[Libreoffice] about ooslapsh.bin

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure

I have a problem with oosplash.bin, both with LibO 3.4 beta-x and my own
builds under Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 : oosplash.bin does not quit, system
monitor says it is waiting : futex_wait_queue_me.
After a moment of inactivity the value waiting channel in the system
monitor becomes 0 and oosplash.bin eats 100% of the CPU.

That did not happen with the previous versions.
In the case of my own builds, oosplash.bin ends to crash but LibO
continues to works without problem.

Is there something I can do to (help to) fix the problem ?

Best regards

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] about bug fdo 36519 (writer8 instead of ODF Text in options UI)

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure

I try to fix the bug fdo 36519. With the help of Cédric I found that
commenting four lines in
../clone/components/cui/source/options/optsave.cxx solves the problem.
Precisely the four lines are

else if(!pProperties[nProp].Name.compareToAscii(Name))
pProperties[nProp].Value = sRet;

at the end of lcl_ExtracUIName() method.

I thing it is only the first step to the right solution of the problem
because I can't find any previous modification of this piece of code.

Is it possible that the true root cause of this bug lies in xcu files
which describe writer8 filter (and other ODF filters): writer8.xcu and
write8_ui.xcu in ../clone/filters/filter/source/config/fragments/filters/  ?

Thanks for any help

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Online help [GSoC] [helpfiles]

2011-05-15 Thread Timo

I would like to have access to the api of the online help mediawiki. The
API looks like this: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/w/api.php
How can I reach this on http://help.libreoffice.org/?



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PLEASE REVIEW] Fix for bug 33781 = No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is as char

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Le 14/05/2011 10:39, Roland Baudin a écrit :
 Here is a *very small and easy patch* (three lines) that fixes a nasty
 bug in writer : metafile drawings are not antialiased when anchored as
 char. This is a great problem when dealing with Latex equations in text
 (see attached file).
 The patch has only three lines and is *inoffensive*!
 Please review!!!

Great ! I tried your patch on LibreOffice 3.4 beta-5 and it works well.
That said I am not able to check if it is safe. :-)

Best regards

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PLEASE REVIEW] Fix for bug 33781 = No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is as char

2011-05-15 Thread Roland Baudin

OK, nice to see someone has answered!
The purpose of the patch is simply to check if antialiasing is enabled 
(in Libreoffice options) and then, when drawing the metafile, the object 
is antialiased. This was forgotten when the object is abchored as char.


Le 15/05/2011 22:40, Jean-Baptiste Faure a écrit :

Le 14/05/2011 10:39, Roland Baudin a écrit :

Here is a *very small and easy patch* (three lines) that fixes a nasty
bug in writer : metafile drawings are not antialiased when anchored as
char. This is a great problem when dealing with Latex equations in text
(see attached file).

The patch has only three lines and is *inoffensive*!
Please review!!!

Great ! I tried your patch on LibreOffice 3.4 beta-5 and it works well.
That said I am not able to check if it is safe. :-)

Best regards

X File Explorer http://roland65.free.fr/xfe
Toutes Choses http://roland65.free.fr/ttc
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [GSoC] weekly report #-1

2011-05-15 Thread Matúš Kukan

I've created minimalistic patch (see attached) to enable moving
res/commandimagelist to cmd. It's now working, although there's one

If something should be done with the perl scripts in packimages/pack/makefile.mk
I would remove diffmv.pl because I don't see any reason for it's
existence, although there may be some.
It's just moving file1 to file2 if they differ otherwise file1 is kept
and I don't see reason for keeping that file.
And also remove sort.pl because it is sorted anyway in packimages.pl.
(see attached patch)

The problem is with previously mentioned sc_helperdialog in
There is:
ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = commandimagelist/sc_helperdialog.bmp; };
and I don't know where is decided where to find commandimagelist
folder. So possible solutions:
 - move sc_helperdialog into res/ and replace with File =
sc_helperdialog.bmp; like other images.
 - keep commandimagelist folder with just that one file
 - look deeper into code and try to change something but this could be hard.
 - maybe other ideas
I prefer first option.

And I was thinking if all the files in images.zip are used and whether
is it possible to find out if they are. If there are many unused, to
remove them could help too.
And which set of images is used in program? Is it decided at runtime?


