Re: LibreOffice 7.1.5 : bug report

2021-09-09 Thread William Gathoye (LibreOffice)
Bonjour Pierre ou Lydie (vu que vous envoyez avec des identités 
différentes), pas facile de s'y retrouver. :/

Comme l'indique votre rapport d'erreur, vous avez un souci avec la 
bibliothèque ucrtbased.dll.

Cette lib vient de Windows, et d'après votre rapport, elle aurait été 
corrompue. Cette lib est un composant de base des applications écrites 
en langage C++ [0]. En toute logique, d'autres applications ne devraient 
pas bien se comporter non plus. Pour le coup, le souci ne provient pas 
de LibreOffice, mais Windows... de Microsoft donc...

Pour régler votre souci:
1) Assurer vous d'installer toutes les mises à jour via Windows Update
2) De réinstaller le Runtime C++ auquel ucrtbased.dll appartient. 
Fichiers vc_redist.x86.exe et vc_redist.x64.exe sur cette page -> [1]

En 2021, il ne serait plus judicieux de rester sous Windows 7 qui n'est 
plus pris en charge par Microsoft depuis janvier 2020 (dès lors sans 
correctifs de sécurité depuis plus d'un an); d'autant plus que Windows 
10 est gratuit pour tout possesseur de licence Windows à partir de 
Windows 7 (si toutefois vous souhaitez rester sur ce système 
d'exploitation -  des alternatives existent).

Excellente nuit/journée,


William Gathoye
Un contributeur qui apprécie déguster un bon rosbeef en plus d'en 
fréquenter au quotidien.

Re: RE : LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-09 Thread sophi
Le 09/09/2021 à 11:52, Lydie TREBUCHON a écrit :
> Je ne compte pas créer un compte pour envoyer un simple rapport de bug, c’est 
> plus votre problème que le mien.

Vous n'avez donc rien compris à ce qu'est le logiciel libre et open
source : un logiciel fait par les utilisateurs pour les utilisateurs.
Cette interaction est sa richesse et sa force.

> Concernant l’anglais, s’il n’y a pas d’équipe française dédiée au 
> développement de LibreOffice,
que les rosebeefs aillent se faire cuir un œuf. Ils n’ont qu’à traduire
eux-mêmes en anglais via leur logiciel favori.

Vos propos racistes n'ont pas lieu d'être au sein de notre communauté et
je vous renvoie au code de conduite de la fondation :
Merci de le respecter, nul ne vous oblige à utiliser notre logiciel s'il
ne vous convient pas, rien ne vous autorise à nous insulter.

Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation

Re: RE : LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-09 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure

Le 09/09/2021 à 11:52, Lydie TREBUCHON a écrit :
Je ne compte pas créer un compte pour envoyer un simple rapport de bug, c’est plus votre 
problème que le mien.

Concernant l’anglais, s’il n’y a pas d’équipe française dédiée au développement de 
LibreOffice, que les rosebeefs aillent se faire cuir un œuf. Ils n’ont qu’à traduire 
eux-mêmes en anglais via leur logiciel favori.

Vos insultes vous déshonorent et ôtent toute envie de vous aider.
Dommage, car il y a une possible idée de solution dans la 3e ligne de votre fichier config 

Bonne journée quand même.

English translation:
Your insults disgrace you and take away any desire to help you.
Too bad, because there is a possible solution idea in the 3rd line of your 
config pc.txt file.

Have a nice day anyway.

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.

RE : LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-09 Thread Lydie TREBUCHON
Je ne compte pas créer un compte pour envoyer un simple rapport de bug, c’est 
plus votre problème que le mien.
Concernant l’anglais, s’il n’y a pas d’équipe française dédiée au développement 
de LibreOffice, que les rosebeefs aillent se faire cuir un œuf. Ils n’ont qu’à 
traduire eux-mêmes en anglais via leur logiciel favori.

A bon entendeurs, salut.

