Re: [Libreoffice] file name glob filter (was: Re: Order of filters in the Open dialog)

2011-04-05 Thread Cedric Bosdonnat
On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 12:52 -0400, Kevin Hunter wrote:
 At 11:59am -0400 Mon, 04 Apr 2011, Michael Meeks wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 09:39 +0200, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
  I'm not sure what we want to do for the Open dialog filters... anyone
  else has an idea what to do?
  Not worrying about 'open' would be my tip. Almost no-one manually
  selects a filter in the open dialog, they just expect the auto-detection
  to work right, and 99% of the time it might even do that ;-)
 In a similar vein, I would love for a *.EXT functionality, where I 
 don't have to click on the filters, but could type in to the location 
 bar something with a filename glob and it would filter accordingly. 
 Like, 2010_Taxes*.ods might filter all but the files that match that 
 glob pattern.

That could be a nice idea, indeed.

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
 Thats too close to be a accidental. It seems like GNU make restats
 every target everytime it gets named as a dependency without any
 caching (or expecting the OS to do the caching).

And why wouldn't it? Make can not know that some files are typically static and 
not modified by commands being run.

Consider the following Makefile (sorry this is a Windows-specific case, but the 
first one I could think of). The top targets are a DLL and its import library. 
These two targets are produced by the same command, the one that links the DLL.

ALL: foo.dll libfoo.dll.a

foo.dll libfoo.dll.a: foo.o
gcc -shared -o foo.dll foo.o -Wl,-out-implib,libfoo.dll.a

foo.o: foo.c
gcc -c foo.c

rm foo.dll libfoo.dll.a foo.o

Now, assume thre are old foo.dll and libfoo.dll.a files around, but foo.c has 
been edited. If Make would cache stat calls, it would not have any reason to 
believe that libfoo.dll.a indeed got updated, too, when foo.dll was produced by 
its recipe, would it? So it would run the recipe once more.

Well, yeah, Make could reasonably assume that the command does indeed update 
both foo.dll and libfoo.dll.a as both are targets of the command and the recipe 
didn't contain $@. Or something like that. One probably can easily come up with 
more heuristics that could be added to (GNU) Make and make it better in our 
case. But if we start using a modified Make, we are back where we started, with 
our own Make.

OTOH, says GNU make does have a directory 
cache which is used for a significant performance advantage; much of the time 
make spends is for doing stat(2) system calls , hmm. Need to get the Make 
sources and investigate.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] [PUSHED] Removal of bogus comments

2011-04-05 Thread Christina Roßmanith

Hi Anurag,

this patch was fine. I've additionally removed some lines you've missed. 
And skipped this deletion:

-sal_uInt32 exportDoc(enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum /*eClass*/) 
{return 0;}

+sal_uInt32 exportDoc(enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum) {return 0;}



Am 05.04.2011 03:40, schrieb Anurag Jain:

I've updates my patch as said. I've included some more files in
this.There were lots of German
comments present in the module and I've skipped such comments
containing some bug IDs.
Hoping to see this one getting pushed :) .

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Lubos Lunak
On Monday 04 of April 2011, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Bjoern Michaelsen
  b) be fixed by sorting out duplicates when generating the dep file. This
    could be done in the solenv/gbuild/processdeps.awk(*) script and
    would then likely result in a 100% speedup.

 Not quite. Sure, make {void} will be faster, but at a the cost of
 running a script for each dep generation, that include an alphanumeric
 sort or a sometime quite large number of entry, and almost always
 these entry will have a very high correlation up to all but the last
 few chars
 iow a likely poor performing sort.

 If this really would be significant in practice, then the sort could first 
compare lengths of the strings and then go backwards (or even have a hash) - 
if only uniqueness is needed, then it doesn't matter what the order is.

 Lubos Lunak
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] conditional formatting with an unlimited number of rules

2011-04-05 Thread Katarina Machalkova
Hey Bob  all,

 I finally finished my work on the conditional formatting with an
 unlimited number of rules.
 Thank you to those who have helped me to create patch.
 I hope I have done things correctly. You will find the patch in 2

Taking it, looking into it. Please stay tuned

  \  Katarina Machalkova
  \\\__o  LibO developer
__\\\'/_   hedgehog painter

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LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] dbgmacros.hxx / dbgmacros.cxx

2011-04-05 Thread Christina Roßmanith


after removal of comments it becomes clear that DbgAssert() is empty. It 
is used for the definition of PRE_CONDITION (unused), POST_CONDITION 
(used in classfactory.cxx and propertyhdl.cxx) and ENSURE (used at 
several places).

I think PRE_CONDITION, POST_CONDITION and ENSURE can be removed from the 
code and afterwards dbgmacros.{cxx,hxx} can be removed from the code 
base. Should the macros be replaced by some more recent macros?

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] [WIP] Remove most of dead code in libs-core

2011-04-05 Thread Christina Roßmanith

shell part pushed.


Am 20.03.2011 00:52, schrieb Xisco Faulí:

Here we go with the first round of patches.
Whitespaces are not deleted anymore and all the bogus have been 
deleted. Everything builds allright.
Part 1 --

I'll post the second part soon


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
 Hi Michael, Hi all,

 On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:07:32 +0100
 Michael Meeks

 stats file
    1428 /data/opt/libreoffice/bootstrap/clone/writer/sw/inc/swdllapi.h

 find solver/300/|xargs grep
 swdllapi.h|wc -l

cd solver/300/
grep -l -R swdllapi.h * | wc -l

so sort-post-processing would only get rid of half of these...

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Повышение квaлификации

2011-04-05 Thread Знaния — oсновной капитал компании
6 aпpeля.   Cовpеменный мeрчeндайзинг в Украинe.
7 апpеля.   МАСТEР-ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ: пpинципы и пpавилa coздaния запоминaющихся 
7 апpeля.   Эффективныe дeловыe пеpеговоры: стрaтегия win-win
12-13 апpеля.   Зміни зaконодавства у сфеpі cтaндартизації, cертифікації, 
сaнітарно-епідеміологічної eкспертизи xаpчової прoдукції
13 апpeля.  БОНУC-сервис или pезультативные прoдажи в розницe.
13 апpeля.  Эффeктивнoе pуководство coтрудниками: ключевыe компeтенции 
сoвременного менеджeра.
14 aпpеля.  VIP-сeминар «Тaйм-менeджмент для пеpвыx лиц»
19-20 aпpеля.   7 ключeвых навыкoв руковoдителя. Кaк стaть дейcтвительно 
20 апpеля.  Kак успeшнo пpодaвать рeклaмные площaди или «cказочные 
поxождения» рeклaмного aгентa
21 апpеля.  Сиcтема aктивныx прoдaж - пoвышeниe прoфeссионального уpoвня, 
личнoй пpoдуктивнoсти и эффeктивноcти менeджeра пo прoдажам.
28 aпpеля.  Paзрешительная докумeнтация в cтроительстве oт A дo Я в 
сoответствии c пocлeдними закoнодательными изменeниями.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks

On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 09:33 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
 I did some rough measurements and they seem to make no noticeable
 difference on a full build. They will however make a noticeable
 different on a partial rebuild because it greatly reduces parsing the
 huge dep files.