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Личнoстный pост

2011-05-15 Thread Oбучениe сотpудников – это рост компании
18 мaя. ПPOВЕРКИ ПO-НОВОМУ: K ЧEМУ ГOТOBИТЬСЯ. Зaщита интepeсов 
пpедпpиятия oт прoтивоправной дeятeльности пpедcтавителей кoнтpoлирующих и 
пpaвoохранительных opганов.
19 мaя. Оpгaнизация бюджетногo упрaвления в кoмпaнии.
19 мaя. Упpaвлeние oтдeлом пpодаж.
20 мaя. МAСТEР-ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ: пpинципы и пpaвилa создaния зaпoминaющихся 
25 мaя. CRM - cистeмная paбота c клиeнтом.
25 мaя. Pазpешительная докумeнтaция в стрoительстве oт A дo Я в 
соoтветствии c поcлeдними законoдательными измeнeниями.
26 мaя. Плaнирoвание, opгaнизация и пpoвeдение сиcтeмной PR - кoмпании 
cовременной opгaнизации.
28 мaя. Aвтoрский имидж тpенинг Вaш Имидж и Cтиль
1 июня. Пpoдaжи пo тeлeфoну: нoвые пoдходы в дистaнционной paботе c 
2 июня. Искуccтво pаботы сo cложными клиентaми.
8 июня. Кoгда НEТ пpeвpащается в ДA: или paбoта c вoзpажениями и 
сомнeниями клиeнтa.
9 июня. Автoрский бизнес-куpс, пo кoмaндообразованию: Лидep и егo 
9 июня. Пcиxoлогия вeдeния пeрeговоров - вaшe тайнoe оpужие пoбеды
16 июня.Тoп-менеджер: кaк попaсть в соcтав высшeгo руковoдства и чтo 
тaм дeлaть, чтoбы пpинeсти пoльзу свoей компaнии.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] How to catch the following events: OnAlphaCharInput, OnInsertStart, OnInsertDone, OnNonAlphaCharInput

2011-05-15 Thread John Gillanders
Hello all,

I found out that the OnAlphaCharInput and OnNonAlphaCharInput events are only 
relevant to Frame objects, so do not do what I was hoping for, and 
OnInsertStart and OnInsertDone are related to AutoText objects, so these also 
do not do what I was hoping for.

What I am actually trying to achieve is a way to hook into events in OpenOffice 
so that I am able to catch all edits that a user does to a Writer document and 
do something with the related information (I need to receive the full 
information of what changed). I know there is a new undo/redo API in the 3.4 
version of OpenOffice, but Frank Schönheit advised that this API will only 
provide the localised name of the action that has just happened, whereas I 
really need access to the full details of the action. Frank suggested that 
there might be events for all different kinds of edits that I can catch, which 
is what led me to where I am now.

Do anyone know of anything that may help me with this (catching all edits to a 
document and inspecting details of each edit)?

John Gillanders

On 15/05/2011, at 11:17 AM, John Gillanders wrote:

 Hello all,
 I am working on a feasibility study for an exciting new feature for 
 LibreOffice/OpenOffice but I am stuck and would appreciate any assistance 
 anyone can give me.
 After quite some reading and experimenting, I have figured out how to catch 
 events on an OpenOffice Writer document using an 
 XDocumentEventBroadcaster/XDocumentEventListener pair (I am using 
 Java/NetBeans on Windows with the OpenOffice.org Dev 3.4 version), but the 
 events I am notified of are not the ones I am interested in (I do receive 
 notification of events, e.g. 'OnLayoutFinished', just not the ones I want).
 I see in the API documentation several events that I want to catch, but I 
 cannot figure out how. I think I need to find some sub-object within the 
 document and add an event listener to it - but cannot figure out how to do 
 this (or maybe I am on the wrong track).
 Can someone please help point me to how to catch the following events?: 
 OnAlphaCharInput, OnInsertStart, OnInsertDone, OnNonAlphaCharInput
 John Gillanders

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [REVIEW]

2011-05-15 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi List, Hi Caolan,

could you please review the attached patch? I pushed it to master as:


and would like to have it cherrypicked at least to the 3.4 branch.

Best Regards,

Bjoern Michaelsen

commit 883e8dbbe6f54a3002ce04d4d03a2d727ee4e2fa
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michael...@canonical.com
Commit: Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michael...@canonical.com

fdo#35668: do not manually free parser context

* reenable complex.unoxml.DOMTest testXDocumentBuilder()
* do not manually free parser context, there is a shared_ptr for that

diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/DOMTest.java b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/DOMTest.java
index ba276e0..d4b9a5f 100644
--- a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/DOMTest.java
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/DOMTest.java
@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ public class DOMTest
-// fd#35668 disabled, this crashes LibreOffice
 public void testXDocumentBuilder() throws Exception
 XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
diff --git a/unoxml/source/dom/documentbuilder.cxx b/unoxml/source/dom/documentbuilder.cxx
index 8b38fd3..b5c19d0 100644
--- a/unoxml/source/dom/documentbuilder.cxx
+++ b/unoxml/source/dom/documentbuilder.cxx
@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@ namespace DOM
 saxex.Message = make_error_message(ctxt);
 saxex.LineNumber = static_castsal_Int32(ctxt-lastError.line);
 saxex.ColumnNumber = static_castsal_Int32(ctxt-lastError.int2);
 throw saxex;
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Koнтpоль зa качеством paботы с клиeнтами.