Envoyé à partir de Courrier<> 
pour Windows

De : Jean-Baptiste Faure<>
Envoyé le :mercredi 8 septembre 2021 23:52
À :<>
Cc :<>
Objet :Re: LibreOffice : bug report

Bonjour Lydie,

Cette liste de discussion est dédiée aux échanges concernant le développement de
LibreOffice. Ces échanges doivent être conduits en anglais. Quant aux rapports 
de bug il
faut les faire sur le site dédié pour qu'ils puissent être traités efficacement 

Vous avez certainement un problème avec votre installation de LibreOffice. Pour 
obtenir de
l'aide, la bonne méthode est de vous adresser, en français, soit à la liste de 
francophone soit au forum AskLibo : Pensez à donner le maximum 
d'information sur la
machine utilisée, le système d'exploitation utilisé, la procédure 
d'installation réalisée.

English translation from :

Hello Lydie,

This discussion list is dedicated to exchanges concerning the development of 
These exchanges must be conducted in English. As for bug reports, they should 
be made  on
the dedicated site so that they can be processed efficiently:

You certainly have a problem with your LibreOffice installation. To get help, 
the best
method is to contact, in French, either the French-speaking discussion list or the AskLibo forum :
Remember to give as much information as possible about the machine you are 
using, the
operating system you are using and the installation procedure you have followed.

Best regards.

Le 07/09/2021 à 18:08, Lydie TREBUCHON a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre 
> Calc, je saisis
> des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.
> Rapport en pièce jointe.
> Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit disant 
> était revu et
> dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.
> Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !
> Cordialement,
> Pierre

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.

Re: LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-08 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure

Bonjour Lydie,

Cette liste de discussion est dédiée aux échanges concernant le développement de 
LibreOffice. Ces échanges doivent être conduits en anglais. Quant aux rapports de bug il 
faut les faire sur le site dédié pour qu'ils puissent être traités efficacement :

Vous avez certainement un problème avec votre installation de LibreOffice. Pour obtenir de 
l'aide, la bonne méthode est de vous adresser, en français, soit à la liste de discussion 
francophone soit au forum AskLibo : Pensez à donner le maximum d'information sur la 
machine utilisée, le système d'exploitation utilisé, la procédure d'installation réalisée.

English translation from :

Hello Lydie,

This discussion list is dedicated to exchanges concerning the development of LibreOffice. 
These exchanges must be conducted in English. As for bug reports, they should be made  on 
the dedicated site so that they can be processed efficiently:

You certainly have a problem with your LibreOffice installation. To get help, the best 
method is to contact, in French, either the French-speaking discussion list or the AskLibo forum : 
Remember to give as much information as possible about the machine you are using, the 
operating system you are using and the installation procedure you have followed.

Best regards.

Le 07/09/2021 à 18:08, Lydie TREBUCHON a écrit :


Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre Calc, je saisis 
des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.

Rapport en pièce jointe.

Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit disant était revu et 
dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.

Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !



Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.

LibreOffice 7.1.5 : bug report

2021-09-08 Thread Lydie TREBUCHON
Suite à vos conseils, j’ai installé la version 7.1.5 de LibreOffice sur mon 
ordinateur et figurez-vous que j’ai exactement le même bug
dont vous trouverez le rapport en pièce-jointe, ainsi que ma configuration 
Autre remarque : j’ai l’impression que les logos des icônes n’ont pas bougés 
depuis 20 ans. Ça vaudrait peut-être le coup de faire appel
à des infographistes professionnels pour avoir quelque chose au goût du jour 
(en utilisant l’argent des dons).

Voilà, c’était ma maigre contribution à la communauté du libre.

Dans l’attente de votre retour, très bonne continuation.

Bien Cordialement,

De : Regis Perdreau<>
Envoyé le :mardi 7 septembre 2021 23:54
Cc :<>
Objet :Re: LibreOffice : bug report


Je pense que vous feriez mieux de prendre la version 7.1.5 ici
version X64 probablement de nos jours ...
Vous avez pris une version qui peut etre qualifiée d'expérimentalr, des 
plantages sont possibles...c'est clairement expliqué.

Par contre effectivement, vous aideriez la communauté en explicitant comment 
vous avez réussi à obtenir le crash en question.
Les informations que vous avez récupèré ne permette pas directement d'obtenir 
la cause...

Régis Perdreau

Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 23:05, Lydie TREBUCHON>> a écrit :

Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre Calc, 
je saisis des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.
Rapport en pièce jointe.
Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit disant 
était revu et dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.
Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !


Signature du problème :
  Nom d’événement de problème:  APPCRASH
  Nom de l’application: soffice.bin
  Version de l’application:
  Horodatage de l’application:  60f30d57
  Nom du module par défaut: ucrtbase.DLL
  Version du module par défaut: 10.0.10240.16390
  Horodateur du module par défaut:  55a5b718
  Code de l’exception:  4015
  Décalage de l’exception:  00065a5f
  Version du système:   6.1.7601.
  Identificateur de paramètres régionaux:   1036
  Information supplémentaire n° 1:  3f1b
  Information supplémentaire n° 2:  3f1bb0b42f2868ebfb1bcc83f72390aa
  Information supplémentaire n° 3:  1caa
  Information supplémentaire n° 4:  1caaa000274b7300a2c74e24ad38990a

Lire notre déclaration de confidentialité en ligne :

Si la déclaration de confidentialité en ligne n’est pas disponible, lisez la 
version hors connexion :
Config PC micro ATX :

- Processeur AMD Phenom II X4 B50 3,1 Ghz (je n'ai que 3 coeurs d'actifs, le 
quatrième est HS)
- Carte mère micro ATX ASUS M4A88T-M/USB3
- Mémoire vive 4 Go DDR3 1333
- Carte graphique ATI RADEON HD 5770
- écran HP 24 pouces au format 16/10 (1920 * 1200)

avec Windows 7 pro 64 bits

RE : LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-08 Thread Lydie TREBUCHON
Bonjour et merci de votre retour,

Mais je confirme, un bug de cette nature d’entrée de jeu ça fait quand même 
peur car je ne suis pas allé chercher une nouvelle fonction,
j’ai tout simplement ouvert Calc (on s’aperçoit au passage que l’ouverture est 
carrément plus longue qu’il y a dix ans, à méditer), j’ai sélectionné une 
cellule, j’ai saisi des chiffres et taper Entrée. Et boum, plantage.

Je suis sur Windows 7 64 bits avec une carte graphique ATI HD 5770 en 1920 * 
1200 (format 16/10)

Sur vos conseils, je vais essayer la version 7.1.5 et essayer de vous faire un 


De : Regis Perdreau<>
Envoyé le :mardi 7 septembre 2021 23:54
Cc :<>
Objet :Re: LibreOffice : bug report


Je pense que vous feriez mieux de prendre la version 7.1.5 ici
version X64 probablement de nos jours ...
Vous avez pris une version qui peut etre qualifiée d'expérimentalr, des 
plantages sont possibles...c'est clairement expliqué.

Par contre effectivement, vous aideriez la communauté en explicitant comment 
vous avez réussi à obtenir le crash en question.
Les informations que vous avez récupèré ne permette pas directement d'obtenir 
la cause...

Régis Perdreau

Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 23:05, Lydie TREBUCHON>> a écrit :

Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre Calc, 
je saisis des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.
Rapport en pièce jointe.
Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit disant 
était revu et dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.
Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !


Re: LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-07 Thread Regis Perdreau

Je pense que vous feriez mieux de prendre la version 7.1.5 ici
version X64 probablement de nos jours ...
Vous avez pris une version qui peut etre qualifiée d'expérimentalr, des
plantages sont possibles...c'est clairement expliqué.

Par contre effectivement, vous aideriez la communauté en explicitant
comment vous avez réussi à obtenir le crash en question.
Les informations que vous avez récupèré ne permette pas directement
d'obtenir la cause...

Régis Perdreau

Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 23:05, Lydie TREBUCHON 
a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre
> Calc, je saisis des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.
> Rapport en pièce jointe.
> Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit
> disant était revu et dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.
> Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !
> Cordialement,
> Pierre

LibreOffice : bug report

2021-09-07 Thread Lydie TREBUCHON

Voici le bug que j’ai malheureusement sur mon ordinateur lorsque j’ouvre Calc, 
je saisis des chiffres dans une cellule et je fais Entrée.
Rapport en pièce jointe.
Ça fait peur pour un logiciel à peine installé et dont le code a soit disant 
était revu et dépoussiéré. C’est à vous dégoûter du libre.
Microsoft a encore de beau jours devant lui !


