Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-05 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi Samuel, hi Ivan, all!

Am Montag, den 04.04.2011, 22:57 +0100 schrieb Samuel Atkins:
 On 04/04/2011 11:14 AM, Ivan M. wrote:
 I do have one question though: would the submitted form
  actually submit a bug report in Bugzilla, or would it get sent to
  someone for moderation/confirmation?


 I think the plan was to have it submit directly to bugzilla, but it
 may well be beneficial to have some sort of moderation. 

I don't know whether this had been discussed already - but I think
Bugzilla itself may be the tool to do the moderation (unconfirmed --
confirmed). But then it'll be helpful to identify where the bug came
from ... maybe adding a keyword like BugFromSimpleBugForm that enables
filtering? E.g. for letting QA focus on such issues, or even doing some
statistics (e.g. how many of these bugs turned into duplicates). Last
year, I've attended a very nice research talk that dealed with Mozilla
bug reports and their reporters.

Just by 2 cents. Thank you both for working on that!


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-04 Thread Ivan M.
Hi all,

Well, I didn't get enough time to make a mockup, but I do have a
number of suggestions, as I hinted yesterday, so I'll run through them

I would envision taking the existing steps (with a few tweaks here and
there) and turning them into a step-by-step wizard-like experience
with each step sliding in and out from right to left as it is
completed. So, for 'LibreOffice crashes', there would be a separate
screen for 'when does LibreOffice crash,' 'Operating System,' etc -
maybe with a progress bar to show the user's progress through the
process. I think this kind of simplicity and feedback would be a
user-friendly way of making this 'technical' process accessible (this
would also mean providing help and hints - e.g. how to take a
screenshot). I do have one question though: would the submitted form
actually submit a bug report in Bugzilla, or would it get sent to
someone for moderation/confirmation?

The first step would be to search for similar bugs. IIRC this is (or
was) a mandatory step when submitting a Ubuntu bug on Launchpad, and
it might help us to do the same. I realize that this is a careful
balancing act - making it easy and simple for the end user in order to
increase participation, but also not flooding the QA team with poor
quality time wasting reports. So, step 1 for me would be that -
perhaps in an iframe so that we can offer a link the user can click if
they can't find their bug (so that they can proceed)

A good number of these steps involve users submitting data, and I
think there should be more disclaimers around that (e.g. please be
sure to remove any private or personally identifiable information). We
should also inform the person about what's going to happen to their
material - will it be available online for others to examine? If so,
there may be potential copyright issues.

Concerning 'LibreOffice is hard to use', it may be difficult to
differentiate between a bug report and a feature request - is it a
feature or a bug? We could simply forward these reports (since they
could contain very valuable data) to people who are involved with UX
(i.e., Christoph's mailbox :P) where that decision can be made more
easily. Potential differentiators could include 'LibreOffice doesn't
do what I expect,' 'I find it difficult to use a particular feature,'
and one or two others.

With website feedback, the range of possible problems could involve
display issues, broken links, trouble downloading, typos (if we want
to be pedantic - maybe 'wording' might be a better term since it could
cover cultural/language issues, or instances where something is not
clear) and perhaps (if applicable) user account issues with LibO
websites (for now I can only think of the wiki - sure, we have
Silverstripe logins, but only for people who have a reasonable idea of
what they're doing).

I hope this 'brain dump' helps a little - I think this is something
that will steer LibO and its user in the right direction (especially
if we include a link to this from within LibO).


On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Ivan M. wrote:
 Hi Christoph, Samuel all,

 Hey, this is pretty cool! :)

 On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Christoph Noack 
 I CCed Ivan who might add his thoughts here ... and there. I know that
 he's pretty busy at the moment (changes in his private life), but maybe
 he'll be able to spend some minutes.

 Ah. the private lives of LibO community contributors :) Although I now
 need to improve my free-time management, things like this definitely
 get my attention (eventually - sorry for the late response).

 Actually, any graphical mock-ups of how it should look would be useful,
 if anyone fancies giving it a go. :) It's fairly ugly right now.