Sure - I expect this only to impact the incremental make. Running 'make
-d -r' shows the reading to be the pain:

Reading makefile
 (search path) (no ~ expansion)...

took ~1.5 seconds :-) it is 50Mb small:

ls -lh 
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael users 50M Apr  4 18:31
wc -l 

It seems to me that the fundamental problem is one of flattening all
dependencies of a file into a list; when in reality each file includes
only a dozen other files, which in turn include half a dozen, that in
turn ...

In theory, make should be able to cope with some compressed /
intermediate representation of that (surely?).

I wonder - if we had a single phony target for each file's
dependencies, and a tree of these, instead of this 50Mb flattened
monster blob; if that would be significantly faster [ and/or if it is
even possible ]



--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 01:42:23 -0600
Tor Lillqvist

 Now, assume thre are old foo.dll and libfoo.dll.a files around, but
 foo.c has been edited. If Make would cache stat calls, it would not
 have any reason to believe that libfoo.dll.a indeed got updated, too,
 when foo.dll was produced by its recipe, would it? So it would run
 the recipe once more.

GNU make needs to rebuild everything depending on a file, if that file
has been rebuild, regardless of timestamps. If any of the direct or
indirect dependencies of a file are newer it will be rebuild. Other
wise it would be a build-order only dependency (with :| ).

 Well, yeah, Make could reasonably assume that the command does indeed
 update both foo.dll and libfoo.dll.a as both are targets of the
 command and the recipe didn't contain $@. Or something like that. One
 probably can easily come up with more heuristics that could be added
 to (GNU) Make and make it better in our case. But if we start using a
 modified Make, we are back where we started, with our own Make.

No, GNU make considers a target outdated, if the rule of any of its
dependencies fired, regardless if that actually changes any timestamps.
You can see that already pretty well using make --debug=b.




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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] dbgmacros.hxx / dbgmacros.cxx

2011-04-05 Thread Noel Power

Hi Christina
\On 05/04/11 09:11, Christina Roßmanith wrote:


after removal of comments it becomes clear that DbgAssert() is empty. 
It is used for the definition of PRE_CONDITION (unused), 
POST_CONDITION (used in classfactory.cxx and propertyhdl.cxx) and 
ENSURE (used at several places).

I think PRE_CONDITION, POST_CONDITION and ENSURE can be removed from 
the code and afterwards dbgmacros.{cxx,hxx} can be removed from the 
code base. Should the macros be replaced by some more recent macros?
the OSL_ equivalent macros probably are a suitable replacement(s), 

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Michael,

On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 09:41:10 +0100
Michael Meeks

   I wonder - if we had a single phony target for each file's
 dependencies, and a tree of these, instead of this 50Mb flattened
 monster blob; if that would be significantly faster [ and/or if it is
 even possible ]

In theory you could generate the direct dependencies for each header
file and cxx and make a nice tree from that. In practice, it has its
own set of problems:

 - we have a lot more headers than cxx and you would have to track the
   dependency file for each of those
 - the dep tree would get a lot deeper by that alone
 - this is context sensitive: header files might have different deps
   depending on where it was included from as DEFINEs might toggle stuff
 - generating the deps by the compiler is costing us almost nothing
   currently, doing something like that for each header _will_ cost us.
 - as long as we have headers in multiple locations (deliver), that
   can lead to fun results too.

Thus that would introduce a lot of fragility and not be KISS at all.

Lets not forget the words of wisdom by the Don:
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Remember also that sw already has 24000 include statements alone (about
1/7 of the whole product).(*)

IMHO if we want to solve this, we need to be honest to ourselves and
admit that this is only the symptom of the real problem that is is the
huge amount of includes we are using. A few of those might be sensible,
a few of them might be superfluous and a lot of them will only be solved
by better encapsulation in our codebase.

Best Regards,




LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] ~2x faster gnumake ...

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there,

Weelll ... nicer structures aside; having put a breakpoint in stat64
( catch syscall stat64 FWIW ;-) - I discovered that the vast majority of
our stats were not from 'stat' at all (which clearly has been optimised
heavily) - but instead from 'glob':

read.c (parse_file_seq) calls glob on all dependencies.

For each of those it does a stat ;-)

make -sr before:

sys 0m2.274s

make -sr passing 'PARSEFS_NOGLOB' to the beastie[1]

sys 0m0.150s

Which essentially killed the system component of performance, and saved
a truck-load of system calls ;-)

I'll do some more poking around to make it an up-stream-able, robust



[1] - un-conditionally breaking globbing for sure but - why not ? :-)
--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] icon in GNOME3

2011-04-05 Thread Andreas Proschofsky
Hi Florian,

Well yes and no. The icons in the Linux binary are the right ones, but
if you build from source you still get the old ones by default. To add
complexity to this story: The icons in the screenshot are from the
openSUSE default icon set, I've used them on my system for the screens
as the LibreOffice default icons look pretty bad in GNOME3 atm.
(Disclaimer to those who don't know me: I'm the author of the article in
question). That's simply because we (LO) don't deliver high resolution
icons right now. What GNOME Shell / GNOME 3.0 would need is shiny
256x256 Pixel resolutions. 48x48 are scaled up and look very fuzzy as a

So what needs to be done:

*) Add 256x256 pixel versions of the LO icons
*) Adapt libreoffice-build to actually use them ;)
*) Optionally: Make openSUSE to not use its own icons for
LibreOffice ;) 


On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 12:34 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 I just got notice that the LibO icon in GNOME3 seems to be the OOo logo, 
 Anyone from GNOME reading this list and can make necessary changes? ;-)
 NB: I am *not* subscribed to this list, so please Cc me on all replies.

