Hi everyone,

I'm trying to develop a small gui in an XToolPanel.

I've read and followed example about xToolPanel in c++ and convert it to
java code with success, now I've my green panel displayed.

What I'm doing now is to add some control inside (like button). I can
add controls but they are all stacked on the top left edge of the panel,
all on the same place. 

I think that it must miss a container with some layout or fixed position
but the only container I've found in documentation and example is
unoControlDialog. With this, my button are correctly placed but in a
modal dialog and not in my panel.

I'm lost, I cannot see what's the way I should use. Could send me a
simple piece of code to add correctly a button inside a XToolPanel ?

The panel code can be read at http://pastebin.com/QfFx8TKQ.


Ludovic SMADJA

ludovic <ludovic.sma...@jalios.com>

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