Signature du problème :
  Nom d’événement de problème:  APPCRASH
  Nom de l’application: soffice.bin
  Version de l’application:
  Horodatage de l’application:  611afbde
  Nom du module par défaut: ucrtbase.DLL
  Version du module par défaut: 10.0.10240.16390
  Horodateur du module par défaut:  55a5b718
  Code de l’exception:  4015
  Décalage de l’exception:  00065a5f
  Version du système:   6.1.7601.
  Identificateur de paramètres régionaux:   1036
  Information supplémentaire n° 1:  3f1b
  Information supplémentaire n° 2:  3f1bb0b42f2868ebfb1bcc83f72390aa
  Information supplémentaire n° 3:  802c
  Information supplémentaire n° 4:  802c63bd84c0c638c08b921fdf73

Re: Impress .ODP Bug Report

2019-11-06 Thread Ilmari Lauhakangas

Eduardo Puchalski kirjoitti 6.11.2019 klo 21.31:
Hello, I am Eduardo, a TI support worker, Brazil. An administrative 
worker was doing a presentation on LibreOffice Impress, a boss told my 
co-worker to change from LibreOffice to MicrosoftOffice on the 
administration computer, he made this change this morning, simply 
uninstalled Libre and installed Microsoft. After that, the extension in 
the file changed from .ODP to .OPD. .OPD is a very uncommon extension 
and we don't deal with nothing related to it. I tried to "restore" the 
file but I do not succeeded yet. Could you please help me with this matter?
Thank you. I support free software and even have some ideas for 
LibreOffice interface.

This is a developer mailing list. Please use the Usuários list in pt-br 
language instead:

LibreOffice mailing list

Impress .ODP Bug Report

2019-11-06 Thread Eduardo Puchalski
Hello, I am Eduardo, a TI support worker, Brazil. An administrative worker
was doing a presentation on LibreOffice Impress, a boss told my co-worker
to change from LibreOffice to MicrosoftOffice on the administration
computer, he made this change this morning, simply uninstalled Libre and
installed Microsoft. After that, the extension in the file changed from
.ODP to .OPD. .OPD is a very uncommon extension and we don't deal with
nothing related to it. I tried to "restore" the file but I do not succeeded
yet. Could you please help me with this matter?
Thank you. I support free software and even have some ideas for LibreOffice
LibreOffice mailing list

Seeking participants for a recommendation tool(bug report assignment) study

2019-03-18 Thread Devaiya, Disha
Hello Everyone,

My name is Disha Devaiya. I am a computer science graduate student at the
University of Lethbridge in Canada. I am here to invite you to participate
in a research study about a tool for creating a recommender that will help
with bug report assignment.

We are looking for 30 experienced software developers, bug triggers or
quality assurance persons to participate in the study. A candidate must
have more than 3 years of experience in software development or bug
triaging or quality assurance. The research is scheduled to be open from
March 25, 2019 to April 7, 2019. By completing this research study, you
will have a chance to win a $25 CAD Amazon gift card (odds of winning are 1
in 5). At the end of the survey, you’ll be asked to give your email address
to enter the draw.

Participation in the study involves three parts:

   1. Completing an initial survey asking about prior experience. This
   portion is expected to take 5 minutes.
   2. Participants will work with a CASTR tool. Participants will be asked
   to create recommenders with different settings and different machine
   learning algorithms. This activity is expected to take a maximum of 1 hour.
   3. The last part involves completion of a post survey questionnaire
   expected to take 15 minutes.

Your participation in the study will require the use of a laptop or desktop
computer with internet access. The study is not designed to be done on a
mobile device. You can withdraw from the study at any time.

If you are interested in participating, contact Disha Devaiya ( with the details of your work experience like open
source projects you worked on, and technologies. The selected candidate
will receive an email to participate in the study with unique Study Id, the
detailed guideline to create recommenders using CASTR and survey link.

Thank you for your time. If you would like more information about the
survey or how the data will be used, please contact
This research has been reviewed for ethical acceptability and approved by
the University of Lethbridge Human Subject Research Committee.

Thank You,
Disha Devaiya
Mathematics & Computer Science
University of Lethbridge
LibreOffice mailing list

Bug Report

2018-02-12 Thread noreply
Hello, I'm a Libreoffice. I'ts just for reporting a bug in LibreOffice 
for Debian based systems (running on Elementary OS -> Ubuntu 16.04). 
There is a problem in the returning from the edition of an OLE object, 
when press scape, LibreOffice crashes, also in secure mode. It also 
fails to insert special characters in OLE mode.