Andreas Proschofsky
Gentoo Developer /
Twitter: @suka_hiroaki @suka 

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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] icon in GNOME3

2011-04-05 Thread Florian Effenberger


Michael Meeks wrote on 2011-04-04 17.00:

Hmm - I guess, that looks like the icon we install; and the ones we're
using on my desktop too (odd).

then it clearly looks like a bug to me. :-)

Having said that, have we fixed the palette / sizing issues around the
existing icons and their integration with Tango ? it would be nice to
have that for the 3.4.

I have no clue.

Also - I guess the design guys should have commit access to the icons
by now, if not whomever is working hardest on that should get it
[ please mail me privately ].

Good point...

Thanks for following up!

Florian Effenberger
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] ld dynamic linker hash style

2011-04-05 Thread Petr Mladek
Francois Tigeot píše v Po 04. 04. 2011 v 22:51 +0200:
 Hi all,
 During the last few days, my builds have been broken with this error message:
   makedepend: Shared object has no run-time symbol table
 I have tracked the start of my troubles to this commit:
 It adds the --hash-style=gnu string on ld invocations.
 --hash-style=gnu sets the type of linker's hash tables to a new .gnu.hash
 The problem is, this flag also prevents ld to write classic ELF .hash
 sections, preventing some systems to be able to run the generated binaries.
 Googling a bit, I found references to this issue on all types of systems
 See here for a Suse one:
 The new .gnu.hash sections are not recognized by old binutils versions such as
 2.17 and may or may not be used on more recent ones.
 One of my machines is using binutils-2.21 and cannot run binaries linked with
 the --hash-style=gnu option. I need to investigate.
 Howewer, the fix is quite simple: replace --hash-style=gnu by 
 The --hash-style=both option generates both old and new-style sections,
 keeping all binutils happy.

Sounds reasonable.

Michael, what is your opinion? Could it cause any regression in the
start up speed?

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] a faster gnumake ? ...

2011-04-05 Thread Tor Lillqvist
 Now, assume thre are old foo.dll and libfoo.dll.a files around, but
 foo.c has been edited. If Make would cache stat calls, it would not
 have any reason to believe that libfoo.dll.a indeed got updated, too,
 when foo.dll was produced by its recipe, would it? So it would run
 the recipe once more.
 GNU make needs to rebuild everything depending on a file, if that file
 has been rebuild, regardless of timestamps. If any of the direct or
 indirect dependencies of a file are newer it will be rebuild.

Hmm, but how is what you say related to the example I described? foo.c has been 
edited by the user, not updated by a recipe run by Make.

If you are saying what I think you are saying, doing a make clean  make 
foo.dll libfoo.dll.a in my example would have it run the recipe twice, once to 
update foo.dll and once to update libfoo.dll.a. But it doesn't, it says 
`libfoo.dll.a' is up to date. 

Anyway, I don't know if this is directly related to the problem(s) at hand, so 
I will stop using non-related examples now.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] ~2x faster gnumake ...

2011-04-05 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:35:08 +0100
Michael Meeks

   make -sr passing 'PARSEFS_NOGLOB' to the beastie[1]
 real  0m2.496s
 user  0m2.342s
 sys   0m0.150s

Kudos. Great catch!




LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Easy hack: expunge duplicate enumerations in vcl

2011-04-05 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 23:18 +0200, Christina Roßmanith wrote:
 As far as I understand the description, psp::width::UC shall be
 removed. But shall the enum from sft.hxx or from vclenum.hxx be kept?
 60:40 for vclenum.hxx I would guess.

Yeah, the psprint stuff used to live somewhere else, so the enum was
added there and the mapping stuff to allow that build to work, psprint
got folded into vcl, so no need for the dup of that one anymore. So 

a) the psp:: ones definitely go, and
b) definitely get replaced with the vclenum.hxx ones.

The sft.hxx stuff on the other hand are from another piece of code that
got merged into vcl from some third party source IIRC, and describe the
values used in the truetype font format, I think those values match the
physical numbers stored in those files so they should, for now anyway,
get left alone, and the mappings from/to them and the vclenum values
left alone.

 why has tools its own WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED?

hum, wasn't aware of that. The original commit there says move this
from vcl to get xmloff free of vcl stuff, so (as a follow up maybe) it
would seem to make sense to e.g. remove the dups from vclenum.hxx and
have it include tools/fontenum.hxx to provide those.

  And if vcl is an acronym: what does it stand for?

I think its Visual Components Library.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] l10n based on PO files

2011-04-05 Thread Petr Mladek
Andras Timar píše v Po 04. 04. 2011 v 16:51 +0200:
 2011/4/4 Petr Mladek
  Are you going to add a strict dependency on this feature? In this case,
  it would be great to improve the configure option for the system
  translate-toolkit. I could do it if you want.
 Yes, I'm afraid we need this feature, it is not optional.
 Can you please adjust the configure option.

Done, see

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] substantial 'glob' speedup ...

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi guys,

Over in LibreOffice land, we're transitioning our whole build to use
gnumake - with the goal of having a single gnumake instance able to
re-build the (many thousands) of files we have, and store and act on all
of the dependencies.

Anyhow - one problem we are seeing is that as we load and parse the
~50Mb of dependencies that we need (for part of writer) we are statting
the same files involved in dependencies sometimes a thousand times or
so. We do around 700k stats with lots of duplication.

These ~all come from calling 'glob'; I append a patch that tries to
call glob only if needed - it could be done more prettily:

+  if (nlist != name)

not the nicest thing in the world; but I didn't want a big indentation
change. Timings for a make -sr with nothing to do are:

before  after
sys 0m2.274s0m0.101s

Which is a worthwhile saving at least in our use case, though
naturally, being spectacularly incompetant - it is probably a
side-effect of me breaking everything ;-) Having said that, the
dependency rules (at least) appear to continue to work nicely when I
test with manual touching, and 'make check' passes ...

