On 09/23/2014 10:22 AM, nthieb...@gmail.com wrote:
  Box name: MacOSX-10.8@21-10.7SDK
  Branch: master
  "starttime": 1411460403
  Machine: Darwin Norberts-Mac-mini.local 12.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0: 
Sun Sep 29 13:33:47 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
  Configured with: --with-external-tar=/lo/lo_external_tar

  Commits since the last success:

  ==== core ====
   6b894d1  Test HTML export of images & image properties.

  The error is:
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 38
- Actual  : 28
- Attribute 'hspace' of '/html/body/p/a/font/img' incorrect value.

/lo/master_tb/test/source/xmltesttools.cxx:82: Assertion
Test name: testExportImageProperties::Import_Export
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 38
- Actual  : 28
- Attribute 'hspace' of '/html/body/p/a/font/img' incorrect value.

My local Mac builds produce a temp HTML file containing (splitting long line for readability)

  name="Text" alt="Four colors" align="middle" hspace="43" vspace="22"
  width="254" height="254" border="3" usemap="#map1"/>

where none of the hspace, vspace, width, and height attributes' values match the expected values from sw/qa/extras/htmlexport/htmlexport.cxx.

Tomaž, can you have a look what's going on there, whether the test code or the code under test needs to be adapted?

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