 Hoping for Ivan ;-) If he lacks the time, then we'll CC design / website
 list. Personally, I fear that I'll be unable to help here, since my
 private life changes as well - spending time for LibO gets more
 difficult :-)

 I'd like to enhance the design by making it even more simple with
 one-step-at-a-time logic. I'll try to provide a low-fi mockup tomorrow
 as right now I'm reading through the backlog of LibO emails (a
 constant battle). jQuery could help here with some nice transitions
 that make the process (dare I say it) enjoyable. I'll think about it
 some more in the meantime, but will definitely try to have something
 done tomorrow.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-04 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Ivan,

Glad you found some time to have a think about this. :-)

On 04/04/2011 11:14 AM, Ivan M. wrote:

I would envision taking the existing steps (with a few tweaks here and
there) and turning them into a step-by-step wizard-like experience
with each step sliding in and out from right to left as it is
completed. So, for 'LibreOffice crashes', there would be a separate
screen for 'when does LibreOffice crash,' 'Operating System,' etc -
maybe with a progress bar to show the user's progress through the
process. I think this kind of simplicity and feedback would be a
user-friendly way of making this 'technical' process accessible (this
would also mean providing help and hints - e.g. how to take a
screenshot). I do have one question though: would the submitted form
actually submit a bug report in Bugzilla, or would it get sent to
someone for moderation/confirmation?
Cool idea! I've quickly had a go at a mockup myself (I happen to have 
just written a scrolly thing, so it was pretty simple. :-) ) which is 
located here:
There are some stub slides in there showing how it could work well even 
when branching (different sets of questions based on problem type, etc). 
It already feels very nice, and much simpler. :-)

I think the plan was to have it submit directly to bugzilla, but it may 
well be beneficial to have some sort of moderation.

The first step would be to search for similar bugs. IIRC this is (or
was) a mandatory step when submitting a Ubuntu bug on Launchpad, and
it might help us to do the same. I realize that this is a careful
balancing act - making it easy and simple for the end user in order to
increase participation, but also not flooding the QA team with poor
quality time wasting reports. So, step 1 for me would be that -
perhaps in an iframe so that we can offer a link the user can click if
they can't find their bug (so that they can proceed)
Not sure about how to make it mandatory (probably possible to an extent 
though). I haven't put the iframe in yet, but that's more because I was 
busy playing with the other stuff. :-)

A good number of these steps involve users submitting data, and I
think there should be more disclaimers around that (e.g. please be
sure to remove any private or personally identifiable information). We
should also inform the person about what's going to happen to their
material - will it be available online for others to examine? If so,
there may be potential copyright issues.
Should be fine to include it every time data has to be submitted now, as 
it'll still only be one per slide, so not that cluttered.

Concerning 'LibreOffice is hard to use', it may be difficult to
differentiate between a bug report and a feature request - is it a
feature or a bug? We could simply forward these reports (since they
could contain very valuable data) to people who are involved with UX
(i.e., Christoph's mailbox :P) where that decision can be made more
easily. Potential differentiators could include 'LibreOffice doesn't
do what I expect,' 'I find it difficult to use a particular feature,'
and one or two others.
Forwarding should be simple enough, yeah. Though if stuff is moderated, 
maybe it wouldn't need to distinguish between bugs and feature requests?

With website feedback, the range of possible problems could involve
display issues, broken links, trouble downloading, typos (if we want
to be pedantic - maybe 'wording' might be a better term since it could
cover cultural/language issues, or instances where something is not
clear) and perhaps (if applicable) user account issues with LibO
websites (for now I can only think of the wiki - sure, we have
Silverstripe logins, but only for people who have a reasonable idea of
what they're doing).
Sure. I think with this and the 'hard to use' category, it'll be a while 
until stuff has to be properly nailed-down, so there's no rush. I'll 
probably have to chat with some QA people at some point, see what kind 
of bugs generally come-up.

I hope this 'brain dump' helps a little - I think this is something
that will steer LibO and its user in the right direction (especially
if we include a link to this from within LibO).

Sure! Very helpful. :D And it's always good to have a fresh view on 
things. But yeah, I'm very pleased with the wizard idea. :-)

Thanks again,

~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-03 Thread Ivan M.
Hi Christoph, Samuel all,

Hey, this is pretty cool! :)

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Christoph Noack wrote:
 I CCed Ivan who might add his thoughts here ... and there. I know that
 he's pretty busy at the moment (changes in his private life), but maybe
 he'll be able to spend some minutes.

Ah. the private lives of LibO community contributors :) Although I now
need to improve my free-time management, things like this definitely
get my attention (eventually - sorry for the late response).