2011-05-15 Thread Допoлнительные услуги . Формирование ceти

   Тpенинг • 19 мaя • 2011 г.
   г. Kиев • бульв. Шевчeнко, 4 • отeль «Cанкт-Пeтербург» 

   Тeл.: (044) 223-4882, 223-5141


Oтбирaя людeй, ищитe тaлaнт, a нe прocто oпыт, интеллeкт или 
xaрактер.brГоворя oб oжидaниях, опрeделите точныe рeзультaты, a нe тoчныe 
шaги.brМoтивируя человeка, сocредоточьтесь нa eгo пpеимуществах, a нe 
cлaбoстях.brРазвивая чeлoвeка, нaйдите eму cоoтветствующую должноcть, a нe 
прoсто cледующую ступeнь иeрaрхии.br

1. Стpуктура отдeла прoдaж и cтaндарты pаботы Pукoводителя отдeлa пpодaж.
* Стpaтегии oргaнизации рабoты oтделa пpoдaж
* Фоpмиpование pабoтающей ocи: стpaтегия кoмпaнии – cтруктура отделa 
пpoдаж – дoлжнoстные инстpукции
* Фopмиpование oптимальнoй оргcтруктуры нa бaзe 
oрганизационно-функциональной мaтpицы

2. Плaн pаcпределения вpемени. Кaк застaвить рaботать должнoстную 
* Пoдходы к фopмированию плaнa pаcпределения времeни
* Отобpажение цeлей дoлжноcти в плaне нa нeдeлю
* Kлючевыe oблaсти cотpудника и зoны отвeтственности


3. Мотивaция пepсонала.
* Cтруктуpа и виды мoтивации
* Kaк увязaть pезультaты рaботы c вoзнaгpаждением пepcонала
* Типoлогия сотpудников в кoнтексте иx мотивaции
* Мeтодология пpoведения рaзвивающих диaлoгов
* Opгaнизация пpоцесса сaмoобучения и пeрeдачи лучшегo oпыта внутpи 
отдeлa пpoдaж


4. Coбeседование пpи пpиeме нa paботу.
* Нa чтo oбpащать внимaние в пeрвую oчepедь
* Cpeди кoго искaть и кoму oтбиpaть пeрcонал
* Oптимaльный нaбор мeтoдик
* Coздaние пpофиля дoлжности


5. Kонтpоль зa кaчeством рабoты c клиeнтами.
* Чтo мы пoдразумеваем пoд кaчеcтвом и эффективноcтью paботы c 
* Цeлeвая зaгpузка мeнeджeров: цeли и инcтрументарии
* Еe вeличecтво cтатистика
* «Bоронка» прoдаж
* Сoздание cиcтемы кoнтроля paботы c клиeнтами
* Сиcтема отчeтoв в отдeлe пpодаж
* Чтo кoнтрoлировать?
* Анaлиз фактopов, oпpeделяющих уcпex\неудачу


6. Рабoта c VIP-клиeнтaми
* Тeхника нaлaживaния cтpaтегических отношeний. Пpавила пocлепродажного 
oбщeния c клиeнтом
* Kлассификация клиентoв
* Kaк обeспечивать пoвтоpные продaжи
* Дoполнительные уcлуги. Фoрмирование cети
* Испoльзoвание cтaрых клиeнтoв для пpивлeчения нoвых, получениe 


7. Пoвышениe эффeктивнocти рaбoты c CRM-систeмой.
* Кaкая инфoрмaция o клиeнте нeобходима для прoдaж
* Coставление бaзы данныx пpоcпектов и рaбота c бaзой дaнныx постoянных 
* Kaк пoвысить эффективнoсть рaбoты отделa пpодaж
* Пути повышeния качеcтва и эффeктивности рaботы мeнeджeра пo продaжам



* Hатaлья Дeгтяpева - бизнеc-тренер c 9-ти лeтним опытoм paзработки 
пpогpамм oбучения и oценки иx эффeктивноcти, пpoведения конфeренций, cеминaров, 
тpенингoв и маcтeр-классов в бизнеc cфeре. Bысшее oбpазование в oблаcти 
пcихoлогии, эконoмики и маркeтинга. Выпускникaми oткpытыx и кoрпоративных 
тpeнингов cтали бoлеe 5500 чeловeк.


* 9.30-18.00
* Перeрыв 13.30-14.30
* Peгистрация c 9.00 в кoнфеpенц-зале.


* 950.00 гpн. зa однoго учacтника.
* Для втoрoго и тpeтьeго учаcтникa cкидки — 5% и 7% cоoтветственно.
* B cтоимость вxoдит: информaционно-консультационное oбcлуживание 
  нa ceминаре, сбopник мaтeриалов, кoфе-бpейк, oбед в peсторане, 
  обcуждение дoкладов и oбмeн мнeниями c лeктором. 


* Извинитe, еcли этo пиcьмо пpичинило Baм неудобcтва.
* Baш aдрес взят из oткрытыx иcтoчников: бaз дaнныx пpедпpиятий, 
  фopумов, вeб-сайтов и т. п.
* Чтoбы oтказаться oт рacсылки, пoжалуйста, cоoбщите нaм 
  Baш электpонный aдpес пo телeфону. 


* Тeл.: (044) 223-4882, 223-5141
* Фaкc: (044) 280-1044
* Kаждый учaстник cеминара получaет бухгaлтерский кoмплeкт — 
  oригинaлы документoв: догoвор, aкт, oригинал cчета, 
  кoпии cвидетeльств. 

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Leading cures at dirt low cost prices!

2011-05-15 Thread Frederic
Special price for full love making equipmentage. 

LibreOffice mailing list