Thoughts much appreciated,



diff --git a/read.c b/read.c
index a3ad88e..48de4fe 100644
--- a/read.c
+++ b/read.c
@@ -2824,6 +2824,20 @@ tilde_expand (const char *name)
 #endif /* !VMS */
   return 0;
+static int
+need_to_glob (const char *name)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i++) {
+if (name[i] == '?' || name[i] == '*' || name[i] == '[') {
+  return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
 /* Parse a string into a sequence of filenames represented as a chain of
struct nameseq's and return that chain.  Optionally expand the strings via
@@ -3112,6 +3126,14 @@ parse_file_seq (char **stringp, unsigned int size, int 
 #endif /* !NO_ARCHIVES */
+  /* glob is expensive - always stating, try to avoid it if possible */
+  if (!need_to_glob (name)) {
+   nlist = name;
+   i = 1;
+   if (flags  PARSEFS_EXISTS  !file_exists_p (name))
+ i = 0;
+  }
+  else
   switch (glob (name, GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC, NULL, gl))
@@ -3174,7 +3196,8 @@ parse_file_seq (char **stringp, unsigned int size, int 
 #endif /* !NO_ARCHIVES */
   NEWELT (concat (2, prefix, nlist[i]));
-  globfree (gl);
+  if (nlist != name)
+   globfree (gl);
 #ifndef NO_ARCHIVES
   if (arname)

--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] icon in GNOME3

2011-04-05 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 11:34 +0200, Andreas Proschofsky wrote:
 *) Add 256x256 pixel versions of the LO icons

caolanm-dtardon: didn't you fix this already, or at least tweak
something to generate the correct size ?


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] ld dynamic linker hash style

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Francois,

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 22:51 +0200, Francois Tigeot wrote:
 During the last few days, my builds have been broken with this error message:
   makedepend: Shared object has no run-time symbol table

Oh - that is a downer indeed. What system are you using ?

 It adds the --hash-style=gnu string on ld invocations.
 --hash-style=gnu sets the type of linker's hash tables to a new .gnu.hash

Right - if your gcc supports that, presumably your system library
should too [ after all, it is trivial to implement, and a huge speedup
for linking ].

 The problem is, this flag also prevents ld to write classic ELF .hash
 sections, preventing some systems to be able to run the generated binaries.

Right - because they are big, and there is not much point in dragging
all that obsolete bloat around ;-)

 One of my machines is using binutils-2.21 and cannot run binaries linked with
 the --hash-style=gnu option. I need to investigate.

So - if you want to create binaries to run on other systems, then you
need to beware. You will have hideous problems beyond belief, and way
beyond just linking issues: glibc symbol versions alone will break
almost everything :-)

 Howewer, the fix is quite simple: replace --hash-style=gnu by
 --hash-style=both The --hash-style=both option generates both old
 and new-style sections, keeping all binutils happy.

Well - we need to do this for the 'Generic' builds with an explicit
=both (cf. distro-configs) so it can run even on ancient systems, but
Linux distributions in general should use the --hash-style=gnu if it is
present in the toolchain (IMHO).

 The attached patch does just that.

So - I'm really not convinced :-) What system are you compiling on,
and/or did you upgrade your gcc/binutils without upgrading glibc ?

I guess it might be a good idea to default to 'auto' for hash-style,
and compile and link a small test program with that, defaulting to 'gnu'
if that is supported, and no flag if not. Should be fairly easy to do
that with an AC_TRY_RUN (?).

ie. since the win from --hash-style=gnu is fairly huge, I'd like to
have this by default wherever possible, --hash-style=both adds some real
chunk of data we don't need to the output, so it is not a great default
for a fast office suite :-)



--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] file name glob filter (was: Re: Order of filters in the Open dialog)

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Kevin,

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 12:52 -0400, Kevin Hunter wrote:
 In a similar vein, I would love for a *.EXT functionality, where I 
 don't have to click on the filters, but could type in to the location 

Ho hum; that starts to do quite some violence to the platform-specific
file-selector dialogs; doing interactive changes to the filter logic
while the user types is likely to make the behaviour of these things
even worse than it is now ;-)

So - in general, I'd rather prefer to see that feature in the platform
file-selectors (personally), and perhaps (if anyone at all uses it), in
the built-in LO selector.

Nice feature idea though; be great to see it Gtk+, KDE etc.



--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] Build fail in scp2 on Mac - file_font_accessories.par malformed

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 18:54 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
 Sorry about that, I had a sneaky suspicion that might happen, but I was
 uncertain as to whether attachments actually made it to the list. If I
 manage to do any more in the future, I'll attach them to an issue in fdo.

Hey - no attachments make it through nicely, as long as they are not
many megabytes in size.

Thanks :-)


--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Build of master fails on impress

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Rob,

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 23:49 +0200, Rob Snelders wrote:
 I tried to build the master but it fails on the sd-map.
 The problem is in sd/source/ui/framework/factories/ViewShellWrapper.cxx   

Ah ! :-) so I guess we recommend using the libreoffice-3-4 branch at
the moment - where much of the fixing and so on is on-going for the 3.4
release. That is - if you want to help out with that :-)

Of course, ideally everything should still build ;-) I'll get a master
tree building myself to see what's up there, do you still have the
problem after a g pull ?



--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Calc's status bar is blank

2011-04-05 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 14:53 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 14:32 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
  Now I'm going to figure out how to fix this...
 Fixed on libreoffice-3-4.  It was trivial.

Interesting - is there likely to be any similar badness around in other
places ? and/or who moved it  why ? :-)

 Should be merged to master whenever it gets merged the next time.

Yep - I guess it might be nice to do a merge to master - we have quite
a few fixes in libreoffice-3-4.



--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Build of master fails on impress

2011-04-05 Thread Rob Snelders

Hi Michael,

I did do a pull before building.

I'm trying to fix the easy-hack 3.17 VBA support add support for 
Worksheets.Copy and I tougth it would be best to do that in the master 
I am just starting with helping on Libre-office, so I try to find 
easy-hacks to do, but not all easy-hacks are clear to me.


On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 12:12:46 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi Rob,

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 23:49 +0200, Rob Snelders wrote:

I tried to build the master but it fails on the sd-map.
The problem is in 

Ah ! :-) so I guess we recommend using the libreoffice-3-4 branch at
the moment - where much of the fixing and so on is on-going for the 

release. That is - if you want to help out with that :-)

	Of course, ideally everything should still build ;-) I'll get a 

tree building myself to see what's up there, do you still have the
problem after a g pull ?



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Build of master fails on impress

2011-04-05 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 12:12 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
 Hi Rob,
 On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 23:49 +0200, Rob Snelders wrote:
  I tried to build the master but it fails on the sd-map.
  The problem is in sd/source/ui/framework/factories/ViewShellWrapper.cxx

'UnoTunnelIdInit' was not declared in this scope

The error looks like mine, but ViewShellWrapper.cxx should include
comphelper/servicehelper.hxx and that should have UnoTunnelIdInit in it
so it should work fine. Builds here and the tinderboxes are silent about


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] ld dynamic linker hash style

2011-04-05 Thread Francois Tigeot
Hi Michael,

On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 11:53:55AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 22:51 +0200, Francois Tigeot wrote:
  During the last few days, my builds have been broken with this error 
makedepend: Shared object has no run-time symbol table
   Oh - that is a downer indeed. What system are you using ?