 Actually, any graphical mock-ups of how it should look would be useful,
 if anyone fancies giving it a go. :) It's fairly ugly right now.

 Hoping for Ivan ;-) If he lacks the time, then we'll CC design / website
 list. Personally, I fear that I'll be unable to help here, since my
 private life changes as well - spending time for LibO gets more
 difficult :-)

I'd like to enhance the design by making it even more simple with
one-step-at-a-time logic. I'll try to provide a low-fi mockup tomorrow
as right now I'm reading through the backlog of LibO emails (a
constant battle). jQuery could help here with some nice transitions
that make the process (dare I say it) enjoyable. I'll think about it
some more in the meantime, but will definitely try to have something
done tomorrow.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-30 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Christoph,

Sorry about taking a while to reply. I'm dangerously close to actually 
having a life, hence disruption. ;-)

On 28/03/2011 9:49 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:

Hi Sam!

That already looks *amazing* ... especially the thoughtful textual
descriptions - thanks for your hard work.

Nevertheless, I played a bit with the site and came up with some stuff -
mostly minor things or questions. And - as always - skip those items
that might have been mis-interpreted on my side. Or just tell me (even

   * If people (like me) look through some of the options, then most
 of the stuff gets saved, although options are not shown. I don't
 know whether this may be a problem, but maybe options that
 exclude each other are saved at the end.
Yeah, I need to find a way of resetting things. Doable, just probably 

   * I'm not sure whether I missed it, but might it be helpful to ask
 (also for the Search) for the version of LibreOffice? Or is this
 page opened via a link from LibO that automatically pre-selects
 the required version?
I'd completely forgotten about versions! I'll add a question for it, and 
a help text.

Section Search for Similar Bugs: What shall people do who find similar
looking bugs? Something like If yes, then it is likely that we are
already working on resolving it. To me, it looks more promising ;-)

Sure! And thanks. :-)

Section File a New Bug

   * Chatroom: How about adding this to the top of the page? Then all
 help related stuff is grouped - and the chat might already be
 helpful for searching for bugs.

Good idea.

   * LibreOffice crashes
   * When does LibreOffice crash?: Here, it seems that you
 place all the options directly below the currently
 selected radio button. In other place, you place the new
 content below the group of radio buttons. The latter one
 seems the preferred version, since it avoids jumping of
 the page, and causing large gaps between the single
 radio buttons.
I hadn't done that consciously, but yeah, I can see how having new 
things after would be clearer. :-)

   * Which operating system have you found the crash on?:
   * How about Windows --  Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
 X --  Apple Mac OS X

Sure. Thanks for pointing that out. :-)

   * Linux:
   * Type in Please follow th*g*ese
Typo (and the other one later): oops! I should use a text editor with a 
spell checker.

   * Is the backtrack mandatory? If not, it
 would be great if we could mention
 it ... otherwise it might.
Hmmm. I'm not sure. It could be too complicated a thing to force people 
to do.

   * Another potential OS
   * Sorry, I don't get the meaning of
 potential in this case.
   * Might it be helpful to ask for the tag
 line in the about box? I'm not sure
 whether it already contains the OS name,
 but we talked about it some time ago.
Sorry, this section was meant to be a placeholder for other OS sections, 
I didn't make that clear enough. From the download page it seems that LO 
is only available on Windows, Mac and Linux, but I expect there are 
probably others (and will be in the future). Then again, for now it 
would probably be better to have a box to enter the name of a different OS.
The OS doesn't appear in 'about' in 3.3.2, which is what I'm running, so 
I can't say whether it's in yet! But it sounds useful.

   * Which operating system have you found the crash on?
   * Placeholder: If an error message ...: A
 question, do you intend to ask for a screenshot
 to e.g. get the complete error message? To me,
 it seems that some people might be thankful for
 typing in the message (but again, it is likely
 that people type in strange / shortened /
 whatever stuff).
Yeah, getting a screenshot of the error message would be ideal, though a 
text box as well would be useful.