LibreOffice mailing list

Bug Report

2016-06-30 Thread Sam Mazza

Sorry having to email to all of you, I did not see a bug report email address.

See attached png.  When typing the word rennovation (2 n's), right click to 
correct, spell-checking changes the R to an O and offers "oenovation".   When 
selecting that, this, the correct spelling (with R) is inserted in the doc.

Win10 (64bit) on Dell

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Tip: Ever want to make private notes on a bug report?

2016-01-12 Thread Eike Rathke
Hi Robinson,

On Saturday, 2016-01-09 14:06:34 -0600, Robinson Tryon wrote:

> > Btw, can the tags list be edited somehow?
> Not that I'm aware of.
> > Unfortunately it is also not
> > possible to set tags in a mass change, in all bugs of a search result.
> Correct. I feel like that one might be a bit easier to implement than
> the former feature. Is bulk-update something that you'd find very
> useful, or just a nice-to-have?

Just nice, with that it would be possible to move a bunch of issues to
another tag (or remove the tag), but for that it would even better to be
able to remove the then unused tag from the suggestion list ;)


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
GPG key "ID" 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918  630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A
Better use 64-bit 0x6A6CD5B765632D3A here is why:
Care about Free Software, support the FSFE

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Bugzilla Tip: Ever want to make private notes on a bug report?

2016-01-09 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Eike Rathke  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday, 2016-01-07 17:00:20 -0600, Robinson Tryon wrote:
>> If any of you have ever wanted to make a private note on a bug report,
>> feel free to use the 'Tags' field. The content in there is only
>> viewable to you, and editing that field won't send email to any other
>> users (so don't be shy about tagging up bugs with your notes!)
> Caveat though, that field is really meant as a tags field and not free
> from text. Everything you enter there ends up in a tags list and
> is suggested for further entries, tags are comma separated.

Ah yes, it does have auto-suggestions, although (in my personal
application of the field) I often just ignore them :P

> I'd not use
> that for private comments. The tags system helps though to classify bugs
> according to a personal schema.
> Btw, can the tags list be edited somehow?

Not that I'm aware of.

> Unfortunately it is also not
> possible to set tags in a mass change, in all bugs of a search result.

Correct. I feel like that one might be a bit easier to implement than
the former feature. Is bulk-update something that you'd find very
useful, or just a nice-to-have?


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
QA Bug Wrangler, TDF
802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Bugzilla Tip: Ever want to make private notes on a bug report?

2016-01-08 Thread Eike Rathke

On Thursday, 2016-01-07 17:00:20 -0600, Robinson Tryon wrote:

> If any of you have ever wanted to make a private note on a bug report,
> feel free to use the 'Tags' field. The content in there is only
> viewable to you, and editing that field won't send email to any other
> users (so don't be shy about tagging up bugs with your notes!)

Caveat though, that field is really meant as a tags field and not free
from text. Everything you enter there ends up in a tags list and
is suggested for further entries, tags are comma separated. I'd not use
that for private comments. The tags system helps though to classify bugs
according to a personal schema.

Btw, can the tags list be edited somehow? Unfortunately it is also not
possible to set tags in a mass change, in all bugs of a search result.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
GPG key "ID" 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918  630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A
Better use 64-bit 0x6A6CD5B765632D3A here is why:
Care about Free Software, support the FSFE

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Bugzilla Tip: Ever want to make private notes on a bug report?

2016-01-07 Thread Robinson Tryon
Hi all,

Here's a handy tip to help you get the most out of using our Bugzilla instance:

If any of you have ever wanted to make a private note on a bug report,
feel free to use the 'Tags' field. The content in there is only
viewable to you, and editing that field won't send email to any other
users (so don't be shy about tagging up bugs with your notes!)

You can query on the field just like searching the Whiteboard (look
under 'Custom Search') , so I've personally used the Tags field to
keep track of things like repro needs, people whom I've poked about
fixing a particular bug, or bugs that need some cleanup help.