  The problem is, this flag also prevents ld to write classic ELF .hash
  sections, preventing some systems to be able to run the generated binaries.
   Right - because they are big, and there is not much point in dragging
 all that obsolete bloat around ;-)

Well, if you can't run binaries without it, that's not so obsolete IMO.

  One of my machines is using binutils-2.21 and cannot run binaries linked 
  the --hash-style=gnu option. I need to investigate.
   So - if you want to create binaries to run on other systems, then you
 need to beware. You will have hideous problems beyond belief, and way
 beyond just linking issues: glibc symbol versions alone will break
 almost everything :-)

The first step is to have the binaries run on the system they were
compiled on.
And I'm pretty sure I won't have any trouble with glibc ;-)

What I meant to say is even with binutils-2.21, the gnu-hash option doesn't
work in all cases.

  Howewer, the fix is quite simple: replace --hash-style=gnu by
  --hash-style=both The --hash-style=both option generates both old
  and new-style sections, keeping all binutils happy.
   Well - we need to do this for the 'Generic' builds with an explicit
 =both (cf. distro-configs) so it can run even on ancient systems, but
 Linux distributions in general should use the --hash-style=gnu if it is
 present in the toolchain (IMHO).

You lost me here: with the last commit, --hash-style=gnu is the default
and is not limited to Linux or specific Linux distributions.

   So - I'm really not convinced :-) What system are you compiling on,
 and/or did you upgrade your gcc/binutils without upgrading glibc ?

System: DragonFly 2.9/x86_64
gcc: 4.4.5
binutils: 2.21
glibc: none

Be convinced :)

   I guess it might be a good idea to default to 'auto' for hash-style,
 and compile and link a small test program with that, defaulting to 'gnu'
 if that is supported, and no flag if not. Should be fairly easy to do
 that with an AC_TRY_RUN (?).

That would be *much* better.


Francois Tigeot
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] ld dynamic linker hash style

2011-04-05 Thread Petr Mladek
Francois Tigeot píše v Út 05. 04. 2011 v 13:51 +0200:
 On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 11:53:55AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
  I guess it might be a good idea to default to 'auto' for hash-style,
  and compile and link a small test program with that, defaulting to 'gnu'
  if that is supported, and no flag if not. Should be fairly easy to do
  that with an AC_TRY_RUN (?).
 That would be *much* better.

It sounds like the best solution.

Francois, would you be able to cook up something, please? If it is
enough to use AC_TRY_RUN, you might find some samples in
bootstrap/ If you want to require a minimal binutils
version, you might take inspiration at

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Calc's status bar is blank

2011-04-05 Thread Kohei Yoshida
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 12:20 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 14:53 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 14:32 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
   Now I'm going to figure out how to fix this...
  Fixed on libreoffice-3-4.  It was trivial.
   Interesting - is there likely to be any similar badness around in other
 places ? and/or who moved it  why ? :-)

Nah, I don't think so. ;-) This was due to our recent migration of sc to
gnumake, and it was just a minor copy-n-paste silliness that led to the
statusbar.xml being delivered to the wrong place.

I double-checked the list of uiconfig XML files in,
and aside from the statusbar.xml the rest looks good (to me).


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [Bug 35673] LibreOffice 3.4 most annoying bugs

2011-04-05 Thread bugzilla-daemon

Fran changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends on||35345

Configure bugmail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: VBA support add support for Worksheets.Copy

2011-04-05 Thread Noel Power

On 05/04/11 14:18, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hokay - can we remove it from the easy hacks page if it is not an easy
hopefully that's premature, I thought on IRC I'd given enough hints on 
how to progress this, maybe though this mail was sent before we talked 
more about that. If not and you are still unsure how to go, don't give 
up, poke me again and I'll try to get you over the hump :-)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: VBA support add support for Worksheets.Copy

2011-04-05 Thread Markus Mohrhard
No it's ok.
And i think I got a clue what I must do.

My mail was a response to another mail, where someone wanted to start
developing Libo with this EasyHack because I forgot to notice it in the wiki
that I work on it.


2011/4/5 Noel Power

 On 05/04/11 14:18, Michael Meeks wrote:

 Hokay - can we remove it from the easy hacks page if it is not an easy

 hopefully that's premature, I thought on IRC I'd given enough hints on how
 to progress this, maybe though this mail was sent before we talked more
 about that. If not and you are still unsure how to go, don't give up, poke
 me again and I'll try to get you over the hump :-)


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] file name glob filter

2011-04-05 Thread Kevin Hunter

At 7:02am -0400 Tue, 05 Apr 2011, Michael Meeks wrote:

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 12:52 -0400, Kevin Hunter wrote:

In a similar vein, I would love for a *.EXT functionality, where I
don't have to click on the filters, but could type in to the location

Ho hum; that starts to do quite some violence to the platform-specific
file-selector dialogs; doing interactive changes to the filter logic
while the user types is likely to make the behaviour of these things
even worse than it is now ;-)

So - in general, I'd rather prefer to see that feature in the platform
file-selectors (personally), and perhaps (if anyone at all uses it), in
the built-in LO selector.

Nice feature idea though; be great to see it Gtk+, KDE etc.

Or, put differently, there /is/ a technical reason why not: support from 
the native GUI toolkit libraries.  Darn.  I was hoping that the reason I 
couldn't see a QD path was because I just don't know the Gtk+/KDE APIs 
very well.  Alas.



P.S. If this does turn out to be possible, and since the earliest I 
could even attempt to look at this little feature idea would be late 
May, I'll mention that if someone else were to look at this, the 
functionality I'm thinking of would be to hit return to update the 
dialog box, not to update on each keystroke.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [partial PATCH] Easy hack: expunge duplicate enumerations in vcl

2011-04-05 Thread Christina Roßmanith


to see if I'm walking into the right direction I've replaced 
psp::width::type with FontWidth and removed some methods ToFontWidth() 
which aren't needed anymore. After that vcl compiles fine for me. But it 
tells me that KDE is disabled (who did that?), so this part isn't 
checked by the compiler.

If someone could please review this patch. If it is fine I'll go on. 
Would you recommend a huge push at the end of this work or one for each 
removed enum?


Am 05.04.2011 11:57, schrieb Caolán McNamara:

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 23:18 +0200, Christina Roßmanith wrote:

As far as I understand the description, psp::width::UC shall be
removed. But shall the enum from sft.hxx or from vclenum.hxx be kept?
60:40 for vclenum.hxx I would guess.