   * My document looks wrong when I load it
   * Are you sure you have the fonts installed?: A less
 platform specific way might be to refer to e.g. the
 Format - Characters dialog. If a selected font is not
 installed, then a corresponding message gets shown above
 the font preview. (Just remembered that we have

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-22 Thread Michael Münch
Hi Samuel,

On Monday 21 March 2011 21:53:54 Samuel Atkins wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could

I looked at this task yesterday, so I guess we started at the same time.
I have added your name to the task on the easy hacks site in the wiki to 
prevent double work.

 I've had a go on it the last couple of days, and the current page is at - I'm mostly
 working from Michael's proposal. I've spoken with him on IRC already,
 and he gave me a couple more pointers.

As my javascript already is a huge load of unmaintainable code with probably 
less than 5 percent of the workflow I am quite happy that you stepped up.

 So this is largely an introduction. So, hello! And of course, if anyone
 has any input, feel free.

One technical question. Do you already know how to interact with the bugzilla? 
I thought of creating the bug with javascript via the xml-rpc api of bugzilla. 
Some other, and probably nicer apis like JSON or REST seem not to be activated 
on the freedesktop bugzilla.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-22 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Cristoph,

thanks for the quick feedback (in great quantity!)

On 21/03/2011 10:41 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:

Just a few questions at the beginning:
   * Is that bug filing form intended to help less experienced users?
 (Within this mail, I'll assume that).

Yes, that's the idea.

   * Is the formatting of the page final, or will it be embedded in
 another web page?
It's not final. I'm not sure whether it will be embedded into another 
page, but for the moment I'm not focusing on the appearance of it.

At the moment, there are some minor issues and some things that look a
bit illogical to me (but this may only be me). So please bear with me
when I simply state some of these issues:
   * When choosing the options, users might miss the information
 whether they are finished or not. So my proposal would be to
 state a text / placeholder like Further information required.
 and add visual clues (spacing, subtle headings, or ...) between
 the different questions.
'Further info needed' message sounds good. Maybe unanswered questions 
should be a different colour to stand out, that'd be pretty simply to 

   * The large heading Before you file ... seems to be a heading
 for the whole page - I'm sure it is not. The whole page is about
 the bug report (= the heading) and some hints to consider before
 filing any issue (proposal: a separate box at the top). There,
 please include the If you are having more than one problem ...
Yeah, that heading is left-over from the previous person's work, I 
hadn't got round to changing it.

   * The whole text seems a bit too technical (assumption: less
 technical users). There is #libreoffice IRC, crash, ODF (on
 the wiki pages), bug, ...
Thanks, it wouldn't have occurred to me that this was too technical. 
I'll have a go at making it simpler.

   * The combination of some entries seems a bit strange, e.g.:
   * There is a problem with the website + Crashes the

Hmmm, the website message thing is a bug, that's not meant to be there!

   * LibreOffice crashes + Does it crash ... load or
 save ... document? YES + Do you need to load a
 document to execute those steps NO.
Yeah, that section needs reorganising. Actually, it probably makes the 
most sense to have to pick one of crash when load/save, crashes when 
I do these things and crashes randomly.

   * Some helpful hints might be less helpful for users, e.g.:
   * If possible, please search the bug reports before ...
 --  If the users are less experienced, how and where to
 do that? If I remember correctly, Gnome let the user
 enter some terms and then searches within such kind of
 bug filing form.

Looks like a bug-search form should be simple to add. Good idea.

   * Are you sure ... fonts installed. Bear in mind ... may
 list fonts that are not installed. --  How should the
 user identify what kind of fonts are installed (still, I
 assume less experienced users).
I did try and look for some existing documentation about seeing what 
fonts are installed/how to install them, but couldn't find any. If 
anyone knows of any, or could write some, it'd be helpful. :)

   * document ... then attach it --  where? (Maybe it's not
 yet implemented, but I didn't see the nice placeholders
 you used elsewhere).
Not yet implemented. I'm not yet sure whether picking a file on this 
page can be used to fill it in on the bugzilla form. Or if going the 
more ideal route of directly bypassing the form, how to submit multiple 
files (for instance screenshots as well). However, it looks like Michael 
Munch might have a better idea of that side. (I'll address that in 
another post shortly).