It's really nice to be able to keep my notes associated directly with
bug reports instead of keeping them in a separate document or external
list. Because you're the only one who will see it, you can keep the
notes as messy or as tidy as you like!


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
QA Bug Wrangler, TDF
802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: .ODS to .XLSX File conversion bug report

2015-04-24 Thread Ramon Tavarez
Thanks for the information.

*Ramón E. Tavárez B.*

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Robinson Tryon 

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:50 AM, RamonTavarez 
> wrote:
> > The file attached is an .ODS file (1,976 KB).  When seved as  .XLSX file
> it
> > expands to more than 15 MB.
> >
> > If the new .XLSX files is oppened with MSOffice 2013 it will ask for
> > recovery of information within the file,  after that if we save the
> > recovered file to the same file type (.XLSX) the file shrinks to 2,393KB.
> Hi Ramon,
> This mailing list is for discussion of code and programming changes to
> LibreOffice. Your best bet with this issue is to start by filing a bug
> report in Bugzilla and attaching the original ODS and re-saved files
> (I think the 15MB file might be too large an attachment, but the
> MS-Office-saved XLSX should fit):
> Once the bug is filed, QA will be happy to help triage and (attempt
> to) confirm your bug report. if you're interested in delving-into the
> code and helping to determine why LibreOffice is saving much larger
> files than MS-Office, please post on this mailing list or the
> #libreoffice-dev channel on Freenode IRC.
> Thanks,
> --R
> --
> Robinson Tryon
> QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
> LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
> 802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: .ODS to .XLSX File conversion bug report

2015-04-24 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:50 AM, RamonTavarez  wrote:
> The file attached is an .ODS file (1,976 KB).  When seved as  .XLSX file it
> expands to more than 15 MB.
> If the new .XLSX files is oppened with MSOffice 2013 it will ask for
> recovery of information within the file,  after that if we save the
> recovered file to the same file type (.XLSX) the file shrinks to 2,393KB.

Hi Ramon,
This mailing list is for discussion of code and programming changes to
LibreOffice. Your best bet with this issue is to start by filing a bug
report in Bugzilla and attaching the original ODS and re-saved files
(I think the 15MB file might be too large an attachment, but the
MS-Office-saved XLSX should fit):

Once the bug is filed, QA will be happy to help triage and (attempt
to) confirm your bug report. if you're interested in delving-into the
code and helping to determine why LibreOffice is saving much larger
files than MS-Office, please post on this mailing list or the
#libreoffice-dev channel on Freenode IRC.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode
LibreOffice mailing list

.ODS to .XLSX File conversion bug report

2015-04-24 Thread RamonTavarez
*Original post on Users*:


I've experienced the following issue:

The file attached is an .ODS file (1,976 KB).  When seved as  .XLSX file it
expands to more than 15 MB.

If the new .XLSX files is oppened with MSOffice 2013 it will ask for
recovery of information within the file,  after that if we save the
recovered file to the same file type (.XLSX) the file shrinks to 2,393KB.



Here is the .XLS file saved with MSOffice 2013:


*Cley Faye wrote:*

/Discussion about open formats aside, I've looked at the file and it looks 
like when saving as xlsx each sheet grow huge (some goes to ~20MB before 

Could you also post the xlsx file obtained when saving with MSO, for 
comparison? My guess is that either LO saves *a lot* of empty/dummy cells, 
or that it saves in an older xlsx format that is less compact. 

btw this is only a "by curiosity" request, but it could help the dev 
pinpoint an issue if my first guess is correct. /

*Once I posted the file requested, that Cley added:*

/That's interesting. Examining the beginning of one of the "big" sheets in 
both case, we see that LibreOffice is *very* verbose with what it save. If 
I understand it correctly, LO save informations about *every* cells, 
including empty ones. Which is very odd, since it does not do it with 
*every* sheets. 

This does not explain why MSO have to "repair" the files though. Maybe the 
devs would be interested in this test case. /

*TomD recommended:*

/Hi :) 
Good work there.  Thanks for taking it to the next level Cley!  Nicely done 

Posting a bug-report might be a good idea?  Ramon can you do that? 
Regards from 
Tom :) 

I hope  this can help to solve any bug and  enhance  LibO.