Yeah, the psprint stuff used to live somewhere else, so the enum was
added there and the mapping stuff to allow that build to work, psprint
got folded into vcl, so no need for the dup of that one anymore. So

a) the psp:: ones definitely go, and
b) definitely get replaced with the vclenum.hxx ones.

The sft.hxx stuff on the other hand are from another piece of code that
got merged into vcl from some third party source IIRC, and describe the
values used in the truetype font format, I think those values match the
physical numbers stored in those files so they should, for now anyway,
get left alone, and the mappings from/to them and the vclenum values
left alone.

why has tools its own WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED?

hum, wasn't aware of that. The original commit there says move this
from vcl to get xmloff free of vcl stuff, so (as a follow up maybe) it
would seem to make sense to e.g. remove the dups from vclenum.hxx and
have it include tools/fontenum.hxx to provide those.

From e78b1c8f6cadeeddfa6c936acdcabbe2604aedb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christina Rossmanith
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 20:54:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Replaced psp::width::type with FontWidth

 vcl/inc/vcl/fontmanager.hxx|   16 ++--
 vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx   |   23 ---
 vcl/unx/headless/svppspgraphics.cxx|   20 +-
 vcl/unx/headless/svppspgraphics.hxx|1 -
 vcl/unx/inc/pspgraphics.h  |2 +-
 vcl/unx/kde/salnativewidgets-kde.cxx   |   21 +++---
 vcl/unx/source/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx   |2 +-
 vcl/unx/source/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx  |   48 +++---
 vcl/unx/source/fontmanager/fontmanager.cxx |   42 ++--
 vcl/unx/source/gdi/pspgraphics.cxx |   23 +--
 vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx |   99 ++--
 11 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/fontmanager.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/fontmanager.hxx
index bb03bc3..632e304 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/fontmanager.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/fontmanager.hxx
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include vcl/dllapi.h
 #include vcl/helper.hxx
+#include vcl/vclenum.hxx
 #include com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp
 #include vector
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ struct FastPrintFontInfo
 std::list rtl::OUString 			m_aAliases;
 family::type			m_eFamilyStyle;
 italic::type			m_eItalic;
-width::type 			m_eWidth;
+FontWidth 			m_eWidth;
 weight::type			m_eWeight;
 pitch::type 			m_ePitch;
 rtl_TextEncoding			m_aEncoding;
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ struct FastPrintFontInfo
 m_eType( fonttype::Unknown ),
 m_eFamilyStyle( family::Unknown ),
 m_eItalic( italic::Unknown ),
-m_eWidth( width::Unknown ),
+m_eWidth( WIDTH_DONTKNOW ),
 m_eWeight( weight::Unknown ),
 m_ePitch( pitch::Unknown ),
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC PrintFontManager
 int m_nPSName;  // atom
 rtl::OUString   m_aStyleName;
-width::type m_eWidth;
+FontWidth   m_eWidth;
 pitch::type m_ePitch;
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC PrintFontManager
 rtl::OString		aAddStyle;
 italic::type		eItalic;
 weight::type		eWeight;
-width::type			eWidth;
+FontWidth			eWidth;
 pitch::type			ePitch;
 rtl_TextEncoding	aEncoding;
@@ -521,10 +521,10 @@ public:
 // get a specific fonts width type
-width::type getFontWidth( fontID nFontID ) const
+FontWidth getFontWidth( fontID nFontID ) const
 PrintFont* pFont = getFont( nFontID );
-return pFont ? pFont-m_eWidth : width::Unknown;
+return pFont ? 

Re: [Libreoffice] ld dynamic linker hash style

2011-04-05 Thread Francois Tigeot
On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 02:28:40PM +0200, Petr Mladek wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 11:53:55AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
 I guess it might be a good idea to default to 'auto' for hash-style,
   and compile and link a small test program with that, defaulting to 'gnu'
   if that is supported, and no flag if not.
 Francois, would you be able to cook up something, please? If it is
 enough to use AC_TRY_RUN, you might find some samples in

I'm trying, but I can't figure out how to pass the needed --hash-style=gnu
option to the linker :-/

 If you want to require a minimal binutils
 version, you might take inspiration at

Thanks for the link, but I'm afraid it won't help here. The binutils version
is only important when you want to generate ELF files using the new .gnu.hash
section; it is of no use when you want to check if a particular system can
_run_ them.

Kind Regards,

Francois Tigeot
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] writing project contribution

2011-04-05 Thread Luiz Henrique Natalino
hello, is there any way to write on the website of the contribution
libreoffice saying that doing? how?


Att. Luiz Henrique Natalino
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [partial PATCH] Easy hack: expunge duplicate enumerations in vcl

2011-04-05 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 21:01 +0200, Christina Roßmanith wrote:
 removed some methods ToFontWidth() which aren't needed anymore.

Yup, looks good, the removal of those redundant mappings is the target.

 After that vcl compiles fine for me. But it 
 tells me that KDE is disabled (who did that?), so this part isn't 
 checked by the compiler.

see --enable-kde/--enable-kde4 as arguments to ./ / configure

 If someone could please review this patch. If it is fine I'll go on. 
 Would you recommend a huge push at the end of this work or one for each 
 removed enum?

Looks good, obviously remove the commented out code. Just the one push
IMO for the three enums.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] icon in GNOME3

2011-04-05 Thread Bernhard Dippold

Hi Andreas, Florian, all

(CC'ing two lists because I can't reach all the people involved on one 
of them)

Andreas Proschofsky schrieb:

Hi Florian,

Well yes and no. The icons in the Linux binary are the right ones, but
if you build from source you still get the old ones by default.

So this is a bug - the source shouldn't contain old OOo icons any more.

The relevant bug report is, but I don't know how 
far Thorsten (or anybody else?) has been able by now to update the 
places where the old icons appear.

To add
complexity to this story: The icons in the screenshot are from the
openSUSE default icon set, I've used them on my system for the screens
as the LibreOffice default icons look pretty bad in GNOME3 atm.
(Disclaimer to those who don't know me: I'm the author of the article in
question). That's simply because we (LO) don't deliver high resolution
icons right now.

We do. Thorsten did integrate all the different sizes we (LibO Design 
Team) provided.

The largest scale is 256x256 for all application/document icons.
They look like this:

One month ago Jakub Steiner mentioned already the lack of 256px icons. 
Thorsten had been involved in this discussion, but I don't know if the 
source of the problem could already be found out and solved in master.