   * Formatting stuff:
   * The Description fields are very small - maybe the
 problems are small as well, but I think it is helpful to
 increase the field size a bit. (On my computer, the
 current size is approx 4x2 cm)
   * The radio buttons are itself a list, so we might skip
 the additional bullets.
I haven't yet spent time making it look pretty, including these two 
things. I'll fiddle with the formatting once everything is working. :)

   * It would be just great if the For help on this, see here could
 just open an additional section below the current section. That
 would save the users to jump back an forth with the newly opened
 browser windows.
H. It looks like the wiki has an API, so it would be possible to 
grab sections from the wiki. eg, 

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-22 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Michael,

On 22/03/2011 7:15 PM, Michael Münch wrote:

Hi Samuel,

On Monday 21 March 2011 21:53:54 Samuel Atkins wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could

I looked at this task yesterday, so I guess we started at the same time.
I have added your name to the task on the easy hacks site in the wiki to
prevent double work.
Aha! Thank you, and sorry. I was having trouble with the wiki the last 
couple of days, and couldn't add a 'taken' note, but it now seems to let 
me edit pages. I hope you didn't spend too long on it.

As my javascript already is a huge load of unmaintainable code with probably
less than 5 percent of the workflow I am quite happy that you stepped up.
Hehe, thanks! I'm not that great at Javascript, but I did manage to 
write a couple of more general functions than what was there.

One technical question. Do you already know how to interact with the bugzilla?
I thought of creating the bug with javascript via the xml-rpc api of bugzilla.
Some other, and probably nicer apis like JSON or REST seem not to be activated
on the freedesktop bugzilla.
Ah, I do not know how to interact with bugzilla, so if you do then that 
would be wonderful. :) I was wondering about using an API in order to 
attach multiple files to a bug when the user clicks 'submit' - things 
like the problem document, and screenshots. It would be very handy if 
you could work on that type of thing. :)

~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-21 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hello all,

I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could 

I've had a go on it the last couple of days, and the current page is at - I'm mostly 
working from Michael's proposal. I've spoken with him on IRC already, 
and he gave me a couple more pointers.

So this is largely an introduction. So, hello! And of course, if anyone 
has any input, feel free.

~ Sam (AtkinsSJ on IRC, etc)
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-21 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi Samuel,

great to hear that you continue this project ...

Am Montag, den 21.03.2011, 21:53 + schrieb Samuel Atkins:
 Hello all,
 I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could 


 So this is largely an introduction. So, hello! And of course, if anyone 
 has any input, feel free.

Just a few questions at the beginning:
  * Is that bug filing form intended to help less experienced users?
(Within this mail, I'll assume that).
  * Is the formatting of the page final, or will it be embedded in
another web page?

At the moment, there are some minor issues and some things that look a
bit illogical to me (but this may only be me). So please bear with me
when I simply state some of these issues:
  * When choosing the options, users might miss the information
whether they are finished or not. So my proposal would be to
state a text / placeholder like Further information required.
and add visual clues (spacing, subtle headings, or ...) between
the different questions.
  * The large heading Before you file ... seems to be a heading
for the whole page - I'm sure it is not. The whole page is about
the bug report (= the heading) and some hints to consider before
filing any issue (proposal: a separate box at the top). There,
please include the If you are having more than one problem ...
  * The whole text seems a bit too technical (assumption: less
technical users). There is #libreoffice IRC, crash, ODF (on
the wiki pages), bug, ... 
  * The combination of some entries seems a bit strange, e.g.:
  * There is a problem with the website + Crashes the
  * LibreOffice crashes + Does it crash ... load or
save ... document? YES + Do you need to load a
document to execute those steps NO.
  * Some helpful hints might be less helpful for users, e.g.:
  * If possible, please search the bug reports before ...
-- If the users are less experienced, how and where to
do that? If I remember correctly, Gnome let the user
enter some terms and then searches within such kind of
bug filing form.
  * Are you sure ... fonts installed. Bear in mind ... may
list fonts that are not installed. -- How should the
user identify what kind of fonts are installed (still, I
assume less experienced users).
  * document ... then attach it -- where? (Maybe it's not
yet implemented, but I didn't see the nice placeholders
you used elsewhere).
  * Formatting stuff:
  * The Description fields are very small - maybe the
problems are small as well, but I think it is helpful to
increase the field size a bit. (On my computer, the
current size is approx 4x2 cm)
  * The radio buttons are itself a list, so we might skip
the additional bullets.
  * It would be just great if the For help on this, see here could
just open an additional section below the current section. That
would save the users to jump back an forth with the newly opened
browser windows.