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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-31 Thread Eike Rathke
Hi Lionel,

On Wednesday, 2015-01-28 21:34:28 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

> 3) The FreeDesktop bugzilla had a nice shortcut of putting only the
>bug number, for example
>Please enable the same shortcut on the TDF Bugzilla.

Btw, what I'm using is a Firefox QuickSearch, i.e. setup to Keywordf tdf
and Location so
in the browser's URL line I just have to enter  tdf 72267


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-31 Thread Robinson Tryon
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:34 PM, Lionel Elie Mamane  wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) There doesn't seem to be a project/component on Bugzilla for
>problems with the bugzilla installation.

Set category to 'Bugzilla'

(I don't know how to format a file-a-bug URL that contains the category yet)

> 3) The FreeDesktop bugzilla had a nice shortcut of putting only the
>bug number, for example
>Please enable the same shortcut on the TDF Bugzilla.
"Bugzilla: Use as url-shortener"

Lionel: If you sign up on redmine, you can then add yourself as a
watcher to that bug report.


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-29 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:06:59PM +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 09:34:28PM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

>> 1) There doesn't seem to be a project/component on Bugzilla for
>>problems with the bugzilla installation.

>> 2) Component ci-integration should maybe migrate off "LibreOffice"
>>into its own, or together with the above or into an "infra" project
>>or something like that? I admit that this is debatable.

> Both are valid points. However, TDF infrastructure has:


I completely forgot about our redmine...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:01:55AM +0100, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> > To make 3/ more bearable, we should likely close and move all infra and
> > ci-integration issues to Redmine.
> >
> And then remove those categories.
> > It might also possibly be helpful to have a
> > bot that:
> >
> With the above, we wouldn't need that. ;)

True, but a it would also mean developers/triagers would to get Redmine-account
to e.g. report a downtime, which is a barrier.

But Im agreeing that should such a script not magically materialize out of thin
air (which is likely), simply removing that stuff from Bugzilla would be the
right thing to do.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-29 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> To make 3/ more bearable, we should likely close and move all infra and
> ci-integration issues to Redmine.
And then remove those categories.

> It might also possibly be helpful to have a
> bot that:
With the above, we wouldn't need that. ;)


-- Thorsten

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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 09:34:28PM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> 1) There doesn't seem to be a project/component on Bugzilla for
>problems with the bugzilla installation.
> 2) Component ci-integration should maybe migrate off "LibreOffice"
>into its own, or together with the above or into an "infra" project
>or something like that? I admit that this is debatable.

Both are valid points. However, TDF infrastructure has:

IMHO these are the options:
1/ Infra tracking issues on both Bugzilla and on Redmine.
   There is no way in which this can be a desireable scenario.
2/ Infra tracking issues only on Bugzilla. For someone working in dev or QA
   certainly desirable as we use Bugzilla. However, the infra team seems to
   prefer Redmine over Bugzilla and we wouldnt close Redmine as a lot more
   subprojects are using it.
3/ Infra tracking issues only on Redmine. Certainly not ideal, but IMHO the
   best and most realistic option given how this grew historically.

To make 3/ more bearable, we should likely close and move all infra and
ci-integration issues to Redmine. It might also possibly be helpful to have a
bot that:
 a/ Scans for new ci-integration and infra bugs
 b/ Creates Redmine tickets from them (e.g. via the email interface of Redmine)
 c/ links to the Redmine ticket on Bugzilla and closes the bug on Bugzilla as

Anyone writing such scripting is welcome, I guess.

See also:


LibreOffice mailing list

TDF bugzilla bug report

2015-01-28 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane

1) There doesn't seem to be a project/component on Bugzilla for
   problems with the bugzilla installation.

2) Component ci-integration should maybe migrate off "LibreOffice"
   into its own, or together with the above or into an "infra" project
   or something like that? I admit that this is debatable.

3) The FreeDesktop bugzilla had a nice shortcut of putting only the
   bug number, for example

   Please enable the same shortcut on the TDF Bugzilla.

LibreOffice mailing list

Help with bug report from user using UNO Reflection API

2014-06-02 Thread Jay Philips
Hi All,

A user has submitted a bug report < > regarding
problems he's having accessing input fields in LibO through the UNO
Reflection API, so if someone has some free time to respond to him, that
would be great.

