GSoC - Weekly Report - #6 - Table styles

2021-07-19 Thread Balázs Sántha
Dear Community!

This week I was able to finish the annoying bug, which caused the loss of
page break properties of tables, when the user applied a table style on the
table. The problem was that, the function which was called when applying a
style, overrid the page break properties of the table, with the the stored
properties in the table style. As these two properties in the styles are
not really used, and can not be modified, (as there is no UI for that), my
mentor suggested that the easiest way to prevent this problem was to delete
these break properties and its uses from the table style. I could almost
completely remove them, except, some local variable must be kept, because
of file format issues. (The autoformat table styles are stored in a binary
file, so to be able to read and write, the offset of the subsequent items
must not be changed.) I also wrote a test for this.
The patch can be seen here:

Also I started to see, what is done and what is not in the
feature/table-style branch, didn't get far, but will continue the work this

I was also working on the optimization of the table import, which probably
will speed up the opening time by 20%. I had an implementation, which
seemed good, but it failed some tests, so I need to investigate the problem
a bit more.
The ongoing patch can be seen here:

This week I try to finish this optimization, and give a summary of the
table-style branch.

If you have any questions, ideas, thoughts or suggestions, please share
with me!

Balázs Sántha, santhab
LibreOffice mailing list

GSoC Weekly Report #6 - Table Styles

2016-07-04 Thread Jakub Trzebiatowski

Hello community,

This week I was still working on importing of cell styles. Made basic
sw_odfexport test, and implemented two new log areas: sw.xml, xmloff.table.

I don't know yet how to do a import and export of text/paragraph style of a
table cell. I think about creating temporary paragraph styles named same as
cell styles. Create them just for export of table template, then delete.

In parallel I started to think about the UI. Firstly, I want to focus on 

table autoformat dialog.

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