I hope this list doesn't look discouraging - quite the contrary. To me,
it's a real please that somebody picked up this topic. So if you need
more detailed proposals / an in-depth review, then please let me know
(or just ping the Design Team). I'll wait for your request until you
think it's ready ...

Again, thanks for working on that!


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-28 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi Daniel,

also from my side - thanks for having a look at the bug filing and the
results created so far. It's great to see somebody picking up stuff like
that to improve some hidden sides of LibreOffice ...

If anybody wants to continue with this topic, then please CC the Design
Team or me, so that we can help here (usability, text descriptions, ...
Michael already provided a great proposal).

Again, thanks for you work!


Am Sonntag, den 27.02.2011, 21:55 -0500 schrieb Daniel Neel:
 Alrighty, I've attached the current progress to this message and will
 be updating the wiki shortly. Thanks again everyone for your time.
 On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
 Hi Daniel,
 On 2011-02-24 at 19:37 -0500, Daniel Neel wrote:
  I think this project is moving a bit beyond what I currently
  skill and time to complete with quality. I think it would be
 best for
  me to pass the current work on to someone else.
 Sorry to hear that :-(  You are doing great from my point of
 view, but
 of course, cannot force you ;-)
   Would the best course of action be to update the EasyHacks
 page with
  a notice of the current progress on the hack, an attachment
 of the
  file, and maybe a link to this mailing list conversation? I
  forward to helping out LO in other ways soon.
 Yes please - the best would be to send your current work to
 this mailing
 list (as a mail attachment), and add the description + link to
 the mail
 with the attachment in the mail archive
 ( + link to
 entire conversation to the wiki.
 All the best,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-24 Thread Daniel Neel
I think this project is moving a bit beyond what I currently have skill and
time to complete with quality. I think it would be best for me to pass the
current work on to someone else. Would the best course of action be to
update the EasyHacks page with a notice of the current progress on the hack,
an attachment of the file, and maybe a link to this mailing list
conversation? I look forward to helping out LO in other ways soon.



On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Michael Meeks

 Hi Daniel,

 On Fri, 2011-02-18 at 22:32 -0500, Daniel Neel wrote:
  Ok, a quick status update on this. Have been working on it some more -
  the current code is available at . Notes on
  the current progress below.

 Ooh :-) it looks really sweet ! This is a great start Daniel.

  Added a Submit button - not currently setup to bring up a pre-filled
  bug report.

 I wonder, if we can't avoid showing the bugzilla page entirely -
 simply provide a nicer whizzy front-end for that.

  Does anyone have more suggestions by chance to improve this? I'm
  definitely interested :).

 Yes; making it more lush and graphical would be good for a start.
 As an
 example - the process of binary chopping documents down is really useful
 to understand - IMHO we need more documentation on that, perhaps with a
 picture of a document being chopped to help people understand.

I think we probably also need to make the questions easier to
 understand (think expert friendly, but idiot proof), of course this will
 require a lot of thought to get the taxonomy right:

 Radio buttons:
( ) can you crash LibreOffice somehow ?
( ) does your document not look right when it is loaded ?
( ) did other people have trouble reading the document
you sent ?
( ) is there an unpleasant user interaction that makes it
difficult to use ?
[ if several of these, please file multiple reports ]

I would also tend to hide everything else (including the submit
 button) until the data is useful - so people have a fairly linear flow.

( ) can you crash LibreOffice somehow ?
( ) does this happen when you load or save a certain
document ?
+ link to making minimal documents blurb :-)
( ) is there a simple set of steps, and button clicks
that can crash with no document loaded ?
+ link to how-to-get-stacktrace documentation
( ) is the crash intermittent and un-predictable ?
+ link to how-to-get-stacktrace documentation

( ) does your document not look right when it is loaded ?
+ link to making minimal documents blurb
[x] I am certain that I have the correct fonts installed
on the system for this document
+ link to fc-list (Linux), and Mac/Win details
+ NB. the 'font' drop-down in LO lies - we
  should explain that.
+ ask for screenshots before / after of the problem

( ) did other people have trouble reading the document
you sent ?
( ) Do you have the original document in OpenDocument
format ?
No == very hard to work out what went wrong.
can you try to reproduce what you did, and
first save it in ODF, before exporting ...
Yes == link to producing minimal document
description ;-)

( ) is there an unpleasant user interaction that makes it
difficult to use ?
+ no idea where to go here I guess.