Jay Philips

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-qa] 10,000th Bug Report!

2012-10-08 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Mon, Oct 08, 2012 at 10:30:30PM +0200, Nino Novak wrote:
> Isn't it just the maximum number of bugs bugzilla lets you export in a normal 
> query?
> AFAIR I counted ~14k Bugs a couple of days ago.


Given that we inherited 20 years of project history, it is pretty amazing that
55% are in RESOLVED/VERIFIED/CLOSED (and 80% of those critical or worse).


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: 10,000th Bug Report!

2012-10-08 Thread Joel Madero

On 10/08/2012 01:30 PM, Nino Novak wrote:

Am 08.10.2012 19:43 schrieb Joel Madero:

I just randomly did a pull on FDO of all bugs reported under LibO and saw that
we've hit the 10,000 (exactly) number.


Isn't it just the maximum number of bugs bugzilla lets you export in a normal 


AFAIR I counted ~14k Bugs a couple of days ago.
yes yes ;) I did notice that when I saw the latest one in May. So, we 
hit 10,000 in May :) and nowhopefully our next milestone is "we 
fixed 10,000 bugs" :)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: 10,000th Bug Report!

2012-10-08 Thread Nino Novak
Am 08.10.2012 19:43 schrieb Joel Madero:
> I just randomly did a pull on FDO of all bugs reported under LibO and saw that
> we've hit the 10,000 (exactly) number. 


Isn't it just the maximum number of bugs bugzilla lets you export in a normal 


AFAIR I counted ~14k Bugs a couple of days ago.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: 10,000th Bug Report!

2012-10-08 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2012-10-08 at 10:43 -0700, Joel Madero wrote:
> I just randomly did a pull on FDO of all bugs reported under LibO and 
> saw that we've hit the 10,000 (exactly) number. I know it's strange to 
> celebrate bug reports but that's a pretty cool milestone as it means our 
> users are reporting and probably our user base is growing :)

Yep - nice work fighting the tide there :-) and judging by the
increasing downloads, yes our user-base continues to grow apace.

Good stuff,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

10,000th Bug Report!

2012-10-08 Thread Joel Madero
I just randomly did a pull on FDO of all bugs reported under LibO and 
saw that we've hit the 10,000 (exactly) number. I know it's strange to 
celebrate bug reports but that's a pretty cool milestone as it means our 
users are reporting and probably our user base is growing :)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Can I send bug report?

2011-07-06 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Wed, 2011-07-06 at 05:52 -0700, vales wrote:
> Hi!
> I have .doc file created with MS Word. It opens fine in Writer 3.3 (and in
> MS Word too), but doesn't open in Writer 3.4.0 and 3.4.1. ...
> Can I send bug report on this issue?

Log it in bugzilla: see


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Can I send bug report?

2011-07-06 Thread vales
I have .doc file created with MS Word. It opens fine in Writer 3.3 (and in
MS Word too), but doesn't open in Writer 3.4.0 and 3.4.1.
Writer 3.4.0/3.4.1 freezes at converting stage with gray window and full
progressbar in the bottom of window and not responds.
Strange that Writer 3.3 opens this file normally.
Can I send bug report on this issue?

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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Bug report (external links in libreoffice)

2011-03-18 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Rafael,

Open Office píše v Čt 17. 03. 2011 v 14:44 -0300:

> I'm sending this email to report a serious error that this occurring
> with formulas that contain external links, 504 error occurs. For
> example: SUM, COUNT etc.

Please read , unfortunately
your report contains nearly no information, and this mailing list is not
a good place for bug reports either, so we cannot do anything about
that, sorry.


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Bug report (external links in libreoffice)

2011-03-17 Thread Open Office

Friends, Good afternoon!!!

First thanks for your attention!

My name is Rafael, i´m from Brazil. I'm sending this email to report a 
serious error that this occurring with formulas that contain external 
links, 504 error occurs. For example: SUM, COUNT etc.

Because of this error had to suspend the use of LibreOffice in our company.

Thank you very much for your commitment and attention, and I hope that 
this error be corrected as soon as possible, because we love and we pass 
the LibreOffice between people as a great alternative.

Thank You!
Rafael Godoi

LibreOffice mailing list