now the information is in fact very fragmented.  So I
can't think of any better ways than what you've already been doing

> And may be we should discuss a better strategy for the future.

We can probably designate a single wiki page to collect all new
features and enhancements for each version.  How about

to be the central page where we

* collect noteworthy changes since last release with one or two
paragraphs (done by developers during development), and
* edit, cleanup and re-structure by people from the marketing or
documentation near the release date.

It would be very convenient to have a single location where we can
share all this work, to avoid duplication of text.

And I don't want this to be as formal as specifications (which I
rather dislike), but some lightweight documentation by the developers
which can be decorated and expanded by documentation authors.

I'm certainly willing to write up the new changes for Calc in 3.4.

This is just an idea.  What do you think?

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] XCU and XCS files in recent releases

2011-04-02 Thread Olivier Hallot

Thank you indeed Caolan, it works perfectly.

I am ttill on duty to 1) catch the new config tricks, and 2) put into an 
extension. :-)


Em 31-03-2011 13:04, Caolán McNamara escreveu:

On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 15:59 -0300, Olivier Hallot wrote:

Hi Caolán

The result should be the elimination of the "create new database" in
Base new database assistant.

Try this attached .xcd, stick it in beside the other snippets in
basisX.Y/share/registry and see if it does what you want.


Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise needs
LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Feature list for 3.4

2011-04-02 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,

I've really big difficulties to find information about the new features 
implemented (or in course to be) for 3.4.

- the commit logs provided each week by Petr don't speak enough to me
- issues on BZ are not commented about features and implementation date 
so it makes difficult to retrieve the information here also

- planet gives some information but very few.

So if you have any hint on how I can collect and assemble the present 
list, I'll be happy :)

And may be we should discuss a better strategy for the future.

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

Founding member of The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [patch] (draft) remove Andale Sans UI from the LO default font lists

2011-04-02 Thread Caolán McNamara

Re this thread, I think we've now identified the underlying problem
triggering this (on windows) and have a proto-fix that might resolve it


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Order of filters in the Open dialog

2011-04-02 Thread Matúš Kukan

I'm Matus Kukan, student from Bratislava, Slovakia.
I'd like to work on Libreoffice project at GSoC and now I'm working on
easy task.

My question is about exact order of filters in open dialog.
Should they be grouped according to module they belong to?
Now, it's working this way and to improve order there just need to be
added more filters in UISort.xcu [1].

Or all mixed together and sorted somehow?
This could be easy done by sorting filters by name but that's
something like undefined order and changing names probably isn't
Or maybe I could create module independent filter order. Something
like in UISort.xcu but with all filters (but there are many) and place
it somewhere.

best regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] compilation scp part failed, remark

2011-04-02 Thread Julien Nabet

Just a remark.
When I investigated about the scp compilation pb, I found this kind of 
things in the scp2/inc/

#define STD_FONTUNX_FILE(id,name,fontname) \
File id \
Dir   = gid_Dir_Fonts_Truetype; \
Name  = STRING(name) ; \

#define STD_FONTWIN_FILE(id,name,fontname) \
File id \
Name = STRING(name) ; \
FontName = STRING(fontname) ; \
NetDir   = gid_Dir_Winfonts; \

all the 3 parameters are used in STD_FONTWIN_FILE not in STD_FONTUNX_FILE.
There are at least 1 other macro like this.
Is it normal or should the unused parameter removed ?

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Nice place for must-have tab$$!

2011-04-02 Thread Noel

Killer giveaways on all magicmedz.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] compilation scp part failed

2011-04-02 Thread Julien Nabet


With an empty autogen.lastrun, it compiles ok (make check ok too).
With this autogen.lastrun :
'--enable-ext-barcode' '--enable-ext-diagram'
'--enable-ext-google-docs--enable-ext-hunart' '--enable-ext-lightproof'
'--enable-ext-lightproof' '--enable-ext-mysql-connector'
'--enable-ext-nlpsolver' '--enable-ext-numbertext'
'--enable-ext-oooblogger' '--enable-ext-pdfimport'
'--enable-ext-presenter-console' '--enable-ext-presenter-minimizer'
'--enable-ext-presenter-ui' '--enable-ext-report-builder'
'--enable-ext-scripting-beanshell' '--enable-ext-scripting-javascript'
'--enable-ext-scripting-python' '--enable-ext-typo'
'--enable-ext-validator' '--enable-ext-watch-window'
'--enable-ext-wiki-publisher' '--enable-graphite' '--enable-evolution2'
'--enable-epm' '--enable-gio' '--enable-kde4'
'--enable-binfilter' '--enable-extra-gallery' '--enable-extra-template'
'--enable-extra-sample' '--enable-extra-font' '--with-system-mysql'
i've got this pb :
Entering /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/scp2/util


par2script -i 
@@/tmp/mk2rVbIK -o ../

Reading par files
Collecting items

ERROR: malformed par file, expecting   but saw 'File 
gid_File_Fnt_-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde UnixRights = 444;

in function: test_par_syntax
dmake:  Error code 255, while making '../'
Retrying /home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/scp2/util


par2script -i 
@@/tmp/mkYQz1XB -o ../

Reading par files
Collecting items

ERROR: malformed par file, expecting   but saw 'File 
gid_File_Fnt_-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde UnixRights = 444;

in function: test_par_syntax
dmake:  Error code 255, while making '../'