I suspect we could avoid asking which component is involved, and
 look at up-loaded test document / file extensions in many cases to
 auto-select the component.

I liked your proxies for severity: causes loss of content etc. -
 asking people the severity of their bug is almost never a good idea :-)
 [ which is why I like the plan to hide the actual bug form from them ].

Anyhow - this is a really sexy initiative :-) Hopefully we can get
 more artwork support from the design team, to actually make it fun /
 pretty to file really good bugs.

What can we do to make it easier to file ? eg. can we wrap the
 creation flow in some pleasant way ? Perhaps that should be step #1 -
 without an E-mail address and a real account, it is fairly pointless
 filing a bug IMHO.

Thanks !


 --  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-18 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Daniel,

Daniel Neel píše v Čt 17. 02. 2011 v 22:33 -0500:

 Hello all. I've been working on the EasyHack Improved bug filing
 form /
  and have finished the part that asks questions about the bug being 
 file-specific. The current work is available at 
 . The next part (adding custom tags to bug reports) seems a bit advanced and 
 maybe beyond my current abilities.

Cool, thank you a lot! :-)  One more request to the workflow; when it is
a crasher, and on Linux, please ask (the similar way as you are asking
about the document) to attach a backtrace that is to be obtained as
described here:

 The next part (adding custom tags to the bug report) raised some
 First, would the questions and tags be best added to the current bug
 reporting page
 ( This
 seems to be a good place - doing so allows the bug reporter to report
 all information in one step. If this is the correct place to implement
 the questions/info, where/how would it be possible to edit the default
 LibO bug reporting page?

I think it does not have to be exactly part of this page; I can imagine
even some kind of which would do this
pre-triage.  If we advertise it accordingly, most of the reports will go
through that.

 To implement tags on bug reports it seems that adding tags (such as
 crashes program or causes content loss) would require an admin to
 create them before you could add them to bug reports. Then you could
 have a series of checkboxes for the various tags (as seen on my
 mockup), which would add tags to the bug report if selected. 

I think for the beginning these can be just a text in the first comment
that you'll generate for the bugreport; or Whiteboard tags.

 Do these ideas seem to be the best way to implement the bug flow? That
 is, should the questions about the bug report being file-specific and
 the custom tags be added to the current bug reporting page?

I would start with a standalone page; but of course, Michael added the
task, so I'd say - his call :-)  Unfortunately, he's out today.

Thank you,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-18 Thread Daniel Neel
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Jonathan Aquilina

 Daniel just a suggestion if its not already available in the current

 I am not sure if you have worked with launchpad the ubuntu bug tracker, but
 with it you have the ability to assign a bug to a team or user. Is that
 something that could be implemented so that users who are signed up to the
 bug tracker can file bug and assign themselves to the bug if they can fix
 it? That will help avoid duplication of work and allow others to work on
 other bugs :)

Hmm, I think something similar is implemented in Bugzilla, but I'm not sure
since I haven't really used it yet. There's an 'Assign To:' field that seems
to be enabled in all bug reports. I'm not sure if you can specify teams to
assign it to, or just individuals.

I looked this up a bit and it seems to be half-implemented on the current
bug reporting form. At , click Show
Advanced Fields. On some other projects on freedesktop bugzilla, when you
select an item in the Component: list, the Assign To: field changes to
the corresponding person/team. The LibreOffice bug reporting just defaults
to reporting all bugs to the libreoffice-bugs mailing list though. So I'm
thinking that the people who deal with triaging bugs would prefer to assign
all bugs to the same mailing list, rather than individual people/teams?

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:00 AM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

 Cool, thank you a lot! :-)  One more request to the workflow; when it is
 a crasher, and on Linux, please ask (the similar way as you are asking
 about the document) to attach a backtrace that is to be obtained as
 described here:

Will get started on adding this and the tags now. I'm thinking a solution
would be to have a 'Submit' button at the bottom of this form, that when
clicked links to a new bug report on Bugzilla with some of the fields
pre-filled (tags, other things?).

I think it does not have to be exactly part of this page; I can imagine
 even some kind of which would do this
 pre-triage.  If we advertise it accordingly, most of the reports will go
 through that.