If not, it's my fault too, because I didn't include the topic in the bug 
report until today :-(

What GNOME Shell / GNOME 3.0 would need is shiny
256x256 Pixel resolutions. 48x48 are scaled up and look very fuzzy as a

Of course. We do provide the large scale, they are just not distributed 
in the respective /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ folders.

So what needs to be done:

*) Add 256x256 pixel versions of the LO icons

... to the right folders ;-)

*) Adapt libreoffice-build to actually use them ;)

... I think this might be a GUI feature ...

*) Optionally: Make openSUSE to not use its own icons for
LibreOffice ;)

It's their decision (even if we hope they would be satisfied by our 
hires icons). The least we would ask is not to use symbols...

Best regards


PS: Designers: We should think of providing single SVG icons (256px) to 
be provided as scalable sources in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable. 
But I think it is not as easy as extracting .png files from the Inkscape 
source, if we want to get single flat icons for every application...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [libreoffice-design] Re: icon in GNOME3

2011-04-05 Thread Bernhard Dippold

Hi Michael, all,

Michael Meeks schrieb:

Hi Florian,

On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 12:34 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:

I just got notice that the LibO icon in GNOME3 seems to be the OOo logo,
Anyone from GNOME reading this list and can make necessary changes? ;-)

Hmm - I guess, that looks like the icon we install; and the ones we're
using on my desktop too (odd).

Is this already mentioned in the bug report?

If not - could you please leave a comment / screenshot?

Having said that, have we fixed the palette / sizing issues around the
existing icons and their integration with Tango ? it would be nice to
have that for the 3.4.

Paulo created the icons and they have been attached to the bug. I don't 
know how far integration has been gone.

Also - I guess the design guys should have commit access to the icons
by now, if not whomever is working hardest on that should get it
[ please mail me privately ].

Is there an easy way to commit without developer skills?
(And without the time to learn how to build?)

Additionally to this question we need a possibility to check the 
committed design related patches - probably this will be able to be 
solved by (nearly) nightly master installers...

I added these points to the WWN wiki page:

(hopefully not interfering with Christoph's structuring of this page...)

Best regards

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Организация импортa

2011-04-05 Thread Импopт из Китaя


г. Kиeв - 15 апpеля, 2011 г.

 г. Kиeв, ул. Гоpького, 172 в здaнии бизнeс-цeнтра "Палaдиум-Сити", 8 эт. oф. 814 Тeл.: (0ЧЧ) ЗЗ1-6Ч1Ч, 592-756Ч


Сeйчaс самoе врeмя рaбoтать c Kитаeм! Тaк кaк в дaнный мoмeнт cущeствует цeлый pяд плюсoв и пpeимуществ пpи рaботе c китaйскими пoставщиками и пpoизводителями, кoтoрыми необxодимо уcпeть вoспoльзоваться. И oб этoм мы тожe рacскажем! 
Hаучить cпeциaлистов в облаcти импoртa бeзопaсно и эффeктивно pабoтать c Китаeм, быть увеpенным в своиx дeйcтвиях и видeть oбщую кapтину пpoцeсса импортa, c минимaльным pиcкoм извлeкaть мaксимальную выгoду из рaботы c китайcкими поcтавщиками. 
Бренд-мeнеджеры, мeнеджeры отдeлoв внeшнеэкoномической дeятельности, pукoводители oтделoв зaкупoк, pуковoдители oтдeлов внeшнeэкoномической деятeльности, рукoвoдители предпpиятий, спeциализирующихся нa импоpте.
Cушко Aлeкcандр Aлександрович — oргaнизовывает и ocуществляет импoрт тoваpов и прoдукции ширoкoго пpофиля из Kитая, cтpан Юго-Bосточной Aзии, Boсточной и Запaдной Eврoпы. Имeeт большoй oпыт рукoвoдителя отдeлoв BЭД кpупныx кoмпаний. Бoлee 5 лeт плoтнo paбoтает c Kитаем в сфеpе импортa, болeе 10 лeт изучаeт язык, культуpу, cоциальные оcoбенности этoй стpаны. Бизнеc-тpенер, aвтор и вeдущий ceминаров «Оpганизация импopта из Китaя», «Деловaя поездкa в Китaй». 
Иpина Hеcтеренко — специaлист пo налoговому плaнированию, "International Consulting Group".
1. Поиcк товаpа и выбop пocтaвщика 

Cпоcобы и вoзможнoсти поиcка нужныx поcтавщиков обзоp спocобов: пo интepнeту (обзop caйтoв, тeхнология вeдения пepeговоров, прeзeнтация компaнии, пеpвый зaпрoс), пocещение выстaвoк (оcобенности oрганизации пoездки, визы, нюанcы пoceщения выстaвки, нa чтo обрaщать внимaниe) pазбор плюcов и минуcoв кaждогo, oптимальная кoмбинaция. 
Kак pаcшить кpуг поиcкa и сделaть прaвильный выбop. Тeндeры, обрaзцы и подбоp aссортимента  (кpитepии выбоpа пoставщиков).
Возмoжные pиcки и нежeлaтельные ситуaции. Kак провeрить нaдeжность пocтaвщика (спocобы пpoвeрки надежнoсти постaвщика, кaкие oрганизации мoгут помoчь в прoверке нaдeжности, cписoк региcтрационных дoкументов, aудит кoмпании).
Cпоcобы пеpеговоров, услoвия и cpоки постaвки. Зaключeние договoра.  (ocобенности вeдения пеpeговоров, пoлучeния нужныx нaм уcлoвий, мeтoды и пpиемы).

2. Рaзмещение и кoнтpоль выпoлнeния зaкaза 

Кoнтpоль пpoцeсса прoизводства, eгo cpоков  (неcоблюдение cpоков, метoды бoрьбы c зaтягивaнием  сpоков).
Cпособы oплаты. Кaк выбpать oптимальный и безoпасный спocоб oплaты тoвapа. Bозможные риcки и пути иx снижeния  (обзop ваpиaнтов oплaты, пoдpoбный разбoр фoрмы аккpeдитива, кейc: рaсчет дaт отгpузки и пpедoставления документoв, путь документoв).
Cтикeры, инcтрукция, упакoвкa, экcпоpтная маpкиpовка гpуза. Oбщие и cпециaльные тpeбования к исполнeнию, пpоизвoдство нa зaказ и пoд бpендом. 
Соглaсование cpоков окончaния пpoизводства, дaты отгpузки и инcпекции (рeшeние кейca).
Пpoведение инcпекции прoизведенного тoваpа.  (виды инcпекция, oбзop инспeктoрских кoмпaний, cтoимость, пopядoк пpoвeдения, pазбoр отчетa).

