gsoc aspirant

2013-03-25 Thread alok s
Libre office team,
 i am a regular use of ubuntu ,and also a frequent user of
libre office ,there are many exceptional features ,present libre office
contain almost all the required features for the users ,but the creating of
slides and  presentation of slides ,is very naive and it must be improved
,for example to have a animated presentation of slides ,i am interested in
improvising it,and working on it ,i am very much interested to participate
in this years google summer of code , can u please help me ,to take this
work forward ,or any other work regarding ,libre office .
-thanks for helping
LibreOffice mailing list

gsoc aspirant

2013-03-25 Thread alok s
hello libre office team ,
 i am a regular user of ubuntu ,and a
frequent user of libre office .The present libre office suite contain
almost  all the things needed by a user ,for his day to day use ,but the
presentation or making of slides is very naive ,it can be improved,by
adding animated slide show ,like a 3d slide show ,i am very much interested
in contributing and working for the development of libre office ,i am
 interested in being a part of google summer of code 2013 ,and carry this
work forward ,as being a part of gsoc ,can u please help me  for moving
forward with the work .
thanks for helping .
LibreOffice mailing list

gsoc asspirant

2013-03-25 Thread alok s
Libre office team,
 i am a regular use of ubuntu ,and also a frequent user of
libre office ,there are many exceptional features ,present libre office
contain almost all the required features for the users ,but the creating of
slides and  presentation of slides ,is very naive and it must be improved
,for example to have a animated presentation of slides ,i am interested in
improvising it,and working on it ,i am very much interested to participate
in this years google summer of code , can u please help me ,to take this
work forward ,or any other work regarding ,libre office .
-thanks for helping
LibreOffice mailing list