Re: [LIB] U100: Video memory

2006-03-10 Thread Jose Tavares
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:52:32 -0300
From: Jose Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] U100: Video memory

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 17:01 -0800, David Chien wrote: 
> Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:59:06 -0800 (PST)
> From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] U100: Video memory
> > I've read somewhere that the size of U100 video memory is selectable..
> > Where can I change this setting? It isn't in the BIOS and Toshiba
>   It's using Intel's Dynamic Video Memory technology. White paper here:
>   But the variable part is set in the BIOS by the manufacturer, not the user,
> so you can't control how the system uses up more memory automatically.

I've made this question because I found these messages on linux boot
that called my attention..

agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 424M
agpgart: Detected an Intel(R) 855GME Chipset.
agpgart: Detected 16252K stolen memory.
agpgart: AGP aperture is 128M @ 0xd800

I'm trying to make a kernel config for U100's hardware and I discovered
that enabling DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) for the i810, Xorg will
stop working..

I've even found that 2.4.x is no good for this kind of laptop because it
lacks core frequency and voltage management.. I think there's no way to
hibernate it using 2.4 .. I'll start configuring a 2.6 in the next

It would be great to have a kind of repository for libretto's configs
used in linux ..

JA Tavares

away from office... Re: [LIB] Libretto #548

2006-03-10 Thread Sara Walsh
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:03:39 -0800
From: "Sara Walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: away from office... Re: [LIB] Libretto #548

This is an automatic email notification.
I will be unavailable until Monday, March 20th.
Your message had been saved.
-Sara Walsh

[LIB] U105 Back UP!

2006-03-10 Thread Tony Oresteen
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:30:54 -0500
From: "Tony Oresteen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: U105 Back UP!

I have gotten my U105 to boot XP without using the recovery DVD!  Yay!.  See my 
previous message on Express Media Player Software.

I rebooted from the Win98 USB Flash drive and started Partition Magic 8.0 
again.  I deleted the 700mb DOS partition at the beginning of the hard disk.  I 
left it as unused space.

Rebooted from the hard drive and like magic WinXP booted just fine!  First 
thing I did was make a back up of Express Media Player Software.

Next stop was Disk Management.  Sure enough, Disk Manager showed 700mb unused 
space at the beginning of the hard drive.  I then created a partition in it and 
formatted it as FAT.  Everything is fine now.

Next week I'll try to figure out how to install DOS 7 onto the first partition 
and get a boot manager installed.

Tony Oresteen
Montverde, FL

[LIB] Express Media Sofware

2006-03-10 Thread Tony Oresteen
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:55:25 -0500
From: "Tony Oresteen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Express Media Sofware

Sorry if this has been covered before but I think it is important!

I just got a Libretto U105 yesterday.  In less than 24 hours I've manage to 
screw up the hard drive (hey, there's more than just XP out there!).  I tried 
to create a 700mb partition at the beginning of the drive for DOS.  I used 
Portion Magic 8 and it created the partition and moved the files.  
Unfortunately, it screwed up some files in the move as WinXP now doesn't boot.  
No problem, I just reached for the recovery CD.

Cracking open the DVD package, I discovered an info sheet that says "How to 
recover the Express Media Software (for the Libretto U105 model Only)".  
Reading it, it says:

1.  The Express Media Player Software is NOT on the recovery CD.
2.  Back up the Express Media Player software by using Recovery Disc Creator.

Naturally, I never did this - who would open a recovery DVD to see if there is 
a hidden note in it?  I got lots of pop ups on the U105 for various things but 
never one that said to back up any software.  Now that my WINXP system is 
corrupted, how am I supposed to back it up?

So if you have a U105 and have never backed up the Express Media Software, you 
should do it now!

Toshiba is looking for a disk to send me.  It seems that they don't have any 
part numbers for Express Media Player for the U105!

BTW, the recovery DVD is brain dead.  It was smart enough to see that I had two 
portitions on the hard drive.  It give you two options:

1.  Install in the first partition and leave #2 alone.
2.  Delete all partitions and install XP in a new single partition

Now partition 1 is 700mb in size.  How is it going to install XP in 700mb?  It 
didn't bother to check partition size.

There is NO option to install into partition 2!  Now that is brain dead!  So if 
you partion your drive, leave XP in the FIRST partion if you want to use the 
recovery DVD.

Tony Oresteen