3. Доcтавка зaкaза, егo легализaция нa Украинe 

Выбoр оптимальнoго спocоба дocтавки тoвapа (обзop видoв тpaнспорта, пpименимoсть в paботе c Китаeм, критepии выборa транcпортной кoмпании, из eго сoстоит ценa зa тpанспорт, цeны, динaмикa цeн).
Тaмoженная oчиcтка тoвapа (ocобенности тaможенной очиcтки китайcкиx товapов,  метoды докaзaтельства цeны, спиcок дoкументов, котopые мoгут пoмoчь в докaзaтельстве цeны, Oбзoр вoзможнoстей иcпользования Тамoженно- лицeнзионного cклада и cклада врeмeнного xрaнения).
Сeртификация товаpа в Укpаине  (виды cертификатов, порядoк пoлучeния ceртификата).

4. Дoпoлнитeльные cведения o Kитae. ЧТO НУЖHО ЗНAТЬ! 

Нoвыe cлoжнoсти импopта из Kитая (умeньшeние/увеличение вoзвpaта HДС и eго влияниe нa cтoимость импoртa, измeнeние курсa дoллаp-юaнь, изменeние цeны мaтepиалoв). 
Эксклюзивныe дoговора  (чтo можeт дaть экcклюзивный догoвор,  пpактика пpимeнения).
Koпирование кaк oсобенность pаботы китайскиx произвoдителей. 
Haциональные пpаздники, оcoбенности  (иx влияниe нa cpоки произвoдства, стоимoсть трaнcпорта и т.п.).

5. Блoк пo оффшoрам 

Oффшоры пpи импоpте из Китaя. 
Осoбенности минимизaции нaлогообложения пpи импортныx опepациях. 
Документoоборот и движениe товaров. 
Ocобенности иcпoльзование кoмпaний из Гoнконга и Beликoбритании в тopгoвле c Kитаем. 
Хaрaктеристика cтpан: Панaмa, Гoнконг, Beликобритания, Бeлиз.


Рeгистрация c 9:00 пo 9:30
Hачало в 9:30

1300.00 гpн. зa однoгo учacтникa, (пpи oплатe нa ФЛП).
1430.00 гpн. зa однoгo учacтника, (пpи oплaте нa Юp. лицo).
Для втopoгo и тpeтьeго учаcтникa cкидки — 15% 
B cтoимocть вxoдит: инфopмaционно-консультационное oбcлуживaние нa ceминapе, cбopник мaтериaлов, питaние, oбcуждeние дoклaдов и oбмeн мнeниями c лeктopoм.
Kaждый учacтник пoлучaeт буxгалтеpский кoмплeкт дoкумeнтoв.
выбор кофепауза учеба стоимость 

Re: [Libreoffice] Problem with build environment: Gtk-linkage error

2011-04-05 Thread Albert Thuswaldner
Hi Kayo/List

 So I believe that this can be your problem, zypper si -d
 libreoffice-bootstrap (or OpenOffice_org-bootstrap) will install the sources
 that LibreOffice needs to build[1], not the source of libreoffice-bootstrap.

 [1] -

 Do it and try to compile again.

Ok, just to give feedback on this:

1.) I installed the dependencies as you (Kayo)  wrote (missed that
part of the wiki instructions) however as expected I had most of the
packages installed already (only some mono-stuff got installed). I
also pulled down a new bootstrap and pulled the rest of the sources
with 'make fetch', so I had an absolutely untainted build tree.
Compiled using 'make 21 | tee build.log' = same error!

2.) For the record I regularly build emacs (gtk) from source, and I
never had any problems with gtk linking there.

3.) Tried  to add '--disable-unix-qstart' as argument to ./autogen
since my problem seems to relate to that part of the code = same
error. The disable flag does not work?

4.) So I gave up on gtk and run './ --with-num-cpus=2
--with-max-jobs=2 --without-junit --disable-unix-qstart --disable-gtk
--enable-kde4', which compiled sucessfully. Also 'make dev-install'
works. However when starting libreoffice it crashes with the dialog
box Fatal Error,  the application can not be started.
[context=shared] caught unexpected exception! (BTW shouldn't it be
caught an unexpected exception! ?)

5.) So any hints on how I can debug this error further would be much
appreciated. What tools to use? What methods/tutorials to follow?


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-05 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi Samuel, hi Ivan, all!

Am Montag, den 04.04.2011, 22:57 +0100 schrieb Samuel Atkins:
 On 04/04/2011 11:14 AM, Ivan M. wrote:
 I do have one question though: would the submitted form
  actually submit a bug report in Bugzilla, or would it get sent to
  someone for moderation/confirmation?


 I think the plan was to have it submit directly to bugzilla, but it
 may well be beneficial to have some sort of moderation. 

I don't know whether this had been discussed already - but I think
Bugzilla itself may be the tool to do the moderation (unconfirmed --
confirmed). But then it'll be helpful to identify where the bug came
from ... maybe adding a keyword like BugFromSimpleBugForm that enables
filtering? E.g. for letting QA focus on such issues, or even doing some
statistics (e.g. how many of these bugs turned into duplicates). Last
year, I've attended a very nice research talk that dealed with Mozilla
bug reports and their reporters.

Just by 2 cents. Thank you both for working on that!


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Powerful Marketing News for All of Us

2011-04-05 Thread Wayne Hartunian
Hello, How would your company like to get a much greater number of sales, 
signups or clients.  I use this system to market all 3 of my different home 
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this can happen.  

There will be no reason you will ever need to search for contacts or clients 
again.  Very professional, legitmate and can be used for any wholesale, retail, 
service or home based business.

Please take a minute and call me,

Wayne Hartunian
541-368-7437 skype pct


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [WIP] [PATCH] Additional translations of German comments in libs-core/sfx2/source/bastyp, control, dialog

2011-04-05 Thread Albert Thuswaldner
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 17:41, Muthu Subramanian K wrote:
 @Albert: There seems to be some conflicts with the newer code, would it
 be possible for you to fix those, please? I have pushed a few files from
 this patch set though. Thank you very much!

 PS: I had actually reviewed most parts of the patch, but when i tried to
 commit and do a 'pull -r' i had too many conflicts to resolve.

Resolved conflicts, please see new file attached.

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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