Good deal, that makes sense. After the work is finished I can look into
making either a dedicated page for the pre-triaging (maybe a sub-page of or another page that
can be linked to. Either way, it should be possible to change the current
links for reporting bugs (on the website, wiki, etc) to link to the
pre-triaging page.

 I think for the beginning these can be just a text in the first comment
 that you'll generate for the bugreport; or Whiteboard tags.

Hmm...would Whiteboard tags be better here? I'm not really sure how they
work. I get the impression that they're tags which the bug reporter can make
up, rather than having to be pre-defined by an admin? If so this seems like
a good solution - would allow people to view a list of, say, all the crasher
bugs at once. Unless I'm understanding the idea incorrectly?
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-18 Thread Daniel Neel
Ok, a quick status update on this. Have been working on it some more - the
current code is available at . Notes on the current
progress below.

Added the information on getting a Linux backtrace

Added information that can pop up depending on which checkboxes are checked.
Currently missing information in several items - is there helpful stuff to
be added, or best to leave some of them blank?

Added a Submit button - not currently setup to bring up a pre-filled bug
Clicking it takes you to the bug reporting page - this should be set up
to link automatically to the pre-filled report instead - currently working
on this.

Added a link to bypass all of these steps if the user wants to.

Only remaining steps are to fill in the checkbox info with useful
information, add new checkboxes if needed, and set up the bug reporting
pre-filling thing.

So the plan for doing the custom fields is to generate a custom URL, based
on the options selected by the user.

An example pre-filled URL:

The fields available appear to be:


Which can for our purposes be narrowed down to (I think):

comment= # Fills the description field. Can be used to remind the user to
attach files depending on previous answers.
keywords= # If used, will need to follow this format:
word1,%20word2,%20word3  (the %20 represents a space)

The 'keywords' field can be filled with info such as a crashesprogram or
lossoflayout field or similar while the 'comment' field can, as mentioned,
provide reminders to the user to perform actions.

Does anyone have more suggestions by chance to improve this? I'm definitely
interested :).



On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Daniel Neel wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Jonathan Aquilina

  Daniel just a suggestion if its not already available in the current

 I am not sure if you have worked with launchpad the ubuntu bug tracker,
 but with it you have the ability to assign a bug to a team or user. Is that
 something that could be implemented so that users who are signed up to the
 bug tracker can file bug and assign themselves to the bug if they can fix
 it? That will help avoid duplication of work and allow others to work on
 other bugs :)

 Hmm, I think something similar is implemented in Bugzilla, but I'm not sure
 since I haven't really used it yet. There's an 'Assign To:' field that seems
 to be enabled in all bug reports. I'm not sure if you can specify teams to
 assign it to, or just individuals.

 I looked this up a bit and it seems to be half-implemented on the current
 bug reporting form. At , click
 Show Advanced Fields. On some other projects on freedesktop bugzilla, when
 you select an item in the Component: list, the Assign To: field changes
 to the corresponding person/team. The LibreOffice bug reporting just
 defaults to reporting all bugs to the libreoffice-bugs mailing list though.
 So I'm thinking that the people who deal with triaging bugs would prefer to
 assign all bugs to the same mailing list, rather than individual

 On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:00 AM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

 Cool, thank you a lot! :-)  One more request to the workflow; when it is
 a crasher, and on Linux, please ask (the similar way as you are asking
 about the document) to attach a backtrace that is to be obtained as
 described here:

 Will get started on adding this and the tags now. I'm thinking a solution
 would be to have a 'Submit' button at the bottom of this form, that when
 clicked links to a new bug report on Bugzilla with some of the fields
 pre-filled (tags, other things?).

 I think it does not have to be exactly part of this page; I can imagine
 even some kind of which would do this
 pre-triage.  If we advertise it accordingly, most of the reports will go
 through that.

 Good deal, that makes sense. After the work is finished I can look into
 making either a 

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-02-17 Thread Jonathan Aquilina

Daniel just a suggestion if its not already available in the current method.

I am not sure if you have worked with launchpad the ubuntu bug tracker, 
but with it you have the ability to assign a bug to a team or user. Is 
that something that could be implemented so that users who are signed up 
to the bug tracker can file bug and assign themselves to the bug if they 
can fix it? That will help avoid duplication of work and allow others to 
work on other bugs :)

LibreOffice mailing list