Of course, it was because I've got --enable-extra-font

But then I "greped" like this in scp2 "grep -R 
gid_File_Fnt_-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde * |grep -v unx", it gave this :
gid_File_Fnt_-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde, a010013l.ttf, -URW-Gothic L )


I thought first to change the file file_font_accessories.scp in order to 
have this :
gid_File_Fnt_-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde, a010013l.ttf, 
-URW-Gothic_L_Avantgarde )

But there was still the pb.
So I changed for having this :
gid_File_Fnt_Gothic_L_Avantgarde, a010013l.ttf, Gothic_L_Avantgarde )


then it worked. Of course there are several files to change. So may i 
keep on the changes or did I forget anything ?


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] How to disable addon installation

2011-04-02 Thread Manuel Reimer

Manuel Reimer wrote:

As it's possible to install an addon by just passing it to the soffice
executable, anything, a bad guy has to do, is to deliver a oxt file with
the content type "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text".

Addition to my first post: Seems to be no bug but a feature. In the past it 
pointed out that if it is made to easy to start potentially bad stuff, this 
usually caused security problems.

As this (in my opinion too) simple way of installing addons is even documented 
I don't think that someone will change this.

So can someone please just point me to the setting to disable addon installation 
at all?




LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] How to disable addon installation

2011-04-02 Thread Manuel Reimer


in my opinion LibreOffice has a potential security hole.

As it's possible to install an addon by just passing it to the soffice 
executable, anything, a bad guy has to do, is to deliver a oxt file with the 
content type "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text". If this is linked to 
LibreOffice in Firefox, then it will be passed to it and anything, that stops 
this addon to do its bad job is one click on "OK".

In my opinion this shouldn't be possible at all. The only working way to install 
an addon should be via addon manager. It shouldn't be possible to just open a 
OXT file. Would it be a good idea to file this as bug? For the meantime I need a 
way to disable addon installation at all. How is this possible?

Thanks in advance



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Calc's status bar is blank

2011-04-02 Thread Pierre-André Jacquod

I have the same on master.
calc -> ca6285bd996927f797
libs-gui -> e29b73f64c3d5d4cf42
as header.

This is previous libreoffice-3-4 branch, so breakage comes from master.

Actually, I did not notice this before you wrote. But I had build from 
master 1-2 days before the above mentioned commits. (since usually doing 
this during the night), and the whole Calc was havoc on master: all 
icons at the top (short-cuts for function) were away. Being not sure if 
this was a build or a code problem I did a

/.g pull -r and have
make clean && make && make dev-install.

Icons were back, but I did not notice that the status bar was away 
before you mentioned it. I though the build was again ok. Then I assume 
some commit(s) on master broke this. I have no further clue on this 
topic, but I hope this can help you / someone to see the root cause.


On 04/02/2011 03:48 AM, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

So, as of today, using the libreoffice-3-4 branch build, Calc's status
bar is totally blank.  I have about a week old master build, and that
build shows status bar correctly.

Does anyone have any clue as to what happened?  Failing that, would
anyone be interested in taking a stab at this?  If no one is willing, I
will have to take a look at this at some point, but I could certain use
some help here...

Writer, Draw, Impress etc. all show their status bars correctly.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] pyuno problems

2011-04-02 Thread Dag Wieers

On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

On 2011-04-01 at 13:42 +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:

I am the author of a tool called unoconv. It's a tool that uses the pyuno
bindings to allow non-interactive conversions using OpenOffice
import/export filters.

I plan to support and track LibreOffice development in the future, but I
currently am having difficulties using the provided python binary and the

Thank you very much for adding LibreOffice support!  Just one note -
LibreOffice can convert between various formats itself from the command
line, see the LibreOffice's -help:

 Force an input filter type if possible
 Eg. -infilter="Calc Office Open XML"
-convert-to output_file_extension[:output_filter_name] [-outdir
ouput_dir] files
 Batch convert files.
 If -outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as
 Eg. -convert-to pdf *.doc
 -convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export -outdir /home/user *.doc

Is there anything missing that unoconv can support?  Would you be
interested in extending this mechanism, so that it has the unoconv
features?  [Eg. we cannot expand wildcards on Windows, if I am not

That's cool. It should have been like this from the start :-) Having to 
start our own listener for communicating with UNO has been problematic 
from the start, mostly because it's not very stable.

The differences I see:

 - Remote conversions (only with shared storage)
 - No need to know the internal filter names
 - Possibility to provide filter options to filters
 - Possibility to apply styles/formats (from templates or other
 documents) during conversion
 - Output to stdout

I am not a C programmer, so I don't think I can be very useful.

-- dag wieers,,
-- dagit linux solutions,,

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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